Grassroots Disc: Varian 9-26-04, SDC common queue


Thanks so much for taking the time to elaborate on the narration/POV stuff. Your examples were not only helpful, but highly amusing. Now, at last, we have the backstory for "Silence of the Lambs."

You did a great job of illustrating the different approaches. I'll have to give a lot of thought as to what will work best for this story, and see what I can do with it.

Thanks again!

Pure said:
Has anyone noted that Vaughn is a kind of soul-descendant of Rochester in the famous romance, Jane Eyre. Indeed, I hear Varian suggesting a 'terrible secret', which further fits the bill.

What are those strange wailing noises coming from the attic? Devan wondered.

Goodness, I can't think of a literary association I'd be more flattered to have made with Vaughn.
Thanks everyone!

Since it's Sunday and time for a new story for discussion (the mystery has me in suspense ;)) I wanted to say a final thanks to everyone who kindly took the time to read my lengthy chapter and offer their comments. I've gotten gallons of useful feedback, and I'm eagerly looking over the chapter and thinking about how to begin implementing changes based on many of the suggestions you've all made. It promises to be a rather enormous job, but already I feel hope that the chapter will be more compelling (and shorter! yay!) thanks to you.

I wish I could buy you all a beer or a tasty non-alcoholic beer substitute.


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