What's your story...

I think I've always been somewhat perverted. From an early age I would show the neighbor girls my pecker if they wanted, and they often did, as did my cousin, and she would show as well.
My first orgasm scared the he'll out of me. I was quite young and found a back massager in my parents closet. I used it on my back and it felt great. I'm not sure why I decided to try it on my dick but I'm glad I did even though I had no idea what all that white goo was all over my chest and stomach.
I lost my virginity towards the end of high-school. I loved her, she cheated on me and I left. Moved on to a real slut that would and did fuck anyone. Met another and married, not just because she let me fuck her ass, although enjoyable. Couldn't keep my dick in my pants so I divorced her.
The next one fucked around on me a bit until she left. She wanted me to take her back and fucked my brains out. I never saw her again.
I then had a few encounters before meeting the love of my life and settled down.
First of all I want to thank Lil Jenni, the OP, for creating a thread that encourages people to communicate in something more than single sentences.

I'm a serial monogamist. My series ran out early. In my mid 20s.

This is due to the way I was raised--by my parents and culture at large--but also simply because it is who I am deep down inside.
Like Paul Anka once sang, I'm a one man woman, but in reverse. Or something.
Bottom line is I was extremely sexually curious from an early age and sought out any book or movie or TV show I could find that spoke in any way on the subject.
I needed to know it all, in the greatest detail, and as soon as possible.
Besides this desire to be in love and even married since I was very young a couple of other things shaped me:

A few times various girls offered to show themselves to me. I desperately wanted to look but when these situations arose and I was terrified and frozen in place. I could look but do nothing else, even if prompted.
So I developed a taste for looking and became a very visually stimulated guy.

Also, my mom, who was very loving and a super progressive 70s housewife, tried to teach me all about the trial and tribulations of what women went through in North America and I listened, an attentive and earnest student.
This was post free love, ERA period of American history and I got the impression that men were kind of basic. Not to be trusted.
She taught me to be a "good guy". To treat women gently and be hyper attuned to their needs and comfort levels.
She also taught me that women don't really like sex. They do it to have babies and to please men and frankly they probably would prefer to skip it.
(I'm sure she felt that way herself--Her relationship with my father was not great.)
This coupled with my "one man woman" vibes lead me to be very cautious with regards to sexual exploration--I needed to be SURE any girl I was with was not intoxicated, was totally consenting and aware and preferable in an exclusive relationship with me (even if it was only for a few months). And her desire for and arousal in sexual situation had to be authentic. On the verge of abandon if possible.
Some tall orders there.
This means I've had very few partners--I'm in my 50s now, with my wife for 30 years, and I've been with 5 women total in my entire life that I've had actual intercourse with. Plus there was a smattering of others (maybe 5 more) that I've gotten to 3rd base with.

Yet I'm still as sexually energized as I was when I was a kid. More so, in fact. I jerk off twice a day. I listen to podcasts about sexuality, read books and watch porn daily.
The only sadness is that my wife--post menopause--has lost almost all her sex drive.
I love this woman and would NEVER cheat on her, but I have to admit to feeling frustrated. Much less so than I did a few years back. Through a sincere meditation practice I'm learning to accept things on a very deep level. Also because I'm acknowledging my own part in this more and more: I bought into everything my mom taught me, so I erred on the side of caution often in the face of some very genuine offers to have a lot of harmless fun.

So my sex life, as of right now, is a solo one. My desire to experience a woman completely free of restraint and propriety is a consuming and expanding thing. My wife is no shrinking violet, but sex with her is so infrequent and, as hot as it is, kind of narrow in it's expression: mostly mutual masturbation with a lot of dirty talk (mostly coming from me) about every month and a half or so.
I long to know a woman's interior life--what she like physically (ie pleasure via touch) is not anywhere near as interesting as what she THINKS about or fantasizes about.
I'm obsessed with women who like to look. Who like porn.
I'm always trying to find ways to prove my mother wrong--"See, they like it just as much as I do!"
(or almost as much..)

That is as good a representation of my story up until now that I can give, I guess.
Thanks for asking.
Sharing is important.
First of all I want to thank Lil Jenni, the OP, for creating a thread that encourages people to communicate in something more than single sentences.

I'm a serial monogamist. My series ran out early. In my mid 20s.

This is due to the way I was raised--by my parents and culture at large--but also simply because it is who I am deep down inside.
Like Paul Anka once sang, I'm a one man woman, but in reverse. Or something.
Bottom line is I was extremely sexually curious from an early age and sought out any book or movie or TV show I could find that spoke in any way on the subject.
I needed to know it all, in the greatest detail, and as soon as possible.
Besides this desire to be in love and even married since I was very young a couple of other things shaped me:

A few times various girls offered to show themselves to me. I desperately wanted to look but when these situations arose and I was terrified and frozen in place. I could look but do nothing else, even if prompted.
So I developed a taste for looking and became a very visually stimulated guy.

Also, my mom, who was very loving and a super progressive 70s housewife, tried to teach me all about the trial and tribulations of what women went through in North America and I listened, an attentive and earnest student.
This was post free love, ERA period of American history and I got the impression that men were kind of basic. Not to be trusted.
She taught me to be a "good guy". To treat women gently and be hyper attuned to their needs and comfort levels.
She also taught me that women don't really like sex. They do it to have babies and to please men and frankly they probably would prefer to skip it.
(I'm sure she felt that way herself--Her relationship with my father was not great.)
This coupled with my "one man woman" vibes lead me to be very cautious with regards to sexual exploration--I needed to be SURE any girl I was with was not intoxicated, was totally consenting and aware and preferable in an exclusive relationship with me (even if it was only for a few months). And her desire for and arousal in sexual situation had to be authentic. On the verge of abandon if possible.
Some tall orders there.
This means I've had very few partners--I'm in my 50s now, with my wife for 30 years, and I've been with 5 women total in my entire life that I've had actual intercourse with. Plus there was a smattering of others (maybe 5 more) that I've gotten to 3rd base with.

Yet I'm still as sexually energized as I was when I was a kid. More so, in fact. I jerk off twice a day. I listen to podcasts about sexuality, read books and watch porn daily.
The only sadness is that my wife--post menopause--has lost almost all her sex drive.
I love this woman and would NEVER cheat on her, but I have to admit to feeling frustrated. Much less so than I did a few years back. Through a sincere meditation practice I'm learning to accept things on a very deep level. Also because I'm acknowledging my own part in this more and more: I bought into everything my mom taught me, so I erred on the side of caution often in the face of some very genuine offers to have a lot of harmless fun.

So my sex life, as of right now, is a solo one. My desire to experience a woman completely free of restraint and propriety is a consuming and expanding thing. My wife is no shrinking violet, but sex with her is so infrequent and, as hot as it is, kind of narrow in it's expression: mostly mutual masturbation with a lot of dirty talk (mostly coming from me) about every month and a half or so.
I long to know a woman's interior life--what she like physically (ie pleasure via touch) is not anywhere near as interesting as what she THINKS about or fantasizes about.
I'm obsessed with women who like to look. Who like porn.
I'm always trying to find ways to prove my mother wrong--"See, they like it just as much as I do!"
(or almost as much..)

That is as good a representation of my story up until now that I can give, I guess.
Thanks for asking.
Sharing is important.
I feel your pain. My wife went through menopause several years ago and our sex life has pretty much disappeared.
My story is way too long, but here’s the skinnier version:

I was a habitual skinny dipper, the only person in the family who didn’t know this was my father, because he never asked me how the water was when I returned from “reading alone” trips in the morning while we camped. Yes, I did read, but after I swam and stayed naked. My older sister caught me one morning: she followed me.

Masturbatory literature was furnished by my mother’s younger sister and her friends. They worked near newsstands, and when they found out I loved to read, they’d dumpster dive me some coverless paperbacks and magazines, give them to me when I’d visit them on Saturdays.

My first was with my older sister’s bestie, a large breasted short girl who just told me what to do with her. And five hours later, she told me to do it all over again: I needed to practice.

Her and I would fuck often, mostly when she came over to study with my sister or when I moved out after my parents’ divorce and I lived with my mother, at the apartment after soccer and track practice.

My first love and I met the first week of July, at a campground, one where I would skinny dip but she never caught me. She thought I was just a bookworm that played soccer. Two years of a relationship, we didn’t have sex until the last three months. She went off to college and forgot about me.

No worries, as a soccer player on the small community college’s team I earned some fans. I didn’t take anyone up on their “offers” until the season was over, then I was a terrible dog!

I learned how to perform oral while someone rode me. I learned to perform oral while fingering two others. I learned to spank and flog. I thank my friends.

The Spring Semester I had an older girlfriend, someone who was divorced and had a child. When her daughter was not around, we would party, drink and fuck. I introduced her to MFF threesomes, something that she dreamed about. But after a few months, she tired of me..not having a big fat wallet!

My fuck buddies had told me that she was just using for fun and was on the look out for a sugar daddy. She found one (one who gave her two more children and then passed away a year after the youngest was born).

I spent the rest of the semester partying nude with my friends, staying nude with them when my mother or her roommate came home early or other mothers came home at my friends’ places. I didn’t care.

I met my wife September of 1983, a short curvy woman with eyes that made you forget that she was both short and had very large breasts. We had the same Accounting class, and on Friday, I met her at a lifestyle party, her with her Mistress and sister submissive, me with two women who were friends of the party hostess. The six of us spent most of the party talking, learning that her Mistress and sister sub were sisters, learning that the two I was with her cousins.

We’ve been together ever since, married a few years later.

She knows of my meeting our daughter’s teachers. I know of her meeting Dommes and Mistresses to get her large ass flogged.
Here's my story:

I remember my erections started during the summer before I turned (ask for age in PM if interested. I seem to be an early bloomer from what I've been told). I was also uncircumcised and around the same time I discovered that if I pulled the foreskin back and left it like that it was so sensitive, I could barely stand it when walking around with the bare skin rubbing the fabric of my underwear. I loved it, though. I had my first orgasm doing this. That quickly went to jerking off all the freaking time.

A couple of years later a friend and I would take turns stroking each other's dicks and even sucked each other a couple of times. I loved it, even giving him his first orgasm while jerking him off. It scared him and he was afraid to do it again for a long time, but I got him over it. This went on for about three years then he found out that what we were doing was "what queers did" and he stopped immediately, even ending our friendship.

I had my first experience with a girl in my junior year of high school. It was only a handjob but I was hooked lol. That quickly turned into endless bouts of mutual oral sex but the two girls I dated then wouldn't go any further. That didn't happen until the summer before I turned twenty. A girl I had it bad for began acting somewhat suspicious, canceling dates and giving me the silent treatment. Her roommate, who I'd know for a few years prior to meeting her, finally told me one day she'd been driving to another town and having sex with a much older married man who offered to pay her rent for sex. It wasn't long after that my friend threw her out because she was keeping the rent money he gave her.

I've always had women in my close friends circle, something that seemed odd to them because "guys didn't do that". But one of them called me up the day after I found out about Bev (the girl above). I was pretty down so she said she'd take us to the movies if I wanted to hang out (this is how I saw the sequel to "Saturday Night Fever". Gads what an awful movie). Afterward we grabbed something to eat and went driving around, just listening to music and talking. We eventually ended up down one of the many unnamed back roads around where we lived at the ruins of an old mining operation. Several of the Quonset style buildings still stood and one of them, the maintenance garage, was where I would sometimes go "parking" or just to hang out sometimes. I pulled my car inside and closed the huge sliding doors.

We got out of the car and I was sitting on the hood when she came up to me and kissed me, then began undoing the buttons on her shirt. "I'm going to take your mind off Bev," she said. And she did. Three times. She also told me that I was "mind blowing" when it came to eating pussy. She told her friends, and I ended up sleeping with some of them based on her "review" of my oral skills, and even her younger sister after she told her. I eventually ended up dating the sister and having sex with both of them (but not at the same time, dammit). She and I had a "Hey, busy? Wanna fuck?" sort of relationship for years afterward. We're not close at all anymore, which is a shame, the reason being her politics and mine aren't the same so she decided she didn't want to remain friends.

Since that long ago night in June of 1983 I've been with many partners and would like to be with many more, but age, general health, and such and such has largely put the brakes on that. I dated a woman for 8 years beginning in 2012. Our last weekend together was in 2020 and right out of the blue she just decided she didn't want to see me anymore, though she didn't actually come out and say the words for months after that. We still talk sometimes but I've not seen her a single time since then. I miss our nights together because it's hard to find that perfect a sexual partner anymore, but we had a carnal chemistry that couldn't be beat.

So that's my story. I'll be waiting for my Pulitzer Prize announcement and offer to buy the movie rights now...lol
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So, I had an idea the other day. I think it would be interesting to know the stories of people who post here, at least in short form. I tired to tell mine, but I hit a character count limit I did not know existed. :oops: So, I decided to try again but briefer. Here's my story:

My first sex was with my cousin and her boyfriend. He got me drunk, we put on a show for him by going down on each other, and then I learned to suck and fuck to please a man. He coerced my cousin into working at a brothel while he sat home and fucked me. He forced me to learn to deepthroat and to do anal, both when she was working for days at a time at the brothel. He was an asshole. He ended up in prison for doing the same shit to other people (I was never brave enough to turn him in). My cousin ended up killing herself years later.

Some time later after the asshole was out of our lives, I went down on a guy at a party. I surprised myself by doing it, and surprised myself more by liking it. A couple of months after that, I fucked a (different) guy at a party. I liked that too, even though it hurt. I was drunker the next time I fucked a guy, and it hurt less. So, that is what I did up to around the end of my first year in college... got drunk and fucked, sometimes multiple guys. I never went on dates, and I never had relationships. It was all casual.

My second year of college, I decided to lessen the drunk fucking and developed a new pattern -- go to a party or hang out with people from my classes, get buzzed, hook up with a guy, blow him, and then go home and take care of myself. Sometimes I went beyond buzzed and had sex. Most of the time I didn't. Sometimes after I blew a guy, I let him try to reciprocate. Most of the time I didn't, because it was pointless -- I rarely came from anything a guy did at that point. That was kind of my status quo for my second and third years. Yeah it varied some. Throw in a threesome here and there (except for one FFM, they were all MFMs and all spit roasting rather than DP, because I have to be really drunk for DP not to be painful), anal sex when the mood struck, and an FF encounter in which she went down on me and I fingered her, and that was me racking up the numbers and avoiding relationships. But weirdly, despite having sexual contact with two women, I was in denial about being bisexual. :rolleyes:

Not long into my fourth year, a friend set me up with this guy. I thought it would be a hook up. I went down on him before we left his place (he was running late so I met him there, after I had a glass of wine at home) and we fucked several times. I even spent the night. I never spent the night with a guy. Something was different, right form the start. And a few years later we got married and lived happily ever after...

Wait, there were a few complications. One was he kept asking me to marry him and I was scared of that. Still, I eventually said yes, and promptly cheated on him, something I had not done before. We broke up, I spiraled, going to bars, picking up guys, trying stripping again (I had tried it once my junior year of college and hated it) and eventually spending several weeks working at a Nevada brothel (the same one my cousin had worked at, in fact). I hated that too, but it was easier to stay drunk and whore than stay drunk and strip, at least for me.

There's not a single reason I realized the brothel was rock bottom. It was really everything. I sobered up, moved back to where my future Hubby lived, and started teaching again (yeah, I had been a school teacher before working at the brothel). I was abstinent for over six months then fell into a three-way FWB situation with a guy and a woman from my gym. It ended messy, with my female FWB finding a boyfriend and my male FWB confessing feelings for me. It made me really miss my ex.

Fast forward a few months. Drinking again, I drunk text my ex. We start talking. We start "dating". Eventually, we have sex again. And everything was great. We got married, had a kid, and lived happily...

So, that pesky bisexual denial crap all shattered when I had the three-way FWB situation, and I couldn't get my attraction to women out of my mind. One night, a drunk me hit on a coworker. She said no, which was good because I would have cheated if she said yes. Then I had a crush on our babysitter, but she was a sneak who pried into our personal shit. Plus, she had a crush on my husband. But something good came of that. Hubby and I talked a lot, and we came to an agreement about me and other women, namely it was my business and he just didn't want it to impact our marriage too much. Excited and empowered, I... suffered through the Covid lockdown with no prospects of finding a female FWB or girlfriend. I did hit on Hubby's cousin, who was living with us through the lockdown, but she said no.

About a year ago, things turned my way. A student teacher who had just finished her time at my school hit on me. We took it slow at first, since I was her first female sexual relationship, but when it heated up, it heated up. And it led to fulfilling two sexual goals for me... a FFM with Hubby and a hot, younger woman (twice) and an FFF. :devilish:

But the third for our FFF became her girlfriend, and our sexual relationship has ended. That made me sad, but I'm working past it and looking forward to writing more of my story. I'm hoping for some swinging or at least swapping, but we'll see. I had to talk Hubby into a threesome. It'll take all my wiles to get him to swap... but I think I'm up to the challenge. :cool::love:

So, that's my story to date. I hope it wasn't too self-indulgent.

XOXO :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Wow…you are amazing! Thanks for sharing your story! Self reflection is never self indulgent, it is honest and therapeutic!
My story: I had a normal childhood, no abuse, no trauma. First real sexual experience was masturbating with a buddy as a young teenager. Was shy around girls, had a few dates that involved some furtive groping but no happy endings. In senior year of high school met the girl I eventually married. We lost our cherries together after we had both attained legal age. I would say the first time could be categorized as date rape, me telling her "if you dont let me fuck you I'll find someone else" and her giving in. She should have told me to fuck off. But she found she liked it right from that first time so we were at it like rabbits. Married at age 19, 3 kids in quick succession. In our mid 20's we left our home town chasing promotion and the almighty $. While our sex lives were OK we never shared fantasies or role played. I enjoyed Penthouse forum letters and similar, she enjoyed erotic literature, especially victorian porn. After about 8 years of marriage our sex lives had become stale. I discovered a "swingers" contact magazine in a local adult store, took it home. Her reaction was negative, "There's no way we're getting involved in that!" Over the next year we talked about it, read the adverts together and occasional letters and articles that were in the magazine. We started sharing fantasies and role playing a range of scenarios. Our sex life soared. We started talking about placing an advert, what rules we needed to have in place to protect our marriage. About a year after finding the magazine she placed an advert. We met couples for same room sex without swapping. This led to our first real experience, a MFM 3'sum. We loved it. We tried couples swapping but she did not like that so we continued with MFM 3'sums. She recognised that I was "missing out" so gave me permission to met other women/couples, essentially opening our marriage. I had my first extra marital just a few months before my 30th birthday. Discovered I was bi-sexual. We continued the 3'sums together with me meeting other women and couples as opportunity arose for the next 18 years. We decided to split at this stage, that's a different story that I won't go into here, suffice to say we remained good platonic friends up until this day. I had a wild and hedonistic couple of years as a single guy, before meeting my current wife on a telephone sex line. She was 14 years younger than me, a former prostitute, and good time girl although she had never been a swinger. We clicked and have been together in a monogamous relationship for the last 20 years. She introduced me to B&D which was her as a submissive and me as dom. Our sex lives have slowed, mainly due to age and the effects of menopause but we still have the occassional "date night" that leaves us both smiling.
I grew up on a farm, so I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know how the birds and the bees did it. But sex as pleasure? I think that my introduction to that idea may have come courtesy of a friend’s twin sisters.

I think it was the school holidays. I had gone to visit my friend but no one seemed to be at home. Thinking that Dale might have been out in the barn, I went over to the farmyard and called out. Dale didn’t reply but one of his sisters did. ‘We’re in here,’ she said. I followed her voice and the pair of them (it was almost impossible to tell them apart) were sitting on an old couch.

‘What are you doing?’ I asked.

‘Playing fingers. D’you want to play?’

‘What’s fingers?’ I asked.

‘Fingering our pussies. Or each other’s pussies. It makes you feel good.’ And Madelaine (or was it Michelle?) pulled up her skirt (she wasn’t wearing any knickers) and showed me her glistening pink pussy with the beginnings of a blonde patch of snatch thatch. And she began to work her pussy with her fingers.

‘Do you get a stiffy?’ the other sister asked as she too started to work on her pussy.


‘Can we see?’

‘I suppose so,’ I said. (They had, after all, showed me theirs.) I got my cock out, and the sisters soon had it standing to attention. Then, after a bit, I came for the first time. They were right: it did make you feel good.

A little while after that first time, the twins moved away, but I discovered there were plenty of other girls who were happy to ‘play fingers’.

I think that I was almost 19 by the time that I had my first proper fuck. I’m not sure why, but it was almost a disappointment. And even though my first and I were together for a year or so, we were probably more into mutual masturbation than fucking.

And then I met K and sex took on a whole new meaning. You name it, we did it. And then we did it again. And again. (K particularly liked being fucked it the arse.) Unfortunately, not long after we finished university, our careers took us the opposite sides of the world. But before K left, she introduced me to the woman who would become my first wife. She was fun, but the marriage didn’t last very long. After that, I went ‘freelance’ for almost 20 years before meeting my current wife. That was about 30 years ago. 😊
So, I had an idea the other day. I think it would be interesting to know the stories of people who post here, at least in short form. I tired to tell mine, but I hit a character count limit I did not know existed. :oops: So, I decided to try again but briefer. Here's my story:

My first sex was with my cousin and her boyfriend. He got me drunk, we put on a show for him by going down on each other, and then I learned to suck and fuck to please a man. He coerced my cousin into working at a brothel while he sat home and fucked me. He forced me to learn to deepthroat and to do anal, both when she was working for days at a time at the brothel. He was an asshole. He ended up in prison for doing the same shit to other people (I was never brave enough to turn him in). My cousin ended up killing herself years later.

Some time later after the asshole was out of our lives, I went down on a guy at a party. I surprised myself by doing it, and surprised myself more by liking it. A couple of months after that, I fucked a (different) guy at a party. I liked that too, even though it hurt. I was drunker the next time I fucked a guy, and it hurt less. So, that is what I did up to around the end of my first year in college... got drunk and fucked, sometimes multiple guys. I never went on dates, and I never had relationships. It was all casual.

My second year of college, I decided to lessen the drunk fucking and developed a new pattern -- go to a party or hang out with people from my classes, get buzzed, hook up with a guy, blow him, and then go home and take care of myself. Sometimes I went beyond buzzed and had sex. Most of the time I didn't. Sometimes after I blew a guy, I let him try to reciprocate. Most of the time I didn't, because it was pointless -- I rarely came from anything a guy did at that point. That was kind of my status quo for my second and third years. Yeah it varied some. Throw in a threesome here and there (except for one FFM, they were all MFMs and all spit roasting rather than DP, because I have to be really drunk for DP not to be painful), anal sex when the mood struck, and an FF encounter in which she went down on me and I fingered her, and that was me racking up the numbers and avoiding relationships. But weirdly, despite having sexual contact with two women, I was in denial about being bisexual. :rolleyes:

Not long into my fourth year, a friend set me up with this guy. I thought it would be a hook up. I went down on him before we left his place (he was running late so I met him there, after I had a glass of wine at home) and we fucked several times. I even spent the night. I never spent the night with a guy. Something was different, right form the start. And a few years later we got married and lived happily ever after...

Wait, there were a few complications. One was he kept asking me to marry him and I was scared of that. Still, I eventually said yes, and promptly cheated on him, something I had not done before. We broke up, I spiraled, going to bars, picking up guys, trying stripping again (I had tried it once my junior year of college and hated it) and eventually spending several weeks working at a Nevada brothel (the same one my cousin had worked at, in fact). I hated that too, but it was easier to stay drunk and whore than stay drunk and strip, at least for me.

There's not a single reason I realized the brothel was rock bottom. It was really everything. I sobered up, moved back to where my future Hubby lived, and started teaching again (yeah, I had been a school teacher before working at the brothel). I was abstinent for over six months then fell into a three-way FWB situation with a guy and a woman from my gym. It ended messy, with my female FWB finding a boyfriend and my male FWB confessing feelings for me. It made me really miss my ex.

Fast forward a few months. Drinking again, I drunk text my ex. We start talking. We start "dating". Eventually, we have sex again. And everything was great. We got married, had a kid, and lived happily...

So, that pesky bisexual denial crap all shattered when I had the three-way FWB situation, and I couldn't get my attraction to women out of my mind. One night, a drunk me hit on a coworker. She said no, which was good because I would have cheated if she said yes. Then I had a crush on our babysitter, but she was a sneak who pried into our personal shit. Plus, she had a crush on my husband. But something good came of that. Hubby and I talked a lot, and we came to an agreement about me and other women, namely it was my business and he just didn't want it to impact our marriage too much. Excited and empowered, I... suffered through the Covid lockdown with no prospects of finding a female FWB or girlfriend. I did hit on Hubby's cousin, who was living with us through the lockdown, but she said no.

About a year ago, things turned my way. A student teacher who had just finished her time at my school hit on me. We took it slow at first, since I was her first female sexual relationship, but when it heated up, it heated up. And it led to fulfilling two sexual goals for me... a FFM with Hubby and a hot, younger woman (twice) and an FFF. :devilish:

But the third for our FFF became her girlfriend, and our sexual relationship has ended. That made me sad, but I'm working past it and looking forward to writing more of my story. I'm hoping for some swinging or at least swapping, but we'll see. I had to talk Hubby into a threesome. It'll take all my wiles to get him to swap... but I think I'm up to the challenge. :cool::love:

So, that's my story to date. I hope it wasn't too self-indulgent.

XOXO :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Great story Jenni.
So, I had an idea the other day. I think it would be interesting to know the stories of people who post here, at least in short form. I tired to tell mine, but I hit a character count limit I did not know existed. :oops: So, I decided to try again but briefer. Here's my story:

My first sex was with my cousin and her boyfriend. He got me drunk, we put on a show for him by going down on each other, and then I learned to suck and fuck to please a man. He coerced my cousin into working at a brothel while he sat home and fucked me. He forced me to learn to deepthroat and to do anal, both when she was working for days at a time at the brothel. He was an asshole. He ended up in prison for doing the same shit to other people (I was never brave enough to turn him in). My cousin ended up killing herself years later.

Some time later after the asshole was out of our lives, I went down on a guy at a party. I surprised myself by doing it, and surprised myself more by liking it. A couple of months after that, I fucked a (different) guy at a party. I liked that too, even though it hurt. I was drunker the next time I fucked a guy, and it hurt less. So, that is what I did up to around the end of my first year in college... got drunk and fucked, sometimes multiple guys. I never went on dates, and I never had relationships. It was all casual.

My second year of college, I decided to lessen the drunk fucking and developed a new pattern -- go to a party or hang out with people from my classes, get buzzed, hook up with a guy, blow him, and then go home and take care of myself. Sometimes I went beyond buzzed and had sex. Most of the time I didn't. Sometimes after I blew a guy, I let him try to reciprocate. Most of the time I didn't, because it was pointless -- I rarely came from anything a guy did at that point. That was kind of my status quo for my second and third years. Yeah it varied some. Throw in a threesome here and there (except for one FFM, they were all MFMs and all spit roasting rather than DP, because I have to be really drunk for DP not to be painful), anal sex when the mood struck, and an FF encounter in which she went down on me and I fingered her, and that was me racking up the numbers and avoiding relationships. But weirdly, despite having sexual contact with two women, I was in denial about being bisexual. :rolleyes:

Not long into my fourth year, a friend set me up with this guy. I thought it would be a hook up. I went down on him before we left his place (he was running late so I met him there, after I had a glass of wine at home) and we fucked several times. I even spent the night. I never spent the night with a guy. Something was different, right form the start. And a few years later we got married and lived happily ever after...

Wait, there were a few complications. One was he kept asking me to marry him and I was scared of that. Still, I eventually said yes, and promptly cheated on him, something I had not done before. We broke up, I spiraled, going to bars, picking up guys, trying stripping again (I had tried it once my junior year of college and hated it) and eventually spending several weeks working at a Nevada brothel (the same one my cousin had worked at, in fact). I hated that too, but it was easier to stay drunk and whore than stay drunk and strip, at least for me.

There's not a single reason I realized the brothel was rock bottom. It was really everything. I sobered up, moved back to where my future Hubby lived, and started teaching again (yeah, I had been a school teacher before working at the brothel). I was abstinent for over six months then fell into a three-way FWB situation with a guy and a woman from my gym. It ended messy, with my female FWB finding a boyfriend and my male FWB confessing feelings for me. It made me really miss my ex.

Fast forward a few months. Drinking again, I drunk text my ex. We start talking. We start "dating". Eventually, we have sex again. And everything was great. We got married, had a kid, and lived happily...

So, that pesky bisexual denial crap all shattered when I had the three-way FWB situation, and I couldn't get my attraction to women out of my mind. One night, a drunk me hit on a coworker. She said no, which was good because I would have cheated if she said yes. Then I had a crush on our babysitter, but she was a sneak who pried into our personal shit. Plus, she had a crush on my husband. But something good came of that. Hubby and I talked a lot, and we came to an agreement about me and other women, namely it was my business and he just didn't want it to impact our marriage too much. Excited and empowered, I... suffered through the Covid lockdown with no prospects of finding a female FWB or girlfriend. I did hit on Hubby's cousin, who was living with us through the lockdown, but she said no.

About a year ago, things turned my way. A student teacher who had just finished her time at my school hit on me. We took it slow at first, since I was her first female sexual relationship, but when it heated up, it heated up. And it led to fulfilling two sexual goals for me... a FFM with Hubby and a hot, younger woman (twice) and an FFF. :devilish:

But the third for our FFF became her girlfriend, and our sexual relationship has ended. That made me sad, but I'm working past it and looking forward to writing more of my story. I'm hoping for some swinging or at least swapping, but we'll see. I had to talk Hubby into a threesome. It'll take all my wiles to get him to swap... but I think I'm up to the challenge. :cool::love:

So, that's my story to date. I hope it wasn't too self-indulgent.

XOXO :kiss::kiss::kiss:
As a bisexual girl with a crush on my male cousin I’ve got to say this story tickled me in all the right places! 😈 💦
So really interesting lives lived. I'll see what I can cobble together and post one of my own soon.

Please keep the stories rolling.
So, I had an idea the other day. I think it would be interesting to know the stories of people who post here, at least in short form. I tired to tell mine, but I hit a character count limit I did not know existed. :oops: So, I decided to try again but briefer. Here's my story:

My first sex was with my cousin and her boyfriend. He got me drunk, we put on a show for him by going down on each other, and then I learned to suck and fuck to please a man. He coerced my cousin into working at a brothel while he sat home and fucked me. He forced me to learn to deepthroat and to do anal, both when she was working for days at a time at the brothel. He was an asshole. He ended up in prison for doing the same shit to other people (I was never brave enough to turn him in). My cousin ended up killing herself years later.

Some time later after the asshole was out of our lives, I went down on a guy at a party. I surprised myself by doing it, and surprised myself more by liking it. A couple of months after that, I fucked a (different) guy at a party. I liked that too, even though it hurt. I was drunker the next time I fucked a guy, and it hurt less. So, that is what I did up to around the end of my first year in college... got drunk and fucked, sometimes multiple guys. I never went on dates, and I never had relationships. It was all casual.

My second year of college, I decided to lessen the drunk fucking and developed a new pattern -- go to a party or hang out with people from my classes, get buzzed, hook up with a guy, blow him, and then go home and take care of myself. Sometimes I went beyond buzzed and had sex. Most of the time I didn't. Sometimes after I blew a guy, I let him try to reciprocate. Most of the time I didn't, because it was pointless -- I rarely came from anything a guy did at that point. That was kind of my status quo for my second and third years. Yeah it varied some. Throw in a threesome here and there (except for one FFM, they were all MFMs and all spit roasting rather than DP, because I have to be really drunk for DP not to be painful), anal sex when the mood struck, and an FF encounter in which she went down on me and I fingered her, and that was me racking up the numbers and avoiding relationships. But weirdly, despite having sexual contact with two women, I was in denial about being bisexual. :rolleyes:

Not long into my fourth year, a friend set me up with this guy. I thought it would be a hook up. I went down on him before we left his place (he was running late so I met him there, after I had a glass of wine at home) and we fucked several times. I even spent the night. I never spent the night with a guy. Something was different, right form the start. And a few years later we got married and lived happily ever after...

Wait, there were a few complications. One was he kept asking me to marry him and I was scared of that. Still, I eventually said yes, and promptly cheated on him, something I had not done before. We broke up, I spiraled, going to bars, picking up guys, trying stripping again (I had tried it once my junior year of college and hated it) and eventually spending several weeks working at a Nevada brothel (the same one my cousin had worked at, in fact). I hated that too, but it was easier to stay drunk and whore than stay drunk and strip, at least for me.

There's not a single reason I realized the brothel was rock bottom. It was really everything. I sobered up, moved back to where my future Hubby lived, and started teaching again (yeah, I had been a school teacher before working at the brothel). I was abstinent for over six months then fell into a three-way FWB situation with a guy and a woman from my gym. It ended messy, with my female FWB finding a boyfriend and my male FWB confessing feelings for me. It made me really miss my ex.

Fast forward a few months. Drinking again, I drunk text my ex. We start talking. We start "dating". Eventually, we have sex again. And everything was great. We got married, had a kid, and lived happily...

So, that pesky bisexual denial crap all shattered when I had the three-way FWB situation, and I couldn't get my attraction to women out of my mind. One night, a drunk me hit on a coworker. She said no, which was good because I would have cheated if she said yes. Then I had a crush on our babysitter, but she was a sneak who pried into our personal shit. Plus, she had a crush on my husband. But something good came of that. Hubby and I talked a lot, and we came to an agreement about me and other women, namely it was my business and he just didn't want it to impact our marriage too much. Excited and empowered, I... suffered through the Covid lockdown with no prospects of finding a female FWB or girlfriend. I did hit on Hubby's cousin, who was living with us through the lockdown, but she said no.

About a year ago, things turned my way. A student teacher who had just finished her time at my school hit on me. We took it slow at first, since I was her first female sexual relationship, but when it heated up, it heated up. And it led to fulfilling two sexual goals for me... a FFM with Hubby and a hot, younger woman (twice) and an FFF. :devilish:

But the third for our FFF became her girlfriend, and our sexual relationship has ended. That made me sad, but I'm working past it and looking forward to writing more of my story. I'm hoping for some swinging or at least swapping, but we'll see. I had to talk Hubby into a threesome. It'll take all my wiles to get him to swap... but I think I'm up to the challenge. :cool::love:

So, that's my story to date. I hope it wasn't too self-indulgent.

XOXO :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Thanks for opening up. I found it very interesting and titillating; made my dick hard. Actually one of the best threads ever and I've been doing this forever!! Started piecing my own story ...
Mine is pretty boring.

I've been fascinated by tickling as far back as I can remember. I grew up with the Internet, and one day I realized I could use it to look up anything. I mostly read stories, since I was too afraid to look at pictures (religious trauma, abusive parents, etc).

Learned to masturbate using the bathtub faucet. Felt afraid I was going to hell every time I did it, and that I was somehow damaging my body.

Met my first partner on the Internet, a trans girl who hadn't transitioned yet. She taught me fetishes were normal and she had many of her own. We talked about all kinds of things. Her name was Amber. I loved her. She lived two thousand miles away.

Had a handful of partners in high school; I learned early that I'm bisexual. Screwed around, mostly did whatever they wanted but didn't go all the way (I wanted it to be with someone I really cared about).

Eventually Amber and I grew apart. When I was 18, I met someone else online, in a tickling chatroom. He was 8 years my senior. He flew to see me and I had sex for the first time. It was excruciating, I almost passed out. We were together for almost 7 years, he was a manipulative narcissist and I grew to believe I hated sex. He wanted to have threesomes, so we did a few times. He would do things with the girls he found that he refused to do with me. I recall this as the most heart-rending experience of my life. In retrospect, I'm not sure what I thought was good about our relationship. I only left when I was really sure that I would rather be dead than see him again. I was 24.

Met someone in a different tickling community. Chatted with him for 2 years, while he patiently waited and helped me get through my trauma, before we met in person. The night we met, he gave me oral for the first time. I didn't know I could cum that hard; I didn't know I could cum that many times. Moved across the country to be with him, and we've been happily married for 4 years.
My story is totally boring since my only partner has been my wife. So I'm turning the keys over to her for her story in brief:
Lost virginity to neighbor boy after strip poker.
Started doing mutual masturbation with Gary (future husband) in high school
Second real sex as freshman in college. Had sex with four regular fwb's and about eight one-timers in college. All used condoms, but one tore causing panic, but no pregnancy.
First sex with Gary on wedding night.
After about 10 years of marriage, Gary gave me permission to have sex with others.
Had sex with three younger men, one old friend, and one older man (who was great)
Stopped having sex with anyone other than Gary when I turned 40
Still having great sex with Gary
My story is not an uncommon one in that I was taught to masturbate at a too young age. Person moved away but I liked the feelings it gave me so I continued. This caused me much shame as it was kept hidden. Didn't date in H.S. but had a couple girlfriends one summer before having the first date with my ex wife on Halloween. Should've known but 10yrs of boring sex and a handful of cheating experiences that ended. Mid life crisis and a much younger girlfriend who loved sex lasted for one of the best years of my life. This ended with her moving away for a job before meeting my current gf. Typical scorching hot though vanilla sex for a number of years, then she got sick and our sex life became the victim. Now I live out my fantasies vicariously through stories and threads like this. I've not cheated in the traditional sense, though arguments can and have been made about fooling around online. I may be older but I'm still able to enjoy myself mostly when I feel the need. The guilt is not such an issue these days though it does linger.
The short list:

I skinny dipped at both Bible and band camps, explorations with other girls began.

Stumbling around the basement of a good friend’s house with her older brother led to a much too early quickdraw. Thankfully, my friend was there to lend me comfort.

Après-prom party, skinny dipping in the pool of my date with his mother and sister while he left me to drink with his buddies. Stupid idiot! Oh well, his family took great care of me.

Moved into an off-campus apartment with two Art majors, living over a divorcee. We loved to be nude while we studied, leading to many a night of mutual masturbation, and one night of foursome lesbian action with the woman downstairs.

A month later, I met a dashingly handsome man who made me forget how much the male species hurt me in the past. We dated, we became engaged, we married. Two daughters followed.

I felt missing something after the second girl was born. I read his Penthouses and realized that it was the touch of another woman. Around this time, he changed jobs and brought in more money.

We moved into a larger house - an extra bedroom for guests, a pool, and a furnished basement - next door a family of three, the wife, ho boy what a body!

The changes in the ex increased as the years rolled on. One day, on the oldest’s birthday, he announced that he was no longer in love with me, packed a bag, and left. We were devastated. Thankfully, my sisters and the neighbors were there to help us.

The divorce became final, and I threw one hellacious party! I ended up in bed with the neighbor and her curves. Did I miss another woman!

I became a nudist, again, and enjoyed my lifestyle change. Dates with men were few and far between. I engrossed myself into the girls, into making their lives the best we could make them. I was the soccer mom who brought the snacks for the girls and the other moms - he he he. I chaperoned overnight trips, and attended most of their volleyball matches.

I became Mom to most of my daughters’ friends, opened the house to them when they needed a timeout from their siblings and parents - with the parents’ permission.

Now, as I approach 60, I am living the life only read in smutty paperbacks of the 1970s!
My story is quite plain compared to the experiences shared here. One exception, in my 20s a buddy of mine introduced me to a friend of his, a gay friend of his.

I always thought I was straight. But, for some reason, he was a little different. We hung out stalked met for lunch, went to gym together; he lived on his own, we are about the same age. He invited me over one evening he actually cooked, we laughed a lot listened to music and I surprised myself by telling him that I never kissed another man. He made a joke about it, “as you know, I’m a great kisser!”.

We kissed a lot, I touched his body all over, this was my first time touching another guy sexually when I got to his dick I got a big surprise, his cock was huge! We ended up in a 69, with me staring at his dick, couldn’t hold back and took, what I could, in my mouth. He had not issues taking me whole, I couldn’t return the favour.

I finished him jerking him off and watching for the first time another guy explode. He shot his load on my chest. That was a lot of fun.

We still talk at birthdays and holidays, just talk nothing more. We kept playing with each other for a while.

That was my one only guy, funny, I can’t seem to forget about it! 😉
The short list:

I skinny dipped at both Bible and band camps, explorations with other girls began.

Stumbling around the basement of a good friend’s house with her older brother led to a much too early quickdraw. Thankfully, my friend was there to lend me comfort.

Après-prom party, skinny dipping in the pool of my date with his mother and sister while he left me to drink with his buddies. Stupid idiot! Oh well, his family took great care of me.

Moved into an off-campus apartment with two Art majors, living over a divorcee. We loved to be nude while we studied, leading to many a night of mutual masturbation, and one night of foursome lesbian action with the woman downstairs.

A month later, I met a dashingly handsome man who made me forget how much the male species hurt me in the past. We dated, we became engaged, we married. Two daughters followed.

I felt missing something after the second girl was born. I read his Penthouses and realized that it was the touch of another woman. Around this time, he changed jobs and brought in more money.

We moved into a larger house - an extra bedroom for guests, a pool, and a furnished basement - next door a family of three, the wife, ho boy what a body!

The changes in the ex increased as the years rolled on. One day, on the oldest’s birthday, he announced that he was no longer in love with me, packed a bag, and left. We were devastated. Thankfully, my sisters and the neighbors were there to help us.

The divorce became final, and I threw one hellacious party! I ended up in bed with the neighbor and her curves. Did I miss another woman!

I became a nudist, again, and enjoyed my lifestyle change. Dates with men were few and far between. I engrossed myself into the girls, into making their lives the best we could make them. I was the soccer mom who brought the snacks for the girls and the other moms - he he he. I chaperoned overnight trips, and attended most of their volleyball matches.

I became Mom to most of my daughters’ friends, opened the house to them when they needed a timeout from their siblings and parents - with the parents’ permission.

Now, as I approach 60, I am living the life only read in smutty paperbacks of the 1970s!
Perhaps an odd place for a compliment, but I really enjoy your writing style. So glad your story had a happy ending. Thank you for sharing.
I guess I might as share mine… buckle up, kids!

I think I first discovered masturbation when I was in junior high school, originally doing it by locking myself in the bathroom at home and using soap and water to get slick enough to cum — usually didn’t take me more than five minutes or so, but I could do it multiple times a day. Eventually I discovered spit would work, so I just did it in my bedroom.

Well, then I “found religion” and it messed me up a lot. I was always shy around girls, had a hard time talking to them (a big case of low confidence, and looking back at it now, knowing that I’m neurodivergent, that didn’t help either). I probably got religious hoping for guidance and direction, but instead it made me feel miserable… especially when I got the urge and jerked off, because I felt I was sinning, and no amount of prayer was helping.

I honestly probably missed out on some early sexual experiences as a result of this! There was a girl I sat next to in typing class who kept telling me she was a nymphomaniac, and I was just shocked by that. If I’d not had religion messing with my head, maybe I could’ve had my first experience with her (but probably would’ve just discovered she was messing with me).

Even once I decided that religion wasn’t for me (everyone can make their own choices for them, this was my choice), I still was too repressed to recognize opportunities when they happened! Apparently several young women near my age in the science fiction club I belonged to tried to demonstrate an interest in me, but I was completely oblivious to it (I only found out about this years later, long after I’d left that group). Even now, I realize that in journalism, this hit red headed senior girl was flirting with me… and I can’t figure out how I missed it.

I went on one date in high school, it was a girl ask guy dance, and the girl who asked me caught me by surprise when she did and I said yes without thinking, even though I wasn’t interested in her. Maybe I should have given her more of a chance, who knows where that could have led? I did ask one girl out I was interested in, but she had to rain check on it and I didn’t have the nerve to ask again.

Didn’t lose my virginity until I was in the Navy, and that was to a hooker… twice in the Philippines, once in Australia, once in Vegas, all hookers, that was my experience. There were women I wanted to go out with, but I couldn’t get up the nerve. Stupid, I know.

I got out of the navy and a few years later discovered karaoke, and after a while, I became friends with this adorable blonde single mother of two that I fell real hard for, but she just wanted to be friends, and since that was the only way I could spend time with her, I tried to be okay with that, even when she confessed to me about the affair she was having with one of the karaoke hosts who was already in a relationship. Eventually she disappeared from my life, and I moved on to not asking out other women that interested me.

It wasn’t until I met my first wife that I had sex with a woman without paying for it. We’d have sex once a week, and it was good, but there were still things I wanted to try she wasn’t into. After about four years together, she got very sick and spent months in the hospital, eventually coming home but passing a few days after that.

Maybe two months later, I found myself needing that touch again. Signed up for an adult dating site, and eventually met up with a woman who claimed she just wanted sex (and it was good sex, although she wasn’t great at oral!). She started to get feelings, and I didn’t want that, so that ended.

Some time later, I met up with another woman who was, honestly, way more attractive than I expected, and she came to my place and I first tongued her to orgasm (I’d learned well with my first wife), she blew me for a bit, then we fucked. It was good, but once I came, she got dressed and was ready to go home. About two weeks later I got with her again, but I screwed up and asked for a hand job after licking her to orgasm and her blowing me a bit (I wanted to give her a other o and then fuck for a while), and she was done after that, just disappeared.

Long dry spell after that, moved, had a longish relationship with a single mom who was bipolar and kept stopping taking her meds. The sex was amazing (great blowjobs, fucked her ass once, talked about a FFM that never happened), but it quickly got to the point where it was toxic for me and I had to get out. A longer dry spell, and there was a one-night stand that would’ve reoccurred but I discovered it would be a very bad idea.

It was a month or so after that I met my second wife, again the sex was fairly basic. There was oral on both sides, and we tried light bondage once (it ended quickly when she tried putting IcyHot on my scrotum). It was good until we started adopting kids. Then it was waiting for them to go to sleep, or hoping they will continue watching their movie and not come to see what we were doing.

It slowed down a lot after adopting the first two, and went away altogether as we fostered a lot of other kids before we adopted the last two. Life just kept getting in the way.

So that’s how I got to now, and I’m hoping that being active here helps bring me something to enjoy once in a while.
Thank you for sharing your story.

Really sorry about your first wife.
Thanks to the OP, this looks like fun... My story will focus on the women that have had the greatest impact on my sex life.

I will start my story with my high school sweetheart. I was not much of a lady's man, tall, skinny, not great at sports, but she asked me out. She was fantastic, cute as a bug's ear, short, nice ass, and small tits, just the way I like (hmmm... chicken or egg?). She was in the choir, the picture of christian innocence, good student, solid church going family, and horny as hell! We progressed from kissing and fondling, to dry humping, to nakedness and oral sex in months, and after a bit more than a year we each lost our virginity on Christmas Eve. This was the mid-seventies and we were destined for the midwest normal married life. Her dad really liked me and had me pegged to join his business and have his son-in-law eventually take over the company since he only had daughters. (Again, think 70s, midwest, conservative christian scenario.) It was a VERY fulfilling relationship, did I mention she was always horny, but I loved her and she loved me. Well, at least the way teenagers knew love, I guess.

After high school I succumbed to the temptations of a sexy (read: slutty) co-worker and enjoyed some pretty exciting experiences with her. I was very conflicted but ended up confessing and broke up with my HS gf. Of course I regretted that after a bit, love and sex is much better than just sex. One must move on however, and for several years I sought to regain a stable relationship with very little luck, was never a one night stand kinda guy but I did manage to get my duck quacked when needed.

Then I met a girl in college... smart, sophisticated, athletic, exotic, sexy, and in a lesbian relationship. I chased her, became friends, then eventually, lovers. Sex was different, she did not want penetration but was a fantastic lover. I had already learned that pussy eating was a way to a woman's heart, but she taught me to really step up my game. Her handjobs were to die for (handjob porn remains a favorite for me), and her oral technique was more worship than blowjob. She reveled in my cum, fascinated with seeing it, feeling it, and tasting it. I was a heavy cummer when I was young and she demonstrated that it was glorious and not gross, changing my anachronistic idea for the better. I loved her with all my heart and wanted to marry her, she did not feel the same way. We stayed friends for a loooong time, and ended up in bed many times as we went about our separate lives. Finally we lost touch when she moved to the other coast to be with her new girl friend.

Out of college and into the real world, if you can call wildland firefighting 'the real world'. That lifestyle does not promote domestic stability or a ton of opportunities to meet someone outside that world, so nothing much to report (there are some pretty hot situations that came up that would be nice short stories) until I met my first wife. She was great, artistic, smart, sexy, and a redhead. Her past gave her some baggage in the sex department, but my love for and practice with cunnilingus opened her up... literally and figuratively. Plus she was as surprised and I was when she squirted. She was open to experimentation and we enjoyed some fun stuff, light bdsm/bondage, anal, and she liked to get her face slapped with my dick before a facial. When I willingly ate my creampie out of her the first time she went wild, she had never thought a guy would like or do that. (Thank you college gf.) She detested that I liked porn though, I could never quite figure that out since she liked some kinda kinky stuff, and had great ideas for more. Eventually we got divorced... details never matter, but I was always faithful and so was she.

Now I am thrust into the dating world in my mid-forties... eHarmony was a gift from my sister, and I did not have a lot of great experiences with it until I met a woman that liked rough sex, and she wanted it right away. I had discovered that some women on eHarmony were just trying to hook up, so that was not such a big surprise, but I usually got turned off by the ones that just wanted to get laid. I liked this woman, she was cool and we talked a lot, all night on that first date. It turned out that she was into BDSM big time, as a submissive, well a pain slut actually. She knew I had almost no experience in this so she brought me along slowly, teaching me the ropes (literally and figuratively) of dominating her. I absolutely loved the whole scene, the techniques, the gadgets, the toys, the engineering, and having total control over her orgasms. I could not, however, bring myself to be as… cruel as she desired and I could not get her to the ’sub space’ she desired. She must have liked me a lot because she continued to be patient and I honed my skills but it became apparent to me that I craved what I was giving her, and I could not go as far as she needed. She actually went against her bent and dominated me at times, which I loved, but her heart was not in it. He solution was to take me to her friends house, she had scened with her and her husband before she met me, and arraigned a scene to give me what I wanted and to show me what she needed. They were financially comfortable and had a full service dungeon, she was a very attractive blond, and he was a handsome in shape man a little bit younger than us. He dominated my gf and let his wife dominate me. The details are another story, but suffice it to say it was an incredible experience. I saw what it took to truly take my gf where she wanted to be, and I had a hardly dreamed of experience complete with all the BDSM bells and whistles, and my first ever full swap. She and I continued on for a while after that, with much discussion of what we each needed, and her understanding that I could not be her ‘Dom’ long term, and me understanding that I was a switch with a submissive bent. Eventually she found her Dom, and I moved on.

Now I am with my current wife and we incorporate many of the things I have learned through all this. I love her, and our story is not for here.
That is quite the adventure to say the least. I'm glad that you seem happy now and finding your way as well as fulfilling your needs.

I came from a family with mixed emotions when it came to sex and such. My grandmother and that side of the family was all old school and hard core religion and faith. So no divorce, no sex before marriage, no a lot of things. My mom was very progressive and open minded. Her and my dad did not work so they went separate directions never being married and the same story with my sister as well. So right away my mom was a black sheep and when she raised us to find our own beliefs and truths we were as well.

In college I decided to become more outgoing and have a good time. My roommate was the same way and we turned into party girls and yes a large part of that was sex. Neither of us really wanted to dive into a relationship and wanted to have a lot of fun and did not care who judged us for it. Three years into college my roomie got pregnant and decided to start a family with the father and see if they could make things work.

My fourth year of college I had to calm down a bit. I still had a pretty good party scene but living by myself and it kind of clicked that at some point I did need to grow up and be an adult so I pulled back on the reigns a bit and even started dating again.

I met my husband to be and he was older than me by about ten years. We met at a store when he commented on a shirt I was wearing. We started talking and exchanged numbers and started dating. Both of us were sexual people so we had a lot of fun in the bedroom keeping things fun and fresh. There were some issues with the fact that since a lot of my sexual life in college had been casual I had a lot of friends that I was friends with but yes we had also had sex. When spending time with these friends it always felt kind of awkward but they were good friends and good people still.

After getting married and living together we were pretty happy. We did have one couple that we had become close with and they often spent the weekends at our house and we kind of all partied together with my husband's brother as well. We'd go out, have gaming parties, stay up and have a few drinks, it was fun.

On one of these gaming parties we invited over a coworker of mine and him and my husband clicked really well and they started hanging out together which was not an issue for me. A bit later on my coworker had a huge party and my husband and I went over there and stayed until the end of the party. At the very end of the night we ended up having a threesome between myself, my coworker and my husband. This was the opening act to us being well open.

From here on out we kind of started to explore some more wild and out of the box sex acts like threesomes. We went down to a nude resort in the tropics for fun and got involved with some swinging couples while down there. We also went on a Vegas vacation with our couple friends and after a drunk night wound up in our room swapping.

So yeah that is basically the groundwork for us becoming an open couple or swingers or whatever people want to label us. We have met some amazing people and had some amazing sex and continue to do so. I am 28 now and hubby is 38. The account on here is me alone for those wondering but yes he does know I have it. We still play and love it, no kids yes much to the dismay of the families who mostly do not know about our sex lives.
I will keep it simple.
1. My first was my brother's girlfriend, as my brother watched. She was very sexy, and we continued to have sex after they broke up and a week before she married.
2. Had a couple of short-term relationships and one-night stands, including a few visits to a swinging club.
3. My First wife was bi and nudist, so we were swingers for 15 years. She left to pursue a lesbian lifestyle.
4. Kids lived with me, so I only managed a couple of one-night stands.
5. I Met my second wife on a one-night stand, I was one of three guys she was having sex with the other two guys were married. We were well-matched, and as the other guys moved on we continued and I encouraged her to meet guys. We married and still going strong after 22 years.

As you can see I have had a very sexual lifestyle with a lot of variety and opportunity.