What's up with the moralizing commenters?

I've researched analingus and ATM... and basically if all persons involved are in good general health and not experiencing issues specifically relating to their bowels - there's very little risk of anything untoward happening from licking ass or sucking a cock from an ass - your own or otherwise.
I’ve done both and I’m still alive.
I still think it’s a shitty comment.
I’ve done both and I’m still alive.
I still think it’s a shitty comment.
Well I've licked my wife's ass plenty enough times, and I'm still alive. :)

But yes - it's very frustrating when someone who doesn't like the content of the story can't just walk away, and has to instead attack the decisions you've made.
I try to not let the comments get to me, but this one kinda pissed me off:

”Ass to mouth is disgusting. 😒 In real life, his sister would contract a whole host of diseases from the feces covering his cock. 1/5”

First of all it’s fiction.
Second of all, I guess I should go to the hospital now.

I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said here, but I can add my experience in agreement.
My ex-wife would have had my tongue in her ass day and night if she had her way... and I've lived to tell the tale.
Certainly some hygiene would be recommended when possible, but I think that's true of most things in life.
Once I saw someone in the NC/R category on a NC BDSM story (not mine) write that they found all the punishments hot but the NC anal was too far. Like, sir or madam, you are in the NC category and I do not know what you were expecting from that.

I think in a similar way to how admittedly us authors enjoy kind comments that help boost our ego, others must get a boost from pointing out how much better they are than an author/character etc.
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A few times now I've stumbled on stories where the commenters savagely insult the author because they don't like how in the story, there's adultery, or a big age gap between the partners, or something else.

Y'all do know this is all made up, right?

Like, none of this actually happened.

It feels so weird that in 2022 people still want to control other people's art.

Sure, there's plenty of stories here (and everywhere else) that disgust me.

But I don't read them! Or if I do read something that I really dislike, well, I move on. I don't write a lecture to the author telling them how they're a bad person.

Maybe, maybe, maybe I could see writing something if I was genuinely offended. But there's a difference between me saying "this story really upset me" and then moving on vs me going on a crusade to harass the writer on everything they post from now on.

There's a very complex conversation to be had about whether art influences us. Like, if I write a story about how much it is to run back and forth across the freeway, and some extremely impressionable reader gets killed after reading it, well, I think I would bear a tiny bit of responsibility.

But that's a ludicrous exaggerated scenario.

This is a website for adults only with clear content descriptions. It probably shouldn't be visited by people that can't distinguish between play and real life.

Are these moralizing commenters growing in numbers? They seem to be.
Frankly, I've never seen such comments. But from posts here I gather there are a lot in the LW category. Well... I'm probably forgetting a bunch about a story about a woman seeking out rape. I think it was in the thread announcing new stories. Still. Are there really so many? Outside of LW?
I’m preparing to post a story that may attract some of these moralizing comments. A tactic is to base a villain on what I see as their fears and see if they appreciate the libation. Then get righteous on the villain and take them down. Good prep for my thick skin and possibly a deterrent that helps me grow as a writer.
As an author/writer who has received negative feedback that is more of an attack on what I wrote and less of constructive feedback, I delete that shit and move on. We are in a forum where the sky is the limit when it comes to sex related stories, fantasies and where morals and beliefs are thrown out the window. If you are going to rant about something you have read, leave this sight because there are many more offending subjects just waiting for you to find.
A few times now I've stumbled on stories where the commenters savagely insult the author because they don't like how in the story, there's adultery, or a big age gap between the partners, or something else.

Y'all do know this is all made up, right?

Like, none of this actually happened.

It feels so weird that in 2022 people still want to control other people's art.

Sure, there's plenty of stories here (and everywhere else) that disgust me.

But I don't read them! Or if I do read something that I really dislike, well, I move on. I don't write a lecture to the author telling them how they're a bad person.

Maybe, maybe, maybe I could see writing something if I was genuinely offended. But there's a difference between me saying "this story really upset me" and then moving on vs me going on a crusade to harass the writer on everything they post from now on.

There's a very complex conversation to be had about whether art influences us. Like, if I write a story about how much it is to run back and forth across the freeway, and some extremely impressionable reader gets killed after reading it, well, I think I would bear a tiny bit of responsibility.

But that's a ludicrous exaggerated scenario.

This is a website for adults only with clear content descriptions. It probably shouldn't be visited by people that can't distinguish between play and real life.

Are these moralizing commenters growing in numbers? They seem to be.
Or choose a more vanilla story to read..if ur gonna bitch about the content choose..yes CHOOSE something ur speed... speaking generally
I've received plenty of insults for my interracial cuckold erotica, I can't imagine why. Many of the comments wished me ill or advised me to do ill to myself. Some of the comments were quite lengthy, nearly stories in of themselves. I wonder why they read so far if the story matter bothered them and why did they start reading at all if they knew it was going to enrage them. I ignore those comments. The grammar ones bug me the most, but then I had it coming for those.
So having heard a lot about how horrible Loving Wives commentators can be, I wrote a Loving Wives story to see for myself.

Firstly, holy shit, I got so many more views, reviews, and comments than I ever have in BDSM. I also got more new followers from a half-baked story than I have from any of my "hot" BDSM stories.

The first half-dozen or so comments were the sort of constructive feedback I have always wanted - people pointing out the weaknesses in my story. Great.

Then the crazies started rolling in - people calling the POV character a slut or a whore, people accusing her of trying to punish her husband, people suggesting that the story was an attack on Christianity because the main character was a Christian, that I should give up writing.

To be honest I love the huge amounts of attention almost as much as I enjoy the high ratings in BDSM, and there's definite satisfaction in deleting a comment by some person angry that a woman had enjoyable sex.
*sigh* Just had a private feedback from an "anon", telling me my story is non consensual and they are reporting me to Literotica to have my account terminated.

I don't write graphic nasty rough forced anything. That's not my thing at all. Yes, there's manipulation and coercion of some degree... But it's not like some of the other content on here that are blatant rape and debauchery.

Every time I post a new chapter I get a small group of haters mostly writing anon comments, and sometimes private feedbacks, attacking the story/me.

Maybe I am just a fucked up sexual deviant for the thoughts that I come up with. (No No, don't rush to defend me, it's ok. lol)

It is just a fantasy...
*sigh* Just had a private feedback from an "anon", telling me my story is non consensual and they are reporting me to Literotica to have my account terminated.
Huh? Doesn't that commenter realise there's a dedicated category for non-con? That's just dumb. I'd delete the comment.
Huh? Doesn't that commenter realise there's a dedicated category for non-con? That's just dumb. I'd delete the comment.
It was a "feedback" from the feedback form, not even a comment on a story, so it came to my email.

I had someone who I wish I had not deleted their comment, because they themselves admitted to having written "nasty" things - and I checked out their story list - full of rape themed stories - and yet he was complaining about my story that involves some 18 year olds, their parents, and an older Dom couple.

Have to say I find the rules here to be a tad confusing... as I've seen stories published here that certainly contravene some of the banned subjects... Not that I would dob them in. But yeah - people seem pretty obsessed sometimes...
I’ve done both and I’m still alive.
I still think it’s a shitty comment.
I have never been able to ignore the bad comments. That's why I pulled all my stories from this site. The comments are too hash when they don't have to put their name on it. It's disheartening and really stupid. You are getting a free story to read and believe me the general quality of the porn in this site is better than half the crap you have to pay for on a commercial E-book seller like Smashwords. I now have about a hundred books on there and never get a bad review. And I mean never, and they are paying their hard earned money for the books. Make them put their name on the comment and lets see how many crappy comments show up.
I now have about a hundred books on there and never get a bad review. And I mean never, and they are paying their hard earned money for the books.
That's probably because the moralistic haters don't bother to pay for something they only read to give shitty feedback on. (I can't believe they do that for anything else, as some read the Loving wives category despite very obviously hating the very description of the category.)
I used to post comments that were critical of poor spelling and ignorant grammar but now I think What's the use? Let 'em enjoy the site and express themselves as they please, just like the rest of us. I get much more satisfaction from posting nice comments.
The bit that I don't get, is that despite making it clear these are fictional stories, there seems to be a mass that think they are real docustories and comment accordingly.

As I write for my amusement, I published a story, then tacked a silly real version on the end, re-writing the main story in a manner as if it was a real event, simply because of the fact soooo many readers just consider it real. LOL they all went for that version. I knocked a few more stories out like that until I got bored with it!

Maybe that's what Lit. needs, a new genre, so real, it's probably true. An alterative is pitchfork and torches, where they feel they have the moral right to torch stories and authors :)
Consider the guy at the college commencement last week.

That's where the comments come from.
Labeling any story of the extramarital variety as “loving wives” just paints a target on our backs, it doesn’t matter that my kink is nonconsent and so my stories are assault turned to adultery..in the eyes of lot of readers these wives are just sluts needing to be punished and I’m the worst for being a woman writing this “drivel”. Insecure men is all I see when I read these kinds of comments.
I don't see being a slut as something worthy of punishment at all. I wish I knew more real women into such a thing. The women I enjoy reading and writing about on here are all sex-positive sluts. I like that and don't feel it should be shamed. Trolls who believe otherwise are of a mindset I don't think I will ever understand.
Labeling any story of the extramarital variety as “loving wives” just paints a target on our backs, it doesn’t matter that my kink is nonconsent and so my stories are assault turned to adultery..in the eyes of lot of readers these wives are just sluts needing to be punished and I’m the worst for being a woman writing this “drivel”. Insecure men is all I see when I read these kinds of comments.
Sex positive women are an LW readers nightmare. Right up there with women who wear shoes, aren't always in the kitchen, and don't get me started on how they feel about them speaking when not spoken to.
Sex positive women are an LW readers nightmare. Right up there with women who wear shoes, aren't always in the kitchen, and don't get me started on how they feel about them speaking when not spoken to.
The Kicker Syndrome