Where is the Republican Outrage?

RobDownSouth said:
Interesting perspective. In my mind, the exact opposite occurs here daily...it was a real Radical Republican hotbed, but with more and more moderates actually sticking around and refuting the wild-eyed radical rightwingers who threw stuff up and then moved on. I think the zenith occured in the run-up to the regime change in Iraq, where failing to support whatever position thrown out by the Republican posters here branded you "un-patriotic" or somehow "not supporting the troops". I think the tide turned on your side then, it brought a lot of people off the bench saying "Hey wait just a minute".

Truthfully, I think the board is just about at equillibrium as far as political leanings are concerned. And that makes for some interesting reading in an election year.

Dude... how long have you actually been here and what are you taking while you are reading this place... Liberals STILL outnumber conservative 5-1 here.
I think it's 50-50 just like the country.

People just come and go based upon the style and level of discourse.

If they don't like what they're reading, they don't participate, so every thread is skewed one way or another.

Ish's threads resemble little those of theotherguy's, what'shisname's threads...

:D :D :D
SleepingWarrior said:
Dude... how long have you actually been here and what are you taking while you are reading this place... Liberals STILL outnumber conservative 5-1 here.

I could name 20 conservatives here easily...you think you could find 100 liberals? :)
Yes, Throb, we could. Easily.

If more conservatives seem to be posting, that bodes ill for you because your base is not fired up.
Fawkin'Injun said:
SW blame Laurel and Manu for linking from the socialist websites to Lit...

Nah... I'm already on Laurel's bad side. Don't need to do anything else, lol.
She does have a good side...

About six inches in front of the rose-colored granny glasses.
Fawkin'Injun said:
I think it's 50-50 just like the country.

Actually, I think the subject matter of this website has always given it a lean to the left. If you'd go back and find election threads from 2000 you'd find the board was probably about 60-40 for Gore when the country was, what 48-48? I don't know if it was as noticeable then, as you had people who were willing to discuss. Too much of what passes for "debate" on the Lit board today is blind regurgitation of the party line - both party lines. And, unfortunately, that causes many of us to tune it out.

If people are going to sit here and blindly say Bush is wrong not matter what he does, and others are going to say Bush is right no matter what he does, then don't be surprised if many of us just continue to ignore those types of comments.

The fact is the truth lies somewhere in between.
The Republican outrage is in about the same place as the Democrat outrage over filegate, whitewater, travelgate, etc. etc. The party (either party) will do what is necessary to stay in power.
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Problem Child said:
The Republican outrage is in about the same place as the Democrat outrage over filegate, whitewater, travelgate, etc. etc. The party (either party) will do what is necessary to stay in power.

filegate, whitewater and travelgate were political affairs. Mostly smoke and mirrors, but political affairs nonetheless.

Treason is a much more serious issue.

Don't trivialize it.
Why not. We trivialized it for Jane Fonda and her subsequent ilk, the latest of which would have to be Sean Penn.
Fawkin'Injun said:
Throb you need to go back and check out the level of what passed as debate during the 2000 election before you pop off on Killer.

Oh fuck off!

He pegged it right.....Muffy's in another Depression trough again, that's all.

Republicans have won the Presidency 6 out of the 9 last goes, so there's not much need to debate anything...Americans are 2/3 racist neonazis bent on ruling the world and/or blowing it up, whichever comes first.
Lancecastor said:
Americans are 2/3 racist neonazis bent on ruling the world and/or blowing it up, whichever comes first.

More horseshit from the leader of the Troll Patrol.
RobDownSouth said:
filegate, whitewater and travelgate were political affairs. Mostly smoke and mirrors, but political affairs nonetheless.

Treason is a much more serious issue.

Don't trivialize it.

See what I mean? Lol...
Lasher said:
You couldn't have scripted it better, lol.

And I didn't even try!

When the Johhny Chung funneled Chinese money to the Clinton campaign and then (just coincidentally) the Chinese got some very sensitive American defense technology, the Republicans cried "treason!" but the Democrats defended Clinton and Gore.

When Halliburton gets billions in reconstruction contracts the Democrats accuse Bush Cheney of cronyism and the Repubs claim everything is above board.

One party claiming to be holier than the other in American politics is ridiculous.
RobDownSouth said:
Tell me how filegate, travelgate and whitewater affected national security, won't you?

Read my previous post on China.

Also, I would say that having a hundred FBI files on Republicans in the White house isn't exactly jaywalking either. The Clinton's main defense was "we don't know how they got there".

You gotta give it to them though. It worked.
Problem Child said:
And I didn't even try!

When the Johhny Chung funneled Chinese money to the Clinton campaign and then (just coincidentally) the Chinese got some very sensitive American defense technology, the Republicans cried "treason!" but the Democrats defended Clinton and Gore.

When Halliburton gets billions in reconstruction contracts the Democrats accuse Bush Cheney of cronyism and the Repubs claim everything is above board.

One party claiming to be holier than the other in American politics is ridiculous.

Let's see, Johnny Chung...Johnny Chung...ah yes, the ex-Democratic fundraiser who now works as a paid employee of the rabidly anti-Clinton WorldNutDaily.

Gonna have to do better than that, cupcake!

(Oh, and btw, masterful job at changing the subject from Bush to Clinton once again....your Republican masters will be sooooo proud).
Problem Child said:
I would say that having a hundred FBI files on Republicans in the White house isn't exactly jaywalking either.

And it still ain't on the level of treason, either.
RobDownSouth said:
Let's see, Johnny Chung...Johnny Chung...ah yes, the ex-Democratic fundraiser who now works as a paid employee of the rabidly anti-Clinton WorldNutDaily.

Gonna have to do better than that, cupcake!

(Oh, and btw, masterful job at changing the subject from Bush to Clinton once again....your Republican masters will be sooooo proud).

Lol...you're funny. I guess I'd better not vote for Kerry this year then.

Geez, what a party hack.
Problem Child said:
Lol...you're funny. I guess I'd better not vote for Kerry this year then.

Geez, what a party hack.

Nothing else? Then I win, cupcake.