Writing Exercise 2 Responses

Okay, I was gonna respond with a joke as a clue earlier and backed out, but with that guess, I'm going to make the stupid joke:
Guessing that you wrote no 3? But it's hard to tell as there aren't any stories published on your profile so I've no idea what your style is like...
Guessing that you wrote no 3? But it's hard to tell as there aren't any stories published on your profile so I've no idea what your style is like...
And that's why I entered. It's no fun to watch if everyone is familiar with everyone else and can just compare to their already written works.
I just want to make the obvious point, that for short pieces like these, authorship identification is quite hard.

There's a lot of current AI work on "authorship embedding" -- mainly for detecting and guarding against online plagiarism, particularly plagiarism in scientific papers. An authorship embedding network is basically a sophisticated style checker, similar to what AI detection tools do.

If we were to present entire stories here, identifying some authors would become a lot easier, from the patterns in grammar, sentence length, use of descriptive words, etc, and of course the narrative style, and theme.

So this is more of a fun exercise, and you should assume that most people will do not very well with their guesses. Nobody will get anywhere near 100%!
I think it's been quite an eye-opener. As authors I'm sure we're all convinced that we have a distinct voice and style, but when it comes down to it people are mostly looking for clues in our online personalities that might be reflected in our tiny snippets.

Either way, it's been great fun, and if nothing else it's kept the Hangout occupied and largely friendly for the better part of a week. If nothing else, that must be some reward for your labours, @nice90sguy
I think it's been quite an eye-opener. As authors I'm sure we're all convinced that we have a distinct voice and style, but when it comes down to it people are mostly looking for clues in our online personalities that might be reflected in our tiny snippets.
Honestly, I was mostly just going by the content. Which is why I'm inclined to peg anything with a hint of E&V as yours, and anything with lesbian themes as @THBGato's :)
So here is my final full list of guesses. Many of them are indeed just guesses. I did consider changing 1 5 and 6 around. With that hint of taboo at the end, 6 could well have been simon, 5 I had suspected as stunned all along (although I'm probably wrong), and 1 did use the name sam for the main character after all. In the end I left it and went with this.

1 is simon (had to fit him somewhere, trolling lw perhaps?, did consider yowser over glaring lack of speech tags)
2 is THBGato (entire profile is lesbian or go home and this is the only real lesbian entry, besides 9 sort of)
3 is valles (wasn't sure but going through the leftovers 3 has a glaring lack of speech tags)
4 is intim8 (again, of the leftovers, reasonable level of detail and a more than willing female char - although again considered yowser for lack of speech tags)
5 is sam (based on his penchant for exhibition stories - or maybe stunned because of a slightly more nuanced female, at least as much nuance as one can cram into 500 words)
6 is stunned (thought he was 5 but sam fit 5 better and stunned had to go somewhere)
7 is yowser (for twisting a classic tale as he has done before with robin hood)
8 is tlan (generally a rather cynical feel)
9 is penny (emphasis on sensuality - although considered jackie for strong parallels to her 'karina' story)
10 is psg (free space on the bingo card - yay me!)
11 is bodington (melodrama and kinky characters)
12 is lobster (process of elimination, matched up with a leftover, really not sure)
13 is joy (emphasis on heels and clothes etc)
14 is jackie (not sure here, probably due to the coffee, she does things like coffee and smokes)
15 is robroyale (puts his quoted dialogue at the end of paragraphs rather than the standard beginning, looks like a tell)
16 is erozetta (melodrama - profile has no submissions but going by the fave list)
17 is redchamber (penchant for humor and cleverness)
18 is gunhilltrain (internal thoughts in italics, looks like a straight tell)
"When your only tool is a dildo, every problem looks like a . . ." Complete the sentence.
I wouldn't call it a full version, but I did take the original version of mine and edited it up to a 750-word piece:

A Loathsome Secret
Some things are better learned early.

Both fans and haters of pineapple on pizza are welcome to peruse it ;)