Why you post to Literotica?

Initially, it was to read the stories. Once I had written one of my own, Lit became more of a source of information than anything else (back before BDSM talk had its own home and was folded into "How To..."). When I had the chance to experiment and explore in real life, it became a place where I could hang out with nifty people. When I bought my first camera, it became what it is for me now - an outlet for sexual creativity.
Master found Literotica.
He found the stories - and we occasionally read them together.

I had written a couple and finally plucked up courage to actually type one out and submit it.

Then, I actually dug into the site further and discovered the boards.

As I've stated in another thread - I only really post to this forum ... it feels so much like a home from home to me. I just cannot keep up with the general board where I don't understand half the posts and it moves too quickly for me to ever get a hold of who's who and what's what.

I come specifically to the BDSM forum for:

Information - I have learnt so much from people here. Posts have made me question my soft limits and Master has pushed them back. A couple of posts have actually made me look at a couple of my hard limits and they have now been downgraded dramatically (thanks cym and Risia and lilfrk).

Knowledge - could really go in the above - but I also hope that my posts give a little knowledge. This is a two way street - and I hope that as my knowledge grows I will be able to share it with others.

Friendship - I have made a couple of friends from this forum whom, I believe, will be life-long friends. I have yet to meet them in r/l ... but one day, I hope to.

Fun - I like the gentle type banter. The true fun threads. I hate, with a vengence the harsh 'fun' (?) threads where there is a lot of name calling, mud-slinging and flaming.

Companionship - this I have put separate from friendship. I like the companionship of being with people who will not view me as being a freak (or rather, as being no more of a freak/perv than they are themselves). I like this forum because it allows me to be myself, my whole self ... not what people expect from a 'typical' English woman of a certain age.
PlayDoe said:
It's a simple question. Why do you come to this place? Keep it down to one page or less. Be honest, if you have any balls (in your hand or otherwise)

I stated my answers before. Here they are again in no order:

1) To share some things
2) To learn somethings
3) To have some fun
4) To see a view of the world through the eyes of others

i post: to share my thoughts with like-minded individuals, to learn and broaden my horizons, to meet new and wonderful people
I just found this board recently and I have found it to be the most beneficial and intelligent board on our lifestyle. This is only my second post and I do plan to post more. Too many forums out there are into flaming and such... It is wonderful to find a board to come to with such a variety of subjects and experience from which we can all learn.

That is why I plan to post here regularly.

Hello quietwillow and a warm welcome to you. You'll find, i think, that though this forum has its share of upsets, on the whole you can avoid that which you don't like and still have quite a lot in which to take part and play and learn. We welcome new voices here, and know that we all gain from the experiences offered and questions asked by each of us.

Please take a moment to read the sticky atop the forum open threads and then--post! Read and write on any topic that catches your eye. We'll respond; don't worry.

And, can we call you "quiet"? We've got a "willow" here already, i'm sorry to say. Will that work for you?

For my part, i came to Lit over two years ago to read the stories. I was content doing that for a long time. I found, quite by accident i think, the interactive story section of Lit, and from there, the Boards. I've got some bits of writing posted at Lit, too, all of it (except one-and-a-half stories) is based on stuff i've actually done. Real writers, the ones who just make this stuff up, amaze me. I don't think i have that kinda imagination.

I was an early participant in the M thread, and was here, too, when the Forum Fairy dropped this place into our laps. I stay because i can learn from others here, and because i can Do Good here, and because i really love and respect a few of the people here and really like and respect many more.
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quiet is fine and thanks for the warm welcome!

Master gave me quiet willow as my nick and I am finding it quite nice and peaceful to think of myself that way (which was His intention I am sure!)

rest assured I won't be too "quiet" <eg>

quiet willow:p
quietwillow said:
quiet is fine and thanks for the warm welcome!
Excellent! And it's even more excellent that you won't be too quiet, either.

If i might make a suggestion?
Since there's already a Willow here, you might consider apphending your nick-of-choice, "quiet", to the bottom of all your posts for awhile so we learn what it is we're supposed to call you. That's make it easier for people to get to know you as a distinctive member of the community and make it easier, too, for us to respond to your posts.

Again, a very warm welcome to you, quiet.
cymbidia said:
We've got a "willow" here already, i'm sorry to say.

cym ... just as well I know you don't mean that quite like it reads! :D

(Least I hope you didn't mean it ... hehehehe)
All pretty amazing answers

What else can I say. Thanks everyone for sharing. It seems we all come here for pretty much the same thing. I am amazed though, by how much time some folks seem to be able to devote to this place. How do you do it? Do you walk around with a computer strapped to your chest? Maybe this is a question for another thread.
WillowPuss said:
cym ... just as well I know you don't mean that quite like it reads! :D

(Least I hope you didn't mean it ... hehehehe)
No darlin', i assure you that i didn't mean that the way it came out! You know what i think of you, and how much, too.

~still snickering giggling and highly amused~
thanks to all who welcomed me once again

Willow I love your graphic!

now if I can just start remembering everyone's nick.... oh dear that may be a real task! LOL

quiet :p
Re: All pretty amazing answers

PlayDoe said:
What else can I say. Thanks everyone for sharing. It seems we all come here for pretty much the same thing. I am amazed though, by how much time some folks seem to be able to devote to this place. How do you do it? Do you walk around with a computer strapped to your chest? Maybe this is a question for another thread.

I'll never tell.

quietwillow said:
thanks to all who welcomed me once again

Willow I love your graphic!

now if I can just start remembering everyone's nick.... oh dear that may be a real task! LOL

quiet :p

It will take less time than you think. Before you know it, you'll feel like an old timer!

Welcome quietwillow:rose:
I came here to:

1. Feel like I am not alone in the things I enjoy
2. Learn
3. Grow
4. Become more comfortable in my freakiness
5. Make friends
5. check out the kick-fucking-ass AV's that Cym and Caroline have!!!
Hey EB

Originally posted by PlayDoe
What else can I say. Thanks everyone for sharing. It seems we all come here for pretty much the same thing. I am amazed though, by how much time some folks seem to be able to devote to this place. How do you do it? Do you walk around with a computer strapped to your chest? Maybe this is a question for another thread.

I'll never tell.


I just figured it out! That's why you have your back towards us!