Where is your senstive spot on your body to be kissed

Great spot

Between my penis and my balls..., and then between my balls and my ass..., lovely!
Shoulders, anywhere on the neck, and especially nipples. All of them make me shiver.
When he kisses my neck, it makes me shiver and moan. When he bites my neck, it gets me wet every time without fail. :D
Definitely at the lower part of my neck at the curve from the shoulders. Add in sucking and you have all control. The occasional marking of territory on me is a huge turn on just behind my ear so that it is hidden by my hair but he and I know it is there.
Definitely at the lower part of my neck at the curve from the shoulders. Add in sucking and you have all control. The occasional marking of territory on me is a huge turn on just behind my ear so that it is hidden by my hair but he and I know it is there.

My love LOVES to do this to me also. :D
The neck is good but I think thats just a general erogenous zone...It drives me nuts when a guy kisses my stomach, kinda right above the hip bones...I'm a little ticklish and I think that heightens the sensations a lot.
I have that neck-thing, too. Behind the ear, also. Small of the back causes some pleasant tingles.
Just under my chin, the last friend kissed lightly then licked a small trail on my skin only to go back to kissing the skin again. Had me sputtering words out to him.
The odd one out

Ok, so babk, neck, shoulder, they are all great. But try this:
Hold your hand up, palm facing out. Lighty run your tongue or kiss, lightly between your middle and ring finger wherew the fingers and hand meet, or run you finger across.

Or the palm of my hand. I've got a hand thing.....
Mine is the usual, neck, ears, shoulders. But I have also found that just below my hip joint is phenomenal. I guess it is because it is so close to my goods it just drives me crazy.
Like the majority have mentioned, the neck. Also the wrist! I would also say my tummy but while it feels great, I'm awfully ticklish so that usually doesn't work out so great :rolleyes: So neck and wrist! If bitting is involved, well that's even better!
I have discovered on my love that when I kiss his neck it causes chills up his spine and it drives him insane!

So where is your senstive spot to be kissed and what does it do to you? ;)

anus area..Very sensitive
Man, I'm so jealous! The majority of people said neck. That has to be one of the least sensitive area on my body. Is that normal? This one time I was getting necked and all I could think about was what to make for breakfast. You lucky dogs.

Nipples all the way!
My eyes--I'm rather sensitive about that; but, if I were to be more serious, I'd have to say my ass. It always does something for me when a girl is willing to do that, especially if she enjoys it. My nipples kind of do it for me too. It just seems kind of kinky; being a guy and all.