Would you vote down the story of a person you had a spat with on the boards?

Would you vote vindictively because of an incident on the boards?

  • Yes- fuck them. That'll hit 'em where they live!

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Only if they *really* deserved it...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Well, yeess, but I'd feel terrible afterwards.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • God, no, Man! What are you saying???!

    Votes: 21 80.8%
  • Only if the person in question was __________________.

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters
gauchecritic said:
This has puzzled me for some time and I still can't see the why of it. "Take no notice of the votes they mean nothing", "I never check my scores", "Feedback is so much more important." Yet no one is so laid back about scoring to use the 'no voting' option when they submit.
I did, go to here and check (oh, and read the story while you are at it, please).

Revenons a nos moutons:

I experienced this when I had seven or eight stories on here, twice. A spat with the BDSM crowd got me a row of ones on every story on the same day, as did a spat with another individual about insulting comments.

What were the offences, I hear you ask?

The BDSMers (two of them) said I was wicked and cruel to write BDSM novels for money as this was exploiting their life-style because I didn't practice it myself.

The individual's first comment to (or rather about) me was that I didn't know what I was talking about and should be ignored. I replied that we were all entitled to express an opinion and was immediately flamed on the board. That day my stories got a row of ones. That particular person ended up harassing me so much that I pulled all my stories and left Lit for a while. Fortunately, (s)he seems to have grown up since, though (s)he has run through at least eight handles in the process.
I do submit low Votes..but if i do i always send feedback so i can explain why i didn't think the story was up to scratch....i like to think i do it kind of gently too.

I would NEVER purposefuly down vote anyone, no matter how much I don't like them. It just isn't on. I vote on stories on the story alone..in fact i don't usually know who's story i am reading*L*
Sorry Gauche, but I have to say this (as I say it to everyone I know):

I'm going to see one of his shows in December!


Sorry, had to be done.

Have you ever seen his rendition of the Circle show in French?

The Earl
Originally posted by gauchecritic Yet no one is so laid back about scoring to use the 'no voting' option when they submit.
Dear Gauchie,
I have used the "no voting" option on a couple of pieces. I like it. Actually seems to generate more feedback than if voting was allowed. I still get almost daily feedback on something I wrote months ago.

I wish Durt Gurl had used the "no voting" option. That kind of stuff is really not amenable to voting. Future pieces from her will be nonvoting.

La singe sur la branche. (Don't know much French Earl)

In a similar vein try to find Bill Bailey's tribute to Dr Who. Or I could send you it.

speed reading bump

Ha ha. I just read the title of this thread ending as "a person who spat on the boards".

That made me think of the AH as The Boardwalk, as in Under.

Might be more fun at times.


(Too long since I've been under a boardwalk; over my desk is another matter ); )
No, I wouldn't. If a story "floats your boat", vote for it. If it doesn't, don't. As far as having a spat with someone online to render such a move on your part, there is a slim chance that you might be taking their words to heart. Fuck em if they can't take a joke!

One of the greatest disappointments in my life was finding out how little true "Lifestyle" folks are like the portrayals of BDsM in film. Margaret Cho has a bit about her visit to a Dungeon Club in her Nortorious C.H.O. routine where she mentions the connection between BDsMers, Star Trek and the Renaissance Faire. I nearly fell out of my chair.


The no-voting option brings more comments? Hot damn! Good to know!
MathGirl said:
I wish Durt Gurl had used the "no voting" option. That kind of stuff is really not amenable to voting. Future pieces from her will be nonvoting.


You can turn off the voting option at any time, can't you? At least, I thought you could.

--SSBC :cool:
I'm pretty new here so...

I probably haven't made any enemies as yet. Only one story of mine is posted so far with two more pending. However so far, I have voted on every story that I have opened up. And sent annonymous feedback to any that I rated lower than a four on. I like my privacy, and I'd expect the same from those who read my work. Even if the feedback were nothing more than: "Your story is trite, and fueled by more than its share of cliches. PS Get a spell checker, and reread before you post, Damn it!" To me this is just common curtisy to a fellow writer.

However if I were pissed at someone, I might not even open up their story, as that would bind me to voting on it. And yes I have recently become aware of how silly the voting system is here even though my one story is holding up at a respectible 4.25 rating average. Even with a raid by the snerts. LOL I've played with the math, and in a 5 as best rating system it only takes a couple of 1's, 2's, and 3's to keep you forever off of the H listing so I won't follow that parade.

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Joining the Polling

Hi guys!

My thoughts on this topic is this.

You can argue, fight, cuss, feude, whatever. But that's between the two of you. If the person in question is a good writer and posts good stories, your personal feelings twards that person Should Not have any effect on voting.

Here's an example:

My brother and I have been feuding for over 5 years now. *actually we've been trying to offer peace tokens to each other recently*
If my brother were to post a really good story on Literotica.com. My personal feelings one way or the other to the human writing it should not influence the story voting.

Just my two cents worth,
I wouldn't vote someone's story down just because I had a spat with them Just as I wouldn't rate a terrible story highly just because I knew or liked the person from the boards. Also I've rarely voted a lower than a 3 because if a story is written that poorly I click back before it's finished. I would send feedback though if I thought it would be constructive. I have to say I always wonder about the few bits of feedback advising that my story was not good or got a low score. Why would you bother to read it then?