What's Your Best Work?

I'll stick by my original post.

Sometimes when the technique and the story device are experimental, you want to keep the tried and true as a wrap around. For lack of a better metaphor--you can't tame a wild mare unless you corral her in first.

There is so much freedom within the language that reigning back the experimental structure makes it easier on the reader.

Opinion only, NCmV.
Re: I'll stick by my original post.

Ulyssa said:
Sometimes when the technique and the story device are experimental, you want to keep the tried and true as a wrap around. * * * There is so much freedom within the language that reigning back the experimental structure makes it easier on the reader.

I think I understand what you're trying to say, but it's a bit unclear.

Starting out, I could either have been experimental or else have stuck with the tried-and-true. I suppose there might be some sort of 'middle ground.' But even sitting here now comtemplating, I'm having a hard time visualizing what that could be. I could have retained a more conventional narrative, and let the plot device (having the spirits of the deceased be the characters) stand. Though, that's essentially what was done in the novel from which I borrowed the device, so I wouldn't consider that 'experimental.'

I didn't think the technique would make it any harder to read than poetry, which has a similar free form structure. But, I guess Risia is saying no one is reading the poems, so maybe it's two very different sets of readers.

When I started out writing, I was reacting a lot against the 'copycat' erotica which inundates the Net. I wanted stories that were different in some way. With "Reminiscences" and "Six Miles on I-95" I pushed the envelope a bit (and both have gotten killed in the popular vote scores as a result). I'm still hoping to get people to think a little more 'outside the box,' even if these two stories don't exactly score a lot of points.

But I value your opinion. Quite valid points.
Presentation style vs. narrative structure

NCmVoyeur said:

I'll grant that the format is experimental and takes a bit of adjustment. By elminating the 'he said,' 'she said' sort of narration, my intent was to allow for a rhythm in the speech patterns to develop which evokes the back-and-forth of the sexual act. I also hoped to create something in the nature of a stream-of-consciousness feel (since, in essence, that's what going on).

I think you're right, that the alternate approach to narrative style deeply informs the story, and creates a fuller read. I can also see what you mean about the rhythms of the exchange. My difficulty in reading was that, while it's a great and innovative idea, the presentation of the page (with all of the ellipses, shift between italic/bold/regular) was visually distracting, and actually worked against the potential impact of the unique narrative style. This may be a limitation of html publishing, but it may be possible to format the page in a less visually overloaded way, which would make the experimental style even more effective. IMHO, of course. ;)

[Edited by RisiaSkye on 05-13-2001 at 01:26 AM]
My favourite story

My favourite story.

Too many.

I enjoy the one I am currently writing.

From the past, 'A June Wedding and my Travelling Folk Trilogy.'
This is great. I need feedback.

The story that people seem to like the most is Marcus Aurellius http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=3500 I wrote it in a night and submitted it raw the next day. Since I didn't really "craft" it, just vomitted it out, I am more proud of second story I wrote in that setting.

The story takes place in Ancient Rome. After Gladiator came out I had many requests for a story about a gladiator. This was my attempt: Hard Won Freedom http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=12031

I have gotten only a handfull of responses to it, most of them anonymous. This was a story that I put a bit of effort into, so I am very curious to know where it goes wrong. It is much darker that the other story. Both stories have been described as history lessons with some erotica thrown in, so that may be part of the problem.

Any feedback is most welcome. Be cruel it will only help!

[Edited by Paolo Labico on 05-24-2001 at 11:57 PM]
Hard Won Freedom is one of the best stories on the site, I think. I loved it, it means so incredibly much more than the quick fuck you usually get here. It's one of the few times I ever found myself rooting for the rapist.

You rock, P. In more ways than one. ;)
NCmVoyeur, I'm still bothered.

I know what it is that bothers me:

If you decide to present a work as visual content over literary content--i.e. Concrete Poetry, then you must force yourself to treat your subject more poetically. That will take some rethinking on your part.

Could this be the solution?
Re: NCmVoyeur, I'm still bothered.

Ulyssa said:
If you decide to present a work as visual content over literary content--i.e. Concrete Poetry, then you must force yourself to treat your subject more poetically. That will take some rethinking on your part.

Could this be the solution?

I was writing a story, not poetry. The comparison to the latter was only as to the relative difficulty in reading the style.

It was, as I said, an experiment. It seems to have worked for some; less so for others. (I still like it. :) ) It's a style that was inspired by the story concept, so I have no immediate plans to repeat it.

As to re-working the story, well, we'll see. The one idea I had for re-doing the concept would have taken it even further in the experimental direction: to have the 'female' voice start one erotic story thread; the male voice a separate one; then to 'weave' them back and forth so as to create the illusion of a single story being told. Sort of a 'spiritual fugue.' It would be technically difficult, but it's intriguing to imagine.
I just finished reading Paolo Labico's tale, 'Hard Won Freedom'. I have to agree with Killermuffin - it's one of the best stories on this site.

My own best work? Perhaps the one I write tomorrow - or maybe next week. Perhaps next year, or it could be that I'll never write anything that truly satisfies me. I'd hate to think that I've already written my best work. Anyway, it's fun trying.

I may be biased, because I helped Paulo edit it, but I liked Hard Won Freedom too. Gritty and realistic, yet hot too. I adore stories that attempt to put you into history and succeed. Too often people try to write historical and don't ever make me feel like I'm THERE.
I also liked "Hard Won Freedom," which I just read, but had never seen before. Actual depth! For joy. :D

Little update: thanks to you guys, "Fixation" just went on the poetry top list at #1--a first for me. So, thanks all!


Thanks to you all for reading my story. I recieved so much feedback on my first story and so little on "Hard Won Freedom". I was worried that it was flawed in some major way.
MY BEST WORK, so I'm told

"Lesson In Biology" trilogy
Part 1-Sexy Ebony high school student is seduced by her older white tutor (college student)
Part 2-She is taught the art of oral pleasures by her lover and his best friend
Part 3-The best friend rekindles their excitement as they discuss their threesome
Part 4-Currently in the works (writer's block)
Back to the top...

From the thread beginning, i'm making a rash promise to read the "best" work of everyone here, feedback included! (Um, only one "best" per author, though... ~eyeing those who've listed a number of "bests" with a little trepidation~)

One need not look hard for good stories when there are so many, and such a diversity of subjects and styles, just lying round waiting to be read. Anyone want to go back in and edit thier choice for "best"?
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