Women 18 and older do you prefer older men and why

Well I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 23 but thats not much of an age difference really. I was 18 when we started going out. I always fancied guys a bit older than me cause younger guys are more immature. But I would go for someone too old. Anyhoo, I'm happy with my boyfriend now. :)
Older men have experience... :cool: (hopefuly :eek: ) I'd hate to be in bed with soemone who doesn't know what there doing!
SlyKitten said:
Experienced gentleman is not a prerequisite, I just happen to prefer them to youngsters. But, as in everything, there are exceptions and my current boyfriend happens to be one, at a young 27. I am 23 and always have been with men 15-20 years older than me. And if you are close minded enough to put an age restriction on your potential partners (with the understanding that everyone involved is of age of consent)... I can only feel sorry for you.

I agree... :rose:
babydoll2u said:
*raises my hand* ;)

seriously, I'm 45 and have always preferred older men. My first hubby was 14 yrs older than me, second hubby was 2 years younger
than me and my 3rd hubby was 20 yrs older than me. Yes I know I've been married alot of times... each has its own story :eek:

But I do prefer older men and am waiting (still) for the right one to come along
wanting to know if babydoll is willing to stay after school for extra credit :devil: :rose: :D
Undomiel said:
Well I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 23 but thats not much of an age difference really. I was 18 when we started going out. I always fancied guys a bit older than me cause younger guys are more immature. But I would go for someone too old. Anyhoo, I'm happy with my boyfriend now. :)

You are right about the younger guys when you are your age. But I found that (not only in relationships but in friendships too) the age difference can bare a larger span when you get older. I found that from a certain age on, I guess somewhere around 25 maybe, adults are basically at the same level. Of course there always will be people more mature than others no matter their age, but age perception is also a matter of what situation you are in in your life.

From a certain age (25?) you are all sort of in the same situation.... you are most likely to be living on your own, earning your own money through whatever kind of work/job and you have probably been in a relationship or are still in one. Lots of people have children (not me) at that age.

Does that make sense?
When I was a teenager I lusted so much after older men, men atleast 25 years older than me. Now that I'm 25 I lust after younger guys, they drive me crazy. I still think some older men are attractive but then they have to have a boyish look to them. Don't kow why I switched.
I think for me it had to do with tabu...but I'm not sure! maybe I just got over my father complex..
JenStar said:
I dont think age really matters, its what in your heart:)

I agree with that totally. I have never went for any man because of his age. I am however in love with a man that is 23 years older then me and it feels perfect for us.
mature male here

There are few times that I get to proudly speak my age - older man here.

Thanks ladies for confidence in older men.

There is lots of age discrimination in the workplace -- both male and female --
perhaps the younger lady managers can initiate a plan to eliminate it. ;)
I'm 46, nearly 47, and can count on one hand the number of men I've been with. Oldest was 11 years older, the youngest 18 months younger. Gil is close to 6 years older.

I doubt whether I'd go for a man who was more than 10 years either way. I'm also bi and have been with a very few ladies, the oldest was 3 years older and the youngest 10 years younger. I have a personal ad up searching for female playmates, my age limits are between 30 and 55 but prefer ladies in their 40s. However I have been hit on by young ones, even a 20 year old :eek: For god's sake I have kids that age.....I have a hangup about that :confused:
LibraStud said:
There are few times that I get to proudly speak my age - older man here.

Thanks ladies for confidence in older men.

There is lots of age discrimination in the workplace -- both male and female --
perhaps the younger lady managers can initiate a plan to eliminate it. ;)

ah but you don't say HOW much older... ;)

I love older men... not for "experience" or any particular reason really...
altho I've found that an older man is more likely to hold on to you and snuggle with you after sex than a younger man is.
And that is something I require... ;)
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I'm 31 and for the most part, I've always been attracted to older guys.

I'm going to give the blanket "it's the maturity thing" response, but in truth, there's a bit to it. I've never been the clubbing kind, really, more of a blues club girl, and I've found that even now, in my 30's I've met few people my age with shared interests. Or *held* my interest as well.

I mean, what's really to talk about when the only thing the guy can jabber on about is how he went to a club and got his fuck on? I was seriously listening to ramblings that sounded like some Sex In the City episodes on acid. I'm not into men that either lack intelligence or actually expend effort in covering it up.

My typical age range was 5-15 years older than I am. However, in an odd twist of fate, my current interest is 5 years younger than I am -- younger than my little brother. It was weird at first (and still is if I focus on it) but the intensity of the connection is undeniable and the simple fact that I haven't gotten bored speaks volumes.
Lyrical Fool said:
I'm 31 and for the most part, I've always been attracted to older guys.

I'm going to give the blanket "it's the maturity thing" response, but in truth, there's a bit to it. I've never been the clubbing kind, really, more of a blues club girl, and I've found that even now, in my 30's I've met few people my age with shared interests. Or *held* my interest as well.

I mean, what's really to talk about when the only thing the guy can jabber on about is how he went to a club and got his fuck on? I was seriously listening to ramblings that sounded like some Sex In the City episodes on acid. I'm not into men that either lack intelligence or actually expend effort in covering it up.

My typical age range was 5-15 years older than I am. However, in an odd twist of fate, my current interest is 5 years younger than I am -- younger than my little brother. It was weird at first (and still is if I focus on it) but the intensity of the connection is undeniable and the simple fact that I haven't gotten bored speaks volumes.

good for you lady. as long as you're happy. The point of this thread is to explore whether women for the most part prefer older or younger men your preferences in no way is a bad mark on who you are. be happy and go on towards your island of eternal bliss
I'm 22 and I definately prefer men who are older. I've never dated anyone younger than me.

I wouldn't rule out someone as a potential partner JUST because of age, but it is something I take into account when considering a person.

Most guys in their early 20's are still living at home/in a dorm and partying all the time. Not my scene. I've got a real job, my own apartment, totally on my own, etc and I prefer to date men who are equally stable.

That said, I've dated guys everywhere from 1yr older to me all the way up to 13 yrs older than me. Personal preference is between 25-30, but I dated a 35 old that was totally awesome.

I don't know if I could date anyone older than that though...my step father (who raised me) is only 36, and I just don't think I could bring someone home to meet the folks who was older than my dad!
ewopper said:
good for you lady. as long as you're happy. The point of this thread is to explore whether women for the most part prefer older or younger men your preferences in no way is a bad mark on who you are. be happy and go on towards your island of eternal bliss

My island of eternal bliss?

Into fortune telling, are you?

I've always been attracted to older men, because of the maturity thing and I just relate to them better. My current boyfriend is 16 years older than me and most of the time we don't even think about the age difference (unless we are teasing each other about it)....we click very well together - share a lot of the same interests and the same sense of humor, so it's all good....:)
Older men

I enjoy older men because of the maturity factor. I know there are older men who are not mature and younger men are, but in general it works that way, but there are always exceptions
it is all mixed i guess... most guys i have been in a relationship with (well only one of those relationships was for longer than a few months so far, were about two to four years older than i. but as for guys i have been attracted to, or had a fling with, or whatever, there were some younger ones (when i was 18 i had a huge crush on a 15 year old, about a year ago with 24 i found this 19 year old argentinian boy really cute, etc.) some of my age, and some older ones (my oldest so far, a one night stand, was a 38 year old guy half a year ago.

i would for some reason find someone over 40 a bit weird still because it seems such a big difference - but then, i have to get over that soon, as i guess people get older...anyway... i guess tendentially i most like guys slightly older than me, but not too much...
I'm 21 and I find that the majority of my peers act younger than they should be...I've pretty much given up dating for a while...
I'm 25.

My first long term was 4 years older than me. HE was immature and abusive (although age had nothing to do with that).

After him, I dated a guy older than myself (6 years). It didn't work (we were too different), but I loved that he was balding (at the back of his head), and that he was older and more mature. His sex drive was nil, though...and we were too different.

After that, it was 2 one night stands. Both 23, both awesome in bed.

Then it was the 21 year old "fuck friend". He was good at the time, but I couldn't see a relationship with him AT ALL.

After that (or during all relationships) was a guy over 11 years older. Not so good.

Now, it's a guy 2 months older than me. PERFECT. He just rocks.

IMHO, it's the PERSON, NOT the age.

In the past few years I've found myself attracted to younger men. I think it may be a control issue, I'm not sure. Really a bit odd since when I was younger I always dated older men. Eh.
Lyrical Fool said:
My island of eternal bliss?

Into fortune telling, are you?

no but i feel fortunate you told me how you feel [grin ] :nana: :D