Woman who loves porn! My husband thinks I am sick!

Unregistered......if I was having a beer with one of my friends and he said to me " shit, i caught my wife masturbating to some porn, don't you think that's sick"....I smack him upside the head with my beer bottle and tell him he's one lucky bastard..there's nothing wrong with it, as long as the porn is of consenting adults.
Verybadgirl, I love stories! That's why we all came to the board, isn't it? I know there's got to be a good story behind the woman with the android husband, but the story of how you became corrupt and corrupted your significant other could serve as a how-to manual for many people here! I'm sure I could find some use for it someday.

The world needs more sexual deviants!
Your Husband

He's a cyborg with a bomb in his chest!

sorry....I just saw that movie Imposter last night - lol
Another movie based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. Great author. I don't think he ever did any erotic fiction, but with a name like that he should've. Closest anything got was the three-breasted girl in Total Recall, based on the short story "We Can Remember it for You Wholesale."
Do you know exactly why he thinks it sick? Discussion could help at least understand each others point of view.

I remember my g/f (now my wife) finding a porn mag under my bed at college. I assumed she'd throw the book (or more probably the mag) at me, but instead she said she'd always wondered what was in them and settled down to "read" through from cover to cover.

I think that's where her love of sex stories came from.
My wife loves porn & so do I.

hi Mrs 38 year old wife. I'm sorry that your husband is missing out
on yuor enjoyment for porn. My wife loves to watch porn and so do I. We come up with diferent ways to enjoy our love making.
Woman who Loves Porn ......

My dear..
I, Luckily have a wife that does enjoy seeing some porn.
I've even gone out and bought her four "1001 Cummshot" movies for her enjoyment.
A woman who enjoys porn.. shows she's willing to 'go the extra step' so to speak. She is usually a sensual, loving, erotic romantic. or just a hottie. heheeheh
Mine.. although she loves the porn.. is quiet as a mouse.. quite reserved and doesn't move around much in bed either.
Having porn to see.. is a very natural thing. Some people are 'visual'.. some 'audio' ... thus.. the stimulation is needed.. or wanted.
I only wish i could find a lively woman such as yourself.
Good luck.
You might try surprising your man.. find something that would turn him on ... or.. find out what the block in his past is... that has him locked up in his puritanical ways.