Why do you....Honestly

MR. Gibson said:
you sound like a nice but serious guy Boota. pray tell though what turned you off sex? if you don't mind a fellow literotica author asking?

MR. Gibson' sexy tales!

Well, I'm rarely serious. Everyone who knows me always think, "Wait for the punchline" after everything I say to them. LOL.

I don't mind you asking at all. It's just that there are a lot of reasons, not one in particular. The shortest answer would probably be that I can't stand to be touched, but that's more a symptom than a cause, I think. The only physical contact I've had in the last almost eleven years has been in fighting. Or the occasional business handshake. The longer answer has to do with my really bad behavior years ago. When you disapprove of your own behavior while still doing it, the time has come to do something about it. LOL.
I write to live vicariously through my characters.

I used to share them with an audience that really didn't show any appreciation for them (the girl I was dating). Frankly, that kind of sucked and made me feel rather shitty. So, there is some sort of 'validation' by having people here read them and respond.
I write for a variety of reasons. Let's see it I can enumerate them.

About a year ago, I signed up with a site, Adult Friend Finder, looking for sex partners. It soon became apparent that there were hundreds of women and tns of thousands of men and since the women had their choices, nobody wanted me at my age and considering that I was married. So, knowing that I have a certain way with words, I started offering to exchange erotic emails, and nothing else, and that got some results. I wrote short, dirty stories, trying to slant them toward women and sent them to the women, and they wrote back telling me how much they liked them and how they got off with their fingers or toys. I really enjoyed reading the stories and I really enjoyed reading the erotic responses from women, so I continued. I never offered them to men because I get a certain erotic enjoyment from reading feedback from a woman, but I am not interested in having some guy tell me about how he beat his meat over a story. I realize that most of the readers here are men and I have no problem with men giving me feedback but I woukd rather get it from women.

Anyhow, one of my readers suggeted Literotica so I came hear and signed on, last April, and started submitting stories. I still sent them to the readers and I had about 50 women receiving one or two stories a week. Some of them were even interested in getting together and acting some of them out so I was accomplishing what I had set ut to do until my wife overheard me on the phone talking to somebody about meeting her. That pretty well sank that idea. Since then, I only send stories to Literotica, although I gave all my readers directions on how to get here and on how to find my stories, and to vote on them if they wanted.

Anyhow, I write now because I enjoy writing them. I enjoy it a lot more if I know that other people, especially women, are enjoying them and getting off on them, which is why I like people to vote and send feedback. I also like exchanging jibes and other messages with the other writers but I realize I can do that even if I don't write. I also am trying to make a few bucks out of my writing so I am trying to sell them but no luck so far.

That's three reasons: My own personal satisfaction, the knowledge that people are reading and deriving pleasure from them and possible money.


I almost forgot. I also, to some degree, live vicariously through my main character, George Boxlicker.:cool:
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I wrote my first story just to prove to myself that I could write it. Writing is something that has interested me since I was a small child, but I was never really able to pursue it.

After seeing the reaction of my husband and a male friend to my first story, I decided to post it here. To be honest, if I had not read stories here on and off for a year or so, I probably never would have been motivated to write that first story. I just kept coming across stories with spelling and grammar errors and stories that weren't very good (we all know they are out there) and decided to see if I could do any better. Whether I succeeded in that or not, I don't know, but the 3 stories that I have written so far have been fairly well received.

Hi Rhino how's life treating you.

I write cos it's fun, I write what I want to write, I hope to hell it will give someone a bone on or wet crack, but if not, that's life. I won't change my style to suit any particular target audience.

I started posting on web sites because a friend said I could be a writer, so I believed the pratt and posted a few.

My stories are basic, written by an electrical engineer not an author, I welcome positive feedback and comment, but I must be honest I'm not looking for technical critique or lessons in English.
I am English and I'll write it how the fuck I please, we've always been a bit like that over here, smug bastards.

Feedback and votes, love it all, but try not to take it too seriously.

Nuff said......pops
Re: Hmmmmm

pop_54 said:
... I must be honest I'm not looking for technical critique or lessons in English. I am English and I'll write it how the fuck I please ...
Big grin from Perdita. I love you, Pops. :kiss:
rhinoguy said:
one reason MIGHT be....posting gives some validation..ligitimacy to our work.

another MIGHT be... ego boost to see our work "in lights"

another might be to lure opposite (or same) sex

another MIGHT be to WIN a contest.

another MIGHT be...writing for another person

I'm in it because...
To practice my writing
Learn to take criticism
Get feedback
Validation. Someone actually bothers to read my stuff.
Ego boost
Contests are entered with no hope of ever winning, but I love the amount of reads and feedback you get.

I admit I enjoy the ego boost. At the same time I find putting my writing on show is the perfect way to also tell me I suck at writing erotica. I'm learning to take criticism, and what better way than getting anonymous emails telling you exactly how wrong you've gone?
you know I wish more people had the guts if your going to rag on a person story at least have the guts to put your own name down and not put from anonymous! I am and I am sure other people are tired of that!

Plus I have two new poems out. Don't be afraid to post public comments!

MR. gibson' sexy tales!
MR.Gibson - welcome to the club. Being targetted by anonymous critical feedback is one of the signs of success as an author on Literotica.

Don't let the adverse comments get to you. The only good thing you can gain from that sort of feedback is the thought that your story must have had some effect on them to make them write their abuse.

Ignore it and them. You will find many threads in the back files of the Author's Hangout about anonymous feedback - you can search for them if you want to know how other people feel about "anon".

Re: Hmmmmm

pop_54 said:
I am English and I'll write it how the fuck I please, we've always been a bit like that over here, smug bastards.

Hear hear. Thanks for the first big grin of the day.

The Earl
Re: Hmmmmm

pop_54 said:

I am English and I'll write it how the fuck I please, we've always been a bit like that over here, smug bastards.

We invented the language, so we'll abuse it if we want to. We have Shakespeare as justification for twisting it into knots and spelling it any way we like. What does MSWord know about spelling and grammar?

If we want to circumambulate, meander, practise circumbendibus or take the north-west passage - we will.

I used my 1856 edition of Roget for the last sentence. He was critical of Americans even then:

"In the course of last summer, an imperfect edition of this work was published at Boston, in the United States of America, in which the editor, among other mutilations, has altogether omitted the Phrases, which constitute an important part of the original; and has removed from the body of the Work all words and expressions borrowed from a foreign language, throwing them into an Appendix, where, being placed in alphabetical order, they are completely lost to the inquirer who is in search of terms expressive of his ideas, and for whose use the work is specially designed." P. M. R. January 18th, 1855.

He knew, of course, that the REAL Boston is in Lincolnshire, on the East Coast of England. All others are copies, fac-similies, similitudes, semblances, counterfeits, and a chip of the old block.

I write for myself. Long before a friend convinced me to post a story my hard drive was full of stories I wrote simply for the joy of writing. They were very crude, full of typos and often the ideas were extremely trite, but they were not written for anyone's pleasure save mine in the writing.

When I began posting I started to learn about the many skills that are part and parcel of writing. My stories ceased to be simple escapes where I paid no attention to form or grammar. I still write for myself. I still find escape in the creation of stories. Now I post them for many reasons including the feedbacks which help me get better. The drive to create is still intrinsically personal.

I think you are trying to meld two questions into one here Rhino. Why do we write? And Why do we post?

They are not neccissarilly they same.

I was one of those kids who was always making up his own games and creating stories for people. I started writing at 11, wrote satires and fantasy adventure stories throughout grammar and high school and started an underground humor paper in college. Writing is something I understand and that I can do fairly well, though not half as well as I'd like. Lots of times when I'm faced with a problem I'll sit down and write it out. I find I can think better when I write.

I was also one of those people for whom written erotica was more arousing than pictures or films. Unfortunately, my fine collection of oscillating literature was destroyed in a basement flood, so I no longer can peruse the works of Peter Palmer, Dick Strong, Ernie Bushfiller and the like, but their imagery of feminine charms and throbbing manhoods (menhood?) are indelibly etched in my mind, and that same turgid, euphemism-laced prose tries to surface every so often as I write. They made a lasting impression.

I started writing because I liked the world inside my head better than the one outside. I can't have or do all the things I want, but I can own them by writing about them, and there's not a woman in the world who's safe from my imagination. I also am passionately in love with language and imagery, and finding a good way to describe a breast, say, or the curve of a leg, can make me very happy.

Sometimes it all seems to be a waste. We work on a story, submit it, and watch it sink below the waves of tens of thousands of other stories, never to be heard from again. But then every so often you get a note or a couple of lines of feedback, and that’s enough to keep me going for a couple of weeks.

dr_mabeuse said:
I was one of those kids who was always making up his own games and creating stories for people. I started writing at 11, wrote satires and fantasy adventure stories throughout grammar and high school and started an underground humor paper in college. Writing is something I understand and that I can do fairly well, though not half as well as I'd like. Lots of times when I'm faced with a problem I'll sit down and write it out. I find I can think better when I write.

I was also one of those people for whom written erotica was more arousing than pictures or films. Unfortunately, my fine collection of oscillating literature was destroyed in a basement flood, so I no longer can peruse the works of Peter Palmer, Dick Strong, Ernie Bushfiller and the like, but their imagery of feminine charms and throbbing manhoods (menhood?) are indelibly etched in my mind, and that same turgid, euphemism-laced prose tries to surface every so often as I write. They made a lasting impression.

I started writing because I liked the world inside my head better than the one outside. I can't have or do all the things I want, but I can own them by writing about them, and there's not a woman in the world who's safe from my imagination. I also am passionately in love with language and imagery, and finding a good way to describe a breast, say, or the curve of a leg, can make me very happy.

Sometimes it all seems to be a waste. We work on a story, submit it, and watch it sink below the waves of tens of thousands of other stories, never to be heard from again. But then every so often you get a note or a couple of lines of feedback, and that’s enough to keep me going for a couple of weeks.

I can certainly relate with you, Doc. I also started writing bad fiction when I was a preteen, and have always liked putting things down on paper. I also live for feedback. As I said in my post earlier on this thread, I really lived for feedback from the women who received my stories and I sorely miss it now.
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Colleen Thomas said:

I think you are trying to meld two questions into one here Rhino. Why do we write? And Why do we post?

They are not neccissarilly they same.


I love it when Colly gets all insightful. That's a very good point.

I write because if I didn't, the build up of stories would make my head explode. I'm a creator, be it literature, music, art or even the latest piece of computer software that I'm creating. Writing software programs can be a form of artistic impression as well, believe it or not. I create all the time, whatever I'm doing. Sometimes I'm creating music. Sometimes I'm creating inventive military strategy to defeat the latest encounter in a computer game. It's all creating, using my imagination to, well, create.

I don't think I can say it any other way.

I post/show others because I've been told that what I write is pretty good, and it's good for my ego to know that people continue to like my stuff. I had good feedback about my very very first story, and after that it was just a case of saying "Well, if you liked that one, maybe you'll like the rest of them too? Oh, and how about this new one I've written."

These days, I'm pretty confident that people will like what I write.
remember DR. mabeuse, your old stories may be buried with others for a while but they will most likely be read again when a person see' your memberpage and may want to read an old story.After he read one of your new ones. so look up fellow literotica writer!:)

My sexy tales! to whack off over!
I wrote a couple of erotica stories just to see if I could. I posted them because there was no other way to find that out. (Reading my own stuff and saying, "Hey, that ain't bad" isn't the same as submitting it to public scruitiny.)

In general, I do write for myself. The majority of what I've written has been seen by very few pairs of eyes. Some, I've submitted to contests and such (including the one from which I take my Lit name), and they've done decently. So I deduce that I'm a fairly good writer. But as far as submitting stuff to a publisher or ever putting it out there for lots of folks to read...I dunno. That stuff is very personal. My Lit stories actually are, too (both are in fact from my life, written almost exactly as they happened), but for some reason, I don't feel emotionally attached to them. So it was safe to put them out there to be scruitinized.

So I guess for me, the answer to "Why do you post?" is just to find out if the work is generally acceptable. And I can only do that with stuff that isn't too close to me. If that makes any sense...
not at all! I am Just kidding mhari. plus I have read your works and I for one like them!