Who's the best poet?

Who's the best LE poet?

  • WriterDom

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • tigerjen

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • daughter

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Other (please specify in your post)

    Votes: 18 64.3%

  • Total voters
Great pic!

What a sight for sore eyes! We can only hope that Dubya gets his just desserts in the end! Thanks for the pic, Marilyn Manson. Or should I say, KinkyLOVE?

Sorry to hear that someone is attacking your poems, daughter. But that doesn't diminish the quality of your writing one bit.

P.S.-- Hi, lovetoread!
_ Bless Thee my Daughter for Thou hast seen the lurid limelight of Literotican HELL!

Our DARLING Daughter wrote:
HOPE she'll forgive me when I . . .
Everytime I come close, I take a hit.
I'm being picked off like a duck.
:mad: or :( or ;) ? :confused: ?

Well, that's the sort of SHIT you git.
Unless you'd rather try a fuck?
Up your sweet, tight ass
Like the somewhat crass
Pic we got from Tezzz
Wearing his fez
With which he said,
"Gonna SHOOT ya DEAD!"
That Twit!
"Eat SHIT!"
SHE said!
END of thread.

Hey, Literotica Poetry RANKLING ain't NOTHING BUTT
A PISSING off contest I.M.H.O.
BUTT then how the HELL
Can Ai tell? :cool:

Piss: Submit? What the heck!
GO on 'N take it in the NECK:
Bow, you unbelievers!

Well, I think we've just been blessed with a vision of the face of Our Lord. Genuflect, you decadent perverts! Taste of the holey goodness of the kinky kunt of KinkyLOVE.

Damn, I think I'm starting to catch on to his/her/its style now. That's scary! Here's my theory: Kin Ky isn't even a human being at all, but an artificial intelligence (AI) program written by some warped programmer, who's dead now. So now the program is rampaging out of control! Wutta ya think, huh? Hmmm . . . maybe this can be the subject of a future poll.

But really, folks, (although I know this probably won't do any good at all) when you're playing around on LE, try to play nicely! Try not to be nasty! Yes, I know it's tough sometimes-- there are a lot of frustrations in life, and a natural temptation to take them out on other people. But even if you don't care about the morality of it, think of it this way. You kick someone (literally or figuratively), and likely they'll kick you back. Even if they don't kick you back directly, they'll kick someone else, who in turn will kick someone else, and eventually it'll get around to you. It's a little something the ancient thinkers and seers in India called the law of karma. Ever heard of it?

Peace & Love (or a temporary truce and some hot sex, at least),

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I voted other...

I've read so many wonderful poems by so many people here at Lit that making a choice like that would just be too hard!

_______________________________________________BREAK on through from that other side!

Uh______________Huh. ;)

MysticSwing said:
I've read so many wonderful poems by so many people here at Lit that making a choice like that would just be too hard! :confused:


So you went and FUCKED your DOG instead, didn't you? :eek:

Oh____________YEAH! :D

You were DROOLING all OVER that BEASTIAL DOG FUCKING photo! :p

That got you all HOT TO TROT, didn't it? :rolleyes:

Some people's daughters just don't know any better than their MOTHERS. :eek:

And SISTERS ..... And Nieces ..... And Aunts ... And Grandmothers .... And friends & neighbors!

Yes, fucks, WOMAN'S best STUD! ;)

Roll over papa. Let ROVER take over. :p
OH_______________________YEAH! said:
Uh______________Huh. ;)

So you went and FUCKED your DOG instead, didn't you? :eek:

Oh____________YEAH! :D

You were DROOLING all OVER that BEASTIAL DOG FUCKING photo! :p

That got you all HOT TO TROT, didn't it? :rolleyes:

Some people's daughters just don't know any better than their MOTHERS. :eek:

And SISTERS ..... And Nieces ..... And Aunts ... And Grandmothers .... And friends & neighbors!

Yes, fucks, WOMAN'S best STUD! ;)

Roll over papa. Let ROVER take over. :p

You really are a very ill individual, arent you?? In a word?? THERAPY!!!


My God, how many different manifestations will Kinky assume? She's everywhere! (Sorta like Osama bin Laden-- everywhere and nowhere all at once).

I'm not really into bestiality myself, but I have looked at a few pics. I did see one amateur pic of a brunette chick blowing her dog that I thought was pretty hot. She seemed to be really enjoying it! Anyway, what's wrong with having sex with animals? As long as it's a consenting adult animal, it's OK, in my opinion.

And Kinky-- you've shown us a few cool pics, but you're kinda just teasing us. How about a pic of what we really wanna see-- you sucking a cock, really gobbling on that honker with gusto!

How 'bout it, KinkyLOVE, baby?
____OUCH! (Damn - waz gonna post a HORNY PIC for RED WAG, too!) ;(

MysticSwing said:

You really are a very ill individual, arent you?? In a word?? THERAPY!!!


Look :rolleyes: how Mystic Swing quoted the WHOLE thing . . . again. REALLY savoring my LOVE_! :D :p :D

That hurts, that hurts, you KNOW you LOVE the way it FEELS, though, dont' you? ;)

So, GO SIT ON IT! (Pic CUMMING when they let me LOG it to you!)

Piss: MEANwhile, why not stick a vaccuum cleaner up your ARSE & vacuum your brains right out? (If you have any?) THAT always works for ME! ;) :eek: :cool:

* FROM OUR PRO_GENITAL GODDESS Marilyn_Manson - only a dirty third of our unholy trinidy_! *

And Kinky-- you've shown us a few cool pics, but you're kinda just teasing us. How about a pic of what we really wanna see--
you sucking a cock, really gobbling on that honker with gusto!

How 'bout it, KinkyLOVE, baby?

I am the radioactive cesspool of the imagination-- and I love being me

This is SO FUCKING HARD! Still no POST pic BOX!

One LUST try 'cuz Ai has a TON of e-MALE to SUCK OFF! You KNOW how Ai LOVES ya, BIG RED, ne? Let's have Mystic Swinger bring a digital CUMera & memorialize US when we pose for that pronograph TOGETHER, yah, yah, YAH_! She IS quite the little voyeur over in the DEAD DOG THREAD! Hee, hee, hee!

You know what Ai always says, "Better BED with RED! - Take THREE & SEE!" ;) :eek: :p


vBulletin Message
Hi Everyone! Sorry, The Literotica Forum Is Closed For A Few Seconds while I try to screw things up again, Please
Check Back Momentarily. Thanks! - manu

Meaning AFTER seeing :rolleyes: That!

THANKS for all the FLUSH man-EUW! ;)

Still no POST BOX though! ;(
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Where's the pic?

Tsk, tsk, Kinky, I guess you're really just another tease, after all. All this time, and still no pic of you with a pud in your mouth. O well, I guess my dreams of seeing you slurping enthusiastically on a dong are not going to be realized, after all.

Re: Where's the pic?

Tsk, tsk, Kinky, I guess you're really just another tease, after all. All this time, and still no pic of you with a pud in your mouth. O well, I guess my dreams of seeing you slurping enthusiastically on a dong are not going to be realized, after all.


Oh goodness, why do you encourage that? ;)
Why not?

Would love to see some hot pics from you, too, lovetoread. (Do you do more than just read?)
Oh yea baby.....I can do so much more.....

like write,play games,etc...... :p
I FINALLY DID IT! Hee, hee. BUTT Ai had to sign up for a new handle to get the BOX !

It's TRUE RED! Actually, now that my MANIA-induced paranoia has receded a wee bit. ;) it seems the problem lies with my old Mac CUM-putter as much as :rolleyes: litter-error-wrought-it-kaka. That "confession" off my titties, I must now drop my panties & add that I already posted the pic I'd meant to put here as a peace offering for MysticSwing, so she could use it as her new avatar, BUTT I already posted it as a reply to what Laurel said bout stalking horses in that thread claiming that our avatars are from Mars and your penis is from Venus. Sooooooooo FUCKING sorry, BIG BOY. Maybe you SHOULD trip on over there and have a look at a girl with some sand, like a HOLE FUCKING desert full. No BODY could ever call her "spineless" after seeing my pic. :D Check it out, sport, and then I DARE you... ;) Hee, Hee. Now, since this is a POETRY feedback thread, howabout something a wee bit more poetic & YOUR feedback, kay? KISS me kinky, horny! :p
Question: Who would you have write about Christmas? - Answered by Jesus_CHRIST
Subject: ___AH____Hem_! What a temptation_! Ai will NEVER get to sleep now, my BAD little sheep_!
Remember how Kurt Vonnegut introduced SATAN, the female half of a divine dialectical duality, who played foil to her Tight-ASSed Authoritarian Pater Celestrial Family-ASS GOD STRAIGHT from the old testament? Well, now we're LOVING in this New Age of Aquire-ASS, & an ASS kicking see CUNT CUMMING is ORGASAMING throughout our Literotica La La Land! The Hour of the Beast has rolled over and heisted her Horny Heinie on High, & a New Sky Pilot will fly you to realms undreamed when Coleridge toking his opium pipe puffed smoky gossamer streams of Xana Du delight, building crystal palaces bright with lightness of a harem belly dancer's whirling dirvish veils spinning in time and warbling rhymes in tune to delicate drumming accompanied by melodic humming in a minor key, keening, crying, almost dying, swooping now low now high then sighing for that lovely derriere now rapt in air while forlornly singing softly, "In the silent shadows of the dawn, you'll search in vain for me, BUTT I'll be gone. The sweet soft pain of vision lost will haunt your mind, unwind your soul and send your spiritless body back to light the bowl of your dream pipe to suck in vain pale tastless draughts of faded memories." With this, she stops. Her last veil drops, and all is gone.

This time I got a "FILE IS TOO BIG" message for posting a little movie of drinking CUM! Damn! O.k. Here's how it FEELS trying to get around this place, OOOOooopppsss!!!
Let's Stick To the Subject of This Thread , PLEASE

**Let's stick to the topic of this thread, PLEASE!**
Not bad

Well, that wasn't bad poetry in itself there, Bite my Ass (how many avatars does Kinky have?). And what, you mean this thread has a subject, Tigress? I think we strayed away from that a long time ago.

O yeah, now I remember-- something about who's the best poet. It's tough when you're as sex-crazed and drug-addled as I am!

Anyhoo, I'm disappointed. I expected to get piled on by people blasting me for suggesting there was nothing wrong with bestiality (as long as the animal wears a condom-- we can't have unsafe sex). But nobody even responded. Shucks, I can't even get a rise outta people any more!

Speaking of tigerjen, if you haven't checked out her poem "My Rose," you should. I think it's her best. "Belle Isle" by daughter is also real good, IMHO. WriterDom-- it's hard to pick one, but "Poetry sucks" is a powerful statement about the nature of art. And of course, there are many other good poets on LE-- WickedEve, Khul Waters, Risia Skye, and norma jeanne are all names that come to mind. I'm sure I left out some, but I can't list them all-- there's just too many!

See you later-- I'm gonna go be like poetry.
thank you.....REDWAVE

REDWAVE wrote:
<<Speaking of tigerjen, if you haven't checked
out her poem "My Rose," you should. I think it's
her best. "Belle Isle" by daughter is also real
good, IMHO. WriterDom-- it's hard to pick one,
but "Poetry sucks" is a powerful statement
about the nature of art. And of course, there
are many other good poets on LE-- WickedEve,
Khul Waters, Risia Skye, and norma jeanne are
all names that come to mind. I'm sure I left out
some, but I can't list them all-- there's just too many! >>

Hey REDWAVE......
Thank you for the sweet compliment on "My Rose"..... :)
Oh yes....there are good poets out on Lit....the ones
you listed above, and I just found a newbie...WickedEve..
she's got some hot stuff ;)

Also thank you for coming back and sticking to the orig.
subject of this thread *big smile* !

I don't read a lot of poetry here. But I'll throw out a few names. Savannah Skye- I've read a few things by her that I liked. I think I even sent her feedback once, but she ignored me. One of Havocmans I really like. RisiaSkye rocks. And cymbidia. Anything CraZy writes is good. Madame Pandora is a Goddess even though she sometimes gets too wordy for my simple ways. KillerMuffin I enjoyed.

But I sense that the purpose of the poll was to point out that the voting on 3 of my poems have been turned off. They aren't turned off. If you turn off the voting, you wont show at all on the top list. There is a bug in the system that wont let a turned off poem return to voting status if it was turned off even for a day. Laurel addressed this yesterday on my thread in the Author hangout.

So whoever this Anonymous fucktard who writes to me about it everyday should write to Laurel if they want it fixed.

Thank you.

Good to hear from you, WD. Actually, that wasn't the purpose at all. The purpose was just to have some fun, and see how the voting turned out. BTW, how do you like the pic of Osama butt-fucking Dubya?
WriterDom--thanks for the compliment. As you know (I hope!), the feeling is totally mutual.

REDWAVE, thanks for the mention.

Personally, I can't and won't pick one person. But, I will recommend particular titles:

WriterDom's "She, the Stradivarius"
Havocman's "Oral Exercises"
Madame Pandora's "Rock Candy" and "Tantalus"
SteamyChik's "A Funny First Fuck"
cymbidia's "You are Gone"
KillerMuffin's "Burning"
The_sandman4u's "Afterglow"
CrAzY's "HIV +"

Those are just the ones that come to mind, without looking at the index, poems that made enough of an impression that they're still with me now. In my opinion, there isn't much higher praise than that.

If you like what you read, it moves or arouses you, and you think it shows thought, skill and effort--vote. Send feedback, writers appreciate it. In short, there are more constructive ways to direct all of this positive energy about particular authors or particular work. Polls, as many have mentioned, do nothing but stroke some egos and ignore a lot of others.
daughter attacked

I notice someone has subjected daughter's poems to a quite thorough attack. Not long ago, she had seven poems on the toplist. Now there all gone. I wish people wouldn't do things like that. If you really think a story or poem is really bad, and deserves a 1, that's one thing. But to attack a writer's works just out of malice, or to help pump up another poet, isn't right. (But of course, at a time when our government is carrying out a brutal mass murder of civilians against one of the poorest nations on earth, this is minor by comparison. It's all part of the culture of cruelty in this sick, rotten society.)

Anyway, daughter, I'm really sad this happened to you-- you don't deserve it, that's for sure. And if this poll inadvertently caused this to happen, I feel really bad about that.
Re: daughter attacked / Oh, My Darling Daughter, Poor Sweet Little Sacrifical Lamb!

[color=red]REDWAVE[/color] said:
I notice someone has subjected daughter's poems to a quite thorough attack. Not long ago, she had seven poems on the toplist. Now there all gone. I wish people wouldn't do things like that. If you really think a story or poem is really bad, and deserves a 1, that's one thing. But to attack a writer's works just out of malice, or to help pump up another poet, isn't right. (But of course, at a time when our government is carrying out a brutal mass murder of civilians against one of the poorest nations on earth, this is minor by comparison. It's all part of the culture of cruelty in this sick, rotten society.)

Anyway, daughter, I'm really sad this happened to you-- you don't deserve it, that's for sure. And if this poll inadvertently caused this to happen, I feel really bad about that.

Well, REDWAVE, if wishes were whores, EVERYONE COULD GET LAID CONSTANTLY! :p Hee, hee!

Graveyard humor, right, REDWAVE? Because, for writers & poets anyway, literary terrorism doesn't get any more cowardly and disgusting than smashing a hijacked load of shitty undeserved one votes into our Literotica World's Towering Central Top List & cold bloodedly murdering the ratings of excellently crafted poems & stories. :mad: Who are the losers? Why everybody! Of course, Literotica as a whole should put her best tit forward when Johns cruise through the plush, red carpeted reading rooms seeking succulent saucy sensuous sultry stories NOT raped wreckage of smelly cheap shot vomit splattered across used toilet paper and tampons. Ugg! Gack! Splock! Who wants to savor that?

I guess I understand poor innocent good hearted daughter's bruised feelings! :( My BABY that grew in my womb over months of creative gestation was born into the top lists of Literotica La La Land as a cute 8,000 word erotica, then climbed vote by vote to snuggle among the top dozen denizens of the list. Suddenly, probably in retaliation for my kinky avant gardism, posting colorfully, and with a bit of satiric wit, my precious tale was buggered with a slew of craven stabs from behind and vanished into erstaz mediocracy. Is this what happens when those mean spirited kids who, lacking skill and patience to build their own sand castles at the beach, go around stomping on anything beautiful, get older and are turned lose on the internet?

It's not likely I'll feel motivated to post another serious work on Literotica, so LET'S HAVE EVIL LITERARY FUN, eh, REDWAVE? Now were I the vindictive sort, I could use my SEVEN characters to torpedo new poems by poets I disliked! Can you imagine how it would feel to post a new poem and get seven one votes in the first five minutes? OHHHHH! The shoe kinda pinches when it's on the other foot, doesn't it? :eek:

Now try this. As a teacher with six LARGE classes, almost 300 students altogether, suppose I gave them an exercise in. . .
*leaving the rest up to REDWAVE with that "radioACTIVE cesspool" powering his imagination*

Hey, good thing I wasn't raised as a samurai with a nearly instinctive sense of warfare, huh?

Girl's just want to have fun, or to paraphrase old Sigfried, What the Unholy HELL does a cunt wunt? ;)

Well, don't know about you other poets, but I'm up for some fun and games. What do you say? I'm thinking of introducing a trivial sexual pursuit on the general board. Anyone can propose the questions related to the history, cultural development, literature, et-bloody-cetera, of SEX, and answers aren't judged so much on their factual content as form and elegance, kinda like our poems. Whadaya say? Anyone wanna forget all this internectine sniping and have some good clean dirty FUN?

Love, the kinky gangbang ;) :eek: :cool:
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The "myriad mouthed" one

Sounds like an interesting game, Kinky, you salacious slit, you. One of my favorite figures from the history of sex is the legendary Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile. Supposedly, she was such a prodigious fellatrix of the penises of Roman noblemen that the Romans nicknamed her the "myriad-mouthed." There's also a story about her letting mere commoners have a night of pleasure with her, during which she would do whatever the guy wanted. The catch was, at sun-up the next morning-- off with his head! Boy, I don't know if any pussy is that good!

There's also dispute about her looks, with some saying she was fabulously beautiful, others saying she was at best just average looking-- but who's gonna tell a queen with absolute power she's ugly? Anyway, my question is, what's fact and what's fiction about Cleopatra? Know any good Cleo stories I haven't covered? Or make up your own hot fiction about her.
_No sooner said than done RedWave, Horny! Wanna DO us next? Uh, is FLIRTING allowed?

We wouldn't wanna VIOLATE any threadal TABOOS, ya know?

LOVE, Lucky & Pixie (Speaking of Myriad Mouths, WE could . . .)
:p :rolleyes: :p

Damn, Kinky, how many different personas do you have? I've lost track.

Anyway, no one's voted for a while, Kinky won't suck any dick for us, and Dubya's ass is getting sore, so I guess it's about time to wrap this puppy up. The winner of our highly unscientific poll, which proves absolutely nothing, is "Other," the Unknown Poet. Three cheers for the nameless one! (I asked people who didn't want to vote for the three I specified to name the poet they considered the best, but no one did-- except bigrednz, who named debbiexxx. I added her name, but then had to remove it at her request.) Coming in second is the Tigress, tigerjen. (Since she got more votes than any other named poet, it could be said she won.) WriterDom and daughter are both also very fine poets. There were also a number of very good poets and poems mentioned in various posts. I hope this poll has helped stimulate interest in LE poetry, and that you'll make poetry a regular part of your LE reading. And hell, I might as well throw in a plug for my own little poem, "Seven of Nine":