Wicked Eve welcomes you with open arms and spread legs

Re: Re: short skirts and purrr-verts

WickedEve said:
I don't smoke, drink, or tan, so I'm not hideous looking yet. I don't wear panties, but the girls have to have a bra. After the kids, they kind of went further south than where we're living. Like I'm in VA and they're in NC. :rolleyes: Hey, maybe they're on their way to visit you, Maria!

LMAO!!! well, if they show up at my front door, I will fix them a glass of tea and welcome them with open arms, okay?:p
Re: Re: Re: short skirts and purrr-verts

Maria2394 said:
LMAO!!! well, if they show up at my front door, I will fix them a glass of tea and welcome them with open arms, okay?:p
They're polite, so you'll hear two knockers when they arrive at your door.

I am one of the lurkers as well. I write freestyle poetry, herein labelled as drivel, (blush) and so do not post, not wishing to inflict inferior works upon the others.

I lurk because I love poetry, and because literotica seems to be addictive in nature. I like to offer a humble opinion once in awhile, but tend to be reticent, otherwise known as shy. I write for a BDSM-related e-zine, and am working towards my MFA. Writing is an innate and important part of who I am, and hopefully it will become a larger part of my livelihood in future.

I have found literotica to be edifying in more ways than one, and greatly enjoy reading the works of those who post.

There. End of intro. I'll probably never dare to be so bold again, lol.

ssilversong said:

I am one of the lurkers as well. I write freestyle poetry, herein labelled as drivel, (blush) and so do not post, not wishing to inflict inferior works upon the others.

I lurk because I love poetry, and because literotica seems to be addictive in nature. I like to offer a humble opinion once in awhile, but tend to be reticent, otherwise known as shy. I write for a BDSM-related e-zine, and am working towards my MFA. Writing is an innate and important part of who I am, and hopefully it will become a larger part of my livelihood in future.

I have found literotica to be edifying in more ways than one, and greatly enjoy reading the works of those who post.

There. End of intro. I'll probably never dare to be so bold again, lol.

Now that you've jabbered on and on and on and told us way too much about youself, you can no longer just lurk. :)
Greetings & Salutaions

Hello all, (winks at WE)

I'm in-and-out of Lit, but glad to see all of you--new friends and old. Hmm...here's some things about me. I'm 31, married to my best friend, and live outside of Dallas, Texas. I consider Summerville, SC to be my hometown because my dad was stationed there twice - shout out to Maria!

I work in the corporate world as basically an event planner, but I was once a radio traffic reporter and DJ. Although I'm not dancing with a troupe at the moment, I'm a bellydancer.

I design purses & jewelry and have my own side business. I have a new love--hooping (hula, that is).

I like experimental sex...new, different. I like exploring the layers of another person's sexuality. Exposing boundaries and breaking past them. Basically, I'm a sensualist...and open-minded.

Howdy, I'm AA (real name is Ed), am single in Oregon (never married), have lived overseas in Hong Kong for six years as an Entomologist, was an Academic All-American when I played tight end in college football at Oregon State University, and my age is "old enough to know better." :D I have dabbled a bit with one story and a few poems here on Lit, plus have had six fishing stories published in magazines along with four technical articles regarding my profession. Both of the poems were done on the "Title Challenge" threads and I am a real rookie when it comes to composing poetry. I will try my hand at writing again when my schedule abates here this winter. I know Ang and Cord, plus have met perks years ago in chat--all good people!

I am easygoing, sarcastic, irreverent, and try to play well with the other children. Two phrases that describe my philosophy are:
Life is too serious to take seriously, and I may be getting older--but I refuse to grow up! Thanks for your time and will visit later.
As the title says, just call me Cat, the babe was added by a friend I met in chat and it stuck in my head when I registered for the bulletin boards and found someone else already had Cat.

I am a thirty- three year old who has always loved to read and write. I love animals and I am currently the keeper of the two dogs, a cat and a fish. I chase after my three kids daily and love almost every minute of it. I named my two boys after my two of my favourite poets.

I have written prose for a long time but poetry is a new thing for me and I welcome all critical feedback on anything you see of mine posted on here.

I am often around reading threads and poems and I am constantly awed by the talent here.


I'm Enodia. I'm 23, Wiccan, and a writer of all types. I went to school for journalism (had to leave just before I finished because OSAP cut my funding), and plan to go back to school to become a Library and Information Technician. I'm political in nature (I ran for City Council in my city in this past election), and love poetry (Yeats being my favourite).

I found literotica while looking for erotic stories (trying to get ideas to introduce my boyfriend to ;) ), and got addicted to the bulletin boards.

Currenly I'm a fast-food worker, and I'm joining a teaching Coven to train to be clergy. :D

:kiss: :rose:
this is neo

Nota newbie, but not a 'Lit Guru' either... ;)

Real name, Jamison. I'm 26, like older women, coffee, zydeco, and I live in or about Seattle, but I'm from Baton Rouge. Yep, I'm a Kajun with duck feet and not a coon ass Cajun anymore. I make my living as a PA, but I'm finding that I don't have patience for my patients—I'd rather be stringing up words, pretending to be Picasso or sitting in a forrest listening to trees fall... something, anything as long as I don't hear have to hear: "Doc, I got this itch..."

- neo
Real name, Jamison. I'm 26, like older women, coffee, zydeco, and I live in or about Seattle, but I'm from Baton Rouge. Yep, I'm a Kajun with duck feet and not a coon ass Cajun anymore. I make my living as a PA, but I'm finding that I don't have patience for my patients—I'd rather be stringing up words, pretending to be Picasso or sitting in a forrest listening to trees fall... something, anything as long as I don't hear have to hear: "Doc, I got this itch..."

So lemme get this straight. (lol.) You're not Cajun but Kajun (does this have anything to do with Kryptonite?), you have duck feet (webbed toed or perhaps that you can duck walk like this guy?), and you live either in or about Seattle (which is it, and did you move there for the coffee?). Right? Jamis, I'm confused--I think I knew you better before I read this. :D :rose:
Angeline said:
So lemme get this straight. (lol.) You're not Cajun but Kajun (does this have anything to do with Kryptonite?), you have duck feet (webbed toed or perhaps that you can duck walk like this guy?), and you live either in or about Seattle (which is it, and did you move there for the coffee?). Right? Jamis, I'm confused--I think I knew you better before I read this. :D :rose:

:kiss: your sucha a smaaart ass Angelinie... A Cajun is a Kajun when he/she doesn't reside in Louisiana anymore... and the duck feet are in reference to me being in Seattle for a year now... :p

- neo
hi there

hello :) i am 18 year old female i love writing, drawing, and singing.....but not nessicarily good at any of them lol i live in washington state...have since i was born wont for much longer if i can help it though too grey here for my liking. i just finnished high school this past summer and am starting at a community college near where i live soon guess thats enough rambling for now lol

A new one from up North...

Hi there, I am hitting my 40th this coming year, but always stay a young 29 at heart.
Single mom with two children hitting their tweens...oh help me here!
Live in the cold...brrr New Brunswick, Canada (No snow yet!!!)
Bi-sexual, and very sensuall, a definate voyeur and exhibitionist, add a dash of D/s, tie in a blindfold and cuffs and leave me under someone's christmas tree...cause Santa says he isnt bringing anyone to me!
I have been writing poetry since I was 12, although no great works in this area, just love for the pen and yeariings or experience from the mind and heart.
New to the computer/net.
Shy but working on that...
Love what I have read here so far!

What is a darkmaas?

An AV and some poems
on some electronic shelf?
A lurker caught in the spotlight
of the Monday reviews?
A bon vivant sipping electronic whiskey
and eyeing up the other cyberpoets?

And if he ceased to post,
could it be said that darkmaas died?
Or was he killed?
And should we mourn?

Every day that Hamlet plays
and twice if there’s a matinee
Ophelia dies.
It’s a tragedy
but we are not in mourning
because we can imagine
that after the show
the actress
can be found
in some Southwark pub
cadging drinks from amorous but gormless
Japanese and German tourists.

So is our darkmaas
another fiction like Ophelia,
sad perhaps but not for mourning?
But he laughed
and loved
and aroused
laughter and love
in other shades
as if he was of flesh and blood
and not just keystrokes in the ether.
If loved then why not mourned?

Of course it is a stupid question.
A darkmaas is just another name
for a polished face
a thing called david.
Flesh and blood.
Real time.
Who married Babylon
and sifted through
the genizahs of Jerusalem
and the shards of parchment
that are all that’s left of Alexandria
to find…

That when he dies
he will be mourned
and then he’ll rot.
Maybe his poems
will sit on upon some shelf
but he will write no more.
But is this so different
from the death of darkmaas?
Perhaps a david is just another layer
of illusion that must be peeled away
to reveal…
maybe another layer.

And if we take the time.
(though why we should
when actresses are
awaiting us in bars)
and peel back all the layers,
what will we find?
Maybe the soul,
old and black and
full of hatred for the demiurge
who in a fit of celestial madness
created flesh and
imprisoned soul for all eternity.

But then again,
a darkmaas is not flesh.
It does not answer to the laws of matter.
Can it be said that darkmaas
is closer to the heavenly light
than his flesh encumbered progenitor?
Or is the david just another minor god
creating yet another prison
for the soul
and in the process
losing sight of what is poetry?
What is a darkmaas?

Readers Digest Version

Long winded poetic fucker.
Readers Digest Version

Long winded poetic fucker.

i say anyone who casually tosses off "gormless" in a blurt of a poem is bound for immortality.

:) :rose:

i say anyone who casually tosses off "gormless" in a blurt of a poem is bound for immortality.

Thank you Angeline.

Gormless is one of those words that I'm sure keep lexicographers awake nights. My dictionary defines gormless but does not recognise "gorm" as a word. I my humble opinion, any definition of the lack of something, where that something is undefined, is if not flawed, highly suspect.
Re: Gormless

darkmaas said:
My dictionary defines gormless but does not recognise "gorm" as a word.

gorm n. Upper Southern U.S. variant of gaum.

[in The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition]

\Gorm\, n. Axle grease. See Gome. [Prov. Eng.]
\Gorm\, v. t. To daub, as the hands or clothing, with gorm; to daub with anything sticky. [Prov. Eng.]

Gome \Gome\, n. [Cf. Icel. gormr ooze, mud.] The black grease on the axle of a cart or wagon wheel; -- called also gorm. See Gorm. [Prov. Eng.]

[in Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary]

Donkless Heros

The plight of gormless made me think of donkless. In Canadian schools we used to sing a patriotic ditty called "The Maple Leaf Forever" which contained the immortal phrase:

"Wolfe, our dauntless hero..."

Many of you will recognise this as a reference to General Wolfe and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, an event that changed the face of North America.

As children though, we heard the lyrics in a distorted fashion and dauntless came out as donkless. Of course this begged the question - what exactly were donks and how had Wolfe lost his. Being young and blessed with puerile imaginations (there's that word again: just for you Perdita) we had no doubt what donks were. The issue was only how poor Wolfe lost them. Were they blown off in a previous battle? Perhaps an accident with a sabre, a fight with a savage dog... speculation ran rampant through the schoolyard.

There is a famous painting of the death of Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham. It's well known to any Canadian school child. Done in the romantic style, it shows a tableau of figures huddled around the dying Wolfe - death as still life. We had grown up however with a more Hollywood style of warfare and the picture of men in tight pants and frilly cuffs, huddled about in the middle of a freaking battle was so not GI Joe. It looked like every one of them had lost their donks.

The battle itself was also noteworthy in that both generals (Wolfe and Montcalm) died as a result of the conflict. It strikes me that if this were to become a tradition of armed conflict there would be several benefits to humanity:

1) naval officers, who have long suffered under the "captain goes down with his ship" rule would have more respect for their land-lubbing fellow officers.

2) there would be fewer generals - a benefit to the taxpayer.

Thank you Lauren

I stand corrected. I should have known you would be awake.

Those are of course American dictionaries. I stand by my Concise Oxford.
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