Who do you look like?

Back when President Reagan had nominated Judge Robert Bork for the Supreme Court, people told me they thought I looked like him. Some I knew even started calling me "Your Honor".

I did have a similar beard at the time, and do say I did see a resemblance, but nobody ever said I looked like him again after he was rejected by the US Senate. :ROFLMAO:
I have been told Elisabeth Banks… I don’t really agree my hair is not as blond, but my eyes are the same color, I do have a better tan.
Ooo ooo ooo

I got a new one yesterday - Oscar Isaac in Dune 😁
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Sean Connery (RIP)
Timothy Dalton
Omar Sharif

Giselle Bündchen
Sophie Marceau
Lena Headeye
A stripper once told me I looked like Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson, but then ruined it when she said I was probably too young to know what she was talking about. I responded with a comment about skinning grizz.
A stripper once told me I looked like Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson, but then ruined it when she said I was probably too young to know what she was talking about. I responded with a comment about skinning grizz.
How old was this stripper?