What's Your Fantasy?

Hey all anyone up for getting a little naughty with me? I was thinking about fantasies and poetry last night so I thought how about a fantasy poem thread? Come and share your fantasies (be as naughty as you like :D ) or put them into a poem and post them here.

I know there are alot of dirty minded poets on here (you know who you are! lol ) so come and share your dirty minds and your poetry and have some fun!

So I ask you again, what's your fantasy ?

I remember when Jennifer C first whizzed into these threads. Creative, fun and witty. I myself have been absent for a bit. Just wanted to bump this thread. It's a great inspiration for many a write ... We still miss ya Jen ....

Have fun ~~

Oh Doctor
there's examination needed
...... but bent forward
hard anal probing?
Cream must be deeply seeded.
A fantasy in poetic form

Hey all anyone up for getting a little naughty with me? I was thinking about fantasies and poetry last night so I thought how about a fantasy poem thread? Come and share your fantasies (be as naughty as you like :D ) or put them into a poem and post them here.

I know there are alot of dirty minded poets on here (you know who you are! lol ) so come and share your dirty minds and your poetry and have some fun!

So I ask you again, what's your fantasy ?

Oh, I dunno...something like this:

Mercury Blue

Her name is the sound of angel’s wings fluttering
Or a November breeze rustling dried brown leaves.
Like bat’s wings under a full, pale, autumn moon.
But what need have we for names?

Ours is an understanding beyond words and sounds,
Beyond here or there, beyond hot or cold,
Even beyond time itself.
Beyond life. Beyond death.

When she spreads her arms to encircle me,
Spreads her legs to admit me,
Spreads her web to ensnare me,
I come to her gratefully. A suitor? Or prey?

Her eyes are blue, an ancient and eldritch blue,
And they shine like mercury.
But for all the heat in her gaze
They glitter coldly like a serpent’s eyes, like a spider’s eyes.

When I look into them I am afraid,
But for only a moment.
Then even fear is beyond me
And all that remains for me is surrender.

Her kiss is the landing of a snowflake on my skin,
A crystal, frozen solid, too cold to melt,
Even when flame sears the same spot,
As burning fangs pierce deep.

Her thirst is sex, wild and wanton and deliciously sweet --
Bitterly less than human, but sacredly more than bestial.
Her mouth is a womb to draw the spurts of life from me,
The molten gouts coppery, salty, thick on her tongue.

My soul screams, shrieks a warning
Before weakening to sobbing whimpers, then to moans of bliss.
In this universe the flesh, damned forever, rules.
And, praise God, it is the spirit that is weak.

Stephen Thorn
January 26, 2007
Not really an erotic fantasy, but maybe you'll like it

The discussion's about fantasy in poem form. This is a poem, and in my life it is a fantasy, although it's not exactly "erotic." Hope you enjoy it.

She Thinks I See What She Sees

She thinks I see what she sees
The gray strands that have begun to infiltrate the black
The faded remnants of stretch marks
Breasts that now are softer, that sag more, than when we met
A hint of wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and mouth
And a backside that is a bit softer and more flabby than when she was a girl.

She sees these things and is certain that I must also see them
How could I not?
Don’t I see her naked as she dries from her shower,
As she lies unclothed beside me in bed
Or when I watch her dress in the mornings
And can’t I see how some of her clothes no longer fit quite as well as when they were new

But she does not see through my eyes

She does not understand that I do see the gray hairs
And every one is a night I was out late
And she sat up waiting for me
Cussing me for not calling
Even as she prayed that I was okay
While she looked out the window, waiting for the sound of my car

She does not understand that I do see those stretch marks
And each one reminds me of the children she has blessed me with
How she endured the months of discomfort
The days of pain and sleepless nights of anxiety
The bottles, the diapers, the noise and mess
And how she loves our kids so completely, so fiercely

She does not understand that those breasts,
Saggy or not,
Have fed and comforted our babies
Have pillowed my head in the many times when I was afraid
And how my heart still races whenever I caress them
How it still amazes me that she loves me – ME! -- enough to trust my touch on them

She does not realize that I do see the wrinkles
But not as lines of age
They are footprints of laughter past
Times when we shared smiles
When she laughed at my silliness and dumb jokes
And how she smiled whenever she saw me come in the door

Yes, I see the changes that have appeared over the years
But she does not realize that these things are not nearly so important to me
As she thinks they are
Because she still excites and arouses me
Because this woman – this beautiful, desirable, wonderful woman --
Still loves me

Despite all my screw-ups, all my mistakes
Forgotten occasions, working weekends
Loud words, shoes on the living room floor
And so many other flaws and errors and mistakes
She still holds me tightly, loves me totally
Accepts me unreservedly

Yes, she has her scars
But I have mine too
Time doesn’t let any of us escape his notice for long
But none of that matters because we are together
Smarter, wiser, more experienced, than when we met
But still – and always – new lovers

Stephen Thorn
August 2, 2005

She stares with a shameless desire.
He hardens in heat that won't tire.
He will take her with tender compassion,
And she'll let him. Her love she can't ration.
Oh Doctor
there's examination needed
...... but bent forward
hard anal probing?
Cream must be deeply seeded.

I wonder if the doctor saw
blue webbed panties stretched
tightly taunt, across buns
of steel, walnut balls prefilled.

Someone should have warned him,
monitored his actions, at least.
For one just cannot go to an office visit
in your girlfriends briefs ~

:eek:;) ..... :rose:
I wonder if the doctor saw
blue webbed panties stretched
tightly taunt, across buns
of steel, walnut balls prefilled.

Someone should have warned him,
monitored his actions, at least.
For one just cannot go to an office visit
in your girlfriends briefs ~

:eek:;) ..... :rose:

Ooooooooooh !!!!!!! you bad person lol!!!!!!!