Wicked Eve welcomes you with open arms and spread legs

Tristesse said:
Okay - I screwed up. I thought we were writing open letter to new arrivals, a sort of sticky thread.

So. I'll start again. Hello Eve, I'm small taters as far as most of the poets go in here. I'm a big fan of your web site and hugely impressed by the "established" poets who frequent this thread.

To new arrivals I say - read as much poetry as you can, learn that way.

Tess [ furious with myself for not reading WE's intro properly]
Hi, T.
We're all just french fries here. :)
ExistentialLuv said:

Existentialluv here. Nice to meet you Wicked. I am a newbie but a definate regular. Just started visiting the poem board. Some really great poems here.

Little about myself

Pollyjeans Bitch
Born and raised in Montana
Love to travel
Hobbies: Photography, poetry, enjoying the outdoors, Lit.,

Interesting tidbit about me, I howl at the Full Moon

Most of my poetry lately has been wrote for Pollyjean. She has recieved the first love poetry that I have written. Before I met her it was very morbid and deep, dark stuff (ended up losing all of it in a split:(). I am going to try and start writing some of it again but she has caused a block in my mind for the dark poetry.
Nice to meet you, too. Wicca! Oh, that's what I'm interested in. Know of a good site for a beginner to learn the basics of the religion?
Maria2394 said:
Hello Eve
I'm glad ya'll were able to find enough lube to squeeze this newbie in ;)

I also live in South Carolina, but not far south enough. I'm allergic to cold weather...

I won't say I am 30ish, I'm proud I made it this far, I will be 41 on 11/23 and I began writing when I was about 6 or 7...(donald duck stories to entertain my siblings, and I still have them!)

I have two daughters,one is 20 and the other is 15 and I ve been with the same man since I was 17

I love meeting people, making friends, I'm a loyal cusp-born sagittarius with exceptional intuitive powers.. and I especially enjoy finding a way to help people heal their inner conflicts. If I cant fix myself, why not try to help someone, else, right?

Thank you Eve, and Angeline especially, for welcoming me here, as well as Lauren and Neo and Rybka and darkmaas and Steve and well, this list goes on and on.
Another Southern Gal! I'm in VA.
Re: Not that you asked but

Angeline said:
I'm Angeline. Not really in real life, just here. Like Eve I'm 30ish, mostly ish but I can compensate by being immature.
You can't be more immature than I am. Go ahead and try. I dare you! Double dog dare ya!
Cordelia said:
What a great idea, Eve.

I just celebrated my 39th birthday in October, and I still get carded. I blame good genetics. (Thanks, dad!)


oh, and that's my back in the AV... I can't believe how many times I've been asked that.
39? Did it hurt? I'm quickly approaching. Jeez... that must be why I've been out buying really short skirts and high heels -- trying to hang on to those sexy days of semi-youth. No. Probably not. I always wear short skirts. I'll be 80 in a mini dress.
Re: perks rejoinder

denis hale said:
Uh, perks

I said
I was a geek,
not a freak.



(The next line comes

Don't worry. I'm sure she'll do a geek, too. ;)
How tall and how skinny? Any measurements you want to offer will be fine.

My name is Lauren and I'm a Liteholic.

I'm 20 years old, I'm from Portugal, I study architecture, I draw, I paint, I read, I write, I surf, I tan, I eat, I sneeze, I sleep (too little), I think (too much), I whisper, I moan, I scream, I hate, I love.
Re: Measurements

"...Don't worry. I'm sure she'll do a geek, too.
How tall and how skinny? Any measurements you want to offer will be fine...."

OK then.

6 feet 3 inches.

A buck ninety five.

But a hundred and fifty pounds of that is my Ego! So what can I tell ya?

Hiya Lauren. Hey Fool. Hi Angeline. Congrats Ice and Lin!
Wazzup OT? Hey Des! Hi Cordie! Hi Maria!


I'll have to go over the thread, and catch who I missed.

Now everybody
go vote on my poem! LOL!!!!

Lauren.Hynde said:

My name is Lauren and I'm a Liteholic.

I'm 20 years old, I'm from Portugal, I study architecture, I draw, I paint, I read, I write, I surf, I tan, I eat, I sneeze, I sleep (too little), I think (too much), I whisper, I moan, I scream, I hate, I love.
I know you eat. You're always eating! I didn't know about the screaming problem you have, though. So, do you just scream out in the middle of the grocery store, or what? Come on, give us details about the screaming.
Re: Re: Measurements

denis hale said:
"...Don't worry. I'm sure she'll do a geek, too.
How tall and how skinny? Any measurements you want to offer will be fine...."

OK then.

6 feet 3 inches.

A buck ninety five.

But a hundred and fifty pounds of that is my Ego! So what can I tell ya?

Hiya Lauren. Hey Fool. Hi Angeline. Congrats Ice and Lin!
Wazzup OT? Hey Des! Hi Cordie! Hi Maria!


I'll have to go over the thread, and catch who I missed.

Now everybody
go vote on my poem! LOL!!!!

6'3 and 150? Does anyone feed you? I'm sending you an emergency pot of dumplings right away! How about some cornbread? A thermos full of gravy?
WickedEve said:
I know you eat. You're always eating! I didn't know about the screaming problem you have, though. So, do you just scream out in the middle of the grocery store, or what? Come on, give us details about the screaming.
Any chance of an attached sample? ;)
I scream rude obscenities at other drivers, but only when driving really fast. In slow, intense traffic, I'm usually pretty cool about everything.

I scream rude obscenities at my girlfriend, but only when having really wild sex. In slow, intense lovemaking sessions, I'm usually more a discrete moaner/whisperer (vide answer in previous post).

Samples are not available as of yet, but might come out on CD in time for Christmas.
Lauren.Hynde said:
I scream rude obscenities at other drivers, but only when driving really fast. In slow, intense traffic, I'm usually pretty cool about everything.

I scream rude obscenities at my girlfriend, but only when having really wild sex. In slow, intense lovemaking sessions, I'm usually more a discrete moaner/whisperer (vide answer in previous post).

Samples are not available as of yet, but might come out on CD in time for Christmas.
Finally, an appropriate stocking stuffer from good ol' Saint Dick.
short skirts and purrr-verts

WickedEve said:
39? Did it hurt? I'm quickly approaching. Jeez... that must be why I've been out buying really short skirts and high heels -- trying to hang on to those sexy days of semi-youth. No. Probably not. I always wear short skirts. I'll be 80 in a mini dress.

oh yeah? you and me both Eve :D maybe we can hit some biker bars when we get old, together....luckily, like Cordie, I have some decent genes, along with not smoking or drinking, Im pretty well preserved, I have been told.. LOl and like you Eve, I will be showing my arse ( no undies, ta hell with Vickies secret and her high prices, I do NOT wear underpants) in short shirts and daisy dukes when I am old and gray, and ladies, 40 doesnt hurt at all if you know how to handle it...just let the YOU inside show on the outside and screw what anybody else has to say... ( but be careful cause there are lots of men out there that dont mind being crude and women hit on me frequently....strange world, but I love it :)
Re: Not that you asked but

Originally posted by Angeline
I'm Angeline. Not really in real life, just here. Like Eve I'm 30ish, mostly ish but I can compensate by being immature.


You can't be more immature than I am. Go ahead and try. I dare you! Double dog dare ya!

Nyah nyah. I was immature before you, and not just in this thread. Once I drove through a traffic circle at rush hour in the snow with no brakes while smoking *and* drinking coffee. That's immature right? (No that's suicidal.)

Ok lemme think. I never admitted to my kid that the real reason Smiley the lizard died is because I dropped a really heavy stereo on him (not on purpose). (No that's lying to preserve illusion of parental omniscience.)

Maybe I'm not immature--no I'm writing this post, so I must be. And I got good jeans, too, faded and very comfy. :)

Oh and I never wear daisy dukes--that is so not me (most of my wardrobe is NYC black dahling). And I almost always wear underwear, but sometimes it's from here. (Now *that* was immature.)
Last edited:
wow! Ange, thats some sexy lingerie..I would wear that stuff. Maybe I should clarify, I dont wear undies cause I have no room for them and me in my shorts and jeans ( I love tight clothes) and I truly despise panty lines, they are soo gross :p

and I adore your NY chic black style, its so coooool :rose:
Givin a shout out!

Hello Wicked Eve- Yeah, I'm a newbie, enjoying all the great poems to be had.... Little something about me.......Connoisseur of most anything different or new....especially when it comes to sex play! A little freaky but we wall have our quirks, eh? Uhm. Married 17+ years to a guy that likes my quirks, LOL. Must say I'm quite fond of his, too. What are my quirks, you ask? Good question. I am bi, and love the nawty things like spanking and bondage....giving and receiving oral is the best way to get to know me. Er, is this too much? Anyways, have only had one of my poems submitted and posted.......Deflowering Savannah....Nah, not a true story but wouldn't it be funny if......? Hope to submit more of my stuff soon....A big welcome to all the newbies and Hello to the vets on here! Kisses all around--
Originally posted by Angeline
want the url for the italian stuff, too? lol

Hell yeah, Christmas is coming up. I need ideas.

I'm only doing this for Lin, so you don't buy any holiday gifts from the "Love ewe" site. :D

Merry Christmas.
I Dolci Tabu

Hiya Savannah! :)
Re: short skirts and purrr-verts

Maria2394 said:
oh yeah? you and me both Eve :D maybe we can hit some biker bars when we get old, together....luckily, like Cordie, I have some decent genes, along with not smoking or drinking, Im pretty well preserved, I have been told.. LOl and like you Eve, I will be showing my arse ( no undies, ta hell with Vickies secret and her high prices, I do NOT wear underpants) in short shirts and daisy dukes when I am old and gray, and ladies, 40 doesnt hurt at all if you know how to handle it...just let the YOU inside show on the outside and screw what anybody else has to say... ( but be careful cause there are lots of men out there that dont mind being crude and women hit on me frequently....strange world, but I love it :)
I don't smoke, drink, or tan, so I'm not hideous looking yet. I don't wear panties, but the girls have to have a bra. After the kids, they kind of went further south than where we're living. Like I'm in VA and they're in NC. :rolleyes: Hey, maybe they're on their way to visit you, Maria!
Re: Givin a shout out!

_Savannah_ said:
Hello Wicked Eve- Yeah, I'm a newbie, enjoying all the great poems to be had.... Little something about me.......Connoisseur of most anything different or new....especially when it comes to sex play! A little freaky but we wall have our quirks, eh? Uhm. Married 17+ years to a guy that likes my quirks, LOL. Must say I'm quite fond of his, too. What are my quirks, you ask? Good question. I am bi, and love the nawty things like spanking and bondage....giving and receiving oral is the best way to get to know me. Er, is this too much? Anyways, have only had one of my poems submitted and posted.......Deflowering Savannah....Nah, not a true story but wouldn't it be funny if......? Hope to submit more of my stuff soon....A big welcome to all the newbies and Hello to the vets on here! Kisses all around--
Hello, new person. So giving and receiving oral is the best way to get to know you? Okay, poets! Line up and lick the newbie!
Re: Re: perks rejoinder

WickedEve said:
Don't worry. I'm sure she'll do a geek, too. ;)
How tall and how skinny? Any measurements you want to offer will be fine.

Hold on, there are ladies here into skinny geeks? Since when?

Sheez :p

Oh and I never wear daisy dukes--that is so not me (most of my wardrobe is NYC black dahling). And I almost always wear underwear, but sometimes it's from here. (Now *that* was immature.)
No, Ang, that was sexy! WooHoo! :D

Hello, new person. So giving and receiving oral is the best way to get to know you? Okay, poets! Line up and lick the newbie!
I'm behind Eve! (And ain't that a wonderful place to be? :D)
