Who Is Your Favorite Poet?


is definitely in my fave 5 :)

© Gregory Corso

It is disastrous to be a wounded deer.
I’m the most wounded, wolves stalk,
and I have my failures, too.
My flesh is caught on the Inevitable Hook!
As a child I saw many things I did not want to be.
Am I the person I did not want to be?
That talks to himself person?
That neighbors-make-fun-of person?
Am I he who, on museum steps, sleeps on his side?
Do I wear the cloth of a man who has failed?
Am I the looney man?
In the great serenade of things,
am I the most canceled passage?

© Gregory Corso

I hang old photos of my childhood girls—
With breaking heart I sit, elbow on table
Chin on hand, studying

the proud eyes of Helen,
the golden hair of Susan,
the weak mouth of Jane.

© Gregory Corso

I stand in the dark light in the dark street
and look up at my window, I was born there.
The lights are on; other people are moving about.
I am with raincoat; cigarette in mouth,
hat over eye,
I cross the street and enter the building.
The garbage cans haven’t stopped smelling.
I walk up the first flight; Dirty Ears
aims a knife at me…
I pump him full of lost watches.

© Gregory Corso

Around people
if I feel I’m gonna die
I excuse myself
telling them “I gotta go!”
“Go where?” they wanna know
I don’t answer
I just get outa there
away from them
because somehow
they sense something wrong
and never know what to do
it scares them such suddenness
How awful
to just sit there
and they asking:
“Are you okay?”
“Can we get you something?”
“Want to lie down?”
Ye gods! people!
who wants to die amongst people?!
Especially when they can’t do shit
To the movies–to the movies
that’s where I hurry to
when I feel I’m going to die
So far it’s worked

© Gregory Corso

In this lovely lonely orchard
perhaps stemmed from Eve’s core
I move in applelight continuum
of no dimension no dominion
And these apples whose certain death breeds more
Has me reach for that out of reach one
And quite make it

William Stafford

Gary Snyder

Ibn Arabi


These will most likely always end up in the top 10.

In no particular order:

Gregory Corso
William Butler Yeats
WH Auden

Many others. I haven't read any in years - need to get back to reading some ...
They got me because the dead have too many votes but such poor memories


They got me because if a forest has no end I'll go naked
They got me because my mother stood at the edge of a runway
for seven years with her head in her hands
They got me because an empty street is going on without us
They got me because when I drink wine I drink an ocean
and when I drink from a river I drink a stranger's childhood
They got me because I suffered from whiplash in a dream
They got me because I got myself first and last
They got me inbetween
They came and got me at dawn in Missouri
They got me with hands like blond spatulas
I let them take me away because the sun was nearer than I expected
and because I expected them to take me away and because
I had never been there
They got me because I was elected to go by the dead
They got me because the dead have too many votes but such poor
They got me because the neighbors have wings
They got me because deer are hopeless in more ways than one
Because lights are turning on and off in my knees and
I can be spotted through a yard of brick
They got me yesterday because I wore a see-through skullcap
in the gymnasium of sudden deaths
Because I spit in the eye of the corner guillotine
Thunder Guggenheim got me today the fourth horseman
They got me today because a subway wrecked on your lifeline
They got me in kindergarten when I dropped the atomic bomb
J. Edgar Hoover got me for inventing the milkpod
The Preacher got me for eloping with a snail
I am convinced I am dizzy and should not be allowed
to walk the streets of the city after dark alone
I am a menace to the diamonds that shiver in flowerbeds
They got me because I begged them to not take me more seriously
than they take themselves
Because they believed me when I said I could not change them
Because they moved the curtains back expecting to see eternity


Questia Media America, Inc. www.questia.com

Publication Information: Book Title: Hints to Pilgrims. Contributors: James Tate - author. Publisher: University of Massachusetts Press. Place of Publication: Amherst. Publication Year: 1982. Page Number: 16.