Which Story Where - If At All?

Okay, I think I've stopped giggling at the antics of the sometimes noisy and always lusty marmot, Wildsweetone!

Here is the tagline for "Erotic Horror": Bizarre, shocking, scary, and sometimes sexy

And here is the disclaimer:

The stories in Literotica's Erotic Horror category are meant to contain many of the same elements that horror movies contain. That means they may not be suitable for all tastes. Classic horror movies by legendary directors like Argento, Fulci, Romero, D'Amato, Hooper, Lenzi, etc., contain sometimes shocking scenes of cannibalism, violence, gore, zombies, death, and horror. Stories in this category might have some or all of those elements. If you are easily offended by horror movies, you may want to avoid this category altogether. If you are a fan of horror movies, by all means, read on.
Stories in this category contain scenes similar to those in horror movies.

I don't know if this answers your question. I think murder can be somewhat subjective in horror. I find it much more terrifying if the murder is simply alluded to, with the details left to the imagination. I think a hallmark in almost all horror stories is that some one dies, but then that might just be what I've been reading. :)
SexyChele said:
Okay, I think I've stopped giggling at the antics of the sometimes noisy and always lusty marmot, Wildsweetone!

Here is the tagline for "Erotic Horror": Bizarre, shocking, scary, and sometimes sexy

And here is the disclaimer:

The stories in Literotica's Erotic Horror category are meant to contain many of the same elements that horror movies contain. That means they may not be suitable for all tastes. Classic horror movies by legendary directors like Argento, Fulci, Romero, D'Amato, Hooper, Lenzi, etc., contain sometimes shocking scenes of cannibalism, violence, gore, zombies, death, and horror. Stories in this category might have some or all of those elements. If you are easily offended by horror movies, you may want to avoid this category altogether. If you are a fan of horror movies, by all means, read on.
Stories in this category contain scenes similar to those in horror movies.

I don't know if this answers your question. I think murder can be somewhat subjective in horror. I find it much more terrifying if the murder is simply alluded to, with the details left to the imagination. I think a hallmark in almost all horror stories is that some one dies, but then that might just be what I've been reading. :)

I don't think I've ever been called a noisy, lusty marmot before... Thanks! ;)

Bizarre? Cannibalism? Ooooooooooookay, I'll be skipping that one methinks.

Death is intriguing for me as a writer at the moment. I haven't figured out why yet. But, I don't think I can do explicit gore and scaryness without giving myself nightmares and I have enough of those already. lol

Good luck for anyone writing in the Erotic Horror category, I wont be reading your stories though.
Re: Re: Marmots

oggbashan said:
As for the female call, it is generally considered that Marlene Dietrich came closest with her remark "Come up and see me some time.".

That was Mae West, dear.
Re: Re: Marmots

oggbashan said:
As all us Europeans know, marmots are delightful furry creatures who gambol around the mountain slopes of Austria, Switzerland and The Tirol. Their mating call is an eldritch screech imitated as the yodel answered by the deep note similar to the Alpenhorn. The deep notes come from the female.

You forgot to mention that Marmots have longer legs on the left side of their body than on their right, this enables them to run round said mountains without falling off, unless of course they wish go go anticlockwise, in which case they're f****d.

Re: Marlene and Mae

MathGirl said:
That was Mae West, dear.

But Marlene would have said it soo much better under her lamppost outside the barrack gate.

With all the misunderstandings about the poor oversexed uneven legged marmots, I'm sure Mae would forgive me.

I prefer her other quote "Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me? ".

I'm not sure how a clockwise running marmot mates with an anti-clockwise running marmot. Maybe that is what causes the males' high pitched yodelling.

Donna is depressing

My first erotic horror story has been posted.

Beware - the disclaimer for that category is earlier in this thread.

I don't think Donna is erotic. Horror? Yes. Depressingly true? Probably.

If after all those warnings you still want to read, here it is:


I still hope to write an erotic horror story but you will have to wait a week or two.

The other story "White Scut" is still pending. It is erotic furry horror but with no marmots - sorry.

And you should read the blurbs for his really depressing stories...

oggbashan said:
Beware - the disclaimer for that category is earlier in this thread.

I don't think Donna is erotic. Horror? Yes. Depressingly true? Probably.

If after all those warnings you still want to read, here it is

*stumbling over furniture, children and animals to get to the story...*

Donna is the only really depressing one but reverse psychology seems to work.

If I said my stories were short, snappy and full of sexual imagery no one would believe me and I would be lying.

Originally posted by oggbashan If I said my stories were short, snappy and full of sexual imagery no one would believe me and I would be lying.Og

My stories? What he said up there, too.
SexyChele said:
Now, just to let you know: both of these stories could indeed be posted here at Lit - and not in the "Extreme" section. Nope, folks, they can be posted on page one. What's the trick? Pop them under the "Horror" category and they would, in all likelihood, be accepted and posted. The disclaimer on this category warns of violence and death - anything one would find in a horror movie or book.

Okay. I want to point something out. I don't like either of those two story scenarios, but I still like the idea of an "erotic horror" section.

C'mon, folks, there are only 3 stories in there atm. I've found beastiality stories in other sections, things that I think are gross and disgusting and that I don't like, and that I would put in Extreme if I was deciding it.

We have hundreds of stories yet to come for this section, I know we do. We still have the chance to shape it to whatever we want. The stories there right now might be distressing, might disgust us, but in a couple of months we'll have so many in there that these disturbing one's will be totally lost. We won't even remember them.

Instead of putting the category down, I recommend everyone try to write a story for it, one that you personally believe should go in the category and not to the extreme section. Go at it.

Following in Chicklet's footsteps without quite stalking her

Chicklet said:
The stories there right now might be distressing, might disgust us, but in a couple of months we'll have so many in there that these disturbing one's will be totally lost. We won't even remember them.
I don't know. I saw "Eraserhead" more than 20 years ago and it's still in my head. Although parts of Mulholland Drive have started to crowd it out.*

Instead of putting the category down, I recommend everyone try to write a story for it, one that you personally believe should go in the category and not to the extreme section.
Okay! But I want to write one of the disturbing ones, just so we can return to this issue later with fresh material. :)

Actually, I think you** could write sensually (if that's a word, as opposed to "sensuously") about anything. I remember reading some very cool ghost stories written at the turn of the century by some guy (perhaps Anus Nin) that were beautifully written, and very erotic too. They don't have to be slasher or snuff stories to qualify for the category.


* In particular, the scene at the end in which the old couple are standing under the door, laughing like... words fail me... like David Lynch characters...

** Not necessarily "you" in particular, but "you" in general, I mean.***

*** Not that you can't. I'm sure you can.