Why black?

BlueSugar said:
Would you feel powerful wearing natural colored leather?
Could you feel dominated by someone wearing natural colored leather?
I couldn't.
Black is a power thing to me, it is contrast against the other colors, it is a void, it envelopes.

While I love black leather, I can also keep my boy in line in sweats and thick woolen Minnesota socks.

Clothes don't make the woman. But I like them.
I have been dominated by a man in khaki slacks, button-down shirt and tie.

What he wears really makes no difference. What he does.... does.
A Desert Rose said:
I have been dominated by a man in khaki slacks, button-down shirt and tie.

What he wears really makes no difference. What he does.... does.

Have to agree with that....if he hasn't got what it takes, no choice of clothing is going to hide the truth for long.

Maybe I'm weird.

But when we're scening...the LAST thing I'm paying attention to is what the hell He's wearing.


AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Maybe I'm weird.


Yes, you are weird....

but in a good way.
(you know I love ya!)

Talk to you later.... I'm on the way out the door.
Darn! I missed ADR! Hope life is treating you well!

As for the black thing, I've always wondered at that. I like black as much as the next person, I suppose, but I much more enjoy the entire rainbow. When I was actively looking for a Dominant, every single one of them wore black - and nothing but. It weird - and not really in a good way. I did see one Dominant for a while, and one of the things that really got to me was that this guy always wore all black: jeans, shirt, boots, jacket. It was like he either didn't have any other colors or he only wore the same thing over and over and over.

I did read somewhere that if your favorite color is black it means you place your own pleasure before anyone else's. If your favorite color is red it means you place others pleasure before your own. Don't think I believe this, but it is interesting.
SexyChele said:
Darn! I missed ADR! Hope life is treating you well!

As for the black thing, I've always wondered at that. I like black as much as the next person, I suppose, but I much more enjoy the entire rainbow. When I was actively looking for a Dominant, every single one of them wore black - and nothing but. It weird - and not really in a good way. I did see one Dominant for a while, and one of the things that really got to me was that this guy always wore all black: jeans, shirt, boots, jacket. It was like he either didn't have any other colors or he only wore the same thing over and over and over.

I did read somewhere that if your favorite color is black it means you place your own pleasure before anyone else's. If your favorite color is red it means you place others pleasure before your own. Don't think I believe this, but it is interesting.

I have missed you, too. And, as you well know, I follow your posts when I see them here. I do so hope life is good for you, too. ;-)

As to the man in black thing....
Were you into the whole ring of fire thingy with Johnny Cash? ;-)
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Maybe I'm weird.

But when we're scening...the LAST thing I'm paying attention to is what the hell He's wearing.



I'm with you, though if he isn't wearing anything my attention can sometimes be momentarily distracted.:D

I think the difference here is in ritualistic type scening and non-ritualistic.

I don't, and never have, participated in that type of thing but, that's not to say that should the opportunity arise, I would refuse it. Hey, I'm game for most things. And I sure have no experience in it to speak to it or about it.
A Desert Rose said:
I think the difference here is in ritualistic type scening and non-ritualistic.

I don't, and never have, participated in that type of thing but, that's not to say that should the opportunity arise, I would refuse it. Hey, I'm game for most things. And I sure have no experience in it to speak to it or about it.

Good point ADR. I think for me, if it were ritualistic, which I love, I would not be limited to black, but can see the inclusion of rich reds, purples, golds, blues, and green, perhaps against a backdrop of black. The scope is limitless I think.

Catalina, I whole heartedly agree. While the clothes aren't important and the skills are, black has always been the "taboo" color.

According to obscure bible references the color Black has been: applied to the hair (Lev. 13:31; Song of Songs 5:11), the complexion (Song of Songs 1:5), and to horses (Zech. 6:2,6). The word rendered "brown" in Gen. 30:32 (R.V., "black") means properly "scorched", i.e., the color produced by the influence of the sun's rays. "Black" in Job 30:30 means dirty, blackened by sorrow and disease. The word is applied to a mourner's robes (Jer. 8:21; 14:2), to a clouded sky (1 Kings 18:45), to night (Micah 3:6; Jer. 4:28), and to a brook rendered turbid by melted snow (Job 6:16). It is used as symbolical of evil in Zech. 6:2, 6 and Rev. 6:5. It was the emblem of mourning, affliction, calamity (Jer. 14:2; Lam. 4:8; 5:10

Boy they sure don't make anything sound fun now do they.

According to Buddhists:
Black signifies the primordial darkness. In the realm where it is dark, because there is no light reflected, there is also a sound which we cannot hear as it is so high on the scale of harmonics that it is inaccessible to the hearing capacity of any physical being. The wonders of creation may be manifested through the gradual slowing down of vibrations. The darkness becomes light, the shadows colors, the colors sound, and sound creates form.

One of the most interesting examples is represented by the so-called black paintings. The special genre of the black thangkas, the potent, highly mystical paintings portraying shimmering, brilliant forms appearing out of a translucent darkness, came to full fruition in the second half of the seventeenth century.

Black paintings, a relatively late appearance in Buddhist art, have added yet another means by which artists can conjure up visions of mysterious transcendent worlds. Like the fierce deities who are often the subject matter of these thangkas, the blackness signifies the darkness of hate and ignorance as well as the role these qualities have to play in the awakening of clarity and truth.

Thangkas with black background form a special category of contemplative paintings. They are a highly mystical and esoteric type, usually reserved for advanced practice. Black is the color of hate, transmuted by the alchemy of wisdom into compassion. Darkness represents the imminence of the absolute, the threshold of the experience. It is used for terrific ritual actions, the radical conquest of evil in all its forms - conquest not by annihilating, but by turning even evil into good. Thus, in the black paintings (T. nagtang) the black ground casts forth deities in luminous visions of translucent colors.

Very interesting stuff.

catalina_francisco said:
I personally have no idea why black is the chosen colour, though I suspect it is tied to such things as taboos, darker side of sexuality, sensual pleasures, and the such. For us, we don't bother with clothing specifics when scening. Maybe this woud change if we were more into public scening, but at home or whereever we might choose, we usually just go with the moment as it occurs.


Actually - I think the thing with the black leather( or rather part of it anyway) is sheer availability.
Part of that availability stems from the grossly simple fact that it is easier to die the damn stuff black - less worries about hide variation.
It's also usually cheaper (this according to a friend that does leatherwork). Also due to being easier to do.

Given a choice - I think I would prefer a brick red - that really dark shade - or a nice medium/dark grey.
Netzach said:
I have an eye on this white suddenly-last-summer halter dress in latex at house of whacks.

Call it my love of things retro acting up, but I want to look like a creamy 50's or 60's pinup as I beat the crap out of someone ala Eric Stanton. There's something about the American 50's and perversion lurking under the facade of all that boomtime facist expansion that tickles my visuals. Retro lingerie, (thank you Frishman's) and fully fashioned stockings, are a girls best friend.

Well if you can find a blonde Monroe wig to wear while doing said beating - I want pics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black has an association with evil.The dark side.Darth Vader in pastels? I dont think so. It also has a connection with power and strength.Black panthers, black belt, old chuck norris movies :)Black is after dark. (white bra for day, black for night, who can remember when most sexy lingerie only came in black or white?)Black looks good on pale skin. Black as evening wear,or for that slutty look. I love bright colours, but my master prefers black.It accentuates the red marks on my skin. He wears whatever he likes.Availability is a decider,most accessories and leather wear only come in black, And black goes with anything.
I have a friend who is a domme, she likes hot pinks, a loud assertion of her femininity, and it goes well with black, lol.
I'm reminded of a book I read sophomore year - the author did serious studies of color. One of things he did was paint a room completely one color - black, blue, green, white, red, pink, etc... and then also use wooden furniture painted with the same paint. He'd make a person sit in this room for a few hours and at every hour, he made them take a quiz on how they were feeling.

He did a very in deepth study on how color effects our emotions and how it changes from culture to culture. The rooms that made Americans the most uncomfortable were: red and bright orange. I wish I had that book now so I could give you guys some of the fun tidbits.

I don't remember what he had to say about black ... I think I'll have to look it up when I go back to school.

By the by, light blue and pale greens were the most relaxing of the rooms but this has something to do with the fact that there is less information for the eye to read when looking at these colors. It's why they are starting to make ambulances that nauseating color of green I'm sure you guys have all seen.
It is kinda of funny... Himself never wears black.... He prefers jeans and a shirt or shorts and a shirt....

I on the other hand have more black clothing that you can imagine... I counted the other day and I have 7 black skirts... I love black mixed with other colors.... I have an array of tops in a multitude of colors... from hot pink to rich golden to lavender to turquoise.... I have always worn black... since the olden days of high school, many years ago...

Now lingerie is another thing... I have red and black and purple and gold corsets.... I have garter belts and bras in red and black and green and the oh so viriginal white... I love surprising Him when He takes my clothes off... He never knows what He is going to find...
Interesting perhaps that Poe, in The Masque of the Red Death, made the most "potent" room the black one, with red lighting.

Even in the mid 1800's.....
"The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue."

....sounds wonderful to me!!
I like black, I wear it a lot, but I don't find it as sexy on some people as I do other colours.

For instance, my domme, when she dresses up, usually wears purples or plums. They looks gorgeous and sexy on her, much more so than I think black would, because I associate the colour with her and it is more unique, which I find sexy.

I sell satin ribbon floggers on my website and ebay, and when orders are slow, I make extras to throw on ebay out of whatever colours I happen to have. The blacks, browns and anything with red usually sell immediately...where the different colours (I have purple and navy and a purple and lavender ones up now), the more bright and unusual ones just don't sell as fast.

I find that unfortunate, because the vibrant colours are so gorgeous and unique, and really would add some spice to a lot of toybags. The black, naturals and reds are still always the most popular though. No fun for me, I like making the prettier colour combinations better, I get so tired of the same old thing! I'm making a christmas red and green one right now with fuzzy white fluff on the handle....cute as all heck, but probably won't sell as well because it isn't the "norm". Oh well :)
Because ...

i look damn good in it. Add a little red and it's all over.

When the black comes off.. make sure those black socks come off too.
asenath said:
When the black comes off.. make sure those black socks come off too.
Who said anything about socks?

i wear Black driving mocs until/if it snows, with no socks as much possible, year round.

Makes it easier to step quietly ...