So I say...Don't do it! Write what you want, post it where you want and if the trolls hit, copy the comment into the worst comments thread where we can all get a good laugh. If you let them chase you away, you are letting them win. I used to have a thin skin. Now I look at the bad comments, take what I can get out of them if it's worth while and laugh at the rest.Dr. Bull said:I appreciate everyone’s thoughts and agree with most. I was blasted by a fool who gave no feed back. His inability to articulate the problem with my prose should have given me an inkling of his lack of education.
There now I feel better.
I agree Tara; Loving wives should be just about anything in a married couples lives outside the missionary position. Perhaps it would be best to have a stranger watch from afar and make it an E&V, it is sad to be chased from an area you like to write in by troll & fools.
Sometimes, a very brave author will take it upon themselves to write a troll story and blast a few of the nasty ones out of the water for everyone else to laugh at.
Write what you like, enjoy the site and use the forum to blast at the nasty trolls.
Good luck