Which came first....

BDSM! :) First real great relationship I had was with my first Master.
Re: curious

tallguy78 said:
This is a good question, and one which intrigues me. Love first for me, but I'm just learning about myself enough to recognize some tendencies...I'm engaged, we've played around a little, how can I expose her more to it in a manner most likely to succeed?

Slowly, gently and openly.

Try talking to her about sexual fantasies and see where they lean. This isn't a conversation that should take place in one evening, but over the course of a few days or even weeks.

You may find her fantasies evolve into something very interesting, or not. However, that is a good place to start.

Good luck,

Hmm, which came first? Love. Most definately love. Everythign else comes after that.

bdsm with the goal/possibility of love. I'm greedy... I want both. :D
I am greedy as well.

Friendship ----->A bit of kink-------> Love------->D/s

The equation is really working for us!


BDSM relationships have to be relationships above all. Two people have to connect, respect and care for one another, enjoy time together in order to find self actualization with one another.

For me, he better like me, my mind and my sense of humor. Someday, the body will give out, the looks will go and then, what is left to occupy us and keep us happy together?

MissTaken said:
I am greedy as well.

Friendship ----->A bit of kink-------> Love------->D/s

The equation is really working for us!


BDSM relationships have to be relationships above all. Two people have to connect, respect and care for one another, enjoy time together in order to find self actualization with one another.

For me, he better like me, my mind and my sense of humor. Someday, the body will give out, the looks will go and then, what is left to occupy us and keep us happy together?


That settles it Impish and Miss Taken....new inclusion in the 'Rule Book For Subs', #1001: Submissives must learn to embrace greed without guilt or regret, strive to male it work for themselves, then convert all others. LOL. Works for us it seems.
