What's your personality type?

You Are An INFP
The Idealist

You are a creative person with a great imagination. You enjoy living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close to you.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.
You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.

At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak

I'm an INFP too. I've heard that's rare.

I like the part where they explain what people who don't "get me" think of me. :)
Apearently I'm classified as "The Guardian"

Sounds right I take charge.
Hey I'm a dom and own my own business.

Basicly I'm a dick
You Are An ENTJ
The Executive

You are a natural leader - with confidence and strength that inspires others.
Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise.
Sometimes you aren't the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow.
You are not easily intimidated - and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence.

In love, you hold high standards... for yourself, for your relationship, and for your significant other.
While it's easy for you to impress others, it's hard for you to find someone who impresses you.

At work, you are organized and good at delegating. You understand how to achieve goals.
You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant.

How you see yourself: Rational, calm, and objective

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Inflexible, controlling, and overbearing

Huh. Never expected that.
Bumped for awesomeness and new arrivals.

Short version of the test.

Longer test.

Shorthand version of profiles.

Hmmm... What I wanna know is, if you've taken it, who are the famous people or fictional characters who supposedly share your type?

For me, I'll TAKE Shakespeare, A.A. Milne and JFK. And Calvin, too (this one, not this one). Pretty sure Neil Diamond's a mistake, though.

I've scored INFJ for almost 10 years now... A whole host of famous (and not so famous) people, but the one I always remember is Mother Teresa.
I used to switch fairly regularly back and forth between INFP and INFJ. But as I've gotten older, I've pretty well swung to the INFP side and stayed there.

Famous people I actually give a shit about who are/were INFPs, from Wiki: Sylvia Plath :heart:, Virginia Woolf, Edgar Allan Poe, and Alanis Morissette.
Extravert(33%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(38%) Judging(22%)
You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%)
You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)

Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.

All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life's meaning) and expect the same from others.

ESFJs are easily wounded. And when wounded, their emotions will not be contained. They by nature "wear their hearts on their sleeves," often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls. Some ESFJs channel these vibrant emotions into moving dramatic performances on stage and screen.

Strong, contradictory forces consume the ESFJ. Their sense of right and wrong wrestles with an overwhelming rescuing, 'mothering' drive. This sometimes results in swift, immediate action taken upon a transgressor, followed by stern reprimand; ultimately, however, the prodigal is wrested from the gallows of their folly, just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost, by the very executioner!

An ESFJ at odds with self is a remarkable sight. When a decision must be made, especially one involving the risk of conflict (abhorrent to ESFJs), there ensues an in-house wrestling match between the aforementioned black-and-white Values and the Nemesis of Discord. The contender pits self against self, once firmly deciding with the Right, then switching to Prudence to forestall hostilities, countered by unswerving Values, ad exhaustium, winner take all.

As caretakers, ESFJs sense danger all around--germs within, the elements without, unscrupulous malefactors, insidious character flaws. The world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted. Not that the ESFJ is paranoid; 'hyper-vigilant' would be more precise. And thus they serve excellently as protectors, outstanding in fields such as medical care and elementary education.
The Visionary

You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but you are not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.

In love, you see everything as a grand adventure. You enjoy taking risks for love.
And if things don't work out, you're usually not too much worse for the wear!

You would make a great entrepreneur, marketing executive, or actor.

At work, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own path and vision.
How you see yourself: Analytical, creative, and peaceful

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Detached, wishy-washy, and superficial

I'm a goddamn visionary? That's pretty sweet.
You Are An ISTJ

The Duty Fulfiller

You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knitting.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
You are conservative and down-to-earth. You hardly ever do anything crazy.

In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.
For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.
You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical
I'm a INTJ

Not sure I believe this alot of question I would have picked both answers if I could.

The Scientist
You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems.
Logical and strategic, you prefer for everything in your life to be organized.
You tend to be a bit skeptical. You're both critical of yourself and of others.
Independent and stubborn, you tend to only befriend those who are a lot like you.
In love, you are always striving to improve your relationship.
You have strong ideas of what love should be like.
At work, you excel in figuring out difficult tasks. People think of you as "the brain."
You would make an excellent scientist, engineer, or programmer.
How you see yourself: Reasonable, knowledgeable, and competent
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Aloof, controlling, and insensitive
forever and always, INTJ. and as always, that assessment is about 80% on point, 20% hogwash. but i understand there are only so many "boxes."

I took the test twice, about an hour apart. As far as I could tell, I answered only six questions differently the second time - questions that were borderline choices the first time through.

Analysis One:


The Duty Fulfiller

You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knitting.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
You are conservative and down-to-earth. You hardly ever do anything crazy. <*snort*koff*snort*>

In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.
For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.
You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical​

Analysis Two:


The Doer

You are adventurous and risk taking. You act first, think second.
You love being the center of attention. You were probably the class clown.
Competitive, charming, and charismatic - you have your own code of honor.
You live a flexible life, bouncing between a series of activities that interest you.

In love, you are a master seducer... and quite manipulative when you want to be. <koffbullshitkoff>
If someone loves you, you'll only believe their actions. Words don't mean a whole lot to you.

At work, you are a "people person." You're especially good at getting people to do what you want.
You would make a great salesperson, marketing director, or entrepreneur. <koffnofreakin'waykoff>

How you see yourself: Reasonable, proficient, and tough

How other people see you: Flaky, unrealistic, and untrustworthy​
I'm game...

At least I am consistent! I always get INTP:

The Thinker

You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can.
Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.
Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.
A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it.

In love, you are an easy person to fall for. But you're not an easy person to stay in love with.
Although you are quite flexible, you often come off as aloof or argumentative.

At work, you are both a logical and creative thinker. You are great at solving problems.
You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor.

How you see yourself: Creative, fair, and tough-minded

When other people don't get you, they see you as: arrogant, cold, and robotic

I also apparently share a personality with Socrates, Rene Descartes, Albert Einstein, and Charles Darwin

Haha, this makes me feel so disappointing! :cool:
On a brighter note:

I just went to an INTP forum, and discovered that they're all disappointing douchebags.

Thus, I feel better :)

At least I'm not a douchebag!
INFJ. Always.. :)

The Protector

You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter whatit is. You are an excellent listener with almost infinite patience. You have complex feelings, and you take great care to express them.

In love, you se erelationships as an opportunity to connect and grow. You enjoy relationships when they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.

At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable
INFP = idealist. From reading through the thread there seems to be a lot of us vis-à-vis the supposed rareness of the type. Maybe there's some kinkster - idealist link?

Also lots of nurturers and protectors though that didn't really surprise me too much...
...the one I always remember is Mother Teresa.

HOT! :devil:


I took the test twice, about an hour apart. As far as I could tell, I answered only six questions differently the second time - questions that were borderline choices the first time through.

Analysis One:


The Duty Fulfiller

You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knitting.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
You are conservative and down-to-earth. You hardly ever do anything crazy. <*snort*koff*snort*>

In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.
For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.
You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical​

Analysis Two:


The Doer

You are adventurous and risk taking. You act first, think second.
You love being the center of attention. You were probably the class clown.
Competitive, charming, and charismatic - you have your own code of honor.
You live a flexible life, bouncing between a series of activities that interest you.

In love, you are a master seducer... and quite manipulative when you want to be. <koffbullshitkoff>
If someone loves you, you'll only believe their actions. Words don't mean a whole lot to you.

At work, you are a "people person." You're especially good at getting people to do what you want.
You would make a great salesperson, marketing director, or entrepreneur. <koffnofreakin'waykoff>

How you see yourself: Reasonable, proficient, and tough

How other people see you: Flaky, unrealistic, and untrustworthy​

You changed after an hour?? :confused:

That's flaky, unrealistic, and untrustworthy, pal.

I just went to an INTP forum, and discovered that they're all disappointing douchebags.

Thus, I feel better :)

At least I'm not a douchebag!

I think that was the DBAG forum.

INFP = idealist. From reading through the thread there seems to be a lot of us vis-à-vis the supposed rareness of the type. Maybe there's some kinkster - idealist link?

Yeah, that surprised me, too. Sylvia Plath? Kinkster. Alanis Morissette? Kinkster. Poe? Kinkster. Mr. Rogers? Oh yeah. (duh!) Linus from Charlie Brown? Total kinkster (it's the blanket).
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INFJ, totally me.


INFJs are distinguished by both their complexity of character and the unusual range and depth of their talents. Strongly humanitarian in outlook, INFJs tend to be idealists, and because of their J preference for closure and completion, they are generally "doers" as well as dreamers. This rare combination of vision and practicality often results in INFJs taking a disproportionate amount of responsibility in the various causes to which so many of them seem to be drawn.

INFJs are deeply concerned about their relations with individuals as well as the state of humanity at large. They are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people -- a product of the Feeling function they most readily show to the world. On the contrary, INFJs are true introverts, who can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates." While instinctively courting the personal and organizational demands continually made upon them by others, at intervals INFJs will suddenly withdraw into themselves, sometimes shutting out even their intimates. This apparent paradox is a necessary escape valve for them, providing both time to rebuild their depleted resources and a filter to prevent the emotional overload to which they are so susceptible as inherent "givers." As a pattern of behavior, it is perhaps the most confusing aspect of the enigmatic INFJ character to outsiders, and hence the most often misunderstood -- particularly by those who have little experience with this rare type.

Due in part to the unique perspective produced by this alternation between detachment and involvement in the lives of the people around them, INFJs may well have the clearest insights of all the types into the motivations of others, for good and for evil. The most important contributing factor to this uncanny gift, however, are the empathic abilities often found in Fs, which seem to be especially heightened in the INFJ type (possibly by the dominance of the introverted N function).

This empathy can serve as a classic example of the two-edged nature of certain INFJ talents, as it can be strong enough to cause discomfort or pain in negative or stressful situations. More explicit inner conflicts are also not uncommon in INFJs; it is possible to speculate that the causes for some of these may lie in the specific combinations of preferences which define this complex type. For instance, there can sometimes be a "tug-of-war" between NF vision and idealism and the J practicality that urges compromise for the sake of achieving the highest priority goals. And the I and J combination, while perhaps enhancing self-awareness, may make it difficult for INFJs to articulate their deepest and most convoluted feelings.

This is so true. My Feelings side is constantly at odds with my Judging side.
You changed after an hour?? :confused:

That's flaky, unrealistic, and untrustworthy, pal.
After an hour, I went back and changed only those answers that I had had great difficulty deciding on the first time through. So to my thinking, I'm apparently a mixture of ISTJ and ESTP, depending on my mood of the moment.

Actually, I initially took this test years ago, and IIRC, I was ISTJ then. The constant between the two is, of course, the ST in the middle. I guess.
Ok I'm new here (well after a very long time gone :) ). I've taken this test before and come up with basically the same answer every time.

You Are An ISFJ Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging

The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways.

In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.

You find it easy to be devoted to one person... a partner who you do special things for.

In love, you express your emotions through actions.
Taking care of someone is how you love them. And you do it well!

At work, you do well in a structured environment. You complete tasks well and on time.

How you see yourself: Competent, dependable, and detail oriented

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, dominant, and stuck in a rut.

This really does fit me very well, except for the part about how others would see me. No one in RL would ever think I was dominant. :rolleyes:
After an hour, I went back and changed only those answers that I had had great difficulty deciding on the first time through. So to my thinking, I'm apparently a mixture of ISTJ and ESTP, depending on my mood of the moment.

Actually, I initially took this test years ago, and IIRC, I was ISTJ then. The constant between the two is, of course, the ST in the middle. I guess.

Yeah, when I was younger I always tested as overtly extroverted. The last time I took the test I actually tested as slightly introverted. lol I figure whether I'm an E or and I depends on how sick of people I am.
Bumped for awesomeness and new arrivals.

Short version of the test.

Longer test.

Shorthand version of profiles.

Hmmm... What I wanna know is, if you've taken it, who are the famous people or fictional characters who supposedly share your type?

For me, I'll TAKE Shakespeare, A.A. Milne and JFK. And Calvin, too (this one, not this one). Pretty sure Neil Diamond's a mistake, though.
I tested INTP here . That would make me the same type as Socrates, Einstein, Jung and Sherlock Holmes.
In more extensive tests I tested INTJ wich would put me in the same group as Jane Austen, Chevy Chase, Gandalf and Professor Moriarty.
Short test marked me as ISFJ (which kind of made sense...but then I read more and thought...nope...not me)

The Longer one marks me as INTJ (which makes much more sense...given the long read)

Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(12%) iNtuitive Thinking(38%) Judging(89%)
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)
You have strong preference of Judging over Perceiving (89%)

I am usually I and J...with the middle bits being whatever fits at the time I take the test...



damn. Now I know why I don't seem to do well and why I get the types of complaints I get romantically.

This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, they tend to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most types consider half the fun of a relationship). To complicate matters, INTJs are usually extremely private people, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes them easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense. :) This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many Fs -- only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, the INTJ will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness.
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I tested INTP here . That would make me the same type as Socrates, Einstein, Jung and Sherlock Holmes.
In more extensive tests I tested INTJ wich would put me in the same group as Jane Austen, Chevy Chase, Gandalf and Professor Moriarty.

I have taken the test at least six times over the years. I always come up as an ISTJ.