X Genre / Gender Challenge

It really is a lovely exercise and I agree that it probably works best for sexual poems, which I don't write (and again, perhaps that would be the opposite perspective!) and I'm not even sure I could write. Nevertheless, it is definitely a neat challenge and it is good to go outside one's comfort zones sometimes.
Of course, I think (well, obviously, since I have posted up several attempts) it's an interesting exercise. But not for everyone. No exercise is. I tend to avoid ones about religion or spirituality as I have no feelings of that sort and would likely only upset those who do, which I would really like to avoid doing.
Of course, I think (well, obviously, since I have posted up several attempts) it's an interesting exercise. But not for everyone. No exercise is. I tend to avoid ones about religion or spirituality as I have no feelings of that sort and would likely only upset those who do, which I would really like to avoid doing.

I find your avoidance very upsetting!
I just sat here and read this whole thread and was wondering what my opposite was as I am quite often a mixed up mamma anyway but I am afraid I completely lost it with the cuttlefish and the uptight mongoose blew me right out of the window
I just sat here and read this whole thread and was wondering what my opposite was as I am quite often a mixed up mamma anyway but I am afraid I completely lost it with the cuttlefish and the uptight mongoose blew me right out of the window

I dunno, I wonder what would happen if you tried to write a snarky little piece from the point of view of one of those frigid bitches who think you're too scandalous? YOu could really work out some demons with something like that.


Presented to me, in the fierce peace
of a pose, her knees framing
this archaic smile, I, like a light
am aimed and still. Without breath
this trigger squeeze and arrow
in to conscious quiet, perfect,
look, she says with hands
round ankles or pressed
to my chest, look, and welcome.

I let my face
open my mouth and the eyes
are speaking, between us. you, you
how can I be here with this now, how can
I be here now, with this
whore whom I love like blood,
how is this possible, how are you
even possible?

in the revelation
of simple open flesh
is the temple
turned to whorehouse
and back again
to holy space.
With lewd talk of sex all the time
don't she know she comes over
just whore?
Take the truth and suck it in
like all the cocks
you ever bragged about,
Trash through and through
don't nobody tell her though
she's all crocodile tears
none of them will wash her
filthy mouth clean.
Like a rat spreading
disease trail in her wake
get back where you belong
in the sewer.
Waiting for a (lap)dance

Nervous, but
too interested to leave,
I go from an early dinner
straight into Happy Hour

hoping maybe the cheap
drinks will give me the
nerve to do more than
merely watch her dance.

She moves like nothing
and no one I had ever seen,
I sit at my booth, sipping
cosmos--that's what they
drink, isn't it?--while waiting,

waiting to watch, and see
if the smile that lit her
face yesterday was really for
me and not one of her

girlfriends. (They're so lucky.)
Mmm...maybe I'll cut back on
the drinks, my mind is open enough,
and my panties are sooo damp.
Perfect for me

Ok - not lesbian perspective... but baby steps for the virgin.

He’s cute, with an Andy Warhol kind of style
He laughs when his buddy drops the three
He buys his friends a round to see them smile
He’s not perfect, but he’s perfectly for me

Sometimes he leaves the seat up late at night
I could kill him when my ass is soaking wet
He hears me down the hall and rushes right
to me then laughs at all my empty threats

They play basketball on Sundays in the Summer
When the NFL is taking off some time
It’s ironic that he never hits the hamper
Dirty socks and sweaty tees coated in grime

But in each other’s arms and making love
“Fuck me harder! Fuck me fast!” to him I plea
When I’m cumming, I’m in heaven up above
He’s not perfect, but he’s perfectly for me
Here's one I wrote a long while back that's a bit ambiguous in voice as to who is involved. I figure it's an opposite of me since there's no gender confusion in my bedroom.

Six O'Clock Passion

With light arising through the gloom,
Thus ends another night,
A dawn of wonder and delight,
A winter flower's morning bloom.
What does a night of ardent sighs,
Hold to your dawning flame?
Wake when your lover calls your name,
With urgent, needful cries.
Meet her kiss with love's desire,
Make her morning glow,
Touch all those places that you know,
Light up her smold'ring fire.
Never domestic, she's here to tame,
Stay in your bed and stake your claim.
Lay there and feel
shut your eyes
let me excite you
touch and caress
soft tingles
surround you.
Lips brushing breathing
against your breasts
feel the wetness
of my tongue
across each nipple.
Enter your tightness
to whimpers and moans
a harder faster need
skin to skin
stroking inside you.
Explode for me
and I for you