X Genre / Gender Challenge

It's me, sweetie. I'm pretty sure I'm your opposite.
Reason we get along so well.
You're probably right.

I am an uptight, monogamous and strictly heterosexual male whose wildest experience was having the lights on while we did it (though I kept my eyes discreetly closed), without a condom!

I know. Crazy.

Hmmm. That polyamorous, pansexual poem is gonna be a problem. Give me some time, hey?

Welcome back, m'dear.
You're probably right.

I am an uptight, monogamous and strictly heterosexual male whose wildest experience was having the lights on while we did it (though I kept my eyes discreetly closed), without a condom!

I know. Crazy.

Hmmm. That polyamorous, pansexual poem is gonna be a problem. Give me some time, hey?

Welcome back, m'dear.

my god, you kinky, sick bastard.

the lights were on?

And here I thought I was debauched.

Take your time, indeed. Barring some even weirder assignment from SB, I think you might be my target voice for this challenge, although it seems a bit like cheating since we're both into girls.

It is indeed good to be back. I missed the voices in here. I had so many ideas this weekend, among the mayhem, and so little time to get them onto paper. On every level, I'm trying to catch up.

I won't, of course. But it's fun to try.

You're probably right.

I am an uptight, monogamous and strictly heterosexual male whose wildest experience was having the lights on while we did it (though I kept my eyes discreetly closed), without a condom!

I know. Crazy.

Hmmm. That polyamorous, pansexual poem is gonna be a problem. Give me some time, hey?

Welcome back, m'dear.

I know the modifier's not misplaced, but this does conjure a verrry interesting image of you doing it in the dark with a condom taped over your eyes.

Sorry. I'll just slink away now. :D
I know the modifier's not misplaced, but this does conjure a verrry interesting image of you doing it in the dark with a condom taped over your eyes.

Sorry. I'll just slink away now. :D
That's to keep the fertile light of my imagination from leaking out from my eyes.
Hmm. I would participate, but I don't really write the sort of poetry that lends itself to writing from the opposite point-of-view—but then, perhaps that would be the opposite point-of-view.
That's to keep the fertile light of my imagination from leaking out from my eyes.

funny, when I started trying to do this exercise with your point of view, it was all about your fertile imagination.

You needn't worry about getting that all over me, though. I like it when that happens.

funny, when I started trying to do this exercise with your point of view, it was all about your fertile imagination.

You needn't worry about getting that all over me, though. I like it when that happens.

Well, so long as I don't father a pregnant pause.
That's to keep the fertile light of my imagination from leaking out from my eyes.

We don't want you doing any premature thinking. Gotta save the motherlode for your poems. :)

Hmm. I would participate, but I don't really write the sort of poetry that lends itself to writing from the opposite point-of-view—but then, perhaps that would be the opposite point-of-view.

I had the same reaction. I find it hard to get my mind around the concept. I'd have to write a poem and then rewrite the opposite of it, but then I'd be writing what I don't believe. It's hard for me to do that. I can embroider but I can't imagine a poem where every line is the opposite of what I originally wrote. I mean I can lol, but it sounds like it would not be a very good poem to me.
okay, well, here's something

Forgive me the amiable fence
against the distant jungle of you,
unreal, impossible. Met with it,
in actual flesh, I fear I'd fade.

the map is not the territory;
I prefer my lines straight:
longitude, latitude, the freedom
from unexpected turns.

These fields curve ideally
against your back, and offer
places for hands, for knees,
gentle, elysian for the dream.

Here, you can be perfect
as can I, and in this tailored
landscape, black and white
I never fail, never look back.

I do not judge your bravery
in the disorderly dimensions
but I prefer these clean lines
of lawn and pavement

your animals and shadows
are beautiful, of course, but I
would rather keep them framed
on a wall, at a slight
I had the same reaction. I find it hard to get my mind around the concept. I'd have to write a poem and then rewrite the opposite of it, but then I'd be writing what I don't believe. It's hard for me to do that. I can embroider but I can't imagine a poem where every line is the opposite of what I originally wrote. I mean I can lol, but it sounds like it would not be a very good poem to me.

I know. But it is a wonderful idea, and would be an excellent literary exercise too.

I mean, what is the opposite point-of-view for a poem about a cuttlefish? A poem from the cuttlefish's perspective? A poem from the perspective of someone who doesn't care at all about the cuttlefish? A poem from the perspective of someone fishing for cuttlefish? I don't know.
I know. But it is a wonderful idea, and would be an excellent literary exercise too.

I mean, what is the opposite point-of-view for a poem about a cuttlefish? A poem from the cuttlefish's perspective? A poem from the perspective of someone who doesn't care at all about the cuttlefish? A poem from the perspective of someone fishing for cuttlefish? I don't know.

Was the cuttlefish male or female?

Seriously, though, within this slant, since your poem sees the cuttlefish as beautiful, as distant, perhaps even sacred or artistic, it might be an interesting exercise to write from the point of view of the predator who eats cuttlefish, or from someone who sees them as ugly or unnecessary.

'absolutely nothing depends
on that dumb wheelbarrow
near the stinky chickens'

it's a nice brain-stretching exercise, if nothing else, though I think it works best when you're aiming it toward basically poems about sex, from a point of view outside your own preference range.

I'm diggin' it, anyway, even if nothing happens that's worth much. Anything that stretches me out of my comfort zone seems like a good idea.

I know. But it is a wonderful idea, and would be an excellent literary exercise too.

I mean, what is the opposite point-of-view for a poem about a cuttlefish? A poem from the cuttlefish's perspective? A poem from the perspective of someone who doesn't care at all about the cuttlefish? A poem from the perspective of someone fishing for cuttlefish? I don't know.

It is! You reminded me of this poem I wrote a while back from a fish's perspective. It was originally an illustrated poem, but alas I lost the disc where the illustrated version resided.

Catch Me if You Can

The evening breeze is chill,
still you stay to see the bulge
of silver bluntward bound.

You think you've found a prize?
O cast aside your doubt,
let your line out.

I'm on the rise, my dear,
I need, I need to feed.
I'm not so smart
and you're so wise.
Inveigh your rod, my dear


and we shall see.
Perhaps no flies on you.
Perhaps no flies on me.

Was the cuttlefish male or female?

Seriously, though, within this slant, since your poem sees the cuttlefish as beautiful, as distant, perhaps even sacred or artistic, it might be an interesting exercise to write from the point of view of the predator who eats cuttlefish, or from someone who sees them as ugly or unnecessary.

'absolutely nothing depends
on that dumb wheelbarrow
near the stinky chickens'

it's a nice brain-stretching exercise, if nothing else, though I think it works best when you're aiming it toward basically poems about sex, from a point of view outside your own preference range.

I'm diggin' it, anyway, even if nothing happens that's worth much. Anything that stretches me out of my comfort zone seems like a good idea.


The cuttlefish was female, although it is questionable how the narrator would know this—sometimes cuttlefish don't, even.

That is what I was thinking, although I don't know that, if I were to write an opposite perspective poem, I would necessarily write the opposite of a poem I already wrote.

It really is a lovely exercise and I agree that it probably works best for sexual poems, which I don't write (and again, perhaps that would be the opposite perspective!) and I'm not even sure I could write. Nevertheless, it is definitely a neat challenge and it is good to go outside one's comfort zones sometimes.

It is! You reminded me of this poem I wrote a while back from a fish's perspective. It was originally an illustrated poem, but alas I lost the disc where the illustrated version resided.

Catch Me if You Can

The evening breeze is chill,
still you stay to see the bulge
of silver bluntward bound.

You think you've found a prize?
O cast aside your doubt,
let your line out.

I'm on the rise, my dear,
I need, I need to feed.
I'm not so smart
and you're so wise.
Inveigh your rod, my dear


and we shall see.
Perhaps no flies on you.
Perhaps no flies on me.


Oh, I see! I find the fish's perspective interesting—willful, desiring, and a bit taunting. (It is a shame that you lost the illustrated version of the poem.)
The cuttlefish was female, although it is questionable how the narrator would know this—sometimes cuttlefish don't, even.

That is what I was thinking, although I don't know that, if I were to write an opposite perspective poem, I would necessarily write the opposite of a poem I already wrote.

It really is a lovely exercise and I agree that it probably works best for sexual poems, which I don't write (and again, perhaps that would be the opposite perspective!) and I'm not even sure I could write. Nevertheless, it is definitely a neat challenge and it is good to go outside one's comfort zones sometimes.

Oh, I see! I find the fish's perspective interesting—willful, desiring, and a bit taunting. (It is a shame that you lost the illustrated version of the poem.)

I actually wrote it for a friend of mine who is an avid fisherman. It's full of wordplay that I was using to amuse him, but it really works best with my drawing.

I'm trying to track it down. I had a poetry showcase at another site years ago where I posted that (and many other) illustrated poems. My searches there don't seem to be working, darnit, but I may find it yet.
I am STILL trying to find my polar opposite. I was going to go with a Tz clone, but I just can't get into fucking furry animals with condoms taped all over my face and with the lights off (Geeze! you perv!).

So now I'm trying for "The Rapist" Of course, I can't go all the way yet, so I kinda twisted it:

legs cruelly held apart; I am used
his immoral cock rends my virginity
when done I am beaten and bruised
rape has increased my victim affinity

my rapist says, “you were asking for it, bitch,
and it’s date rape now that you’re here behind bars”
he chuckles that I was taken without a hitch
as I thought of those I had raped and left with the same scars.

P.S. Isn't it odd that if you run The & rapist together you get "Therapist"?
This exercise is quite challenging. Haven't been able to nail it as yet. For one thing, there are so many layers to my personality. Finding the polar opposite of a truck load of character traits isn't as easy as I thought it might be. Not to mention, I've not been able to affect a male voice. Would you believe, all the voices in my head....and they're all girls. At least the ones who've introduced themselves so far. So as a first attempt, I'll go with the bare minimum. I'm uber girly and hetero. So one degree of my polar opposite might be a very masculine, closeted gay man. I'm still trying to find his voice. This is more so a descriptor, than his voice.

I am
a hard square
peg, feigning
fondness of
soft round holes
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Mongooses (mongeese?), giraffes. It's a zoo fetish I tell you! :kiss:

Don't forget the cuttlefish! Aw, never mind. Who would wants to "cuddle" a fish anyway? (Forgive me Groucho, where ever you are)
Don't forget the cuttlefish! Aw, never mind. Who would wants to "cuddle" a fish anyway? (Forgive me Groucho, where ever you are)

I'm planning on getting up close and personal with some shrimp tomorrow. :cathappy: