Wishing Well

it is a bit odd (and maybe ego-centric and immature) to start a thread just to announce to the "world" who you like :) I mean, if anyone is interested, you can select your "favorites" in your public profile. That seems like the appropriate place, just sayin'

duckiesmut: you are welcome for the commment, it was an incredible poem!
Summer is here....

Summer is here and I get not RESPECT! I hope you all burn or worst
never see the aqua throught an amber eye. Oh, if we have ever spoken.
Take your name off my shit list. Just write and hope someone tells u the
truth. Oh.... Ang, Boo, Tath, Street, Pat, Wicked, Blue, Al, Wild...and
spike.. and Dusty, and Syn , and Ji. and 2 , and so on ....................
The list is too damn long. Read the new poems in the morning....
I am and ain't ain't even got one coming up. :devil:

This is exactly what I am referring to. What I said, if you would listen, is that GREAT poets would only put there alter-ego stuff here, not anything that would be considered for publication. The poets like you and me and the 100's others that are decent writers are here. We are not great writers. period.

duckiesmut said:
Then why is there an entire category for non-erotic poetry, with well over 15,000 poems posted in it?
If I may

I have seen some very extraordinary poets here...and am not too shy to mention them....look at their writing and tell me I'm wrong.
jd4george, The Rainman, Angeline, Wicked Eve, Tathagata, Lauren Hynde, tarablackwood22 (who removed all her poems, sadly)....to name a few...and there are more. (please Ileft no one out on purpose so don't scold me if your favorite is not here).

Many of these people could become famous one day, depending onthe fickle finger of fate.....a lot of it is PR, who you know, and luck.

quietpoet said:
This is exactly what I am referring to. What I said, if you would listen, is that GREAT poets would only put there alter-ego stuff here, not anything that would be considered for publication. The poets like you and me and the 100's others that are decent writers are here. We are not great writers. period.

Respectfully, that isn't what you said. I'm certain you know the connotations of the word prurient.

I don't appreciate the 'if you would listen' part.

And I still disagree, but frankly, that doesn't matter. I don't see the point in arguing for arguing's sake. So, I hope you have a lovely Friday. :)
about the "great" debate

hmm, I was reading this and just wanted to say...

while I may never be a great poet, I have posted work here that was published. and others have as well. I dont think that when a poem is born, it cares where it is born into, actually, doesnt care if its a bastard child of a porn site or if it was posted first on some glossy ezine with a prouder name. I know I never intended any of my work to be published when I started posting here :)

I woudl also say that any one who deems themselves as never worthy of being great, never will be....and thats okay too, takes the real pressure off, doesnt it, snail?


you all have a great day

less than great,


ps, RF< thank you for putting me on your list :kiss:
I'm not saying I'm a great poet.
But if I was, I'd still post my stuff here.
B'cuz I like here.
And b'cuz I'm not savvy in the where and how to get my poetry published, nor is it that important to me.

Does my choice of media affect the quality of my words?
dear Liar-

I always have thought of you as a great poet. I am in awe of most of your work, the rest just makes me shake my head and wish I had a modicum of your talent.

I like here too, most of the time. It takes a mix of people and personalities to make a place a "place" it would be so boring if everyone was just alike.

am thinking you may have worded this a bit off...

quietpoet said:
This is exactly what I am referring to. What I said, if you would listen, is that GREAT poets would only put there alter-ego stuff here, not anything that would be considered for publication. The poets like you and me and the 100's others that are decent writers are here. We are not great writers. period.

Knowing you , the way I do, I am seeing thru the words and what you are really saying is ..GREAT poets...would charge for their work and keep it close to the cuff until the work is a success ... which has nothing to do with writing GREAT Poetry...which is really perception...Great poems exist only to one who believes it to be...
annaswirls said:
I think you have to be dead before you are really great and what the hell kind of fun is that?

Depends. Can I haunt your shower?
MyNecroticSnail said:
Senna Jawa, twelveoone, jd4george, foehn, others I can't remember; always had something interesting to say. :rose: :rose: :rose:

Thanks to those who stayed for the intellectual upkeep of this place. Rainman, Lauren Hynde, Liar, Tzara, etc. :rose: :rose: :rose:

Welcome back jthserra

For all those serious about writing :kiss: - on the cheek, Euro style.

(forgot a name, of someone I am glad to see back)

I think You may be the greatest of them all
quietpoet said:
This is exactly what I am referring to. What I said, if you would listen, is that GREAT poets would only put there alter-ego stuff here, not anything that would be considered for publication. The poets like you and me and the 100's others that are decent writers are here. We are not great writers. period.
I agree there are no GREAT poets here, but some will be. Point is to become better writers, pays to listen. My guess, more listen to the PR, the loudest. Rainman, Senna, jthserra seem to be the toughest to listen to, because they will tell you in no uncertain terms. They are not right 100% of the time, no one is. Both Lauren Hynde and Angeline have written extensively on writing, praise to them, Flyguy69 gives consistent, good comments, a real unsung hero here. They all represent views that should be considered in the quest for better writing.

The poets get enough praise, often unwarrented.

I saw your post fly, who you think I am, I am not, he was wrong (IMHO) about many things. We did not agree on Lauren Hynde for example, him seeing things because of his background that frightened him. A completely different shade of meaning can be understood if looked at from her's. I even tore a big hole in one of his on these threads once.

When I last saw him, I gave him two books, The Cantos of Ezra Pound (because I am a bastard), and Studies in Poetic Discouse by Hans-Jost Frey as an introduction to Mallarmé. I don't think he has finished anything since.

A poem is never finished, only abandoned. - Paul Valery

Or rather...abandoned.

He may be gone, he is like that. I wish him well, I think he may be on to something in his quest.
MyNecroticSnail said:
I agree there are no GREAT poets here, but some will be. Point is to become better writers, pays to listen. My guess, more listen to the PR, the loudest. Rainman, Senna, jthserra seem to be the toughest to listen to, because they will tell you in no uncertain terms. They are not right 100% of the time, no one is. Both Lauren Hynde and Angeline have written extensively on writing, praise to them, Flyguy69 gives consistent, good comments, a real unsung hero here. They all represent views that should be considered in the quest for better writing.

The poets get enough praise, often unwarrented.

I saw your post fly, who you think I am, I am not, he was wrong (IMHO) about many things. We did not agree on Lauren Hynde for example, him seeing things because of his background that frightened him. A completely different shade of meaning can be understood if looked at from her's. I even tore a big hole in one of his on these threads once.

When I last saw him, I gave him two books, The Cantos of Ezra Pound (because I am a bastard), and Studies in Poetic Discouse by Hans-Jost Frey as an introduction to Mallarmé. I don't think he has finished anything since.

A poem is never finished, only abandoned. - Paul Valery

Or rather...abandoned.

He may be gone, he is like that. I wish him well, I think he may be on to something in his quest.

pardon me, snail, but I have to say this--

some of the folks you mention on your new list havent posted any FB ( good or bad) for ages. I can not remember the last time most of them posted a comment, good or bad. AND most of them quit giving public FB because no one reciprocated, or they felt lke their time was being wasted here, ( This was from one of the people on your list, who told me in those almost exact words). Some of these same folks who once did reviews stopped because they felt their "time was being wasted here"

I think, now its just my opinion, but the fact that someone reads a poem, takes the time to leave a comment, so whut if it sounds like sucking up, ( to you) or the poem doesnt meet some abstract standard of what constitutes :great:

ohh well,,,Im sorry you get low voted on your very good work. maybe you should just chill cause no one is gonna change their personalities cuz you dont really like them


sandspike said:
Summer is here and I get not RESPECT! I hope you all burn or worst
never see the aqua throught an amber eye. Oh, if we have ever spoken.
Take your name off my shit list. Just write and hope someone tells u the
truth. Oh.... Ang, Boo, Tath, Street, Pat, Wicked, Blue, Al, Wild...and
spike.. and Dusty, and Syn , and Ji. and 2 , and so on ....................
The list is too damn long. Read the new poems in the morning....
I am and ain't ain't even got one coming up. :devil:

Next time I spend another glorious sunbaked night drunk under the LifeGuards rowboat will you come be with me?
BooMerengue said:
Next time I spend another glorious sunbaked night drunk under the LifeGuards rowboat will you come be with me?

Hey Lady Boo!! how are you?

Love what you aid about the lifeguards rowboat, bet you could whip up a poem out of that.

oh, when hubby and I went to the beach, well, we were in a state park, and one end of the beach, there was no one there at night. funny thing about state parks, people seem to just cloister around their RV's like hobo;s when the sun goes down and we had the beach to ourselves,

I climbed up onto the life guards chair and watched the ocean glisten under the nearly full moon. plus, I was nekkid, so that was really fun :D

I have missed you


Maria2394 said:
Hey Lady Boo!! how are you?

Love what you aid about the lifeguards rowboat, bet you could whip up a poem out of that.

oh, when hubby and I went to the beach, well, we were in a state park, and one end of the beach, there was no one there at night. funny thing about state parks, people seem to just cloister around their RV's like hobo;s when the sun goes down and we had the beach to ourselves,

I climbed up onto the life guards chair and watched the ocean glisten under the nearly full moon. plus, I was nekkid, so that was really fun :D

I have missed you



Hiya, Sweet Babe!! I've missed you, too. Maybe we should make a Challenge about goofy things we've done naked! Mine would be an epic! I used to love to get out of my clothes. Any excuse. No excuse. No reason. It didn't matter. lol

But that was in the Ancient Days- now I never get naked if I can help it. Well, that's not true. But I won't if there's a mirror anywhere near.

Good to see you, sweety!
Y'know I was thinking the same thing. Lauren seems to have moved on, no? Surely she does her job moderating in the background, but I have not noticed her as any real outward presence in some time. Angeline has also moved on, it would seem, no? Maybe that is the snail's point?

Snail, do you have so much invested in this place that you really want to continue the crucade to somehow save it? You apparently have a history here. I am surprised you have not mentioned the great comments of the unmasked poet or karmadog (two poets I have never interacted with)

lord this is so boring and overdiscussed anyway. Didn't it used to be that the people who played in the forum also wrote new poems? It does not seem that way anymore (myself included)

but I am glad you mentioned Fly, he does not get enough credit around here, not that he does what he does for credit, still, it is a lot of work to crit a poem.

oh I am on as ms lace,

Maria2394 said:
pardon me, snail, but I have to say this--

some of the folks you mention on your new list havent posted any FB ( good or bad) for ages. maria
Sealace said:
Y'know I was thinking the same thing. Lauren seems to have moved on, no? Surely she does her job moderating in the background, but I have not noticed her as any real outward presence in some time. Angeline has also moved on, it would seem, no? Maybe that is the snail's point?

Snail, do you have so much invested in this place that you really want to continue the crucade to somehow save it? You apparently have a history here. I am surprised you have not mentioned the great comments of the unmasked poet or karmadog (two poets I have never interacted with)

lord this is so boring and overdiscussed anyway. Didn't it used to be that the people who played in the forum also wrote new poems? It does not seem that way anymore (myself included)

but I am glad you mentioned Fly, he does not get enough credit around here, not that he does what he does for credit, still, it is a lot of work to crit a poem.

oh I am on as ms lace,

youre funny, sis :)

You mention Lauren, is she feeling better, I wonder... I dont remember Karmadog except a thread he had about silly titles...lot of people used to make comments, leave FB until it was turned into such a live or die "thing". It is sad...:(

and yeah, flyguy deserves a ton of credit, he has helped me a lot and so have you and lots of the people he mentiond. I surely didnt mean to minimize any input that anyone ever put, ya know? I just was making an observation that obviously didnt need to be made. I do that a lot and hell, I need to stop, I know...sorry snail.

I like feeling that LH is "up there" watching over me ;)
Beyond a certain level of writing competency, it becomes a matter of personal taste whether a poem is good or great. I've seen poems at many many sites online and I am consistently flabbergasted at how much good/great poetry has come from this porny little forum over the years. Many of those poems have been written by people who haven't been around for a while or never really got the recognition they deserved.

If you spend an hour with the poetry spinner you will see much mediocrity (or worse), the predictible well-crafted poems by the names you've heard over and over and the rare flowers you never noticed before.
Sealace said:
Lauren seems to have moved on, no? Surely she does her job moderating in the background, but I have not noticed her as any real outward presence in some time.
Maria2394 said:
I like feeling that LH is "up there" watching over me ;)
Just for the record, I haven't moved on - not really. I'm not referring only to the fact that I'm nearly always lurking and doing whatever needs to be done moderating-wise, but I haven't stopped believing in the forum and its potential. The simple reality is that I have been having some health problems in the last 6 months, and as a consequence, my mind has only occasionally been able to give to Poetry (capital P) the attention I believe it deserves always. That's why I have only posted (or written, in fact) a handful of poems during this period. I haven't posted any relevant (by my standards, anyway) comments either, but for the same reasons, and not because I think it's a waste of my time or because I wasn't being reciprocated. Neither of those things ever came into play when I was commenting on and reviewing the new poems weekly. It's an unfortunate coincidence that this is happening at the same time as other fundamental Poets (capital P) are or already have moved on. I would have much preferred that my creative hiatus had gone unnoticed.

I am always "up there" watching, though. Make no mistake. :D

"Friendship’s more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking."
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I'l be there

BooMerengue said:
Next time I spend another glorious sunbaked night drunk under the LifeGuards rowboat will you come be with me?

What you want to drink and what tunes do you like. If I ain't got it, I'll get it. :cool:

Bring some poems, yours and other you like.