Wow...I just totally got slammed...

Only if it does matter to you, Chicklet.

I spent my entire life being nothing but a set of tits and a pair of bedroom eyes with long hair. I get disgusted with the "you can think?" expression that comes across faces when I say something with more than a syllable and a giggle. Of course, sexual abuse has been the norm for me and that's what I go off of.

I only had the stalker for six months. It's hard to stalk someone when you don't know if they're paying attention to your stalking. It did serve to scare the heck out of me.

Does it matter? Should it matter? Only if it's something that bothers you. It's not unethical. It's not wrong. It's not even tacky or trashy. It's just something that you'll have to find your own comfortable way with. My experience will not be your experience. You're not even remotely the same rip-snortin, enemy-making person I am.

You'll be fine.
Chicklet said:
I guess this is a risk...but, seriously, I don't care if I'm appreciated at's nice to read good feedback, it's fun to talk on a thread that exists solely to swell my ego...but should it matter to me if Dave in Minnesota thinks that somewhere out west there's a redhead who really knows how to write conversation??

why not?

praise is praise , all good for the ego
If you're writing to boost your ego...

Good Luck. Especially if you start sending your work to editors for magazines, books, etc., not to mention literary agents. The least bad thing you'll get back is a rejection, if they bother to return your SASE. And since everybody is a critic, take what good you get, and be happy with it.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Chicklet said:
I guess this is a risk... ...but should it matter to me if Dave in Minnesota thinks that somewhere out west there's a redhead who really knows how to write conversation??
Yes it should. As you press on relentlessly towards my age, the mind will get finer ... and that's how you will want to be appreciated then.

No man is an island, entire of itself. John Donne.
I've read every post in this thread and I view a few of them as just a lot of useless soapbox rhetoric.

I see no need to say what I would do in your position, because I am not in your position. And, I don't think anyone would care to view my pics, anyway.

This world is full of personalities. Some people will question your motives for being nice, as if you just stabbed them in the back. That is their problem, not yours.

If your conscience is telling you different, maybe you are, but if you seriously feel you are not doing anything wrong, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. It is as simple as that.
DVS said:
...if you seriously feel you are not doing anything wrong, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. It is as simple as that.

thank you
Well, you'll never know how many voted for your stories and how many voted for your pics. If that's okay with you, then there's no problem.

Ok then...while I am not trying to say I am on higher ground or anything of the type...I will say I don't promote my stories. I do ask people to vote here and there, not just for my story, but for all stories, and that is all.

I feel that if I write a good story I shouldn't have to promote it or push people to vote on it. It should sell itself. Now...if I was to write a mainstream novel and go with an agent and get offered to have it published...then all things change. I would be out promoting it and pushing for readers.

I feel that since I am offering a story for 'free' on the net...then it should stand alone or fail...alone.

Just my own humble two cents worth.

edited to add:

I also allow voting on all my stories. I feel that it gives me an indication of my writing abilities. Since I seemm to be holding a higher vote count and score now than when I started, I am obviously improving a bit as an author. (anyway, I hope that is what it indicates.)
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About a year ago I posted a couple of threads to the Amateur Pic forum, and got a good ego boost for a couple of months. I don't really go there anymore, unless some one directs me there for a specific purpose. Chicklet - I never even knew you had a pic thread, and I've read and enjoyed your stories.

I don't think there is anything unethical or immoral about having stories posted as well as a pic thread - and promoting both. Heck, why not? You don't ram anything down anyone's throat. If some one is interested in what you have done, you've simply provided them with links.

I also post at the SRP, and I have links to both my web site and my stories in my sig line. So what? Am I promoting both? Hell yes! Why not? If some has a problem with it, they can deal with it. Well, that's my opinion, anyway.

And as to the voting here at Lit, well, I've long given that up. I don't understand it, it certainly isn't scientific, and it isn't foolproof. It's a good barometer, but I rather go with the number of views and the feedback I receive. I write because I like to write, not for any sort of accolades that I might receive.

Keep up the good work, Chicklet. And don't let the bastards get to ya!
Hi Chicklet,

I had a look at some of your posted pics and they're very sexy indeed, esp. some of the 'soft' ones.

[Chicklet asked:]

Do you think it's immoral to post nude pics and erotic links in the same thread?

I don't see 'immorality' or being 'unethical' here, as KM says, it's self-promotion. If an author with a book appears on Letterman, or flies a blimp over NYC with the title on a banner, fine.

Also, I'm sure sure noticed that every beautiful author manages to get a pictures of her mug on her book's back cover--e.g., Naomi Wolf. Every beautiful guitarist or singer gets herself in gauzy attire on her album covers. And the handsome rockers like bon jovi show themselves unabashedly.

That said--intermingling of art and promo being fine-- how would you feel about the following situations?

1) You've submitted a short story to a magazine, and the manager asks you to come in for a talk. a) He says "Please, if you don't mind, show me your breasts for a bit, and you've got a deal." or

b) He says "Can you supply some nude shots for a back cover collage for the magazine."

2) Here at lit. you get a note from one of the female 'powers that be'--not named, here!--- saying: "I'll keep your photo and story threads always prominent, if you'll agree to supply me--private use--some woman/woman shots; for example your pussy being licked."

3) You have a successful deal with a publisher and your wonderful breasts adorn the back covers of your books--all agreed. Ten years pass. Then another. You're asked for new shots. The publisher calls you in and she says, "We're not going to promote your books much any more, because frankly your new shots are looking a little saggy, and people are tired of the old photos; we have a young lady, Miss X who's 18, great tits and talent, and whom we've decided to use as the main author we promote."

Just food for thought! Maybe you just compete as you can in the 'jungle' out there--as we all do. Maybe if method A stops working one chooses method B. I admire both your figure, your chutzpah and your salaciously innocent look.

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SexyChele said:
You don't ram anything down anyone's throat.
Interesting you should mention this, after seeing some of her pictures. She only rams things down her own throat. And, in a very arousing way, too. :D
DVS said:
Interesting you should mention this, after seeing some of her pictures. She only rams things down her own throat. And, in a very arousing way, too. :D

Ah...but maybe that is the problem? I've not yet had the pleasure of enjoy Chicklet's pic thread! Methinks I've been depriving myself!
DVS said:
Interesting you should mention this, after seeing some of her pictures. She only rams things down her own throat. And, in a very arousing way, too. :D

Chicklet, they've all said it, some more eloquently than me, but you are very beautiful, and very talented.

Some people are just jelous that you can have both!
Whereas minimalism says: You can't afford to have it all. Make the best of it.

The Earl
I have it all.

I just can't remember where I put it.

On-Topic -

First off I'm quite disappointed that I haven't seen naked pictures of Chicklet. How did I miss those???

Next I'd like to point out that there's not really much way to be sure who's pic really belongs to them on the web and anyone who bases his opinion of the writing based on the appearance of the writer isn't much of a reader in my book.

It seems someone was maybe thinking Chicklet had an unfair advantage in some voting because her naked pictures were available? Well maybe she did and maybe she didn't but that's just life and some folks need to buck up and get a grip on it.

Some people are good looking and some are not. Does being good looking give you a boost in the world? Sure does. So does telling a good joke or giving excellent oral sex. If I'm unlucky enough to be physically less attractive I might ought to brush up my social skills rather than railing about how the physically blessed should wear bags on their heads in order to level the playing field for me.

Can we have an International Kick a Whiner in the Butt day?
Yeah Chicklet...

How about posting a link so we can all see what the hoopla is all about. (Raising eye brows to look cute while I say this.)

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Hey, for it. All you have to do is go to the Amateur Pic Feedback forum and look for her thread. It's easy. That's how I found it.

It's worth the effort. :D
Chicklets Charms

[urls Deleted by request]

are evident, esp. in the Goya-esque reclining nude posted early
in the thread.

Chicklet: I take it you won't be wanting these on the back cover of your forthcoming book, either?? ;-)


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I'm a convert...

I just found out that I have a thing for natural born red heads. ;-)

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Dirt man ---I don't even know how you have the balls to post on this thread after what you said. You are totally without class

Chick--if you've got it (you do), flaunt it...and sour grapes to those who don't have the nerve to do what you've done. You know how much I respect ya babe.
okay, so, like, it was my choice not to post a link to my thread in this thread. I may promote my stories, but I don't have a link to my pics in my sig line, nor do I ever send pics to readers. I guess it's a little stupid to be upset about it, but I don't like clicking on that second link and having a picture of myself come up. A link to the thread is one thing, a link to my naked body feels like something completely different.
