Writing for a category you can't relate to

SlickTony said:
I confess to being a tad puzzled by your attitude towards pussies, Svenska. I mean, I have never eaten one myself, but like licking my juices off my man's lips after he's eaten mine, and think it's odd to expect someone to want to do something for you that you wouldn't want to do yourself. Just my opinion, though.

I'm amazed that Hubby wants to lick me or fuck me at all.:confused:
But he claims that he likes it, and he often takes the initiative himself, so, I don't complain. I don't understand it, but I enjoy it.

Sex is weird...
Svenskaflicka said:
Thank you! That's my favourite category, and I want to raise it a bit above the level of the traditional "jungle-bunny-with-11"-schlong-fucks-white-cumhungry-slut".

Writing what you know. What did I say?

To some degree, I suppose I can relate to most of the story categories on Lit. But I only write in genres that I like to read.
Ok, honestly I am not sure if I'd be able to go down on a woman myself. It just seems to darn messy compared to going down on a man. :eek: I've even asked exes what they really think about it, and if there is such a thing as a girl being "too wet". Out of god knows how many men I've asked (online too), only one person has said there was a limit of "too wet". Of course that was one of my exes, but heck it's not my problem he's so tiny he fell out...:devil: (revenge is sweet!)

I so want to write something for the interracial category, but I just haven't found a story for it yet. Oh well, with time...
Lovepotion69 said:
I so want to write something for the interracial category, but I just haven't found a story for it yet. Oh well, with time...

Take any story you've written and tack on to the end. "By the way he (or she) was black (or white or chinese or asian or serbo-croation) a la "Submarine Anal Surprise"

Wow, why didn't I think about that? :p Nah, for the fairness of it I'll just throw in a short "the way that dark skin contrasted with her paleness". Or in their bigraphy "she was half Puerto Rican and half Finnish". :) Putting it at the end would be cheating...;)

gauchecritic said:
Take any story you've written and tack on to the end. "By the way he (or she) was black (or white or chinese or asian or serbo-croation) a la "Submarine Anal Surprise"

I don't get it: Interracial. What in 2003 should be erotic or exotic in that focus, but to racists? On another thread there is passionate discussion, however illogically put at times, re. eroticizing violence to women; shouldn't this apply to erotic stories that are meant to feed basically racist ideas and emotions? (You will not regret you said that, Perdita.)

I've had husbands and lovers, the majority other 'races', including an Iranian AllahGodJesusforbid, and in the 70s an Oakland Black Panther who kept a loaded shotgun next to the bed. I never considered their ancestry to have anything to do with my attraction or arousal, unless of course one takes into consideration how varied conversational intercourse adds spice to communicating. I used to flirt with a famous Nobel Laureate at my last job; would anyone get off on the sexual antics of a male genius and a merely highly intelligent woman?

Finally, I certainly wouldn't give a metaphorical fuck what color a cock might be.

perplexed Perdita :confused:
I don't give a damn about the color a cock has either. The Interracial category is very stereotyped and yes, there are racist elements there. Personally I just want to call it most of it stereotyped.

I've never dated any Far East Asian. I've dated dated Indian, African, American, British, Polish, Albanian, Bangladeshi and Caribbean. But wait, those are just nationalities. Duh! How stupid am I? But hey, in the interracial category people automatically assume the bloke is black if I say he's African or Caribbean.

Ethnicity is interesting. I'm already two ethnicities/"races". I knew a guy who was Japanese/Mexican. He looked Japanese though, so if we got it on most people probably wouldn't think it's interracial as we both look Asian. In truth, it's one hell of an interracial union. ;)

I get turned on by the person (mind or body, preferably both). I have to admit though that before my ex-bf I had never looked at a black guy before, since him I've found myself more attracted to black guys. God knows why (*cough*they're fitter*cough*).

The reason Svenska and I like to write for the interracial category is so there will be at least a few stories that don't follow all the cliches. Stories where the black (as that's mostly the case) character isn't uneducated, has 13" of dick, doesn't talk like a rap star and treats the white women as ho's and bitches.

I don't care about what race some one is but if a story is well written and allows me to visualize darker skin on ligter skin then it is aesthetically pleasing to me as a reader. It doesn't have to be interracial it could just be a fair skinned or Light black person with a darker black person it wouldn't matter. :kiss:
One of the reasons I like interracial is that I think black men are sexier than white men.

It's not so much a racial thing - we all belong to the human race, right? - as an esthetic thing. Some like blond guys with tans, some go ga-ga over red hair and freckles, some swoon at the the feet of pale, mysterious guys in black capes - me, I drool when I see dark brown skin and a set of full lips, a round nose, and high cheekbones...:cool:
Never met a man I didn't like at first site...

And right up to when they opened their mouths to speak. After that it wasn't what they had swinging between their legs that got me into bed, it was what was between their ears, and in their hearts. And though I've never seen a 13 inch cock in my life, a ten inch black cock once made me feel as if I'd fallen on a howitzer shell.

Svenskaflicka said:
What's a howitzer shell?:confused:

A large fat shell meant to be fired at a high angle from a howitzer. A howitzer fires a heavy shell a short distance. A normal artillery piece fires a light shell a long way.

So a howitzer shell is relatively short, very fat, and very heavy. It expodes with a big bang and has a large area of destruction (compared to a normal shell).

Are you sure you really wanted to know?

I've written some stories from the female POV.
I'll admit I haven't written any truly gay stories,
though one, underage and being posted elsewhere, includes
some girls with girls.
One thing I'd avoid is getting my information from other
stories. I think that's how all the stories featuring
hymens three or more inches up the vagina get written.
Uther_Pendragon said:
hymens three or more inches up the vagina
New one on me. I think your theory's right.

Perdita (long hymenless)
Uther_Pendragon said:
One thing I'd avoid is getting my information from other
stories. I think that's how all the stories featuring
hymens three or more inches up the vagina get written.

You know in all the gay sex I've written I've never gotten any complaints about it being physically inaccurate (did my homework), but the one time I wrote about a woman loosing her hymen I got it wrong. What can I say, I spent most of my childhood on a horse. :rolleyes:


Wow, does anyone's hymen really survive long enough to be ruptured by an impending penis?

Mine sure didn't..*laugh*

Maybe hymen integrity was a more reliable virginity litmus test back in the days when we girls sat around all day and crocheted our own kotex.

By the way Jayne- I've read about half of your "Harlequin for boys" as you put it, ;)-

and it's just, really, great. [commas for emphasis ;) I have a ton to say about it, unfortunately it may take me a day to get it all down in words. But, for the record, you're a facile and gifted writer- and I can get specific about why.

Sorry I'm complimenting you on a post extolling the latter-day hardships of feminine hygiene.

gauchecritic said:
Take any story you've written and tack on to the end. "By the way he (or she) was black (or white or chinese or asian or serbo-croation) a la "Submarine Anal Surprise"


Hear him!

So many times you go to read a story in some category and you find the same kind of generic sex with a few references tossed it to qualify it for that category. Screwing sis turns out to be the same as screwing the girl down the block, anal sex turns out to be the same as vaginal sex, crap like that.

By the way: how do you do inerracial sex while avoiding racial stereotypes?

Svenskaflicka said:
But see, that's the problem! I don't want to think up a story of two women cuddling and touching, it makes me shudder! It's a whole different thing with gay male, I've read quite a few such stories, and the only difference between gay male stories and het stories, are that there's no boobs and no pussy, so all penetration is oral or anal. Piece of cake!

I have a problem with the sexual organ of my own gender. I think pussies are gross. My own one is acceptable, because it gives me lots of joy, but other than that, I prefer to think of the world as full of dicks and Barbie dolls - flat plastic pussies with no dripping holes!

Oi, I'm gonna have problem writing for this category...:(

I appreciate reading that Sven - it mirrors my own position - from the opposite gender - absolutely exactly!

I enjoy the female body, so writing about a woman who does too isn't hard, but, to me, the male organ is an object of ridicule and embarassment. My experience tells me that women can enjoy it, but I cannot see why (beyond its mechanical function - which can be replicated by so many other things).

(Just to make it explicit, I'm not a homophobe* - a particularly good friend of mine is gay, and I hug him and kiss him on the cheek when we meet and part, because that's what he is and does and meeting him on his own ground seems to me part of what friendship is about. It simply doesn't turn me on at all, while doing the same with female friends always does, to at least some degree.)


*to make something else clear, I'm not suggesting that Sven is les-ophobic either - my guess is that if she were, she couldn't even contemplate writing in that genre.

*turning into miss Hulk*

fifty..? Sven's a boy's name. I'm not a boy. Please, don't call me "Sven". Call me Svenska or SF. Thaaaaaaaaank yooouuu...

*off to take a cold shower*
Svenskaflicka said:
*turning into miss Hulk*

fifty..? Sven's a boy's name. I'm not a boy. Please, don't call me "Sven". Call me Svenska or SF. Thaaaaaaaaank yooouuu...

So sorry Svenska - please accept my apologies. One of the things I like about my Lit 'handle' is that I don't care about how anyone abreviates it, while I really hate the most common abreviation that people make to my real name.

Totally different reasons to yours, but the result is the same, so I do appreciate that the apology is necessary.

f5 (Not groveling - because I made the mistake in innocense - but with genuine regret.)
fifty5 said:
(Not groveling - because I made the mistake in innocense - but with genuine regret.)
I knew you were a gent, Fifty

Perdita-56 :rose:
Svenskaflicka said:
I'm gonna try to overcome part of my homophobia by writing a lesbian story for the Survivor Contest - I have to, since I don't get any immunity points!:mad: - and I have a plan how to do it. I'm gonna write a common het story, and then I'm gonna re-write it, change the male name for a female name, and change the cock-sucking for clit-licking, and the penetration for finger-penetration.


I want an immunity point!:( :( :(

...Please tell me you're joking.
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Oh, Svenska!

You like oral sex from a guy, right? [if you say "no" I'm so going to go all "Draco Malfoy" on your ass..]

Well, voila. Now it's a woman. No one says your character has to touch the scary pussy- she can recieve the whole time!


P.(u)S.(s)(y): it's not that bad!

is that like the old saying ' a blow job is a blow job"?

and how do you stand on the ' home field advantage' concept...do women really know bewst what another woman wants?