What's your goal as a writer?

Tzara said:
I know. They produce beautiful books.

Graywolf Press does some pretty attractive books as well. Guess where they were founded? ;)

Good luck on the goal, Mister. Just a matter of time, I think.

i know. :)

that's one hot little poetry peninsula you got up there.

if i could get used to staring at an ocean i can't swim in, i might be there on a more permanent basis.

. . . thanks. we shall see. ;)
To put my most intricate thoughts into words. Sometimes it's very hard to even know what I'm thinking...

Well, not having had any might explain my impressive lack of achievements.

Anyone have a link to where I can download some?


To write something that doesn't make me cringe the next morning. To find the line between self-doubt and learning. And if I figure it out someday, then to help others do the same.
ruminator said:
That's not a hockey link, is it?

(thanks, btw)

No, unfortunately much of the world is very misguided and for some reason, which I fail to fathom, prefer "football" to hockey.
champagne1982 said:
No, unfortunately much of the world is very misguided and for some reason, which I fail to fathom, prefer "football" to hockey.

I'm not sure if I'm misguided or just plain ignorant.

You ever play a rowdy game of CalvinBall?
wildsweetone said:
What's your goal as a writer?

to make time to write.

to share my writing with others.

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to write poetry for an hour per week. It's a small amount of time, but I picked that amount because it seemed do-able. So far it has been.
ruminator said:
I'm not sure if I'm misguided or just plain ignorant.

You ever play a rowdy game of CalvinBall?

I've only ever played with the babysitter rules. :D
simply to convey my thoughts or beliefs in such a way that someone will say " yes, that's what I've always felt but didn't know how to say".

To be honest to myself.

To use the medium to increase and or chart my own understanding of things

To have fun and delight in the play of words and rhythms

To try and explain the unexplainable