Wheatless diet?

I just wanted to note here that the scales are showing a six pounds loss from the time I first posted here. That's six real pounds -- even allowing for fluids and stuff.

I can see them being not there and stuff!

That's mighty gratifying.

Dinner tonight was a half an acorn squash, a tilapia filet, a huge mixed greens salad. I don't miss the bread at all.

I can watch people eat cookies and pastries and not even care. Who would have ever thought!

Good for you. But my inner engineer has a question for you: is your calorie intake the same as it was before you stopped eating breads and related nasties? Or is it likely that a good chunk of the weight loss you've experienced is due mostly to reducing your dietary intake?
Good for you. But my inner engineer has a question for you: is your calorie intake the same as it was before you stopped eating breads and related nasties? Or is it likely that a good chunk of the weight loss you've experienced is due mostly to reducing your dietary intake?

My guess is that volume goes up, water goes up, and caloric load goes down when people do this. You can pretty much eat a small acorn squash and a chicken breast on your own for the price of a standard deli-made sandwich, and a meal like that has more nutritional value in it.

I do remember having to count calories up for the first time ever to make sure I was over 800 a day - you really stop feeling ravenous, and you need to watch it to make sure you're fed.

One thing I do notice, and Stella, maybe you have too - is that I never felt I had to sleep off that full feeling - in other words my body was not somehow exhausting itself in metabolizing what I'd put into it - that the "burn" was happening in a more sustained way.

I've dropped five through being more portion-control aware, though this thread has been a come-to-jesus for me. I go off the wheat wagon thinking about it versus not.
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Fast food

I go off the wagon when I get "stranded" out of the house.

Some lazy awesome premade things that help me - those odwalla/naked juices and smoothie stands - expensive but no more so than the fast food people cram in, and you're not slave to the juicer.

Lara Bars. OMG, how I love these.

Bonbel cheese if you're doing dairy, not my favorite brand on earth but the little wax envelope is handy.
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Hey Stella! I'm a wheatard - sensitive, not allergic. I feel my best when I'm off wheat products (and corn, cow dairy, msg and caffeine). I can eat other grains and do fine, as long as I'm not gorging.

I read a fascinating article recently about how scientists are now mapping the human...ack, forgot word but it's essentially the flora in our bodies. What they are discovering is that it's almost as unique for each individual as DNA. So my thinking (not based on any hard data) is that every body will respond slightly differently to different foods. They key is to find what works for you.

Of course, I think we can generalize to some degree. A diet of cupcakes won't be good for anyone, sadly.

I will recommend a book for you, or anyone trying to cut down on wheat consumption.

The Allergy Self Help Cookbook

What I like about this one is that it gives you a list of substitutes, as well as yummy wheat-free recipes.

Also, for something else to chew on, regarding GMO's, hormones, antibiotics, organic food, and the new global obesity epidemic, I highly recommend Raj Patel's Stuffed and Starved.

Dietary issues aside, the way Monsanto and others like them treat farmers is pure evil.
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Good for you. But my inner engineer has a question for you: is your calorie intake the same as it was before you stopped eating breads and related nasties? Or is it likely that a good chunk of the weight loss you've experienced is due mostly to reducing your dietary intake?
Definitely a calorie/intake reduction thing!

I'm finding that I eat less at a sitting nowadays-- but wheat gave me a focus, and a way to sneak the intake reduction past my normally gluttonous self. :eek:
One thing I do notice, and Stella, maybe you have too - is that I never felt I had to sleep off that full feeling - in other words my body was not somehow exhausting itself in metabolizing what I'd put into it - that the "burn" was happening in a more sustained way.
me too! A wonderful change there.
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Definitely a calorie/intake reduction thing!

I'm finding that I eat less at a sitting nowadays-- but wheat gave me a focus, and a way to sneak the intake reduction past my normally gluttonous self. :eek:
me too! A wonderful change there.

This right here is what I DO always like about "cutting out wheat". In the process, it forces people to take a hard look at what they're eating and adjust.

What Netzach mentioned about not even realizing you're not eating enough is right, too. I frequently end up in that boat, although it actually ends up blowing my diet for that day. I usually feel FINE until about 8pm...and then I'm RAVENOUS...and Ravenous-me gorges on anything in eyesight until satiated xD So I have to be careful to eat enough during the day.