
Tzara said:
This is a curious post. As others have noted, why post this comment now, months after the original? And if one reads the quote and your response, there is no connect between the original posting and your comment. MNS's original comment makes no reference to votes. It merely states (I am interpreting here) that it is odd that poems with H's (which require 10 votes averaging more than 4.5) have so few comments. His comment says nothing about his voting patterns, or even if he votes at all.

Then you launch into a diatribe about MNS being someone who delights in "voting down a poem".

Geez, Art. Whatever you feel about the Snail, and you have, I think, great justification for being pissed at him, this makes no sense.

Why don't y'all just chill out for a bit? I would suggest you might apologize for this, which seems entirely unjustified, but he's been a butt to you as well, so maybe just letting go is the best response.

I get really tired of you two flaming each other. Just sayin'.

well, I rarely had such lucky timing as I did yesterday, I was told of a comment by an anon; on a poem that had been out for days and when I went to read such comment I noted that the poem had a red H, as I opened the poem and read the comment from anon, there was a new comment by the snail expressing his dislike for what others seem to like and as I exited the poem, found that the red H was gone. He didn't read the poems before or after this poem... he targeted it for having a red H. You can defend his right if you like but it is still nothing more than a mean spirit to seek out removal of what others recieve and I can only assume it is driven from jealousy or nothing more than his twisted personality.
My Erotic Trail said:
on a poem that had been out for days and when I went to read such comment I noted that the poem had a red H, as I opened the poem and read the comment from anon, there was a new comment by the snail expressing his dislike for what others seem to like and as I exited the poem, found that the red H was gone.
That proves it couldn't have been Snail. Hs take hours to disappear after the rating drops below 4.50. Always have. The process isn't automatic.
My Erotic Trail said:
well, I rarely had such lucky timing as I did yesterday, I was told of a comment by an anon; on a poem that had been out for days and when I went to read such comment I noted that the poem had a red H, as I opened the poem and read the comment from anon, there was a new comment by the snail expressing his dislike for what others seem to like and as I exited the poem, found that the red H was gone. He didn't read the poems before or after this poem... he targeted it for having a red H. You can defend his right if you like but it is still nothing more than a mean spirit to seek out removal of what others recieve and I can only assume it is driven from jealousy or nothing more than his twisted personality.
Since when is a poem's worth based on popularity? I can find a lot of poems that have red H's that don't deserve them, except for the opinions of 10 people who deemed that this poet wrote an excellent poem, IN THEIR PERSONAL OPINION.

There are hundreds of thousands of readers out there, tens of thousands of poems; only a small portion of them get read after they disappear from the front page of the new poems list. This means that there are more poems out there that don't have red H's, as a measure of their worth, lingering in the Lit archives, than those that do.

You would do better visiting the poetry that LeBroz has ferretted out on his thread and judging their value IN YOUR OWN OPINION, than running around worrying about someone else's rating and score.
champagne1982 said:
Since when is a poem's worth based on popularity? I can find a lot of poems that have red H's that don't deserve them, except for the opinions of 10 people who deemed that this poet wrote an excellent poem, IN THEIR PERSONAL OPINION.

There are hundreds of thousands of readers out there, tens of thousands of poems; only a small portion of them get read after they disappear from the front page of the new poems list. This means that there are more poems out there that don't have red H's, as a measure of their worth, lingering in the Lit archives, than those that do.

You would do better visiting the poetry that LeBroz has ferretted out on his thread and judging their value IN YOUR OWN OPINION, than running around worrying about someone else's rating and score.

I just love how these 'lil dillys' go so many places rather than focused on the point made. I am not debating red Hs or a poems worth rated by such, the point was; snail's crusade to rid poems of these 'H's. It 'aint' nothing new, I can only prepare new poets that this is gonna happen and point to this thread as to why or rather let them read for themself who removed their red H and his explanation as to ...WHY!
My Erotic Trail said:
I was told of a comment by an anon; on a poem that had been out for days and when I went to read such comment I noted that the poem had a red H, as I opened the poem and read the comment from anon, there was a new comment by the snail expressing his dislike for what others seem to like and as I exited the poem, found that the red H was gone. He didn't read the poems before or after this poem... he targeted it for having a red H. You can defend his right if you like but it is still nothing more than a mean spirit to seek out removal of what others recieve and I can only assume it is driven from jealousy or nothing more than his twisted personality.
Mind posting a link to the poem?
My Erotic Trail said:
I just love how these 'lil dillys' go so many places rather than focused on the point made. I am not debating red Hs or a poems worth rated by such, the point was; snail's crusade to rid poems of these 'H's. It 'aint' nothing new, I can only prepare new poets that this is gonna happen and point to this thread as to why or rather let them read for themself who removed their red H and his explanation as to ...WHY!


he circles the desert,
looking among the cattle skulls
for a bleeding ego to crawl by

so he can feed.
TheRainMan said:

he circles the desert,
looking among the cattle skulls
for a bleeding ego to crawl by

so he can feed.
Ah, the majestic buzzard.
Here in the south we call it the other white meat.
My Erotic Trail said:
I just love how these 'lil dillys' go so many places rather than focused on the point made. I am not debating red Hs or a poems worth rated by such, the point was; snail's crusade to rid poems of these 'H's. It 'aint' nothing new, I can only prepare new poets that this is gonna happen and point to this thread as to why or rather let them read for themself who removed their red H and his explanation as to ...WHY!
You are misleading the new people who post to Literotica.

Read what this thread is about, without your prejudice veiling the facts and you will see that MNS didn't even get into the discussion opened by Lauren Hynde Troll and I, champagne1982 Troll.

We know what trolls do to goats, are you curious as to see what they do with tails and trails and yes... even snails?

Every vote that is not a 5 doesn't come from a troll and every poem with a red H doesn't have the rating artificially lowered to remove that H rating by MyNecroticSnail.

I'm done discussing this with you, since your own hidden agenda seems to always bubble up and leak poison all over this forum.
My Erotic Trail said:
I just love how these 'lil dillys' go so many places rather than focused on the point made. I am not debating red Hs or a poems worth rated by such, the point was; snail's crusade to rid poems of these 'H's. It 'aint' nothing new, I can only prepare new poets that this is gonna happen and point to this thread as to why or rather let them read for themself who removed their red H and his explanation as to ...WHY!
But your post doesn't demonstrate that. Even assuming MNS picked that poem to comment on because of the 'H' and assuming that his vote was what caused the poem to lose the 'H' (both unproven and, I think, suspect conjectures) your conclusion—that he did so simply to drop the score—doesn't obtain.

I know you probably haven't taken a course in logic, so let me put it this way. Voting other than 5 does not necessarily mean the voter is trying to sink the score. Perhaps they are merely voting what they felt the poem deserved.

I am guilty of not voting what I think a poem deserves. When I vote, which is extremely rarely, I never vote anything other than a 4 or 5, in part because people often get upset at poor ratings. As I have explained elsewhere, there are so few votes for poems that anything other than a 5 often drops it off the Top List and drops its score (and the likelihood of an 'H') precipitously. Frankly, if I was to try and vote and comment on most poems, as Leon does, and did it honestly, the bulk of the votes would be 1 and 2, a fair number of 3s and 4s, and very few 5s. The majority of the "poems" posted here are awful.

But I don't do that because I don't want to hurt people's feelings.

Let's just admit that you and MNS have a fundamental disagreement about feedback. You seem to think it should always be positive and sunny. I have actually come round to having more sympathy with that attitude than I did originally. Most people posting poems here are not serious and merely want to be liked. Stroking people who want to be liked is, at worst, kind of an innocent vice.

But don't confuse honest opinion with nastiness. If you turn on votes and comments, you get whatever happens. Nature of how it works.
TheRainMan said:

he circles the desert,
looking among the cattle skulls
for a bleeding ego to crawl by

so he can feed.

Why you're the Man, bud.
TheRainMan said:

he circles the desert,
looking among the cattle skulls
for a bleeding ego to crawl by

so he can feed.

the man's... auto-biography (I couldn't have painted you any better <grin)

I expected a sarcastic heckle and jeckle song from the badgers and MOCKING-birds whom rarely take others feeling into consideration; which says alot about their personality whom are mostly ignored by the dear..
My Erotic Trail said:
. . . I expected a sarcastic heckle and jeckle song from the badgers and MOCKING-birds whom rarely take others feeling into consideration; which says alot about their personality whom are mostly ignored by the dear..

. . . give us that in English, please.
WickedEve said:
Ah, the majestic buzzard.
Here in the south we call it the other white meat.

I thought possum was the other white meat, damn
my pappy liied ta me
My Erotic Trail said:
the man's... auto-biography (I couldn't have painted you any better <grin)

I expected a sarcastic heckle and jeckle song from the badgers and MOCKING-birds whom rarely take others feeling into consideration; which says alot about their personality whom are mostly ignored by the dear...
Oh, Art. You're disappointing me, man.

Yeah, TRM is mocking you. A little. Bear with it. Mocking means you matter. Your opinion matters. Why all this fuss.

So what's the fuss? "[T]he badgers and MOCKING-birds whom rarely take others feeling into consideration[.]" Uh, I think that's "who" but I always get that messed up. English should just ditch that "whom" thing. Nobody gets it right.

Oh, yeah, back to subject.

Like I said, I now agree with you on comments. For most people who post here, being welcomed and told their poem is "good" is probably better than honest criticism. Note that I say "honest criticism." I will just point out that, as I said before, if someone turns on comments and votes, then they are asking for honesty. Yes, there are trolls: People who make rude comments and vote things down simply to piss authors off. But voting, say, '3' or '2' or even '1' does not equate to that of necessity. What you don't seem to understand.

There are a lot of poems, I would even say the majority, though I haven't counted them, that are really really bad and should be 1's. Zeroes, if you could vote that. They just suck.

My main comment is, like, just get over this. You guys disagree. Fine. Go your own ways.

Can I say boring again? Both of you?
I find it interesting that people who insist 'they only write for themselves' seem very concerned with a label/rating given to poems by readers. I also find it interesting that two grown men (I won't say mature) have not yet learned to accept that not everyone will agree with their opinions.

You remind me of two scrapping dogs who need someone to open the back door and another person to kick you both in the ass and send you flying through it. You want to fight? Do it privately. Don't pollute the rest of the house with the stink of your egos.
As far as comments, poets have been warned. All they have to do is look at their own comment section:
Love it? Hate it? Have suggestions?
You can leave a public comment on this submission!

Someone could actually have a suggestion or hate it! :eek:

ghost girl, buzzard is the new possum.
Tzara said:
Oh, Art. You're disappointing me, man.

Yeah, TRM is mocking you. A little. Bear with it. Mocking means you matter. Your opinion matters. Why all this fuss.

So what's the fuss? "[T]he badgers and MOCKING-birds whom rarely take others feeling into consideration[.]" Uh, I think that's "who" but I always get that messed up. English should just ditch that "whom" thing. Nobody gets it right.

Oh, yeah, back to subject.

Like I said, I now agree with you on comments. For most people who post here, being welcomed and told their poem is "good" is probably better than honest criticism. Note that I say "honest criticism." I will just point out that, as I said before, if someone turns on comments and votes, then they are asking for honesty. Yes, there are trolls: People who make rude comments and vote things down simply to piss authors off. But voting, say, '3' or '2' or even '1' does not equate to that of necessity. What you don't seem to understand.

There are a lot of poems, I would even say the majority, though I haven't counted them, that are really really bad and should be 1's. Zeroes, if you could vote that. They just suck.

My main comment is, like, just get over this. You guys disagree. Fine. Go your own ways.

Can I say boring again? Both of you?

let me first say ...congratulations ... I believe I saw one of your poems made the monthly grade... 'november' ??? I generally find you to be honorable and there-fore respect your opinion. With TRM, I can not claim this <grin How can you trust a man who brags about running from the IRS and the Sheriff's dept. And jumps in with sarcasm any time some one wants to debate, then practices deception with his name change. As for Champ... I respect her opinion too... however, I have delt with the snail more than most... with all his names and alts and practices of red H removals. This is obviously a strange breed that makes it their chore to monitor who gets to keep it and who does not. My intent was to bring up the thread for another and as usual ... so many feel the need to add their opinions. As I have mine. What is wrong with that.

JJW... "you be right from your side and I'll be right from mine."
Sara Crewe said:
You remind me of two scrapping dogs who need someone to open the back door and another person to kick you both in the ass and send you flying through it.


WickedEve said:
That baby looks like you. Or maybe you look like the baby... :D

well we've known each other forever
; )

and she is beautiful
i have a large misshapen irish head
Tathagata said:
well we've known each other forever
; )

and she is beautiful
i have a large misshapen irish head
No you don't. lol
The baby is pretty and so are you. ;)
Tathagata said:
well we've known each other forever
; )

and she is beautiful
i have a large misshapen irish head

yes, i agree. they are both very pretty.

careful to keep them whiskers to yourself though, Boston.

:rose: <--- for the little lady . . . you get a handshake and a Guinness.

here's one for you too, Virginia. :rose:
WickedEve said:
No you don't. lol
The baby is pretty and so are you. ;)

ok well i look pretty when shes with me
: P

and thank you
good to see you as always