What's Your Fantasy?

Angeline said:
Uh huh. Don't tell anyone but I once had a really great fling with a conga player. And I live with a musician. Musicans are...erm...good. Ok, maybe just some of them (I just thought of Lawrence Welk). :D

lol, your secret's safe with me Ange! I love musicans they are soooo sexy (well the sexy ones are) Lawrence Welk? now that's going back a bit! lol
Jennifer C said:

lol, your secret's safe with me Ange! I love musicans they are soooo sexy (well the sexy ones are) Lawrence Welk? now that's going back a bit! lol

My grandma used to watch. I can't think of anyone more unsexy than Welk, except for the other people on that show.
Angeline said:
My grandma used to watch. I can't think of anyone more unsexy than Welk, except for the other people on that show.

lol, yes I think you would have a job finding someone unsexier than Welk, I'd much rather think of the sexier ones anyway :D
Jennifer C said:
lol, yes I think you would have a job finding someone unsexier than Welk, I'd much rather think of the sexier ones anyway :D

I know. My apologies. It's a curse the way the mind works sometimes--you understand, I'm sure. :D

Angeline said:
I know. My apologies. It's a curse the way the mind works sometimes--you understand, I'm sure. :D


Lol, never apologise for the way your mind works Ange :rose:
Angeline said:
It's all in the music baby. If you listen, the fantasy is there. He's very rhythmic and melodic, and there's blues. He plays blues and blues are, you know, all raw and sexual. I wouldn't know what to do with Ornette Coleman, but Lester? Yeah I could figure that out. ;)

Just listen to him.

I didn't write this. Pheobe Snow did. I wish I had. It's wonderful when she sings it <sigh>

Phoebe Snow
Poetry Man

You make me laugh
Cause your eyes they light the night
They look right through me
You bashful boy
You're hiding something sweet
Please give it to me yeah, to me

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all rhyme

You are a genie
All I ask for is your smile
Each time I rub the lamp
When I am with you
I have a giggling teen-age crush
Then I'm a sultry vamp

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all right

So once again
It's time to say so long
And so recall the cull of life
You're going home now
Home's that place somewhere you go each day
To see your wife

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all rhyme
champagne1982 said:
I didn't write this. Pheobe Snow did. I wish I had. It's wonderful when she sings it <sigh>

Phoebe Snow
Poetry Man

You make me laugh
Cause your eyes they light the night
They look right through me
You bashful boy
You're hiding something sweet
Please give it to me yeah, to me

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all rhyme

You are a genie
All I ask for is your smile
Each time I rub the lamp
When I am with you
I have a giggling teen-age crush
Then I'm a sultry vamp

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all right

So once again
It's time to say so long
And so recall the cull of life
You're going home now
Home's that place somewhere you go each day
To see your wife

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all rhyme


I have the cd that's on. She has some voice. My favorite song is her cover of Gershwin's There's a Boat That's Leavin Soon for New York.
Just happened to look through some old poems. I think I may have a fetish that I'm not consciously aware of...


lava leaking
taste of metal
from the rim of your mouth
takes no prisoners

you sense the heat
like soothing balm
lethal lubrication
from your chin
then throw your head to the sky

and feel
poignant sweetness

painting red
tattoo curves
instead of falling

lingering in the hollow
of your throat

before plunging into suicide
between overflowing
pushed up wonders
under greedy hands

and not before I smell
that hauntingly familiar
but evading perfume...

dirt dread life love
damage disaster​
...I slow down
disengage lips
from your hazelnut hue
and open my eyes

to a Mars landscape
smeared over naked hills

and hear
your mad melodic laughter
prattle drilling spikes
into the air

like your fingernails
aimed urgent at my flesh
drawing lava
of their own

don't you fucking dare stop!
not now, not yet!
don't worry, I just bit
my lip
too hard
deep clean crimson
claims all I see
that sticky trickle
smothering sanity
and I sweep up
ascend to your flaming face
descend to savor

in glorious frenzy
iron and energy
life and love
with a kiss

your primal sacrifice
this one unique
insane moment

before we lose sight

faith is a thread
a trip wire in a field of mud
that let us stagger on


and it's not only blood
that is spilling out
the corner of your mouth
but words
trickling like cold smoke
drips from your lips
and dissolves
before landing
on mine
coming closer
still closer
here below

we will merge
but in that moment
your words will
become mine

where your hair
is a steel bar curtain
sheild shading my perimeter
to touch and taste alone

and your blood will smear
my tongue
with a scent of iron
that no faith no fantasy
can wash away

so why fight the night?
let me taste that descending exhale
and your downpour of mantra

sing the last song
tell the last tale

a tantric transcript sanskrit
soul searching stumble
in your murderous mumble
muffled in my mouth
at last
b8dbreth said:
The Queen sat on her throne and sighed,
"My God, I'm royally bored!"
"If things 'round here don't liven up,
I'll fall upon a sword"

She summoned to her side the Fool,
and bade him humor her,
He bowed, and said "Of, course my Liege,"
and put these words to her

"Your highness, I am here to serve,
with tongue or pen or sword,
to lash, or thrash, or cut to hash
with lick or stroke or score."

"Such talents, these I must observe"
the Queen said to the knave
'I warn you, Fool, don't disappoint,unless
you seek an early grave"

"Your highness, your beauty knows no bounds
but lies hidden beneath those heavy gowns
your grace carries herself regally,
allow me please to set you free,
of fabric draped from neck to floor,
allow your poor subject a glimpse of more,
the royal breast, the regal thigh,
and I'll reward you untold sighs."

Her highness arched an eyebrow,
she was a bit intrigued
"Your words have caught my interest,fool,
for now you may proceed"

Then with a flash the Fool unsheathed
his long and shiny sword, breathed
deep, and with three quick deft strokes
bared cleavage where once was a yoke
he wielded the sword so skillfully
and shaped the gown so artfully
the Queen resembled more a Goddess.
"Well done , my Fool, you are no novice

with word or sword. I grant you skill,
No one would deny
So I look forward to the thrill of seeing
how your lips apply."

The Fool lay prostrate at her feet
washed her toes with kisses sweet
pecked his way around her shins
sending tingles through her skin
breathed warm and moist along her thighs
the Queen did swoon, with lust filled eyes
and then the Royal Feast began
Guided by bejeweled hands

"You are no Fool, I have surmised"
the Queen sighed at meal's end,
"the question now, is what you are?
I suggest we start again"

I am so amused...... :D
Liar said:
Just happened to look through some old poems. I think I may have a fetish that I'm not consciously aware of...


lava leaking
taste of metal
from the rim of your mouth
takes no prisoners

you sense the heat
like soothing balm
lethal lubrication
from your chin
then throw your head to the sky

and feel
poignant sweetness

painting red
tattoo curves
instead of falling

lingering in the hollow
of your throat

before plunging into suicide
between overflowing
pushed up wonders
under greedy hands

and not before I smell
that hauntingly familiar
but evading perfume...

dirt dread life love
damage disaster​
...I slow down
disengage lips
from your hazelnut hue
and open my eyes

to a Mars landscape
smeared over naked hills

and hear
your mad melodic laughter
prattle drilling spikes
into the air

like your fingernails
aimed urgent at my flesh
drawing lava
of their own

don't you fucking dare stop!
not now, not yet!
don't worry, I just bit
my lip
too hard
deep clean crimson
claims all I see
that sticky trickle
smothering sanity
and I sweep up
ascend to your flaming face
descend to savor

in glorious frenzy
iron and energy
life and love
with a kiss

your primal sacrifice
this one unique
insane moment

before we lose sight

faith is a thread
a trip wire in a field of mud
that let us stagger on


and it's not only blood
that is spilling out
the corner of your mouth
but words
trickling like cold smoke
drips from your lips
and dissolves
before landing
on mine
coming closer
still closer
here below

we will merge
but in that moment
your words will
become mine

where your hair
is a steel bar curtain
sheild shading my perimeter
to touch and taste alone

and your blood will smear
my tongue
with a scent of iron
that no faith no fantasy
can wash away

so why fight the night?
let me taste that descending exhale
and your downpour of mantra

sing the last song
tell the last tale

a tantric transcript sanskrit
soul searching stumble
in your murderous mumble
muffled in my mouth
at last

Lol, cheers for that Liar, I think we all have fantasys we are not conciously aware of, great poems :rose:
champagne1982 said:
I didn't write this. Pheobe Snow did. I wish I had. It's wonderful when she sings it <sigh>

Phoebe Snow
Poetry Man

You make me laugh
Cause your eyes they light the night
They look right through me
You bashful boy
You're hiding something sweet
Please give it to me yeah, to me

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all rhyme

You are a genie
All I ask for is your smile
Each time I rub the lamp
When I am with you
I have a giggling teen-age crush
Then I'm a sultry vamp

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all right

So once again
It's time to say so long
And so recall the cull of life
You're going home now
Home's that place somewhere you go each day
To see your wife

Talk to me some more
You don't have to go
You're the Poetry Man
You make things all rhyme

That is beautiful, thanks carrie :rose:
Last edited:

b8dbreth said:
The Queen sat on her throne and sighed,
"My God, I'm royally bored!"
"If things 'round here don't liven up,
I'll fall upon a sword"

She summoned to her side the Fool,
and bade him humor her,
He bowed, and said "Of, course my Liege,"
and put these words to her

"Your highness, I am here to serve,
with tongue or pen or sword,
to lash, or thrash, or cut to hash
with lick or stroke or score."

"Such talents, these I must observe"
the Queen said to the knave
'I warn you, Fool, don't disappoint,unless
you seek an early grave"

"Your highness, your beauty knows no bounds
but lies hidden beneath those heavy gowns
your grace carries herself regally,
allow me please to set you free,
of fabric draped from neck to floor,
allow your poor subject a glimpse of more,
the royal breast, the regal thigh,
and I'll reward you untold sighs."

Her highness arched an eyebrow,
she was a bit intrigued
"Your words have caught my interest,fool,
for now you may proceed"

Then with a flash the Fool unsheathed
his long and shiny sword, breathed
deep, and with three quick deft strokes
bared cleavage where once was a yoke
he wielded the sword so skillfully
and shaped the gown so artfully
the Queen resembled more a Goddess.
"Well done , my Fool, you are no novice

with word or sword. I grant you skill,
No one would deny
So I look forward to the thrill of seeing
how your lips apply."

The Fool lay prostrate at her feet
washed her toes with kisses sweet
pecked his way around her shins
sending tingles through her skin
breathed warm and moist along her thighs
the Queen did swoon, with lust filled eyes
and then the Royal Feast began
Guided by bejeweled hands

"You are no Fool, I have surmised"
the Queen sighed at meal's end,
"the question now, is what you are?
I suggest we start again"

That was great b8dbreth, cheers
I just wanted to reccomend a book for all those females out there who like fantasies
it's called My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday and it can be found on amazon

here's the link

My Secret Garden

it's a saucy read
Do You Want Me? What's the Matter ?

Do you want me? What's the matter ?
You're afraid some door will close ?
You want the scent without the rose ?
The moans of love without the chatter ?
You think our love might be a tomb,
The only exit through my pain ?
You'd rather put things off again
To give your fantasies some room ?

You think: she's great, but in a while
I might get bored? Or something better,
Filling out a tighter sweater,
Might flash me a quick come-on smile ?

You don't want to be tied just yet
To just one future, just one kiss ?
You think about all you might miss
And hold out for a better bet ?

Well, fine! But then why do you haunt
Me like a jackal night and day ?
Why, when my interest seems to stray,
Are you so sure of what you want ?

Why, when I dare so much as laugh
At some guy's jokes, you go ballistic,
Nasty, borderline sadistic,
As if somebody touched your stuff ?

And yet when I hook on to you,
You will not let yourself be mine,
Take out your fears and draw a line
Between what you and I can do ?

But freedom must be mutual,
And it takes two for one embrace.
You can't both love and freedom chase,
Unless you would adore a fool.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon
Ya'll gotta be kiddin me.
Friday night, and no fantasies?

Hmmm I will ponder
I shall preen,
comin back later
to re-hash this scene ~

RhymeFairy said:
Ya'll gotta be kiddin me.
Friday night, and no fantasies?

Hmmm I will ponder
I shall preen,
comin back later
to re-hash this scene ~


I havent heard your fantasy yet RF!... :devil:
Jennifer C said:
I havent heard your fantasy yet RF!... :devil:

Throws hands in da air ~ I know when I been * caught * lmao

Ok Ok ... So what your basically saying is ?

Hehehehe ...
Like Pullin freakin teeth this week
tryin to get a good poem outta me.
Hmmm Ponderin' *Gnawing Teeth *

K's ~ So I will brb ~


* WEG *

RhymeFairy said:
Throws hands in da air ~ I know when I been * caught * lmao

Ok Ok ... So what your basically saying is ?

Hehehehe ...
Like Pullin freakin teeth this week
tryin to get a good poem outta me.
Hmmm Ponderin' *Gnawing Teeth *

K's ~ So I will brb ~


* WEG *


Oh now this I am looking forward to! lol

come on RF, what's your fantasy, you can tell me you know, i promise i wont tell anyone else!...lol.... :kiss:
Last edited:
Jennifer C said:
Oh now this I am looking forward to! lol

come on RF, what's your fantasy, you can tell me you know, i promise i wont tell anyone else!...lol.... :kiss:

Yeah ... says the Bird to the Juicy lil Worm ... :eek:


I Wanna Play ~

I don't wanna
be sad
I wanna love
and play
Could you,
come play
with me?

Be the Mr.
to my Mrs.
I can
tie you up.
Honey all over
it off.

Strip you
Cuff you
to the wall
your naughty

Put you
in the tub.
Pour soft,
bubbles in.
Give you
a Hot,

Throw you
on the bed.
your tired
my tongue.

you out,
on the
dinner table.
on your
sexy, body
all night long.

you outside.
you in the
your world ...

So don't be
Come laugh
and play.
I will be

So good
to You ...


Had been working on this one. Ya *Caught* me yet again, lol.
Will this do? Or do ya want More?

RhymeFairy said:
Yeah ... says the Bird to the Juicy lil Worm ... :eek:


I Wanna Play ~

I don't wanna
be sad
I wanna love
and play
Could you,
come play
with me?

Be the Mr.
to my Mrs.
I can
tie you up.
Honey all over
it off.

Strip you
Cuff you
to the wall
your naughty

Put you
in the tub.
Pour soft,
bubbles in.
Give you
a Hot,

Throw you
on the bed.
your tired
my tongue.

you out,
on the
dinner table.
on your
sexy, body
all night long.

you outside.
you in the
your world ...

So don't be
Come laugh
and play.
I will be

So good
to You ...


Had been working on this one. Ya *Caught* me yet again, lol.
Will this do? Or do ya want More?


RF, your a saucy little bitch and I love ya for it! lol,

This is hot girl *wowza* any bloke who falls in your trap is in for one hell of a time!! lol.

I bet you got them queuing up round the block to have a swing in your hammock...lol

And i hope you wash the table down before you eat of it!...lol

Love your sexy writing RF, you got any more of these babies you post em on here you hear me!...
Jennifer C said:
RF, your a saucy little bitch and I love ya for it! lol,

This is hot girl *wowza* any bloke who falls in your trap is in for one hell of a time!! lol.

I bet you got them queuing up round the block to have a swing in your hammock...lol

And i hope you wash the table down before you eat of it!...lol

Love your sexy writing RF, you got any more of these babies you post em on here you hear me!...

* Salute's *

I had written that one a while back.
I just had to play with it today.
Still needs a lil work on the presentation.
I just love the whole *feel* of it.

Just Me ~
