WTF, two freaken E's

I believe, but could be wrong, that Lauren is the one who awards the E's.

If I got one, I don't think I'd delete it; that seems silly too. It at least means there's one person in the world who has read a lot and likes something I did. But I certainly don't covet one. I am cultivating detachment.

unpredictablebijou said:
I believe, but could be wrong, that Lauren is the one who awards the E's.

If I got one, I don't think I'd delete it; that seems silly too. It at least means there's one person in the world who has read a lot and likes something I did. But I certainly don't covet one. I am cultivating detachment.


Sometimes, people delete their poems with E's because they have been accepted/published elsewhere. A couple of DH's poems I really liked went that way, as did some of Annas and some of mine :)

deleting them isnt a bad thing, but sometimes necessary...

and sometimes people just want their work removed, no excuse needed ;)

I always appreciated that Lit would remove work. no questions asked. It didnt mean I did not appreciate the greeness bestowed upon my random work....


as for cultivating detachment? what could be expression of detachment from a work MORE than deleting it, greenie or not?

what always has amused me is the random person who deletes ALL of their work except their greenies...what does that express, I wonder...
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unpredictablebijou said:
I believe, but could be wrong, that Lauren is the one who awards the E's.
Laurel, goddamnit. Laurel. I'm in enough trouble as it is already. :p

Buddha was a nihilist. :p
Lauren Hynde said:
Laurel, goddamnit. Laurel. I'm in enough trouble as it is already. :p

Buddha was a nihilist. :p

You deserve all the trouble you get. Even if it is required for other reasons... :D

Lauren Hynde said:
Laurel, goddamnit. Laurel. I'm in enough trouble as it is already. :p

Buddha was a nihilist. :p

My god, I'm terribly sorry. I claim drunkenness and pie fights as my only excuse. Kick my ass, I'm begging you.

I DID say I could be wrong. Looks like I was. It's a great insurance policy, that phrase.

Tzara was distracting me with shiny objects. Blame him. He's solid gold and iron clad anyway, so he can weather that.

here's my ass. Seriously. A swift kick. Right here.

Eluard said:
Well, since I started the most recent such thread are you addressing me with this? Just who is this YOU that you capitalize and throw around?
No I wasn't.

Did you comment on either? I didn't check. If not why not?
Or is it more important to be a thread whore? Rhetorical question here, nothing personal.

Granted an "E" may be one person's opinion, but it should elicit a response. After all it was probably granted by someone with a degree of objectivity. You can agree or disagree, but that takes a little time from your (impersonal you) thread whoring, and these threads are the courtesy of who for what?
twelveoone said:
No I wasn't.

Did you comment on either? I didn't check. If not why not?
Or is it more important to be a thread whore? Rhetorical question here, nothing personal.

I have no idea what a 'thread whore' is, and I've got no idea what this 'either' is you are referring to. If you mean have I commented upon your poems , no I haven't — haven't read them either. I was responding to what looked like an irrelevant and specious attack. Glad to know it wasn't directed at me. But I'm not sure whoever it was directed at will understand the remark any better than I did.

twelveoone said:
Granted an "E" may be one person's opinion, but it should elicit a response. After all it was probably granted by someone with a degree of objectivity. You can agree or disagree, but that takes a little time from your (impersonal you) thread whoring, and these threads are the courtesy of who for what?

IMO These threads are a better way to share poems with the people who might (just might) appreciate them — rather than the hordes of fairly nasty sociopathic types who hang around the boards ready to anonymously do down other writers and/or steal their work. We live in a world where what we do (qua poetry) is not overly appreciated, and to some extent we need to insulate ourselves from the wider pathologies. If we don't do that we run the very real risk of becoming pathological ourselves.

So your last question: asked and answered.
Eluard said:
I have no idea what a 'thread whore' is, and I've got no idea what this 'either' is you are referring to. If you mean have I commented upon your poems , no I haven't — haven't read them either. I was responding to what looked like an irrelevant and specious attack. Glad to know it wasn't directed at me. But I'm not sure whoever it was directed at will understand the remark any better than I did.

IMO These threads are a better way to share poems with the people who might (just might) appreciate them — rather than the hordes of fairly nasty sociopathic types who hang around the boards ready to anonymously do down other writers and/or steal their work. We live in a world where what we do (qua poetry) is not overly appreciated, and to some extent we need to insulate ourselves from the wider pathologies. If we don't do that we run the very real risk of becoming pathological ourselves.

So your last question: asked and answered.

No, did you bother to comment on either "E"'s ?
And I appeciate your answer, the second part of it brought a broad smile to my face.
unpredictablebijou said:
Whatever it is, I'm totally signing up.

Count me in.
In fact, could I be the Madame of the thread whores?


We didn't even need to advertise — you got that job straightaway. We call you "Mrs Miller" behind your back — don't know why only behind your back, it's a pretty big compliment.
Eluard said:
We didn't even need to advertise — you got that job straightaway. We call you "Mrs Miller" behind your back — don't know why only behind your back, it's a pretty big compliment.

I tried really hard to find the Mrs. Miller that you reminded me of, the one who cut an album of contemporary classics like "Downtown" in the late 60's, but she, sadly, is not on youtube yet. Instead I offer, this: Florence Foster Jenkins, who is to classical music as THAT Mrs. Miller is to the 60's.

with my blessings,
unpredictablebijou said:
I tried really hard to find the Mrs. Miller that you reminded me of, the one who cut an album of contemporary classics like "Downtown" in the late 60's, but she, sadly, is not on youtube yet. Instead I offer, this: Florence Foster Jenkins, who is to classical music as THAT Mrs. Miller is to the 60's.

with my blessings,

Here is who I meant as Mrs Miller (so that no one starts confusing her with Petula Clarke!!!):
Eluard said:
Here is who I meant as Mrs Miller (so that no one starts confusing her with Petula Clarke!!!):

I will totally go there. And anyone who can actually find Mrs. Miller, THE Mrs. Miller, particularly her rendition of "Downtown", gets a fabulous prize.

Like a free (or relatively affordable) evening with one of my girls.

5 dollar happy ending!