Where did you lose you....

On the floor

I lost mine on the floor at my GF grandmothers house in NYC. Thats when I had no idea about sex. Then I matured moved to Texas where everything is BIGGER and now sex is wonderful.
I was 15, she was 14. It was a very cold night and I was staying overnight at her parent's house. We had been petting very heavily for a few months, you know...putting my finger in her tight virgin pussy but never getting any further. That night we walked outside to get a breath of fresh air and as I leaned her over the hood of my car for a long, passionate kiss, she pressed her body against mine as if urging me on. I remember unzipping her jeans and gently pushing her panties down exposing her beautiful pussy to me for the first time. I couldn't wait to get my cock out and in my haste sprayed cum all over her, myself and everything else in sight. The good part was that it didn't take long to regain a good erection and the rest is history.;)
Bad memories

On the Pole Vault pit landing pad....in the middle of a football field,..it was awkward..clumsy,and way to short....
let's see...

If I remember correctly, I lost it in my best friend's house on his mother's bed. Not with his mother, mind you. My girl was a fine young thing a little older than my 13 years, but she instructed a quivering, scared fool well (Wonder if that's why I prefer older women?). She turned out to be a disappointment though; drugs got hold of her pretty bad.
I was 16. My first HS boyfriend. He was also a virgin and seemed really nervous and inhibited. WOW! was I wrong about the inhibited part. He because an outstanding lover in no time. He naturally had all the qualites that are so endearing. Our first time was in his bed. I can still see those Led Zepplin posters in his room and the glow of the light over his fishtank. God..he was so awesome. We dated for 2 years but after his junior year in college he moved away to go on to graduate school. God damn..what I wouldn't give for one more go with him.
first time

On a sunday morning,aged 15 with our next door neighbour

I mowed her lawn while her hubby was in hospital,
and she paid me in the best way ever ,what a day that was .
sadly she died in a car accident six weeks later

I will remember that day for ever


With my future wife.

We were 14 years old, in ninth grade, and absolutely in love. We were in her bed after school and it just sort of happened. She pulled when she shouldnt have, and that was that. We got so involved with sex that I became scared to death of pregnency, that I broke it off. We stayed friends for years, then got back together and married at 24.

I guess its true what they say about your first being special, it sure was for me.

Re: With my future wife.

~The Printer~ said:
We were 14 years old, in ninth grade, and absolutely in love. We were in her bed after school and it just sort of happened. She pulled when she shouldnt have, and that was that. We got so involved with sex that I became scared to death of pregnency, that I broke it off. We stayed friends for years, then got back together and married at 24.

I guess its true what they say about your first being special, it sure was for me.


That is so sweet. Congrats on keeping her.
to a fellow texan

losing my virginity i guess was special...
my girlfriend and i had been dating for a year and a half
(we were both virgins)
together we figured out what we were doing on her living room floor before her parents came home from work...
it was special and and i could not imagine having lost it any other way...just looking into each others eyes...knowing that we are both nervous as hell...
I lost mine the summer I turned 14 to the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. It was wonderful and afterwards we took a hot shower together. To this day, I LOVE to have sex in the shower (or any other water,pools,whirlpools,Lake Michigan).
Oh yeah, His father came home as we were getting dressed.
I was 16, on my parents fold-out sofa !! He was older, in his 30's. Both sober & both fully aware of what was happening *Ding!* Thats where 'that' comes from - older men, Yummmm!! :D

*~* Spanks *~*
While I was single

I lost my virginity to one of my very best friends, who just happened to be male. We were at his apartment one night, in bed and watching a movie and we decided that this should be the night. I was 18, he was 23, we had known each other for years and had been fooling around for most of it. Now we make a point of "visiting" each other at least once a month. :
Thank you Mom and Dad.......

I was about 12 to 13 years only. My parents hired a tutor to help me improve my grades. Her name was Anne. She was 16 years old. It was on my bed. I was pretty nieve and was not sure just what was happening. All I knew at the time was this girl was playing with my pee pee. When she made it disappear inside her. I was in love.:rolleyes: I wasn't exactly sure of what she was doing? But, it felt so dam good I was not about to stop her either! So more or less my parents paid a gal to de flower me. Thank you Mom and Dad:D

Actually, I am still pretty nieve. Any of you beautiful gals willing to tutor me?:D :D :D I need a helping hand!

Jaded1, CT

You never know? Sometimes it wise to ask! People are always willing to help:D :D :D
Damn wish I could answer with a romantic place some of you have mentioned... hay loft, flower bed...

But alas it was a stationary motorcar parked at the beach in the middle of winter......
lovetoread said:

Oh my goodness laughed out loud........that was a great line.... ;)

Anyway my first experience was in a bed....thats all the details I can remember.

But you remember your first oral, and how it made you cum ...
My first

was on the living room floor of a house I was helping build, which was nearly finished - furnished, etc. We read poetry to each other and rubbed each other's legs up under our jeans as far as we could reach - she was older, and had been waiting for me - it was wonderful, but could have been so much more - I didn't have any idea, should have had her on top to coach - it was such an overwhelming feeling; I can still recall it, 25 years later - only wish it had been prolonged; I don't regret it, but wish I had been more experienced, and that it had never quit. Oh, well (sigh).
On way to TN

Lost mine on the way to TN with first true love and althogh we had attempted many times before our first success. though I am sure they didn't appreciate blood stain on bed spread.
We were counselors at a summer camp. "Off night" and we took sleeping bags out for a campout.

Northern Lights (REALLY!!!!).

Two orgasms from petting and then, although we both weren't planning on it, things progressed from there.

It was his first time, too, he said. In retrospect, I don't think there was any evidence to the contrary.
I was 14, working for a neighboring farmer in Michigan. His daughter Karen, who was 12, learned that I had paid to feel up a girl the year before and she told me that her sister who was 16 would do a lot more than that for free. She did, we did, in the middle of a corn field, she laying on my clothes, her sister watching the whole thing. As I was walking home later, I realized that I might have gotten her pregnant and began thinking what my parents, who were very strict and forbade even the mention of the word sex, would do when they found out. I got so scared I almost peed all over myself. Two weeks later, she called and gave me the all clear. We never did it again although we masturbated each other for over a year until we moved away. Ah, those fond memories.
First time

In the back of a Olds 442 with what was the HS hot guy. I was older than a lot that I have seen, but still too young. Nervous as a cat in a rocking chair factory. He was 2 years older than me. I think I was just another notch on his dick. He dumped me two months later. In a lot of ways I wish I would have said no.
A True Story

I had just started college in Arizona and several new friends, fellow freshmen in my dorm, and I decided to go to Nogales, Mexico, to check out the legendary brothels in the red-light district. We went to one that had been recommended to us called the B-47. The main room was huge with colored tile floor, bar, and lots of tables and chairs. Margaritas were about 25 cents each (this was in 1960!). Two of the guys had been Marines before starting college and "knew the drill," so after listening to their advice, each of us began responding to the come-ons of the various girls in the place. The one that looked best to me was known as "Sophia" because she looked a bit like Sophia Loren. Finally I got enough courage to go with her -- for five bucks -- and we disappeared down the hall. Her room was clean and had a little shrine to the Virgin in one corner. She washed me off and we got into bed. I was nervous but excited at seeing my first fully-nude woman. For some reason I lay on my back and she seemed to like that, because she mounted me and went to town. I was in heaven. Things progressed until I finally came and she must have come two or three times. She lay on top of me, both of us sweating, and I recall trying to kiss her but she wouldn't let me (I didn't know about the no-kissing rule). After we cleaned up I rejoined my friends and finally we left, telling our respective stories all the way back to school. It seemed I had had one of the better experiences and the other guys wanted to try her next time.
The shocker was that the next morning (Sunday) I awoke about 8 o'clock and felt enormous pain in my crotch. I looked down and saw that my scrotum was about the size of a grapefruit and incredibly painful and tender. I had utterly no idea what was going on but imagined it was some terrible sexual disease and I would undoubtedly die in about two minutes. When I didn't die, I decided to try to get up and go to the infirmary. After a long struggle, I made it to the door of the infirmary on the other side of campus and got admitted to see the doc on duty. He was an older guy who looked as if he had a terrible hangover. I told him my story and he told me to drop my pants. After checking me out in an examination room and nodding, "um-hmmm, um-hmmm," he had me get dressed and return to his office. I was sitting on a straight-backed chair in front of his desk and he had a very solemn look on his face. What had happened, he said, was that because I was on the bottom, her cervix had mashed my scrotrum while she was going up and down on me and the result was that a huge buildup of fluid had occurred as a way of protecting my testicles inside from further damage as they healed. I began to get dizzy from the thought of it. Then he said there were a couple of ways the problem could be dealt with: One was to return to my dorm, get an ice pack for my crotch, and stay off my feet for the rest of the day. Then, as I sat there in terror, he opened a desk drawer and brought out a huge syringe that must have been made for injecting cattle or horses. The thing was a good foot long, with a huge long needle about the size of a pencil. Then he said, "Or, I could use this syringe to draw off some of the fluid and provide some relief," at which point my eyes rolled up in my head, I passed out, and fell off the chair. I awoke a minute later as he held smelling salts under my nose, looking very concerned. (Actually, of course, he was stifling his laughter at my plight.) I managed finally to get up and get back to my dorm and some ice, and was well enough the next morning to go to class. But I'll certainly never forget my first time! As an addendum, I later learned the woman's name was Rosario, or Rosie, and she and I became friends -- me speaking my street-level Spanish. I used to visit her late at night after she had her last customer and we would spend the rest of the night together and have coffee in the morning as the sun was coming up. She was a great woman from southern Mexico and was saving her money to go home and help out her two children and her mother. A couple of years later she left and that was the last I heard of her. What a gal. What an experience.
In a cornfield beside a sorority house at Ohio State University....