Who is that masked man?

Who is the "Unmasked Poet"?

  • SA Storm

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • WickedEve

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • WriterDom

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 63.6%

  • Total voters
Poet explosion

Who are all these new poets? Barefoot, Masked, Naked! If we keep one, let's keep the Naked Poet! lol Unless Hung Poet shows up. :D

OK, you can add me to the list of suspects.
One thing I can tell ya for sure: it's definitely
NOT tigerjen.


I don't even have all that time on my hands to run
poetry contests online plus critique plus other stuff! :D

My mask is off my face, honey....heehee!

I voted "other"...only because it could be a total someone
else other than who is listed on the poll.......while I think it
would be cool to find out who Unmasked Poet is, I think just
like in "Batman" when the thugs attempted to "unmask"
Batman himself to see his real identity, Batman fought back.

Something tells me that U.P. doesn't want to be identified.
But that is only my opinion.

Back to the drawing board :)

Multiple personalities

You realize, don't you, folks, that "Barefoot Poet," "Masked Poet," and "Naked Poet" (sorry, Wicked) are all just manifestations of UP? Instead of revealing his true identity, he's bringing out more fake ones!

Who knows how many more he's got?

Hehe, I like to laugh and I couldn't help but let my youth out by er doing a silly display.

Nope, wasna around when UP showed up. But Im here for your intro! Even if it is just for a brief moment or two! =P

Geez, all these Poets... we have a whole family going on here and I didn't know it!

<Squints eye> You guys all related or what? <Grins> The mysteries of Poetry Forum grow...

Re: Multiple personalities

You realize, don't you, folks, that "Barefoot Poet,"
"Masked Poet," and "Naked Poet" (sorry, Wicked) are
all just manifestations of UP? Instead of revealing his
true identity, he's bringing out more fake ones!
Who knows how many more he's got?

Uhoh!! I think U.P. could be throwing all of us for
a big-ass loop!!! :D


Vailyn said:
Hehe, I like to laugh and I couldn't help but let my youth out
by er doing a silly display.
Nope, wasna around when UP showed up. But Im here for your
intro! Even if it is just for a brief moment or two! =P
Geez, all these Poets... we have a whole family going on here
and I didn't know it!
<Squints eye> You guys all related or what? <Grins>
The mysteries of Poetry Forum grow...

I was here when U.P. first showed up on Lit's doorstep.....
kind of a "diplomat" for us poets.........

"we are family......I got all my sisters and me...."

I guess you can say that us poets here on one big happy
family with our spats here and there! :D

I'm convinced you all have gone into

diabetic shock.

U.P. is a lot of things. He's not personable. When has he skipped around acting like a child? He strikes me as a guy who's pretty content being himself. Now why would he all of sudden start masquerading?

I realize we're just having fun, but could you guys make just a tad bit feasable? LOL


Hey! I don't care who UP is!

Personally, whoever UP is, I think is a guy. Other than that, let him stay a mystery! I LIKE some things to be unknown.

Besides, all I want is UP to put some of that razorsharp wit to a story... doesn't everyone know that by now? lol

Agatha Christie ain't got nothin' on me!

Here's some more hints for you: Vailyn, you hit the nail on the head. UP is a man. That lets out WickedEve. But feel free to hang around and play with us anyway, OK, Eve?

So far the prime suspect is yours truly. But in any good mystery story, the #1 suspect at first never turns out to be the true culprit. It's always someone else.

But then, I have been known to sleepwalk. Maybe I get up in my sleep and post as UP!


Happy sleuthing, mystery fans!
I know who it isssssss, but I'm not gonna telllllll

UP is a man. That lets out WickedEve. But feel free to hang around and play with us anyway, OK, Eve?

Damnit! Is it too late for me to change my vote??? :confused:

Actually Red, I think this thread has turned out to be hillarious. Lots of fun! The thought just never crossed my mind that U.P. may also be posting as someone else. That leads my mind in all sorts of directions! I mean.. if UP can do it... then who else is doing it?? How can we tell that who we are talking to is really who they say they are.. or visa-versa?:eek:

Makes you think about motives. Perhaps UP had a bug up her ass about TJ, and pushed for removal of the old guard knowing she'd bow to pressure.

Now, if UP isn't a submitter, I applaud her efforts to encourage discussion and make the board fun. If.

Conspiracy and down voting. Now all we need is a good poet murder.

BANG. Who shot _____ ?

That's it, SK, how do you who is who, or what? Maybe YOU'RE UP, who knows? People play a lot of games online-- and UP is one of the biggest tricksters of all!

And as to how I know Wicked is a woman, naked dude-- let's just say I have some "inside" information.

<grins> I like this thread cuz its just too darn funny!

I mean, I don't take it seriously ya know? LOL

But, I will say this. Personally, I couldn't keep up with more than one handle cuz I just don't have the TIME!!! Geez! I couldn't handle being more than just me. I'm hard enuff to understand as is! =)

I don't really get havin another name on Lit. That means more work to me! Besides, I'm attached to me handles.

<wrinkles nose> Ya know, I've been told twice now that I'm a guy! Get this straight!

GiRl GiRl GiRl!!!!

One less mystery for you all! LOL!

Barefoot P - UP is a MAN darnit! A MAN MAN MAN

Not pleasureu

Here's a bedtime clue for you, kiddies: although UP is a man, he is not pleasureu. They are two separate and distinct beings.

We'll pick up the trail of the "elusive butterfly" in the morning.
my take

Whom ever else U.P may or may not be, U.P. is first and foremost U.P.
if he were to be hiding as someone else, wouldn't it make more sense for him to hide his more vulnerable parts posting and writing under a different name?

Hey U.P. are you having fun yet? :rolleyes:

Despite the fervor of Redwaves hounds I remain undaunted. My mission is clear to me now. The weight of a thousand critiques hang about my shoulders, this yoke, this burden weakens me. If I were more than mere man I would need but a flake of power to dispatch the Red One. Yet I am but flesh and bone.

But I fear this day even the strength of Oden will not be enough. The battle has been joined and if these men do not die well, it will be a dark matter for the King!

Re: Indeed

Unmasked Poet said:
Despite the fervor of Redwaves hounds I remain undaunted. My mission is clear to me now. The weight of a thousand critiques hang about my shoulders, this yoke, this burden weakens me. If I were more than mere man I would need but a flake of power to dispatch the Red One. Yet I am but flesh and bone.

But I fear this day even the strength of Oden will not be enough. The battle has been joined and if these men do not die well, it will be a dark matter for the King!


if your Oden fails you dear U.P. just let me know, i'll bring Dionysos. Of all the Gods, he'd avenge you well. We'd have a bunch of mad poets and horny women.
oh wait. we already do. :kiss:
For what little it's worth

While not really a poet and certainly not much of a critic, I have read UPs educated comments with interest. It seems to me that when I first started reading the BB, UP listed a location as UK. I can't swear to that, but I think I remember that. Or perhaps he/she (although my vote is for he) once said something about being on the "other side of the pond". That seems European to me.
am i too new to understand "not much of a critic" is this general or personal? every experiance i've had with UP, personally has been very helpful. perhaps i'm just not as talented a writer as most and his guidence helps me more. if nothing else i add extra points for effort where it is requested and given so little.
Don't hate the Playa, hate the game

mskittykatt said:
every experiance i've had with UP, personally has been very helpful. perhaps i'm just not as talented a writer as most and his guidence helps me more. if nothing else i add extra points for effort where it is requested and given so little.

I agree MsKittyKatt.

What first caught my attention about our "Unmasked Poet" was his willingness to help us better ourselves as poets. He has put a lot into this board. I have been around Lit for a long time. I orginally found this place while I was doing a search for somewhere to submit my poetry. At the time, Literotica was not about poetry. When they added poetry there was not much of an interest in it. When they added the Story/Poetry feedback forum it was mostly stagnant. Rarely did the threads move and rarely were they posted to. The most activity that forum ever saw before U.P. came along was the blatant self promotion threads. I certainly can't blame the poets for trying, nobody was paying attention!

Then U.P. came along and snatched us out of our daydream. He man-handled our works of art. I never seen one man so attached to a word as UP was with cliche. I swore if he used it again, when critiquing a poem, I would scream!! haha I guess that was about the time when I finally realized the effect 'cliches' had on other people. He taught me a lot, and I am not finished learning from him.

Who ever the man is behind the mask, we need... I need... the personna of the Unmasked Poet to help me become a better poet.

UP love fest

Shucks, this is turning into a veritable UP love fest, isn't it? I'm startin' to get all choked up about the "man of a million masks" myself. Much as I appreciate what he does for poets and poetry here, however, that still won't stop me from doing my darndest to uncover his secret identity!

"Other" is the runaway winner in the poll so far. Those of you who have been around a while will remember I did a poll on "who's the best poet" a few months ago, and "Other" won that one too! That guy really gets around! He's the best poet on Lit., and now we find out he's UP too! Where does he find the time?

Anyway, we're nearing the end of Act I here, folks. So far there's one member of the dramatis personnae who has been conspicuous by his absence. WickedEve & WriterDom were both quick to chime in and point the finger at me, but we are yet to hear from the ineffable Storm. (Perhaps he's too busy going through a pile of crotchless panties!) His failure to say anything about this whole brouhaha becomes more glaring with each passing moment. How about it, Storm? You've been named as a possible UP. Well, are you? Ultimately, if you don't speak, your silence will be taken as a tacit admission.

Storm, Storm, STORM! Whereforth art thou, Storm?
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It's Savage Kitten!

I love how people keep voting for WickedEve, even after I said it wasn't her. Keep voting for WickedEve, guys and gals-- it's definitely not her!

News bulletin . . . This just in . . . I now have in my hands irrefutable eivdence that the Unmasked Poet is really-- SAVAGE KITTEN! Yes, that's right, Savage Kitten is also UP. Who'd a thunk it, heh? But, you say, Redwag you idiot, you said UP was a man. That's true-- this means Savage Kitten is really a man! All you guys who've been cybering with her, that's means you've been unintentionally made into homosexuals!!!

Well, cyber-homosexuals, at least!

How do I know SK=UP, you ask? Simple. It turned out the proof I needed was right there before my eyes. In an earlier post, SK said she knew who it was, but she wasn't going to tell. Yes, she knew who it was-- because she's UP herself! And she wasn't going to tell-- because she wasn't going to rat out herself! Q.E.D.

Ah, mystery solved. Case closed. I love it when a plan comes together.