When is the right time to jump in?

WriterDom said:
Am I the only person here who thinks you are completely full of shit? Which is fine on Topdopealus.

Actually I think he is a pod person. Not so much full of shit, as more of an alien being among us.

A Desert Rose said:
I am nothing if not simply charming.... usually.

You know I like you ~smile~ in a quirky kinda way.

One original recognizes another......*floor sweeping bow*
If they'd bring back the gangs of new york stovepipe hat I'd be first in line to rock one. I already have the DDL Fu Manchu.
Freya2 said:
So for a complete newbie to this lifestyle, at what point do you just say, "ok it's time"? I mean, you can read, learn, ask questions, talk to people, know all the terms/vocabulary/safewords/definitions/etc. But at some point, you have to take the step right? Dip your toe into the pool in a real sense? How the hell do you know it's that time? How do you know you've learned enough to be safe?

When did others make that move?


The fact that you are inquiring about this suggests that you are ready. This step truly is no different from any other step you have taken in your life. The anticipation, butterflies, fear, nervousness, weakness in your knees and the moistness in your panties and tingling of your hardening nipples at the mere thought of what you desire and need is most likely the same that you felt leading up to your first kiss. There is uncertainty in every new step but I'm sure that you have found that the rewards have generally been worth the decision to take it.

Are you ready? The fact that your body and mind desires it says that you are ready. Just take the next step toward someone who is worthy of your gift and remember that it is YOUR gift to give. Who is worthy? You will know them when you meet them. We have all made mistakes in in picking people in the past but in most cases we discover that it wasn't that we made a mistake because we knew what the person was really like or at lest suspected it. We just made foolish decisions.

You are much wiser than you were when you made any previous foolish decision so use that wisdom and always remember that you are ultimately in control. You're ready... take small steps at a time... take them surely and slowly.

Oh, and be sure to share each step with us along the way!!!!
Re; when is the right time to jump in?

Freya2 said:
So for a complete newbie to this lifestyle, at what point do you just say, "ok it's time"? I mean, you can read, learn, ask questions, talk to people, know all the terms/vocabulary/safewords/definitions/etc. But at some point, you have to take the step right? Dip your toe into the pool in a real sense? How the hell do you know it's that time? How do you know you've learned enough to be safe?

When did others make that move?
I can understand your reservations and worries, My Dom and I were in a relationship for six years, before we very tentatively and slowly moved into bdsm. And yes at first it was worrying and we were both nervous. How did it start, well I think it was me who first bought the subject up and then kept my fingers tightly crossed that i had not wrecked every thing, but at the time I had a few indications that my dom was a dom although he sort of kept that side of himself well hidden. I had known for years how I felt and that I was submissive but the right person had never come along, and it had often led me into situations that were not happy ones so I was wary but, we had a fantastic relationship and an infinite amount of trust and love for each other, so I figured that it was as safe as it could get to open the topic for discussion. Theory is fine and yes gain as much knowledge as you can, you will go on learning all the time and some things can only be learnt by experiencing them, but if you dont try you will never know. Decide how far you are prepared to go, stick to the rules you have st yourself until you feel comfortable about moving the boundaries. Be honest with how you feel to any partner and never be afraid to say 'no that is not for me'. Remember it should be safe sane and consensual and enjoyable to both of you:rose: