Wondering .................

I prefer to describe myself as sensual rather than sexual. Don't ask me why. Now I'm wondering...

Otherwise I'm pretty laid back and boring. After reading everyone elses' stories, I realise mine are very mainstream and tame!
Re: Drumroll please....

McKenna said:
Here it is, the post you've all been waiting for!


McKenna Bares All!

Really!!! Well all I can say then is, Nice Arse!!!:devil: :D
I wonder what the person is like in real life? I wonder if they are really sexual beings like presented here?
I think I'm pretty close in real life to the way I am here. Some strange mix of sensual and sexual.....very hard to describe.

I wonder if we would hit it off? I wonder what they look for in another?
I know in one specific case, yes, we did hit it off. Better than I ever would have imagined.....

I wonder if they play beyond their immediate mate? I wonder what they like?
Never have, never plan to. I have my hands full with my mate. *smiles*

We all write stories. I wonder if they actually have had 3-somes? I wonder what responses would be to same sex play?
3-somes and same sex play? Been there, got the t-shirt, sadly it no longer fits me.....If the situation came up again, well, I suppose it would depend on the situation.

I wonder what the response would be if the situation presented in the story were presented in real life? I wonder if we are as sexual as we pretend to be?
Well, all of my stories, I have done and would do again. I haven't *clears throat*...hmm...branched out into unfamiliar territory yet. As to being as sexual as I pretend to be....well, to quote an earlier post, you'd have to ask Raphy on that one.

Do you wonder?
Sometimes, but I tend to be a bit of a "fluffy, happy optimist" who gives people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Then, look out....

Whisp :rose:
I wonder what the person is like in real life? I wonder if they are really sexual beings like presented here?

I've never presented myself as a sexual being, because I'm not. I've been celibate since 1993 and don't plan on having sex again.

I wonder if we would hit it off? I wonder what they look for in another?

I get along with everybody, after they get up the nerve to approach. I'm a really scary looking guy.

I wonder if they play beyond their immediate mate? I wonder what they like?

It's not an issue now, but when I was involved, I was faithful. I would willingly die before I went back on my word.

We all write stories. I wonder if they actually have had 3-somes? I wonder what responses would be to same sex play?

I have had lots of 3-somes, and had 4 women at once a few times, as well. I've always been in bands and those opportunities just seem to arise more in that lifestyle. No same sex action. Never interested me.

I wonder what the response would be if the situation presented in the story were presented in real life? I wonder if we are as sexual as we pretend to be?

The situation in my story wouldn't likely present itself, but if I did I wouldn't do anything. I'm not hideous, I get a lot of female attention. I'm just not interested. Yeah, I'm exactly as sexual as I pretend to be. LOL.
Re: Re: Drumroll please....

pop_54 said:
Really!!! Well all I can say then is, Nice Arse!!!:devil: :D

McK's just nice all over :)

mtnman2003 said:

I create “wonder what/wonder if” fantasies.
Hey! Hold on. How did I let this slip by unnoticed?

Come on, mtn. Fess up, let's hear those fantasies. :devil:

Better yet, write a story.