Why Wont He Punish Me?

I hope by "mean' you actually are referring to discipline for negative actions. Being "mean" for no reason is abusive. (maybe you're just a really really good girl!) Bit in all seriousness it's always ok to ask or request something from a Dom. Communication is key, wants and needs can change. Maybe there's a reason for His actions? I also sense that you desire a great level of control and demanding actions, remind Him of this if its not happening. Its also a mistake to try and manipulate the situation, just come out and ask respectfully.
I quote the movie “Roadhouse”. Or I would if I were into not being nice. Honestly, being nice is more of a challenge for me and the people I fool around with- thus seeing it is a bigger turn on for me than the opposite.

For those who don’t get the reference- the central character of Roadhouse is a bouncer who tells his friends “be nice until you know the time not to be nice. What is that time? You’ll know.”

What do you do when your Dom won't be mean to you anymore? He threatens to punish and spank but he's too nice now.
We've been together a while and it was so good and part of what attracted me to him was his sadistic streak and his firm hand. Now he says I'm too much of a good girl to be mean to. What the hell??

I haven't changed. Why has he?
Maybe He has actually fallen for you Miss