Why I quit feeding the local baby birds

Your comments were read. I thought about them and understand your disgust. It does seem unfair to ask for others to volunteer their time and then not give back of your own.

Having just posted for the first time. I will try to give as well as receive.

I know my own story was considerably improved by the help of some willing readers to add their comments about likes and dislikes.

i thought i'd catch up with a little reading on the other forums... i was kind of surprised to see this one.

it was because of you KillerMuffin that i learned how to trust in my own opinions on giving feedback. when i came here, i had absolutely no confidence in my ability to tell others what i thought of their work.

i gave a few feedbacks privately, then opened a thread similar to yours and some others that have popped up. i was smothered on Lit and off Lit with requests for feedback. i managed to do at least one feedback per day... after a few weeks i realised that i was getting no writing of my own done.

i stopped my feedback thread, however i didn't stop giving feedback/editing privately. i still do it now and i guess i average about three stories each week.

i have learned a great deal from being part of the feedback regime. and most of that was learned because of your encouragement ( ;) ) to get on the feedback forum and have a go.
so, thank you for that. i know that it's helped improve my own writing as well as helped authors with their writing. my editing/feedback at least has given them food for thought.

i'm not sure that totally giving up feedback is a good thing... i think we all continue learning and as it's a way of 'choosing' learning, it's all the more effective.

yes there are people who take from us all the time. we just have to accept that some are like that.

unless it is a mandatory rule for submission to Lit, feedback is always going to be on a voluntary basis, nothing can change that.

perhaps if every writer took four other writers and swapped feedback amongst them, then that would ease the huge amount of feedback required.

it's like teaching in a classroom. we do it because we enjoy it. we learn that our 'kicks' don't always come in a direct fashion from our students. they come in the little stuff. giving without expectation of receiving, can be rewarding.

i'd hate to see you completely stop all feedback. your writing is growing and that's partly due to giving feedback. but i do understand where you're coming from.
interested writers.

I love to give feedback almost as much as I love to receive it. Anyone who would like to review each others work in an effort to mutually improve our writing, just send me an e-mail. Could be fun!