Writing for a category you can't relate to

Des said:

"If you don't find lesbian sex erotic think of the things you do find erotic and build on them. like setting and all that."

On a dare, I wrote a mature incest story and a crossdressing story. well. I've never been 70 and have no daughter, esp not one who is 50ish. So I created a scenario ( fiction, folks, remember....Shakespeare was never a King of England, or a young Italian like Romeo). I added elements I liked , just working them into context. So the cd story starts out nodding to my underwear fetish, builds into group sex. Then ends with a twist. By playing through it in my mind though, I found myself sympathetic with my character. reason enough to write out of genre.

Both these stories are among my highest rated and are well read for their genres.
No, sirhugs, I don't think that a woman knows best how another woman wants to be touched. All women are different, and what may send one woman to cloud 9, may be a turn-off for another. I think you have to discover your lover's body, its turn-ons and turn-offs, all over again, when you meet someone new, because there's no guarantee that everyone likes the same thing.
Re: Lovepotion,

I like your style, Perdita.

Being Caucasian and living in Japan for the past 25 years has given me the time to 'observe' shall we say, the 'Japanese kink.'

Any questions about BDSM and I will readily provide you with the 'reality,' having tried it a few times myself.

Best regards,


Originally posted by perdita [/i
I call my Lit. stories 'BDSM Light so people who want hardcore won't be disappointed. I have NO experience in the sexual activities narrated in my stories and have never been to Japan, but they leant themselves to the place and culture I wanted to depict (Japanese kink) and the odd characters I wanted to create.

A few years ago I researched BDSM over a period of time due to interests in role-play and gender identification, all rather academically. I know Japanese culture, history and literature through personal study, lots of Japanese films, and from a brother who lived there 18 years. I could easily have developed my plots in imperial Russia, another 'era' I know well.

It was only when I began thinking of writing erotica that I put the two above subjects together and thought I could be imaginative, erotic, and evocative using them; but my main interest is in the writing, the actual doing of it. Still, it is satisfying hearing from people who say I 'got Tokyo right', or feel empathy for my main character.

There are many categories for which I can't write merely because they hold no interest, nor do I know enough to fill out a plot.

Best to you, Perdita

Edit: sorry, I guess the other posts came in while I was writing this. Good luck.
Japanese kink
Re: Re: Lovepotion,

angelbaby791 said:
I like your style, Perdita.
Being Caucasian and living in Japan for the past 25 years has given me the time to 'observe' shall we say, the 'Japanese kink.'
Any questions about BDSM and I will readily provide you with the 'reality,' having tried it a few times myself.
Angelbaby, thank you for the compliment. I may take you up on your offer. I made up my elevator girl only later to discover there really is such a thing in Japan, and subway girls to boot!

Love your name (remember the song?)

best, Perdita
perdita said:
I don't get it: Interracial. What in 2003 should be erotic or exotic in that focus, but to racists?

I have to agree with this. I don't think I would ever post a story in that category...everything has to have some other twist to make it interesting. To me, the race of the characters doesn't really matter...it might be another turn-on, but how can that be the whole genre? I wrote a story "for" the interracial category but then I couldn't bring myself to put it there. I sent it to "mature" instead and gave it a keyword for anyone who was looking for that specifically...In the Survivor 2002 contest I used an immunity for that category and I plan to do the same for 2003.

Re: Re: Re: Lovepotion,

Originally posted by perdita Love your name (remember the song?)
"I held my nose,
I closed my eyes,
I TOOK A DRINK.......?