Why are many Literotica poems so vague?

"My confusion in life"

Now that's condescending, isn't it? Hmmmm too late, I already taunted the Tale. Don't worry, he'll soon grow a new one. Good night everybody.....

Re: "My confusion in life"

sack said:
Now that's condescending, isn't it? Hmmmm too late, I already taunted the Tale. Don't worry, he'll soon grow a new one. Good night everybody.....


yea and I can't figure out for the life of me
why he hasn't taken a bigger bite out of you
probably give his compassion for ignorance speech
all I can say sack is the man comments and
encourages others and you want to try and
what duel him? laughing my ass off.
bring him down so you shine brighter
your a tarnished paper bag
and a lesser person for such an act.
you got it anal for Art? lol
wait till templeminded hears this

chill bro~
don't need no temple storm

sack has only asked a question or two
when a student asks a question you don't
ridicule them for not knowing the answer
you aid them in finding their answer
sack asked for guidence not a duel
and my tail is fine, thanks for the assist
but verbal lashings is not a solution
or a direction towards resolution
seek the flower among the thorn bush
use a pooper scooper when you been pooped
can't figure out a fishing lines back lash
cut the line and restring,

good night lee
just wanted to mention...

There are some super new poems posted today by many contributors to this thread....Seranade (loved that one!), Wicked Eve, Jim, Sack. Enjoy the salad of styles!
Re: Not to interrupt the philosophy but...

jthserra said:
Variations of same conversation (vague vs. un-vague poetry) is being argued today in poetry journals and other venues all over. I mentioned Jorie Graham, her Dream of a Unified Field won a pulitizer prize, but I challenge anyone to read more than three lines of any poem in the book without scratching their head.

Regarding lesser poets... I have heard it said that even the greatest poets have really only written 4 or 5, maybe 6 truly great poems. Maybe we all are really lesser poets until we write a few truly great poems.

Of course some poets are still less lesser than others.

jim : )
I wish I remember who said this:
"there is one good song in all of use"
well said whoever it was
well said Jim
Re: oh?

My Erotic Tale said:
chill bro~
don't need no temple storm

sack has only asked a question or two
when a student asks a question you don't
ridicule them for not knowing the answer
you aid them in finding their answer
sack asked for guidence not a duel
and my tail is fine, thanks for the assist
but verbal lashings is not a solution
or a direction towards resolution
seek the flower among the thorn bush
use a pooper scooper when you been pooped
can't figure out a fishing lines back lash
cut the line and restring,

good night lee

Just what I was thinking! Well said Art.. no need for negative in these threads. Happy New Year All!
du Lac
Re: "My confusion in life"

sack said:
Now that's condescending, isn't it? Hmmmm too late, I already taunted the Tale. Don't worry, he'll soon grow a new one. Good night everybody.....


Sack dear one question... you say this about my poems..
This is so "zen"!
With the emphasis on living in the present. I will treasure this poem!

The Gift
This should be posted on everyones' refrigerator..
Great little "life lesson." Extremely well written and a joy to read!

The Flow
kind of bittersweet....
Why can't the pearl be fully developed rather than just in the making? Kind of sad for me? Did you deliberately break cannot about three quarters through? I have never seen it written as can not be...

Now you say you enjoy these poems.. and will "treasure" them. But darling your actions here on this thread display just the reverse of what these poems say!!!! As I have said in other threads critque is great.. if it is given with a kind pen. We get so much more when we are able to listen. Go through this thread and read about my lesson re: the jails. You will see we all only this moment at times to see reality, change and move forward. Anger and bitterness develops nothing, compassion and kindness wins the universe. It may not seem so right now in this world, but believe me, it is true....

and your question re: dancing devas... it was a delibrate!

Dev \Dev\, or Deva \De"va\ (?), n. [Skr. d?va. Cf. Deity.] (Hind. Myth.) A god; a deity; a divine being; an idol; a king.

The poem is about women as a whole being divided. Fighting each other... only when united... can there be no diva or devas... women struggling to win power over men.. over themselves... over everything.. wanting to be a Deva... instead of knowing that we are to be one with all things.. not powered over anyone or thing..... Equality of male/female.. brings on a trinity of truth... hmmm yes Du lac is a deep one.. lol..
and as always Sack thank you for your kind comments continously on my poems...
Happy New Year dear..
Du Lac

PS Sack.. yes I did on the can not... look at it.. can....... not it about choice..
du lac
Re: Re: now wait a minute Seranade,

seranade said:
okay taking notes
feathers ruffle easy
don't wite vague
don't mention snowflakes when
writing about snowflakes
and sack
I assure you Art has no malice
he feels sorry for your confussion in life in general
he's just to nice to say it, he encourages everyone
he's one of the greatest men in this community
so don't taunt the tail
Art has His moments, I have one of his PM's
He ruffled my feathers
I printed it for the bottom of my bird cage
Snowflake sized droppings rained
Then I realized what I wrote wasn't for him
And he was a man of honour and honesty
And wrote something for him instead to understand
With a message for those without honour
And a line for the greater men
Something about a vague existence
And an even vaguer end

As I see the problem with deeper meanings
Is sometimes you get the bends
The raptures of the deep
Re: Re: "My confusion in life"

Du Lac said:

Dev \Dev\, or Deva \De"va\ (?), n. [Skr. d?va. Cf. Deity.] (Hind. Myth.) A god; a deity; a divine being; an idol; a king.

instead of knowing that we are to be one with all things.. not powered over anyone or thing..... Equality of male/female.. brings on a trinity of truth... hmmm yes Du lac is a deep one.. lol..
and as always Sack thank you for your kind comments continously on my poems...
Happy New Year dear..
Du Lac

Well said
I think we need all of you
This has to be the best thread
I've ever seen
No resolution
Then does it need one?

Sometimes soft questions
do not get the reply
Shouting just hardens the opposition

I really enjoyed this thread
Best wishes to all for 2005
From Sack:
"If you reject "higher" and "lower", then all poets have exactly the same level of ability. You can't have it both ways. Sure, there are the "Special Olympics", there are also programs for the talented and gifted. No one is making a judgement on whether various levels of intellect are "better" or "worse", but just that they exist. Lesser poets exist.....that's all. Don't put value judgements in where there are none. "

A response to this was Du Lac asking if trees are higher than bees. That's "apples and oranges," Sack isn't trying to measure poetry to movies, or even to trees and bees, he's measuring poetry against poetry.

In effect, Sack is correct here, there are "higher" and "lower" poets and poetry. This is not a description of geography though, "mountains and valleys" do not compare to poetry either. These are social highs and social lows. In Sacks opinion then, some poetry has a greater impact on society in a way that he likes it. Other poetry has a lesser, or even negative, impact on society in a way that he does not like. (My apologies for speaking for you here Sack, by all means correct me if I'm wrong here.)

The error comes when one individual presumes to set a measuring stick by which everyone must be measured, not when individuals attempt to compare individual measuring sticks and their different value systems.

Continue to do the later, but understand you are not doing the former.
See, I'm learning something...

Never heard the word Deva before, but ironically "Diva" would have fit this poem as well. (I bet "Diva" derived from "Deva", their meanings are similar!) However, just because I like the principles of a selected group of poems, doesn't mean I have to follow them precisely in this thread. The bible says "A soft answer turneth away wrath", but I am torn between that and the fact that we all need a good spanking once in a while.(I'm sure Tath and Wicked will have fun with that statement!) At least, I've benefitted in my life from the few times people have had the guts to "shake me up" rather than whisper sweet nothings in my ear. There has to be a trade off Du Lac, and the "It's all good approach" needs to put on the back burner when a friend or loved one is about to fall off a cliff. At least that's the way I see it. I'm not saying I want to follow what your poems are preaching, just enjoying them, thus the apparent disparity between my public comments to you and the things I've said in this thread. Hope that is less "vague" to you!!


I understand the firm hand rule... and use it and need it at times... hell... chat and boards are hard because we see only what we want to see or hear... be it kindness or hostility. There is no human contact there... I am not saying do it my way... I only ask that one sees that there are choices... I decide to use a softer way... of working thru things.. done that other way.... makes me ugly lol... and I like to be pretty lol...

We all are here to see and learn.. I am not saying do it my way.. or measuring you with a stick... I present my views as my views... if they came off as preaching ... I apologize I don't preach... but... just report how I see things.

Homer.... I was commenting more on this statement listed below... re: lakes, bees, trees..... to me a better tomorrow starts with vision...
yes I got off the poetry poetry angle, but this statement by Sack was more of a general society thought ... we are all allowed our thoughts... the good thing here.. is that Sack sees this as a problem as do others.. that is the first step to solving the sadness of the dilemna...
Am I a pollyanna.???? some say so... but watch out! I can be a furious warrior when needed... I just decide to approach things in a different way....because I can.... or not... can....not
du lac
Originally posted by sack
unless you want to go to an uninhabitated pacific island for the rest of your life. It starts in 1st grade....children are grouped, higher and lower, by their reading and math ability. The same holds true for art, music , and gym. Kids learn very fast the areas they are "stupid" in. Yet, hetereogeneous grouping is also a complete disaster. The brighter kids are bored and the more limited ones never catch up. There's a challenge for you MET...fix our flawed educational system!
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With all this talk about public comments, I see I inadvertently didn't allow them on my latest poem! That would be pretty disingenuous, after this thread! So, I fixed it, I don't know how long the change will take to go through. In the meantime, voting is allowed, however! I would be extremely interested in comments as to the physical layout of this poem. Too obvious? Too subtle? You didn't get it? Comments in this forum are OK until the PC thing goes through.

Thanks, Sack :)
Re: Funny......

sack said:
With all this talk about public comments, I see I inadvertently didn't allow them on my latest poem! That would be pretty disingenuous, after this thread! So, I fixed it, I don't know how long the change will take to go through. In the meantime, voting is allowed, however! I would be extremely interested in comments as to the physical layout of this poem. Too obvious? Too subtle? You didn't get it? Comments in this forum are OK until the PC thing goes through.

Thanks, Sack :)

yeah I noticed that too
Re: Funny......

sack said:
With all this talk about public comments, I see I inadvertently didn't allow them on my latest poem! That would be pretty disingenuous, after this thread! So, I fixed it, I don't know how long the change will take to go through. In the meantime, voting is allowed, however! I would be extremely interested in comments as to the physical layout of this poem. Too obvious? Too subtle? You didn't get it? Comments in this forum are OK until the PC thing goes through.

Thanks, Sack :)

Thanks seranade for the tip
Hey Art <sensei>
templeminded <bows>

I admitt I didn't get half way through
this thread and yes there are some excellent
points being made, the yin and the yang
the good things being explored, the bad being sacks
manipulative way of picking at MET's creation
after words mingle about his winning? and not by
Art I might add. There are way to many other poems
more confussing.

a commenting whore?
perhaps it runs deeper, like Art
doesn't write stories like sack likes.
or forgetting his name in the rotic elf tale
Art said to ignore him, he has problems he
is dealing with. We're here to help sack!
with his confussion!

I respect what homerpinder said
but that's sugar coating sacks mentality of
how he views the word lesser
saying there is and should be a higher and
lesser, not useing experienced and beginner
word play tells the soul.

when sexual preferences mingle as they
do here at this forum, then your bound to
get someones knickers in a knot over tiny
things from time to time depending what kind
of person you are. High strung, easy going to much
caffene? The one thing binding is we all cherish
poetry and seem to find common ground here
at this forum. But I just want to say that Art
has encouraged and guided so many in so many
different ways helping people persue their dreams
of college, buissness homes community works and
organizations. I only seen him loose his temper once
and he his generally a most pleasant person to be
around. Honor above all things he say's a lot.
I didn';t want to be to vague about why I'm posting
I just wanted to spit shine the old man

thanks seranade
thanks to the thread starter for the moment
to speak my mind.
and bows to Sa ba nim (MET)
Hi Ninja!

I've never heard from you before. I thought I made it quite clear that I was not picking on Art's poem, which was initially offered anonymously by the way. And indeed, I could have picked 10-20 at random just like it. I'm glad Art has been inspiring to some, but that really has nothing to do with his not using a spell checker, non-cohesive writing, etc., which even he admits to, of course.

I also don't think the Rotic story had anything to do with this thread....my comment about Art not including me was clearly a joke! As far as sexualities go, I fail to see their influence as well. Some people wince at "lesser", but they are OK with "beginner". It's all a matter of semantics, and I suspect we are all talking about the same thing.

It's a free country, and I can put up anyones' poem if I want to and talk about it, pro and con. In a similar manner, someone could take one of my stories or poems and do a line by line analysis if they chose. I'd be flattered by the attention, whether I agreed with the person or not. Only an insecure individual would get their knickers in an uproar over this. What's your point, that because Art has been helpful to people I should only create "love letters" about his poems? How do you know I'm not equally generous, if not more so? And more to the point, what does our degree of "helpfulness" have anything to do with our ability to put together a coherent poem?

This was never a battle Ninja, I think you've been watching too many Bruce Lee movies. Thanks anyway for your interesting point of view!

twelveoone said:
I think we need all of you
This has to be the best thread
I've ever seen
No resolution
Then does it need one?

Sometimes soft questions
do not get the reply
Shouting just hardens the opposition

I really enjoyed this thread
Best wishes to all for 2005

true so true

hey wild child (ko)
you made it?

now Ko's poems are vague in comparrison to
Art's poetry. so why are poems vague at Lit?
well I went to a couple forums and they have
the same vague poetry style. sack have you been
to any other forums? they will enlighten you!
perhaps help the confussion. maybe find your higher
your looking for? some of the most vague poems to
date ... Haiku :)
Re: Hi Ninja!

sack said:
I've never heard from you before. I thought I made it quite clear that I was not picking on Art's poem, which was initially offered anonymously by the way. And indeed, I could have picked 10-20 at random just like it. I'm glad Art has been inspiring to some, but that really has nothing to do with his not using a spell checker, non-cohesive writing, etc., which even he admits to, of course.

grammer anal huh sack and your saying
Art had ignored you is why your upset? no recognition?

I also don't think the Rotic story had anything to do with this thread....my comment about Art not including me was clearly a joke! As far as sexualities go, I fail to see their influence as well. Some people wince at "lesser", but they are OK with "beginner". It's all a matter of semantics, and I suspect we are all talking about the same thing.

a cya act,

It's a free country, and I can put up anyones' poem if I want to and talk about it, pro and con. In a similar manner, someone could take one of my stories or poems and do a line by line analysis if they chose. I'd be flattered by the attention, whether I agreed with the person or not. Only an insecure individual would get their knickers in an uproar over this. What's your point, that because Art has been helpful to people I should only create "love letters" about his poems? How do you know I'm not equally generous, if not more so? And more to the point, what does our degree of "helpfulness" have anything to do with our ability to put together a coherent poem?

This was never a battle Ninja, I think you've been watching too many Bruce Lee movies. Thanks anyway for your interesting point of view!
your welcome sack
just here to help clear up your confussion
I see that vague seems to be a norm with you
you have vague poem sack wonder why you
didnt think to use one of those? not bad poetry
either I might add, now your stories Ill pass on.
you might as well take a fog horn and shout
your gender preference. so a date with you is out, lol

be sweet lil one, and any questions on vague poetry
call some one else


hey lee
yep, lil sweet, ain't he?
Thanks for the PC, Seranade....

And your instincts were right, originally all the verses were combined and went horizontally across the page like one gigantic tsunami, but I couldn't fit it in the literotica submission box. So, this was the compromise....at least you figured out that they were supposed to be waves, that's a good sign!
I have been to other poetry sites, yes Literotica has more variety! Of course, Lauren Hynde's definition of vague hasn't even been discussed yet, and would make an interesting new thread!

Hey this is getting interesting.....

your welcome sack
just here to help clear up your confussion
I see that vague seems to be a norm with you
you have vague poem sack wonder why you
didnt think to use one of those? not bad poetry
either I might add, now your stories Ill pass on.
you might as well take a fog horn and shout
your gender preference. so a date with you is out, lol

be sweet lil one, and any questions on vague poetry
call some one else

What poems of mine do you think are vague? I think Morning Fog is hazy, like the mist but that was intentional. Now I see what you mean about the sexuality reference. This may surprise you, but the following stories of mine are completely heterosexual:

The Seduction of Simon, 7 parts
The Mask
The Door
Zapped Into National Nude Day
The Attack of The Uni-Tits
Who killed Lois Laynes?
Donna The Dominatrix, Part 1
The Little Candle Girl
Laura's Last Christmas Present
Everyone Sucks Raymond, Part 2

That's 16 stories! You just might like them....and they aren't even vague....LOL!

Re: Thanks for the PC, Seranade....

sack said:
And your instincts were right, originally all the verses were combined and went horizontally across the page like one gigantic tsunami, but I couldn't fit it in the literotica submission box. So, this was the compromise....at least you figured out that they were supposed to be waves, that's a good sign!
I have been to other poetry sites, yes Literotica has more variety! Of course, Lauren Hynde's definition of vague hasn't even been discussed yet, and would make an interesting new thread!


yea Ko flamin'

hey sack then you might have tried the email submission
or even illustrated but gotcha' the waves were obvious
this is a vague thread repost ... Lauren's
definition, for poetry is best said vague.
oh yea thanks for the comment on my poem,
you can blame the spelling on Arts computer
at the ...MA building. NO spell check, I'm curious
because the other forums never mentioned spelling
just great reviews, literotica seem's tougher on poets.
or so I've heard.

but back to vague
where's wickedeve?
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Re: Hey this is getting interesting.....

sack said:
your welcome sack
just here to help clear up your confussion
I see that vague seems to be a norm with you
you have vague poem sack wonder why you
didnt think to use one of those? not bad poetry
either I might add, now your stories Ill pass on.
you might as well take a fog horn and shout
your gender preference. so a date with you is out, lol

be sweet lil one, and any questions on vague poetry
call some one else

What poems of mine do you think are vague? I think Morning Fog is hazy, like the mist but that was intentional. Now I see what you mean about the sexuality reference. This may surprise you, but the following stories of mine are completely heterosexual:

The Seduction of Simon, 7 parts
The Mask
The Door
Zapped Into National Nude Day
The Attack of The Uni-Tits
Who killed Lois Laynes?
Donna The Dominatrix, Part 1
The Little Candle Girl
Laura's Last Christmas Present
Everyone Sucks Raymond, Part 2

That's 16 stories! You just might like them....and they aren't even vague....LOL!


oh ... I see now,
dang ... thanks Ko
I may not be the brightest
crayon in the box but certainly one
of the more interesting but then again
the one in bed with the sack would win
that contest.

I have to say the poems I'm reading
here at lit show that a lot of the poetry
is vague but not to any great extent and
wicked (yummy) has the most I've read so far.
wonderful poetry so sack you got a problem
with vague poems all I can tell ya is read as
far into the poem as possible then give up
and move on, don't strain a brain cell.
either enjoy it or move on. vag-on!

now I have to sing this song
yeah it might be all wrong
forgot a word or a paragraph
but I sang and SHE laughed
the joy we shared as I played
temptation in song
a seranade
Re: Re: Hey this is getting interesting.....

seranade said:
oh ... I see now,
dang ... thanks Ko
I may not be the brightest
crayon in the box but certainly one
of the more interesting but then again
the one in bed with the sack would win
that contest.

I have to say the poems I'm reading
here at lit show that a lot of the poetry
is vague but not to any great extent and
wicked (yummy) has the most I've read so far.
wonderful poetry so sack you got a problem
with vague poems all I can tell ya is read as
far into the poem as possible then give up
and move on, don't strain a brain cell.
either enjoy it or move on. vag-on!

now I have to sing this song
yeah it might be all wrong
forgot a word or a paragraph
but I sang and SHE laughed
the joy we shared as I played
temptation in song
a seranade

I just love it when you sing ...
my ding a ling ...
'now that was funny
I don't care who ya are.'
come on sack you surely know all the words
and won't sing them wrong.
although that song may be a bit vague.
some like it spelled out for them.

check out your PM box dear
read my poem and comment
or I'll have to spank you
great, now he'll never read it
where you at jar head
tapping my toes.