who's your current celebrity/famous person crush?

The guys on Chicago Fire. ... Severide, Kelly, and the one who was a Marine..hot as hell.
minx quoth:
i've read those books so many times, and then out loud to the kiddos when they were little, i thought i'd get twisted about changes, but i didn't. same with the harry potter books iI was so hoarse by the time we were done with those behemoths.) to me, and YMMV, it's like a chef's spin on my favorite comfort food. i love the original, but doesn't mean i can't love the transformed version as well. then again, heh, i'm easy. anyway--just enjoyed your conversation and wanted to butt in. ;)
i can get that. :>

bail quoth:
oh lawd, don't even get me started on this. plus the whole fire-bombing of the burrow in one of the subsequent movies. i was pissed!
yeah, my wife had the same reaction. :D i totally grok your nerdrage. :>

bail quoth:
i saw saving mr. banks a couple of weeks ago, and i thought it rather interesting that PL travers held out against disney for so long (more than 20 years). mary poppins is a favorite movie musical, but had i read any of the books, i'd probably feel differently.
that was an excellent film!

bail quoth:
what an interesting way of looking at it, saucy. i don't mind small tweaks, but bigger ones irk me.
i can handle it, if it makes some kind of sense in the broader story.

bail quoth:
plus, i just irritated the shit out of my husband by constantly saying, "that never happened, that's out of order, etc." :eek:
you and my wife would get along famously. :D

pmann quoth:
i dunno. you guys were so intense in the conversation. it's the middle of a celebrity crush thread and then a discussion about LOTR breaks out. that just made me smile. it's so nerdy and i don't mean that in a bad way. it was just an amusing conversation to read.
o, it's nerdy all right.

pmann quoth:
sometimes i get on tangents and just go with it.
really? i've never noticed that. :D

eilan quoth:
i want to have emma thompson's babies.
she's always been one of my top all-time crushes. i've always found her stunning.

lately i'm crushing on jane krakowski. something about her just oozes sex appeal to me.

Still Vin Diesel. I told my all that if Vin Diesel showed up with orchids and chocolates and proposed, I would just might have to leave my darling for him. :D

Although, to be honest, Dwayne Johnson - yes, The Rock - is catching my eye. So is Gerald Butler, especially as Leonides.


:D :D
Aha! Yeh as long as he keeps his mouth shut. Have you heard him talk????

Beckham talks? When did he acquire the gift of conversation. I have watched numerous interviews with him, none of which suggest that he can string a comprehensible sentence together. He is the ultimate male bimbo: strictly eye candy.
Is it wrong if my current crush is a character in a book? I want Christian Grey...and Kellan Kyle....and Gideon Cross....and Gabe Hamilton.

I really need to stop reading erotic books!
today my crush of the day is jewel staite.



For me, it's a person who I mentioned in the “guilty crushes" thread: Emma Watson. She matured into such a beautiful woman.
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Liam Neeson

Oh that magnificent voice,and he doesn't look to shabby in a duster astride a horse neither.
why thank you, minxy!

there's a thing she does IRL, she bites her lip a lot. it completely drives me outta my head.

were i a single man--and a snowball's chance in hell--ah, that way lies madness...

why thank you, minxy!

there's a thing she does IRL, she bites her lip a lot. it completely drives me outta my head.

were i a single man--and a snowball's chance in hell--ah, that way lies madness...


That was the one habit I have that drove my ex-husband crazy in a good way. lol
I somehow always end up crushing on what an actor of musician looked like 10 or 15 years ago instead of what anyone looks like currently. :rolleyes: Guess I'm just too out of the loop with modern movies and music...
minx quoth:
that was the one habit i have that drove my ex-husband crazy in a good way. lol
heh. :D

j quoth:
i forgot! wow....it surely couldn't have been when merle showed up. my best guesses:

1. glenn fights off the walker while restrained
1.5 (added later) michonne fights the governor
2. daryl starts to return back to the group after leaving with merle
3. mitch (is that his name?) betrays the governor, especially when he gives andrea a way to escape

i don't know...so many amazing scenes. i actually think it's a disadvantage to watch them all in such a short time period, no time to ruminate over individual episodes.

ooh! what about the scene in which daryl and merle show up at the prison just in time?
while those are all good, none of them are what i was thinking. actually, i cheered wildly...when andrea died. you see, i fucking hate andrea. intensely. with the heat of a thousand, thousand suns. i hate her so much when that episode finally aired again, i asked my wife to record it so i could cheer when she died all over again.


You may remember that my celebrity crush was Jenna Louise Coleman. We will have beautiful baybees. Another crush of mine is Amy Adams. We will also have beautiful baybees.
