Would you?

Where is my lovely gizmo thing? I'll
wager in the couch while nachos heat,
while the world is regaled while
my screen is void, sitting dark beyond my feet.

Ah! I spy your grey gun-metal toe
peeking coy, your cracked plastic console
pierced through by stars-your backlit knobs aglow.
Seeming at once so remote yet in control.

I squeeze you and behold! Glimmers and glares!
and then we in inanimation mate
and commend the world to our blank stares,
and will all our vicarious passions sate

together upon my lovely couch, lodged
twixt her leathern cheeks, the trois of our menage.

A few too many 'whiles' close together there but love the 'leathern cheeks' !
I'm getting lost as to who has done what so will give a new subject every time I see a poem go up then it's up to each of you ........ if you are waiting on one just yell out.
Will your subject is Ruin ......... anything from cooking to wherever you want to take it
Luwe Chok Tuwe and Kinosoo

The sun sparks the tops of the trees
and spreads over the ridge in the breeze
frost painted in autumn gold.
The fall has begun with an early freeze

Here on the shore a story begs to be told
of a youthful Cree hunter brave and bold
who fell in love with a Chipewyan maid
together they dreamed of growing old.

The natives on the beaches of Luwe Chok Tuwe trade
with the bands to the east from whence came the maid
in love with the boy on the south side of the bay
whose parents insisted he paddle in shallows, afraid

of the big fish of legend, who the elders say
has always fed in open rough waters, so stay
against the shore and avoid the deep
where the wind whips the waves into spray

But the dusk brought a calm that lulled fear to sleep
so our hunter found promises hard to keep
when the waves gently rocked his birch bark canoe
as he paddled across the black expanse of the deep

open mouth of French Bay where lurks the Kinosoo.
She watched as he neared like a loon cutting through
the water until a black bulk rose up from beneath
and took boat and hunter to die in the blue

Her tears could not drown the pain of her grief
as she told her tale to their bands' disbelief
until they found the scraps drifting ashore
of what remained of the man whose life was too brief

So take heed of the tales of what's come before
when you set off to paddle to the north shore
from the point just alee of Pelican Rock
for this could be fact and not just folklore.

There are records of boats being holed and more talk
of an airplane that crashed and was grabbed, to much shock
by the terrifying monster, the Cold Lake Kinosoo.
Fishers please heed this warning as you leave the dock.

I implore you to listen for this is all true
and not just some fish story I'm telling you.
The Dene and old locals all say the same
about French Bay and the old Kinosoo.
Luwe Chok Tuwe and Kinosoo

The sun sparks the tops of the trees
and spreads over the ridge in the breeze
frost painted in autumn gold.
The fall has begun with an early freeze

Here on the shore a story begs to be told
of a youthful Cree hunter brave and bold
who fell in love with a Chipewyan maid
together they dreamed of growing old.

The natives on the beaches of Luwe Chok Tuwe trade
with the bands to the east from whence came the maid
in love with the boy on the south side of the bay
whose parents insisted he paddle in shallows, afraid

of the big fish of legend, who the elders say
has always fed in open rough waters, so stay
against the shore and avoid the deep
where the wind whips the waves into spray

But the dusk brought a calm that lulled fear to sleep
so our hunter found promises hard to keep
when the waves gently rocked his birch bark canoe
as he paddled across the black expanse of the deep

open mouth of French Bay where lurks the Kinosoo.
She watched as he neared like a loon cutting through
the water until a black bulk rose up from beneath
and took boat and hunter to die in the blue

Her tears could not drown the pain of her grief
as she told her tale to their bands' disbelief
until they found the scraps drifting ashore
of what remained of the man whose life was too brief

So take heed of the tales of what's come before
when you set off to paddle to the north shore
from the point just alee of Pelican Rock
for this could be fact and not just folklore.

There are records of boats being holed and more talk
of an airplane that crashed and was grabbed, to much shock
by the terrifying monster, the Cold Lake Kinosoo.
Fishers please heed this warning as you leave the dock.

I implore you to listen for this is all true
and not just some fish story I'm telling you.
The Dene and old locals all say the same
about French Bay and the old Kinosoo.

Sent me Googling again but I have a question about the legend. As far as I can find it's just this one incident recorded, so how can a legend be built on just this? Are there any more?
Sent me Googling again but I have a question about the legend. As far as I can find it's just this one incident recorded, so how can a legend be built on just this? Are there any more?
This blog expounds a bit on many of the rumours and stories that circle around our big fish. The Cree and Chipewya (together the Dene - pronounced den-ay - Nation) have tales of this monster from pre-European settlement. LOL what's funny is that folks have been doctoring photos of Cold Lake for a long time. What's tragic is that many people have drowned in that area of the lake, whether by accident or fish becomes irrelevant when you measure it against the loss. So, that's my famous story. Do I get another project?
This blog expounds a bit on many of the rumours and stories that circle around our big fish. The Cree and Chipewya (together the Dene - pronounced den-ay - Nation) have tales of this monster from pre-European settlement. LOL what's funny is that folks have been doctoring photos of Cold Lake for a long time. What's tragic is that many people have drowned in that area of the lake, whether by accident or fish becomes irrelevant when you measure it against the loss. So, that's my famous story. Do I get another project?

Sounds akin to Scotland's Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) your next subject is Write a poem describing a piece of art or picture that has just been discovered and put on display to the public
Sounds akin to Scotland's Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) your next subject is Write a poem describing a piece of art or picture that has just been discovered and put on display to the public
Almost an ekphrastic with me as the poet and artist. Sounds fun.
Sent me Googling again but I have a question about the legend. As far as I can find it's just this one incident recorded, so how can a legend be built on just this? Are there any more?
I'd say oral records before eve looking further down the page.
Sounds akin to Scotland's Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) your next subject is Write a poem describing a piece of art or picture that has just been discovered and put on display to the public
La Jeune Danseuse Enceinte

With one line Edgar changed
her arched back to a bulging belly
low on her hips and her breasts
once so pert and pointed
rounded with imminent motherhood

Some claim he ruined her
as art, as a woman alone in Paris;
not so, not so. say I.

We have followed her from enfant
to fourteen, ensemble
to prima ballerina. What wrong
has he done to paint her into adulthood?

With one stroke Degas
has portrayed her as a sensual
reality instead of an unattainable
and undesirable youth.

He painted her into life,
and kept her beautiful.
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Tess your subject is You are a werewolf!

Full Moon

Whether veiled by clouds
or naked she is my mistress.
I watch the calendar, dreading
her approach, the searing pain
and grinding groan of bone
and blood as my body moves
from man to beast.

She sets me on a nightmare hunt
for flesh that never fails.
Finds me, morning side, drenched
in blood but strangely elated.

She was there that night,
my "initiation" and smiled down
as I became her slave. Death
would be better but the wolf
let me live, a night creature
prowling the dark for victims.
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Eerie and strange, tess. I like the alliteration and the embedded rhyme in S1; they drew me on into the poem because I wanted to know what happens next. Nicely done, missus.
Eerie and strange, tess. I like the alliteration and the embedded rhyme in S1; they drew me on into the poem because I wanted to know what happens next. Nicely done, missus.

Thank you missus and thanks for bumping the Ekphrastic thread - one of my favourites.
La Jeune Danseuse Enceinte

With one line Edgar changed
her arched back to a bulging belly
low on her hips and her breasts
once so pert and pointed
rounded with imminent motherhood

Some claim he ruined her
as art, as a woman alone in Paris;
not so, not so. say I.

We have followed her from child
to young dancer, to chorus,
to prima ballerina and what wrong
has he done to paint her into adulthood?

With one stroke Degas
has portrayed her as a sensual
reality instead of an unattainable
and undesirable youth.

He painted her into life,
and kept her beautiful.

Oh Champ this is Wonderful wonderful I love it sooooooooo much! For goodness sake don't leave it to lie lost on here
Full Moon

Whether veiled by clouds
or naked she is my mistress.
I watch the calendar, dreading
her approach, the searing pain
and grinding groan of bone
and blood as my body moves
from man to beast.

She sets me on a nightmare hunt
for flesh that never fails.
Finds me, morning side, drenched
in blood but strangely elated.

She was there that night,
my "initiation" and smiled down
as I became her slave. Death
would be better but the wolf
let me live, a night creature
prowling the dark for victims.

Wow another cracker girls you've certainly excelled yourselves ........ I'm proud of you both :)
Tess your subject is a trip to Africa, either the actual trip or what you do there (or both)
You're so sexy when you drool. :D

(Well done hinney!) My accent is an ironed-out BBC, no regional give-away, veddy boring. Now it has Canadian under tones. My audio's bust so don't know if this works but here's my accent.
Then let me drool, quite droolingly, over your marvelously BBC presenter accent.

I love accents. When you brought up that Mackem thing, Google found this for me (y'know, Geordie/Mackem, much the same thing, maybe?).

I love the way she says "comma." At least, that's what I think she's saying.

The first time I went to Long Island, I fell in love with the waitress serving us because of her accent.

I wonder if that being an attractor is indicative of genetic variation.

Carry on, everyone, in yer own forms of English.
Hit me with another Teach, just editing the last to make it more presentable

Tess, Champagne, thanks for showing how it's done, they are both incredible!
Then let me drool, quite droolingly, over your marvelously BBC presenter accent.

I love accents. When you brought up that Mackem thing, Google found this for me (y'know, Geordie/Mackem, much the same thing, maybe?).

I love the way she says "comma." At least, that's what I think she's saying.

The first time I went to Long Island, I fell in love with the waitress serving us because of her accent.

I wonder if that being an attractor is indicative of genetic variation.

Carry on, everyone, in yer own forms of English.

think she was saying Korma as in the curry
Funny you should say about our own accents I was going to submit a poem in my accent then decided not!
Tha'ss a load a squit this is the accent where I originate from Tha'ss a load a squit means 'That's a load of rubbish'
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Tod your subject is cleaning windows

*Margaret Tobin*

They bring them in
special, damaged goods
viewed from behind inch thick
sheets of bullet proof glass
help is what they're here for,
I question how much help
is actually had, imprisoned
shackled to beds, drugged, drooling
while friend's, lover's and children's
tears pool on pale cheeks

a lady looked on at me,
asked if I were her son,
voice quivering slight octave quaver
why are you people torturing me
wails of despair, more tears, matted hair,
drug glazed stare,
her abject terror infectious
shaking my head no words for
this dishevelled mess of humanity

wails evolve into screeches,
I want out,
I want OUT,
alarms blare,
monotone computer voice radios,
Code black room 2,
Code black room 2,
4 people descend on this wreck of a creature
she spits and claws,

pin her to the glass so they can pull
down her pants, jab her with
liquid sleep, 5 seconds she
slides down smearing,
reduced to a window licker,

2 hours later windows are cleaned,
polished of her unclean taint
ready for another of life's
ready for us to peer through
the looking glass and pity
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La Jeune Danseuse Enceinte

With one line Edgar changed
her arched back to a bulging belly
low on her hips and her breasts
once so pert and pointed
rounded with imminent motherhood

Some claim he ruined her
as art, as a woman alone in Paris;
not so, not so. say I.

We have followed her from child
to young dancer, to chorus,
to prima ballerina and what wrong
has he done to paint her into adulthood?

With one stroke Degas
has portrayed her as a sensual
reality instead of an unattainable
and undesirable youth.

He painted her into life,
and kept her beautiful.
really really really like this one, champers!

one niggle only, and that is i would have preferred a different phrase instead 'to young dancer' even though it translates from 'la jeune danseuse'. for whatever reason, my brain wants to read one word instead of two, or a prettier(?) phrase. might be that 'la jeune danseuese' is such a prettily ornate phrase that is renders 'young dancer' sort of flabby by comparison. can i suggest an alternative? why no, no i can't :D