Yet another ratings thread... or is it?

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I'm still trying to figure out motive, to be honest. Sure, it's nice to get a thoughtful, albeit idiosyncratic review, on a story, and to discover that my story might be on some list or other, in some other writers' community (which appears to be behind a paywall, from my quick look at Discord).

But we here in the AH have no context for any of that, because none of it was explained, and now a representative appears to be dropping by but immediately fucking off.

So it's just odd. I'm not unsettled by any of it, but I'd just like some transparency into what the fuck just happened, to be honest. It's a funny way to go about your business (whatever that business actually is).
I've found this thread so enlightening, having often wondered what I'm missing. Cryptic posts have appeared implying some facts exist that I should know, but don't. I can now see how the machine has been operated by the people behind that curtain.
There is just one point to be made here. I am not saying anything about the quality of the reviews this person offered. Maybe they are well written, maybe they are truthful and genuine. Maybe they offer a lot of insight. I truly don't know as I have read only a few of those while I haven't actually read any of the stories that were reviewed. ALL I am saying is that this person, or this community as they call themselves, was proven to have done some malicious and spiteful things to me and at least one more AH regular, an author who hasn't been active on the forum for days and I am truly wondering if she decided to take a break from all this negativity. To me, it feels natural to question everything, once it was proven that these people do things in bad faith. Maybe some people here think that bombing the stories of people who didn't accept their "reviewing project" does not equal doing things in bad faith. That is your choice. Enjoy your reviews.
To me, diacritics denote insanity.

I hate math because I can't understand

T̷̛̠̭͙̪͆̾̈́̀̑͆̔̕Ḩ̷̹̪̘͍͚̦̞̭͛͌͒͒̕͘͝ͅḚ̶̢̛̣̥̀͆͒̒́̈̕ͅ ̷̦͙̈̋́̿̆̀̇͌̂͆̚̕͝͝Ń̴̛̝̲̰͔̰̺̣͛̔̑̍̑̆Ṵ̶̡̡̞̺͈̫̭̰̄̀̿̀̓͊̂̉͆̔̄͑̈́M̵͉̟̝͚̍͂B̴̙͓͓̗͙͚̼̮̣̺͖̲͐̋̅̐̌͛͜͝E̴̲̮͈͍̞͇̱̊̈̌́̿̈̈́́̏͆̄̓ͅṞ̸̙͐͌̌̏̇͋̏͋̍̅̚S̵̢͍͙̘͖̘͓͍͛ͅ ̷̨̮͍̯͚̪̼̼̫͉̲̰̣̀̋̆̿̀͠͝
Getting big “Scott Farkus and Grover Dill” vibes off this.
I just hope someone manages to create a story out of all this.

An extra-world Illuminati! Bar room brawls! Sycophants! Character assassinations!

A cast of thousands, spell-binding drama.
What I type automatically sounds sarcastic in my head so I just assume it does to everyone as well.

With a footnote to the effect that this assumption has not always steered me well.
I am often terrified that my meanings will be misunderstood, and as a result, I often go to insane lengths to attempt to explain myself.

(I do this in real life as well, much to the chagrin of those poor souls trapped in my endless babble)
I am often terrified that my meanings will be misunderstood, and as a result, I often go to insane lengths to attempt to explain myself.

(I do this in real life as well, much to the chagrin of those poor souls trapped in my endless babble)
Last time I attempted such ministrations, I was accused of being patronising. Having my sarcasm misunderstood is more comfortable.
Jsmiam missed the earlier review drama. His posts regarding tilan 5.0’s energence were unrelated.

But, now jsmiam sees the puzzling posts from the new forum member here, describing their membership in what is apparently a thriving offsite review writing group, made up of superiorly skilled writers only. New forum participant is also describing their undying loyalty to their compatriot “Stacy.”

All Jsmiam can say, is that the two posts, the way the new person refers to Stacy as another person who they speak on behalf of, sounds very strange to Jsmiam. Jsmiam is also puzzled that the new poster could identify one specific review of many that this stacy person wrote, by sight. Jsmiam wonders if others find this strange.

It’s a good thing Jsmiam occasionally finds threads like this entertaining! Jsmiam has gotten his popcorn.

And on the chance there really could be such a group, Jsmiam can’t help but digress and think that those select authors (the “good writers” only) who get included in those Literotica invitationals probably would have to congregate somewhere private to discuss and reflect on their own superiority. (But yes, Jsmiam is certainly digressing.)
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All Jsmiam can say, is that the two posts, the way the new person refers to Stacy as another person who they speak on behalf of, sounds very strange to Jsmiam. Jsmiam is also puzzled that the new poster could identify one specific review of many that this stacy person wrote, by sight. Jsmiam wonders if others find this strange.

Voboy noticed this, also.
You should write a bio for yourself. You appear to be quite comfortable speaking of yourself in third person. Like W. Earl Brown I am not. So, I'm quite impressed.
Jsmiam missed the earlier review drama. His posts regarding tilan 5.0’s energence were unrelated.

But, now jsmiam sees the puzzling posts from the new forum member here, describing their membership in what is apparently a thriving offsite review writing group, made up of superiority skilled writers only. New forum participant is also describing their undying loyalty to their compatriot “Stacy.”

All Jsmiam can say, is that the two posts, the way the new person refers to Stacy as another person who they speak on behalf of, sounds very strange to Jsmiam. Jsmiam is also puzzled that the new poster could identify one specific review of many that this stacy person wrote, by sight. Jsmiam wonders if others find this strange.

It’s a good thing Jsmiam occasionally finds threads like this entertaining! Jsmiam has gotten his popcorn.

And on the chance there really could be such a group, Jsmiam can’t help but digress and think that those select authors (the “good writers” only) who get included in those Literotica invitationals probably would have to congregate somewhere private to discuss and reflect on their own superiority. (But yes, Jsmiam is certainly digressing.)
Jsmiam missed the earlier review drama. His posts regarding tilan 5.0’s energence were unrelated.

But, now jsmiam sees the puzzling posts from the new forum member here, describing their membership in what is apparently a thriving offsite review writing group, made up of superiority skilled writers only. New forum participant is also describing their undying loyalty to their compatriot “Stacy.”

All Jsmiam can say, is that the two posts, the way the new person refers to Stacy as another person who they speak on behalf of, sounds very strange to Jsmiam. Jsmiam is also puzzled that the new poster could identify one specific review of many that this stacy person wrote, by sight. Jsmiam wonders if others find this strange.

It’s a good thing Jsmiam occasionally finds threads like this entertaining! Jsmiam has gotten his popcorn.

And on the chance there really could be such a group, Jsmiam can’t help but digress and think that those select authors (the “good writers” only) who get included in those Literotica invitationals probably would have to congregate somewhere private to discuss and reflect on their own superiority. (But yes, Jsmiam is certainly digressing.)

Jsmiam and VoBoy seem unaware that Thavipah did not "identify one specific review by sight". They referred to the review Stacy wrote of my story, Toll Booth, which I had copied to this thread, to counter the impression that she was only writing negative reviews.

I guess I'm an outlier here, in that my first reaction to the explanation that there is a group of readers off site who read and discuss Lit stories was that it's a fantastic thing. I hope there are more of them. I hope there is a Bramblethorn Fan Club on tumblr, and a private FaceBook group that discusses new Lit Romance stories and an email group for people who like Lit Sci-Fi.

If people are not aware of it, a lot of Lit authors, most of whom do not use this forum, post regularly to Twitter to promote and discuss their own, and each others, stories.

When you post to the internet, you are posting to the internet. What happens at Lit doesn't stay at Lit. If that's a problem for anyone they have the option of just reading their stories around the campfire.

…That quote is from the review of ChloeTzang's Halloween in the Cemetery and the NTH quote is the only reason I'm naming her. After Stacy's review, that story actually got taken down by Literotica, after being up for years, and got sent back to Chloe for breaking the website's rules concerning underage children in a sexual context. If Stacy never reviewed the story, it would still be up in its original form…
Jsmiam is pointing out @MelissaBaby is mistaken.
Jsmiam and VoBoy seem unaware that Thavipah did not "identify one specific review by sight"….
Jsmiam and VoBoy seem unaware that Thavipah did not "identify one specific review by sight". They referred to the review Stacy wrote of my story, Toll Booth, which I had copied to this thread, to counter the impression that she was only writing negative reviews.

Well, not really. There seemed to be other "tells," as well.

I mean, we'll never really know. But it's such fun to speculate.
Jsmiam is pointing out @MelissaBaby is mistaken.
Still not clear on where we're getting "identify one specific review by sight". Did Thavipah say that's how they identified it?

I guess I'm an outlier here, in that my first reaction to the explanation that there is a group of readers off site who read and discuss Lit stories was that it's a fantastic thing. I hope there are more of them. I hope there is a Bramblethorn Fan Club on tumblr, and a private FaceBook group that discusses new Lit Romance stories and an email group for people who like Lit Sci-Fi.

"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."

Or perhaps:

A three-panel image based on the no take, only throw meme. Panel one: a plaintive-looking dog with a ball in its mouth emotes Pls praise?? Panel 2: somebody is reaching for the ball, but the dog looks angry and emotes No discuss!!! Panel 3: close-up on dog, still looking angry: Only praise.

(I agree wholeheartedly that I hope that discussion happens - but as we've seen, introducing Discussion World to Author World is fraught with peril, and sometimes authors are better off not knowing.)
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