
Decayed Angel said:
I used to comment a lot, but in spite of the fact that my comments were positive in nature, offering either praise or advice and finding good in most any poem I was invaribly attacked repeatedly by one person for allegedly shitting on peoples poems, low voting and attacking people. When I commented I tried my best to find the heart and soul of the poem I was commenting upon, spending a lot of time in reading, re-reading, analysing why it worked or didn't in my opinion and then giving a fair, honest and positive comment.

To see someone merely gladhand comments on poems in an effort to recruit more favorible voting on their own poems was disheartening. For that person to have the gall to attack me for my comments was reprehensible. I have stopped commenting because of one person's attacks, a number of other people have done the same. I think if you feel more commenting is a positive thing perhaps you might take it up the those who attack people who offer their time and insight in offering honest, knowledgeable comments.

jim : )

From what I understand, you were one of the best. I have heard good words about you. Quote: the most underrated poet, reviewer of literotica, it's a shame
I feel your ceasing of leaving comments is a major loss. This snuffing of quality, will turn this place into a joke.
annaswirls said:
okay I am kicking myself, but I looked at the toplist tonight, has anyone seen it? What a hoot!!!! Every single one (okay except BandAid and maybe another one) starts with the letter A and has a 5 rating. Go figure that! Ha!!

Isn't that hilarious? come on giggle with me. :cathappy:

A for absurdity.

okay now come along and spank me and tell me the top list does not matter (I know I know I know it doesn't) it is just funny is all.

And the good thing-- oxalis and 2Rivers got poems on the top list. Was bound to happen.

I find it humourously ironic that I was going through the toplist and voting my intelligence almost every day. I'd examine the top 10 and see if I thought they were perfect poems, so in an honest reader sorta way, I helped booby trap the top list to cause this glut of "A" list poems. :eek:

I am glad to see that belated recognition has come to a few smithpeter poems. Perhaps a poet will discover oxalis or 2rivers, taking the plunge into better and wonderful poetry.
Damnit! I wrote an asshole poem and it isn't a 5? (sniff!) :D

That is pretty funny, Anna.

The thing about "this sucks" came from TRM who said that even getting "this sucks" as feedback was useful for him. I thought I had heard that elsewhere too, and took it to be the consensus (guess I was wrong about that, at least as concerns decayed angel).

I want to take this moment to give deep, grateful thanks to those folks who gave indepth feedback on my poems. That helped me tremendously and if you ever want my feedback, please feel free to PM me. I'll get the notice in email.

Especially thanks to
and Tzara

for giving feedback that I used in rewrites. It is very very much appreciated. And thanks to everyone else for inspiring me with your hard work and beautiful words.
annaswirls said:
okay I am kicking myself, but I looked at the toplist tonight, has anyone seen it? What a hoot!!!! Every single one (okay except BandAid and maybe another one) starts with the letter A and has a 5 rating. Go figure that! Ha!!

Isn't that hilarious? come on giggle with me. :cathappy:

A for absurdity.

okay now come along and spank me and tell me the top list does not matter (I know I know I know it doesn't) it is just funny is all.

And the good thing-- oxalis and 2Rivers got poems on the top list. Was bound to happen.


1 5.00 14 A Winter's Tale Non-Erotic Poetry cowboypoet 04/19/06
2 5.00 13 A Theft Non-Erotic Poetry LongSlow4Plays 03/31/04
3 5.00 13 A farewell to my soldier Non-Erotic Poetry Annora 11/22/04
4 5.00 13 Angel of My Dreams Non-Erotic Poetry Hockey_knight 04/09/05
5 5.00 13 Existential Harlot Non-Erotic Poetry bluerains 01/30/06
6 5.00 12 Angus McGurk Non-Erotic Poetry Boxlicker101 04/11/05
7 5.00 11 ~Inhibitions Freedom~ Erotic Poetry Intoxyc8me 02/11/01
8 5.00 11 Another Goodbye Non-Erotic Poetry DominAngel 01/04/02
9 5.00 11 Ascending Angel Non-Erotic Poetry Debbie 04/13/02
10 5.00 11 angeldust Non-Erotic Poetry5
Well, I am certainly willing to spank you ( :cool: ), don't get me wrong, but even in the top ten there are poems that don't start with 'A'. Number of votes seems to count more than title (which seems to be just). So recruiting ten friends to give your poem "Aaaaah!" all fives wouldn't, based on this list, put you at number one, more's the shame.

I am curious, though. Do you guys actually look at the top list? I think I've looked at it twice--both times because it was talked about here in the PDF. It certainly is no indicator of quality, but then neither is the New York Times bestseller list.

Just ask yourself, What would Ezra do?
Tzara said:
Well, I am certainly willing to spank you ( :cool: ), don't get me wrong, but even in the top ten there are poems that don't start with 'A'. Number of votes seems to count more than title (which seems to be just). So recruiting ten friends to give your poem "Aaaaah!" all fives wouldn't, based on this list, put you at number one, more's the shame.

I am curious, though. Do you guys actually look at the top list? I think I've looked at it twice--both times because it was talked about here in the PDF. It certainly is no indicator of quality, but then neither is the New York Times bestseller list.

Just ask yourself, What would Ezra do?
Fuck Ezra
and Hi
champagne1982 said:
I find it humourously ironic that I was going through the toplist and voting my intelligence almost every day. I'd examine the top 10 and see if I thought they were perfect poems, so in an honest reader sorta way, I helped booby trap the top list to cause this glut of "A" list poems. :eek:

I am glad to see that belated recognition has come to a few smithpeter poems. Perhaps a poet will discover oxalis or 2rivers, taking the plunge into better and wonderful poetry.

RE: oxalis, whom I adored and loved like I cant explain

when I discovered that OXalis was SP, I nearly died!! I was so embarrassed. That man was so gifted, so adept at disguising his style, or perhaps not disguising,. not accusing,. just he had so much to offer. Toplist should be filled with his work.

otherwise, skwew da topwist
TheRainMan said:
if you wish to make an effort in this community to improve your poetry, stop posting poems here and come over to the poetry boards. that is where any real learning that happens to take place in this joint occurs.

I still disagree :rose:
twelveoone said:
I still disagree :rose:

i know. :)

reminds me of Barry Fitzgerald (Fr. Fitzgibbons) speaking to Bing (Fr. O'Malley). . . (Going My Way) . . . we only disagreed in method, never in our hearts.

Decayed Angel said:
I used to comment a lot, but in spite of the fact that my comments were positive in nature, offering either praise or advice and finding good in most any poem I was invaribly attacked repeatedly by one person for allegedly shitting on peoples poems, low voting and attacking people. When I commented I tried my best to find the heart and soul of the poem I was commenting upon, spending a lot of time in reading, re-reading, analysing why it worked or didn't in my opinion and then giving a fair, honest and positive comment.

To see someone merely gladhand comments on poems in an effort to recruit more favorible voting on their own poems was disheartening. For that person to have the gall to attack me for my comments was reprehensible. I have stopped commenting because of one person's attacks, a number of other people have done the same. I think if you feel more commenting is a positive thing perhaps you might take it up the those who attack people who offer their time and insight in offering honest, knowledgeable comments.

jim : )
Jim, I've been trying to get to this for what weeks. Keep losing the connection. I'll keep it short. Yours and YDD's and TaraBlackwood's comments, where a real pleasure to read. The other two are gone, you not leaving comments. Rainman not leaving them, who then will keep this place from turning into a complete joke.

For what it is worth, I have an immense amount of respect for your intergrity, knowledge. Even though I am no longer here much, I mourn the loss.
MyNecroticSnail said:
I've been seeing a rash of Hs on poems with three comments. :rolleyes:
What good does it do for the writer? At worst it looks suspect, at best it makes the people who read look lazy. Or are all you just wasting your logorrheic skills composing new shit, praising each other? You make a value judgement, let's see who and why. I doubt they are all new readers wandering in.

generalisations and stereotyping always blow me away.

i do it myself too! lol

who cares about the red goal posts? READ the poetry. Quit looking for the coloured trophies.

oh yes, and feel free to support the stuff you consider good, maybe it'll encourage more of the good to be shared...

MyNecroticSnail said:
On the other hand,
there is a guy by the name of fly,
admittedly I don't like him,
sometimes a good one

so when I praise him, as I do now

at least he will know it's not false and empty
You're confused. It's 1201 that doesn't like me; you and I are best friends.
How Ironic...

I just sent LeBroz a PM about this topic before finding this thread.

Can I tell you, some of my submissions have thousands of hits. Meaning, they have been viewed thousands of times. They all have very little or no votes, and a few have a comment or two. That's just strange to me! The numbers don't add up...


An Erotic Journey (short story) has 22 votes 14,664 views 1 comment

Earning the grade (short story) has 156 votes 76,751 views and 1 freakin comment

A Dark Need (poetry) has 12 votes 3407 views and 2 comments

-- exception to the rule --

Just a Fantasy (poetry) has 12 votes 962 views and 6 comments

I think the only reason this one got so many comments is because it was featured on the "New Poems Review" thread at one time.

But, my point is... if you are a writer and you submit your writings because want to know how people feel about your writing, then... HOW DO YOU KNOW IF THEY DON'T VOTE OR LEAVE COOMMENTS????

I mean... my gawd... over 76,000 views and only 1 comment???? and I have to say that I did appreciate that 1 comment immensely

I found another site where I posted a poem and a story at the same time. The poem got 20 comments/reviews and the story got 18 comments/reviews in less than 24 hours after they were posted. Some of the reviews were all about compliments but others were real critiques. I welcome and appreciate both.

I love Lit and I am loyal to Lit because I feel like this is were I was born at. But, I know if I want real reviews and comments I'll have to find them somewhere other than here.
TheRainMan said:
i have taken my turn trying to support and improve this community.
In particular and especially you may congratulate yourself for stopping my 30/30 series. (Remember to give some credit to Eve).
bogusbrig said:
On one poem I have more comments than votes, not that I am complaining, rather that than the other way round.
It's irrelevant either way, it's just trivia.

The Literotica anti-fraud :)) :) :)) algorithm keeps removing the votes. I have a poem with three comments, all three 100% temperature, but with only two votes (at least they are both 5).

Regards, Happy New Year (it's still new enough),
MyNecroticSnail said:
I've been seeing a rash of Hs on poems with three comments. :rolleyes:
What good does it do for the writer? At worst it looks suspect, at best it makes the people who read look lazy. Or are all you just wasting your logorrheic skills composing new shit, praising each other? You make a value judgement, let's see who and why. I doubt they are all new readers wandering in.

I guess this answers my question... why you would vote down a poem that recently had a red 'H' from a new poet. (I am use to you doing it to me and thought I reserved that privledge alone; but no...)

So you just don't like the idea of others having a red 'H' or is it certain people that you want to have a red 'H'? You know... this makes you a bonna-fied TROLL! (~_~) But then again I already knew this.
My Erotic Trail said:
I guess this answers my question... why you would vote down a poem that recently had a red 'H' from a new poet. (I am use to you doing it to me and thought I reserved that privledge alone; but no...)

So you just don't like the idea of others having a red 'H' or is it certain people that you want to have a red 'H'? You know... this makes you a bonna-fied TROLL! (~_~) But then again I already knew this.
Holy sweet Hanna and Harry! This thread was started almost 5 months ago with that comment. Why is it revived with vituprative and argumentative language?
champagne1982 said:
Holy sweet Hanna and Harry! This thread was started almost 5 months ago with that comment. Why is it revived with vituprative and argumentative language?

because he's a buzzard.

he even eats meat that's long since turned.
TheRainMan said:
because he's a buzzard.

he even eats meat that's long since turned.
Hey. Be nice. He may be a slow reader, like nanowords an hour or something. Don't make fun of those differently abled.
Tzara said:
Hey. Be nice. He may be a slow reader, like nanowords an hour or something. Don't make fun of those differently abled.

lol . . .

it's gonna take him a while to get to this part of the thead, at that rate.

i calculate May 5, 2039 . . . but i could be off by a year or three.

i'm no mathematician.
champagne1982 said:
Holy sweet Hanna and Harry! This thread was started almost 5 months ago with that comment. Why is it revived with vituprative and argumentative language?

...because his slime trail was left today and I read this thread and it helped me understand 'why' he takes delight in removing a red 'H' from others poetry!
My Erotic Trail said:
MyNecroticSnail said:
I've been seeing a rash of Hs on poems with three comments.
What good does it do for the writer? At worst it looks suspect, at best it makes the people who read look lazy. Or are all you just wasting your logorrheic skills composing new shit, praising each other? You make a value judgement, let's see who and why. I doubt they are all new readers wandering in.
I guess this answers my question... why you would vote down a poem that recently had a red 'H' from a new poet. (I am use to you doing it to me and thought I reserved that privledge alone; but no...)

So you just don't like the idea of others having a red 'H' or is it certain people that you want to have a red 'H'? You know... this makes you a bonna-fied TROLL! (~_~) But then again I already knew this.
This is a curious post. As others have noted, why post this comment now, months after the original? And if one reads the quote and your response, there is no connect between the original posting and your comment. MNS's original comment makes no reference to votes. It merely states (I am interpreting here) that it is odd that poems with H's (which require 10 votes averaging more than 4.5) have so few comments. His comment says nothing about his voting patterns, or even if he votes at all.

Then you launch into a diatribe about MNS being someone who delights in "voting down a poem".

Geez, Art. Whatever you feel about the Snail, and you have, I think, great justification for being pissed at him, this makes no sense.

Why don't y'all just chill out for a bit? I would suggest you might apologize for this, which seems entirely unjustified, but he's been a butt to you as well, so maybe just letting go is the best response.

I get really tired of you two flaming each other. Just sayin'.