Why are many Literotica poems so vague?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: <grin>

The Poets said:
There is a squirrel in my pine.

(I think that's the nastiest thing I've ever said to another poet.)
Aha, there is a secret order!
O those "bones" will bring them out, everytime
my modem died....

So I was away from Lit. for a couple of days. Secret initiation? oooh, do tell, that sounds exciting!

As far as blanket praise goes, I know some of my stories suck, so I do get a little suspicious when I get the same vague pleasantries that say little, or nothing about the story itself. I have told one person not to comment on my stories since his comments were so vague they could have been true of ANY story. Of course it is great that people want to be helpful. But building up a poem or story into something it is not just to avoid "hurting someone's feelings" strikes me as pure phoniness, and to masquerade that as "helpfulness" says more about the commenter than the "commentee"

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: <grin>

The Poets said:
There is a squirrel in my pine.

(I think that's the nastiest thing I've ever said to another poet.)
I'm partial to lemurs.
Re: my modem died....

sack said:
So I was away from Lit. for a couple of days. Secret initiation? oooh, do tell, that sounds exciting!

As far as blanket praise goes, I know some of my stories suck, so I do get a little suspicious when I get the same vague pleasantries that say little, or nothing about the story itself. I have told one person not to comment on my stories since his comments were so vague they could have been true of ANY story. Of course it is great that people want to be helpful. But building up a poem or story into something it is not just to avoid "hurting someone's feelings" strikes me as pure phoniness, and to masquerade that as "helpfulness" says more about the commenter than the "commentee"

Some of those people commenting may simply want to let you know they read your story. It's way to show their support, I suppose. I have a tendency to comment on poems that don't particularly appeal to me, but I like the poet. So, I try to avoid actually saying anything specific about the poem, and instead I just talk about something else. "Wow. You wrote a poem. That's great. Great like the weather here today. :)" I know it's bad, but I want to let the writer know that I'm not ignoring them or their poem. And yes, I could give some constructive feedback, but some of those poems are fine. They just don't appeal to me, and I have nothing much to say about it. Haven't you read poems you like, but you don't know specifically what you like about it? You want to let the poet know you like it, but you do feel lame just saying, "I like it." I guess that's better than nothing.
Re: my modem died....

sack said:
So I was away from Lit. for a couple of days. Secret initiation? oooh, do tell, that sounds exciting!

As far as blanket praise goes, I know some of my stories suck, so I do get a little suspicious when I get the same vague pleasantries that say little, or nothing about the story itself. I have told one person not to comment on my stories since his comments were so vague they could have been true of ANY story. Of course it is great that people want to be helpful. But building up a poem or story into something it is not just to avoid "hurting someone's feelings" strikes me as pure phoniness, and to masquerade that as "helpfulness" says more about the commenter than the "commentee"


Welcome back. I do respect what you're saying, but you do know that lots of people here want no more than an acknowlegement or to hear what you did like about what they wrote, right? I have a pretty thick skin, but others don't. Some people are not encouraged by serious critique, they're intimidated or hurt by it. So if my unwillingness to be openly critical says anything about me as a commenter, it says I don't want to make anyone feel bad--certainly not to the point where they don't feel welcome here. That's different from other writing forums I participate in, but I understand it and I respect that, too.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: <grin>

The Poets said:
There is a squirrel in my pine.

(I think that's the nastiest thing I've ever said to another poet.)

"A tree rat?" with a bushy tail?
hehehe I like that, or
"a cock-a bur in me leggins"

okay ...
did I step on your toes 1201?
with ... what did I say??

sack states comments with 'attaboys'
and 'good poems' are worthless I beleive
there's not that many professionals here
angeline edited, jims a writer, wickeds damn
good but we are at an amature web site and
one of the nicer I might add as far as critism
you want to put your non profesional opinon
on some ones work go ahead, many do ...
I prefer to inspire and encourage if I
leave a comment, if I didn't leave a comment
then I took my mothers advice ...
"If ya can't say anything nice
then don't say any thing at all"

I appreciate your comments and sacks, we
all read for enjoyment, why make it harder
than what it is, poetry to read and enjoy.
not inflict our opinions on others which seems
to be the trend of the WEB.

I'm not intimated, but many are, and yes
you can say oh well, that's their problem
but I've made it mine to help those!

It's better to extend an open hand than to
raise a closed fist!
the sheer volume of material....

To extend what Angeline said so well, another issue is the sheer number of new poems each day. I find I have to be reasonably critical to determine the 5-10 that catch my fancy, and I always try to stress the positive in my comments. Most people have reacted well to my observations, there are always those that will disagree and that doesn't bother me at all. I'm sure I've had some of my comments deleted just as I occasionally delete comments. The point I have been trying to make throughout this thread is that everyone has their own unique style of commenting which works for them. The person who "likes everything" makes him/herself less believable because that is just not real life. Do you like every movie you've seen, every book you've read, every stranger you've met? Of course not, and there is nothing wrong with that. I think if a poem did absolutely nothing for me I wouldn't comment on it, but there are many others with potential that may have a minor structural problem, etc., and I always comment on those. I personally don't mind reading something about my poems I may have missed or overlooked....no one is a walking robot after all! But sometimes I wonder, should there be a daily limit to the poems that are submitted to Lit., say 2 a day max? It's difficult to read 10 new entries by a particular poet, and often such entries tend to blend into one another as you go over them. Guess it comes down to quality vs. quantity in some instances.

Re: the sheer volume of material....

sack said:
To extend what Angeline said so well, another issue is the sheer number of new poems each day. I find I have to be reasonably critical to determine the 5-10 that catch my fancy, and I always try to stress the positive in my comments. Most people have reacted well to my observations, there are always those that will disagree and that doesn't bother me at all. I'm sure I've had some of my comments deleted just as I occasionally delete comments. The point I have been trying to make throughout this thread is that everyone has their own unique style of commenting which works for them. The person who "likes everything" makes him/herself less believable because that is just not real life. Do you like every movie you've seen, every book you've read, every stranger you've met? Of course not, and there is nothing wrong with that. I think if a poem did absolutely nothing for me I wouldn't comment on it, but there are many others with potential that may have a minor structural problem, etc., and I always comment on those. I personally don't mind reading something about my poems I may have missed or overlooked....no one is a walking robot after all! But sometimes I wonder, should there be a daily limit to the poems that are submitted to Lit., say 2 a day max? It's difficult to read 10 new entries by a particular poet, and often such entries tend to blend into one another as you go over them. Guess it comes down to quality vs. quantity in some instances.


Yep. And if I see a poem by someone new who I think is really good and I want to offer more specific, critical feedback, I'll offer it in a pm or email.

Re: the sheer volume of material....

sack said:
To extend what Angeline said so well, another issue is the sheer number of new poems each day. I find I have to be reasonably critical to determine the 5-10 that catch my fancy, and I always try to stress the positive in my comments. Most people have reacted well to my observations, there are always those that will disagree and that doesn't bother me at all. I'm sure I've had some of my comments deleted just as I occasionally delete comments. The point I have been trying to make throughout this thread is that everyone has their own unique style of commenting which works for them. The person who "likes everything" makes him/herself less believable because that is just not real life. Do you like every movie you've seen, every book you've read, every stranger you've met? Of course not, and there is nothing wrong with that. I think if a poem did absolutely nothing for me I wouldn't comment on it, but there are many others with potential that may have a minor structural problem, etc., and I always comment on those. I personally don't mind reading something about my poems I may have missed or overlooked....no one is a walking robot after all! But sometimes I wonder, should there be a daily limit to the poems that are submitted to Lit., say 2 a day max? It's difficult to read 10 new entries by a particular poet, and often such entries tend to blend into one another as you go over them. Guess it comes down to quality vs. quantity in some instances.


hey sack~
I was asked a question on a comment I made
and I had to evaluate what I wrote thats fun hehehe~
but realized that a nice poem meant nice but
when I'm finding words like Paramount to describe
a terrific literary creation I think the point is
the power behind the comment says it all,
unless you mean tell those that suck that they
suck, I'll leave that to those that choose to
and I'll go to the next poem,

the survivor contest is in full swing
the poetry points is why the long list
of submissions by the same person.

one more thing, the comments have been
down so get your ass back to commenting~
Re: Re: the sheer volume of material....

My Erotic Tale said:
hey sack~
I was asked a question on a comment I made
and I had to evaluate what I wrote thats fun hehehe~
but realized that a nice poem meant nice but
when I'm finding words like Paramount to describe
a terrific literary creation I think the point is
the power behind the comment says it all,
unless you mean tell those that suck that they
suck, I'll leave that to those that choose to
and I'll go to the next poem,

the survivor contest is in full swing
the poetry points is why the long list
of submissions by the same person.

one more thing, the comments have been
down so get your ass back to commenting~

Well, me, I'm goin to sleep.

Sweet dreams all.

I see a circle of robed figures
I hear chanting...
Must be the Loyal Order of Sensitive Poet People

The chattering of squirrels, lemurs
The wind in the pines
The melting blackbird ice cream
All is well and happy in the forest sentimental
Wow this really touched me, it burned a hole in my soul. More please, thank you.

You know Sack, in this very round - about way...
Maybe the poems will remain vague, if the comments remain vague.
" I don't understand this..."
"what do you mean by..."
"this bothers me..."
all are valid comments, not offensive (I don't think) and it challenges the author to think about what he wrote.

I nominate sack to do a couple of Interacts, he knows how to ask questions.

Now. Evekins, about the squirrel. Was it a male squirrel or a female squirrel, or when it was sitting there did its tale go like this ?

quote by twelveOone
"Hey Art, I'm the orneriest bastard alive, never had a problem with what you had to say about mine, even that infamous PM you sent, you didn't like it, you said why, honesty should never be a problem.
Where is Sack anyway?, Oh yeah, the intiation in that secret poets society.
I betcha he comes out with a poem that has "bones" in it, that means he's a "made" poet.
Wait I second, how do I know you're not one of THEM, didn't I see you prancing around in that purple robe with "Sensitive Poet Person" on the back?


okay that's why I thought I stepped on your toe
cause any one who knows me knows I'm not
sensitive, (cocks my 30.06)

okay ... I'm unsure of any "Bone" poems I'm
not sure I want to know those hehehe

and I have a question about the PM you
sent last night but I'll go back and send
ya the question. curious, thanks 1201
for your reviews and your contributions
to Lits poetry arena. need more ...commentors
not pick on the commentors style but
encourage more to read and feedback
"it could happen"

I seem to be seeing a fine thread trying to combine myself and Art as one. I am a friend of his, I boost his works he will mine.

I was reading your comment About some of your stories "Suck and you know it. Yet you get mundane comments."

Here's mine for you "All your stories suck the one's I read seem to be males sucking off males." So if you are going for that under lying latent homosexuality. Coming out of the closet. I would have to ammend my comment and say "You are rocking Sack."

Re: Sack

Annora said:
I seem to be seeing a fine thread trying to combine myself and Art as one. I am a friend of his, I boost his works he will mine.

I was reading your comment About some of your stories "Suck and you know it. Yet you get mundane comments."

Here's mine for you "All your stories suck the one's I read seem to be males sucking off males." So if you are going for that under lying latent homosexuality. Coming out of the closet. I would have to ammend my comment and say "You are rocking Sack."


I usually stay out of these things, but speaking as a mod, what of use does your comment add? Especially given that the thread is about poems, not stories?

I know there's some sniping in this thread, but we try to keep it pretty low key here. No disrespect intended--and Art knows I respect him and how he tries to support poetry here.
Re: Re: Sack

Angeline said:
I usually stay out of these things, but speaking as a mod, what of use does your comment add? Especially given that the thread is about poems, not stories?

I know there's some sniping in this thread, but we try to keep it pretty low key here. No disrespect intended--and Art knows I respect him and how he tries to support poetry here.

"I was reading your comment About some of your stories "Suck and you know it. Yet you get mundane comments.""

this was snipped from this thread ???

I believe the seed to this flower lies in the
comments section of my poem mistletoe <grin>
which was the first post on this thread , this
reminds me of the humorus german soldier
that praises the general for their superb
tactical brilliance while asking for a smoke~
then upon recieving the cigarette then
acknowledges that they knew they weren't
a general. <grin>

the sac-ora events were from the christmas
story contest and read exchange, they were
buds, till the contest was over and well ...
Annora is not a general any more hehehey!

just a brief history lesson,
dancing like a made man trying not to step
on a toe, keeping it lower than low key,
maybe lesser <chuckleboned>

anyway grasshopper~
thanks for the encouragement
to us all, an of course the great edits
when we get them! (~_*)
Angeline, by way of background...

Annora has an excellent story series going "You've just been Angela'd". A certain commenter, not myself, has been hard on the punctuation aspect of these stories. Art stepped into Annora's defense, then the same commenter commented that 1 out of 35 words of Art's poems are misspelled, so what right does he have to make fun of his comments about commas, etc.

There are a lot of issues here...the main one is that Art's generosity, helpfulness, etc. should be kept separate from his poem writing ability. I have always been supportive of Art's poems, and did present my analysis of "Mistletoe" initially as a poem from an anonymous poet. As a matter of fact, I informed Art about the "vague" thread myself, so there was no attempt to deceive. That was the only Tale offering ever that I have voted less than a "5", and I stated why.

The other background issue that may be confusing is that Art wrote a story for the Winter Holiday Story Contest titled "Rotic: The Literotica Elf" in which the Elf gave many Literotica writers Christmas presents, in Art's words "the ones that supported him"
I left a tongue in cheek PC to the effect I had always supported Art's stories, so why didn't I get a Christmas present? He apologized equally tongue in cheek and I thought that was the end of the issue, but people have been bringing it up as my reason to have "animosity" towards Art. I disagree with Art on some issues, but don't have animosity towards him. I see this as good natured bantering, some like to play the game "let's you and him fight."

PS- A full third of my stories don't involve males/oral sex, just for the record.:cool:
Re: Re: the sheer volume of material....

My Erotic Tale said:
hey sack~
I was asked a question on a comment I made
and I had to evaluate what I wrote thats fun hehehe~
but realized that a nice poem meant nice but
when I'm finding words like Paramount to describe
a terrific literary creation I think the point is
the power behind the comment says it all,
unless you mean tell those that suck that they
suck, I'll leave that to those that choose to
and I'll go to the next poem,

one more thing, the comments have been
down so get your ass back to commenting~

Here is where I disagree; if you are finding words like Paramount, it would be nice from time to time to let everybody know with with specifics.

But your comment about comments is right on.
Re: Re: Re: Sack

My Erotic Tale said:
"I was reading your comment About some of your stories "Suck and you know it. Yet you get mundane comments.""

this was snipped from this thread ???

I believe the seed to this flower lies in the
comments section of my poem mistletoe <grin>
which was the first post on this thread , this
reminds me of the humorus german soldier
that praises the general for their superb
tactical brilliance while asking for a smoke~
then upon recieving the cigarette then
acknowledges that they knew they weren't
a general. <grin>

the sac-ora events were from the christmas
story contest and read exchange, they were
buds, till the contest was over and well ...
Annora is not a general any more hehehey!

just a brief history lesson,
dancing like a made man trying not to step
on a toe, keeping it lower than low key,
maybe lesser <chuckleboned>

anyway grasshopper~
thanks for the encouragement
to us all, an of course the great edits
when we get them! (~_*)


you're welcome.

i'm a lot busier now than i was when i commented more, but if someone asks for an edit, I will try. :)
My goodness. This was some headache thread indeed. It was an interresting first post -- in how it, by raising a question makes an opinion into face value, and how everyone takes the conversation bait and chews on.

Are Lit poems vague? I must have read them wrong all this time. :)
Randi Grail said:
My goodness. This was some headache thread indeed. It was an interresting first post -- in how it, by raising a question makes an opinion into face value, and how everyone takes the conversation bait and chews on.

Are Lit poems vague? I must have read them wrong all this time. :)
Depends on what the fuck you mean by "vague" - everyone seems to make a different interpretation of the word in this thread. :D

Welcome back, Randi. I missed you. :rose::)
Randi Grail said:
My goodness. This was some headache thread indeed. It was an interresting first post -- in how it, by raising a question makes an opinion into face value, and how everyone takes the conversation bait and chews on.

Are Lit poems vague? I must have read them wrong all this time. :)

yeah we are all vague and wandering in a miasma of...whatever the fuck he said.

I didn't realize i sucked so bad