Yet another ratings thread... or is it?

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Think you're looking at the wrong date.

Yes, it's ancient, but wasn't even started until 2006. LOL
2012 was the last post.

I think a new thread would work better, sometimes people respond poorly to necro threads.

Fun trip down memory lane to see some of the names there. Not so fun when you see how many no longer write or post here.
And somewhere out there, a troll by whatever name is over the moon at causing a massive disagreement in a thread meant to advise and support a writer having a hard time. Le sigh. I'm curtseying out of this thread now. Enjoy your day, everyone.
Not quite true, the person obsessed with the troll is the one who took it down to shitsville. Hopefully you stick around to check out some other threads.
I think you need to look back in this thread. I have not replied at all to this person. Hence, I'm not on a string, its another in a long series of alts/trolls we've seen over the years. You're the one who keeps talking about them, Tilan, Stacnash and the others, so you need to look in the mirror when you're accusing anyone of playing into the game and feeding them.
Nah, you just decided you were going to attack me for no fucking reason. Oh, and share a private discussion we had for cred. That too.

Also, I live in RI, most places in NE I can drive to in a few hours, so if you're even in the area let me know. I'll be happy to have a little meet and greet, and if you want to talk 'tough' that's certainly on the menu, but only if you choose it.
I swear, that is the most "internet tough guy" statement ever. "I'll fight you, bro!"

Anyways, down in Texas, so no worries. You don't have to puff your chest in person. I can't see spending time in a room with you for any reason, anyways. You know what really cracks me up? As much as you hate the "trolls" in LW, you certainly have a lot of the same attitudes about being a manly man sort of man that settles things in person. Rawr!

I grew up before the net where if you said it, you best be ready for the consequences and I'm still that way in real life-although much less inclined to do stupid shit over it-but I'll never turn down a chance to let a detractor have their say to my face because I appreciate the dwindling number of people in this society of interwebz warriors who are capable of having an in person disagreement.
Assuming the 68 in your name is your birth year, I'm scarcely younger than you. I grew up before the internet, too. And my general experience is that the guys that really, really want to meet in person are the type that want to either shout over you or intimidate you with their size, rather than the persuasiveness of their arguments. Your insistence of how tough you are, what an awesome martial artist you are, threatening to meet in person, etc. leaves me in mind of a thin-skinned bully. The fact that you can't argue your way out of a wet paper bag and keep bringing up the same false arguments about (among other things) a section of the site where you got pantsed and dragged around the track only adds to that notion.
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Not quite true, the person obsessed with the troll is the one who took it down to shitsville. Hopefully you stick around to check out some other threads.
I literally did not say a thing about it since Wednesday unless someone asked a question where Tilan/Stacnash/Haubitze/hetero was relevant, and I only brought Stacnash up in the first place because it was in the OP's post. I did not accuse TheSpleen of being a sockpuppet of anyone; they were clearly an account created the same day as a comment about someone not needing a spleen to jokingly reply to it. Hell, I haven't accused anyone except those specific ones. You're the one that's making wild accusations about... fuck if I know, some random person and their catfishing or whatever. I guess meeting someone in person is one thing, but posting on a forum is terrifying? Or something?
Nah, you just decided you were going to attack me for no fucking reason. Oh, and share a private discussion we had for cred. That too.

I swear, that is the most "internet tough guy" statement ever. "I'll fight you, bro!"

Anyways, down in Texas, so no worries. You don't have to puff your chest in person. I can't see spending time in a room with you for any reason, anyways. You know what really cracks me up? As much as you hate

Assuming the 68 in your name is your birth year, I'm scarcely younger than you. I grew up before the internet, too. And my general experience is that the guys that really, really want to meet in person are the type that want to either shout over you or intimidate you with their size, rather than the persuasiveness of their arguments. Your insistence of how tough you are, what an awesome martial artist you are, threatening to meet in person, etc. leaves me in mind of a thin-skinned bully. The fact that you can't argue your way out of a wet paper bag and keep bringing up the same false arguments about (among other things) a section of the site where you got pantsed and dragged around the track only adds to that notion.
Cool, you're old too, we can talk about Saturday morning cartoons and women with so much aquanet their hair could hurt you. As for anything else, you want to say I'm a keyboard bully, I offered you the chance to find out I'll say whatever I say here in person. That simple because you do more than your share of talking here, so I figured you might be game to have this oh, so entertaining conversation over whatever it is you drink.

I have four stories in LW because its not something I have many ideas for, just like you write mostly in LW because that's what you like.

As far as being pantsed there, I have an H, another at 4.3 which is decent over there, and the two that got hammered, one is a parody they were too dumb to figure out and took it seriously, the other-and I have a thread here to prove the intent-was to write a piece with three characters who were all unlikeable because I saw it as realistic, and I don't need to appease an audience more than I want to write my idea. I also did it to draw out a forum ghoster.

We had this discussion to, where I mentioned another idea to you that would probably get killed because long and short of it is unless you're going to write to assuage the sensitive ego of several factions there, you're going to get hammered by someone. Because I tend to go with the wife doing as she chooses, I'm not going to get a great reception there, but I'll still drop something when the mood strikes.

Curious if you would if you knew ahead of time you're going to get a sub three and a bunch of nasty comments.
Not just the bizarre metaphors, but the laughing/glee/victory celebrations at their own replies. Sure feels familiar.

But what a key to happiness that must be! I’m jealous. Even when proven to be in the wrong (which happens/happened often), they just say something they think is witty, laugh at their own joke, and celebrate, convincing themselves that they won! Delusion must be grandiose!
Why do they seem so bizarre? Popping balloons should be obvious, so I assume you found the "little fish in the aquarium" metaphor challenging. Let's break it down together.

Anyone who has observed a home aquarium knows that the sides not exposed to light create a mirror effect, fooling the fish into believing they are facing equally matched opponents that are menacingly advancing straight at them. This is why they instinctively bump into the glass. This inclination diminishes as they age due to a natural decrease in testosterone and the experience they have gained.

Now, assuming that we are all aware (hopefully) that trolls are mythical creatures, let's consider that people instinctively defend themselves by attacking anything that appears to be an external threat, even if it is merely a projection of their subconscious less-than-pleasant dark sides. In this light, we can understand why they persistently and futilely assault the glass wall.

Now, assuming that some of us represent that unexposed-to-light glass, revisit the lengthy correspondence above, and you might find yourself smiling—perhaps with a touch of vicious triumph.
Well, you certainly refuted everything I said! Boy was I ever wrong!

(The benefit of composing and not hitting send right away. The composed post by me, written earlier, not sent. But it remained for me to send later (now) even if the post I was replying to is gone. (The poster removed, not the site.)
Curious if you would if you knew ahead of time you're going to get a sub three and a bunch of nasty comments.

I'm just going to reply to this part, because it's relevant to the original discussion.

I expected Kayfabe to be my first sub-three story. I wrote a cuck story with three sympathetic characters, an in-depth exploration of the psychology, a husband and wife that stayed together, and made it into a buddy comedy tied into the notion of kayfabe in professional wrestling. I fully expected it to bomb. But it didn't. So I have done that, and then... you know, I got away with it.

Like you, I only write something if I want to. I like writing in LW for... well, a lot of reasons. We've gone into it before. But I've written stories I KNEW, Kayfabe foremost among them, that a set of the people in there would hate, or at least would be really uncomfortable with: a screed about late stage capitalism encapsulated in an Indecent Proposal story; a husband who (ultimately) fully accepts his role in his marriages failure wrapped up in a writing exercise; a wife with a (somewhat) good reason for cheating and the man she meets in a bar helping each other; a profligate cheater who never got caught, is never punished by anyone, and offers to give her secrets to a woman who's being tempted to cheat; an "irredeemable" long term cheater and her journey back; and several more beyond that.

All of those kick around in the 4-4.49 range because I AM writing what I want and not just what they do. It's just that what I want is not what YOU want. Yes, someday I'll probably write that story about the couple in the open marriage desperately trying to keep their friends' marriage together after some wires get crossed, and yes, it will end with a foursome. Yes, I'll probably write a story where the whole "hall pass" concept is treated as just that, and everything goes okay by the end. And, yes, I might even write a typical hotwife story, just to do it. But I probably won't write something like that again.

Could I get solid a solid wall if Hs by writing BTB and nothing but stories? Yeah, almost certainly. And I'll keep writing things like that, too, sometimes; they can be a lot of fun. But I've said it before and say it again: it's easier to get Hs--for me, at least--writing stories that aren't silly revenge stories. In fact, the violent ones do worse. My top story in LW is a romance between a wife that wakes up from a coma without her memories and her husband, and how they rebuild the marriage that was on the brink of failure. Then there's the "picking himself up" story that includes two pages of very sympathetic dialogue between the ex-wife and the MMC about why she cheated; it paints her in a fairly kind light, and several commenters lauded that.

Every one was a risk. I write in that category and every single time I'm surprised at the response; that's WHY I like it. It cracked me up when several people said the "burn" at the end of In Health was the cruelest they'd ever seen in the category, when all he did was talk to her, for example. Almost every story I've written there has been received in an unexpected way, and I love that, even when they fail to reach the rating I might like.

So, yeah. Every time I pull the trigger, I'm holding my breath. That's the point. I'm not chasing ratings, I'm chasing reactions.
We can speculate about alts and trolls, report suspicious activity etc. It's the webmaster who makes the final call, so there's no point blaming fellow forum users for voicing their concerns.
I'm just going to reply to this part, because it's relevant to the original discussion.

I expected Kayfabe to be my first sub-three story. I wrote a cuck story with three sympathetic characters, an in-depth exploration of the psychology, a husband and wife that stayed together, and made it into a buddy comedy tied into the notion of kayfabe in professional wrestling. I fully expected it to bomb. But it didn't. So I have done that, and then... you know, I got away with it.

Like you, I only write something if I want to. I like writing in LW for... well, a lot of reasons. We've gone into it before. But I've written stories I KNEW, Kayfabe foremost among them, that a set of the people in there would hate, or at least would be really uncomfortable with: a screed about late stage capitalism encapsulated in an Indecent Proposal story; a husband who (ultimately) fully accepts his role in his marriages failure wrapped up in a writing exercise; a wife with a (somewhat) good reason for cheating and the man she meets in a bar helping each other; a profligate cheater who never got caught, is never punished by anyone, and offers to give her secrets to a woman who's being tempted to cheat; an "irredeemable" long term cheater and her journey back; and several more beyond that.

All of those kick around in the 4-4.49 range because I AM writing what I want and not just what they do. It's just that what I want is not what YOU want. Yes, someday I'll probably write that story about the couple in the open marriage desperately trying to keep their friends' marriage together after some wires get crossed, and yes, it will end with a foursome. Yes, I'll probably write a story where the whole "hall pass" concept is treated as just that, and everything goes okay by the end. And, yes, I might even write a typical hotwife story, just to do it. But I probably won't write something like that again.

Could I get solid a solid wall if Hs by writing BTB and nothing but stories? Yeah, almost certainly. And I'll keep writing things like that, too, sometimes; they can be a lot of fun. But I've said it before and say it again: it's easier to get Hs--for me, at least--writing stories that aren't silly revenge stories. In fact, the violent ones do worse. My top story in LW is a romance between a wife that wakes up from a coma without her memories and her husband, and how they rebuild the marriage that was on the brink of failure. Then there's the "picking himself up" story that includes two pages of very sympathetic dialogue between the ex-wife and the MMC about why she cheated; it paints her in a fairly kind light, and several commenters lauded that.

Every one was a risk. I write in that category and every single time I'm surprised at the response; that's WHY I like it. It cracked me up when several people said the "burn" at the end of In Health was the cruelest they'd ever seen in the category, when all he did was talk to her, for example. Almost every story I've written there has been received in an unexpected way, and I love that, even when they fail to reach the rating I might like.

So, yeah. Every time I pull the trigger, I'm holding my breath. That's the point. I'm not chasing ratings, I'm chasing reactions.
So are you saying BTB stories actually get H's? I always felt they were beset upon by the faction that hates those?

As I said to you, I don't have an idea about what would work there even if I said "Okay, I'm out to get a good reaction" I'm lost as to what works with enough "factions' to survive the trolling of others.

My style in most stories is the woman has the power to some degree-not femdom, just in my mind mom's and milfs would have more say in the sex than the young man, and although I get the occasional "Your male characters are wimps" they go over fine. I think there is more sensitivity in LW to women taking the lead because of the over the top humiliation stories have kind of go them defensive about it.

It seems-and I think I said this to you-they want actual "loving' wives and great marriages and...I just think that would fall under romance so where is the angle so to speak.

But its like anything else, I can take any chance I want in taboo and get away with it because of my history there, and I know the base very well so even if I"m giving them something different, I know I can get it across to enough of them to pull a decent score. Meanwhile LW is not my wheelhouse and again, my preference for free spirit women and some humiliation are not what many want over there, and I can't see changing my style for them. So like you, I have categories I can do my thing and have good results, but others not so much, so when I do feel an LW idea brewing, I'm resigned to knowing its going to the wolves.

Fun thing about this exchange is I'm wrapping up a hot wife anthology in between wasting time here and all three stories would get destroyed here. But even with that, there is one short one I think I may put here because for people who can get around the cuck angle, the sex scene is pretty hot if I say so myself.

FWIW I like the idea of a couple swapping with another couple to help that marriage...take it for the team. I see a lot of potential for some serious conflict afterwards. You should go for it.
Hah? Has it ever occurred to you that a human might be sensitive to the injustice done to others? Tilan provoked the moderator and essentially prompted their own ban, but why should others have to suffer because some people deem any voice outside the unanimous choir as their alts' trolling?
Don't worry, I know you probably weren't following too closely, but the ban wasn't just for being you x
So are you saying BTB stories actually get H's? I always felt they were beset upon by the faction that hates those?
They can? It's... weird. I don't have enough data to back it up, but the way ratings work in LW are really heavily weighted by the fact that there are a LOT of readers in there, and a lot of them vote. Having a following can buoy a story's score, as can good writing; once tends to follow the other, though.

Saddletramp is a good example of this; he writes almost exclusively BTB stories, but they're usually relatively mild ones (wife is shamed/finds the AP makes a bad husband, AP gets arrested or something similar), and they're typically wrapped in kind of men's adventure or mystery stories. Very plot-driven, as opposed to character driven. The female character's motives are usually evil to a femme fatale level, which sort of "justifies" the BTB, as opposed to the ones where she just cheats and wants to leave. Like I've said before, there's a sweet spot where you can make the BTBers satisfied while not repelling most of the non-BTB crowd.

But getting back to the thing with readers and votes, Kayfabe was advertised as "A cuck and bull bromance." I posted it in late January, and it got 22K views and a 3.88 score with 580 votes. It is, by far, my lowest viewed LW story as well as lowest rated. The Voice of Experience ("A veteran adulteress takes a first-timer under her wing."), posted in late July has gotten 22K views and 4.4/1.3K rating. Both of those clearly indicate some amount of unpunished cheating or cuckery in their descriptions, and the views are low as a result, but the cuck story got WAY lower views.

Compare that with Also-Ran ("Her x-boyfriend's death threw my life into chaos."), mid-August, 33K, 4.48/2.7K, and also one that I wrote as an extended "realistic" riff on a famous comic book love triangle; not exactly my best written work, since I tried to include a lot of the source material melodrama as an homage, but still more views and more ratings in a shorter span of time than TVoE, with a higher overall rating.

My takeaway is that things which are labeled as "cuck" or "hotwife" or "cheating" in some way, stories that are clearly communicated to the reader as "this is the story of a wife that sleeps with someone besides her husband and everything works out okay for her" don't get as many views or ratings BUT the very vocal contingent from the comments that hate cheating (and their silent brethren) have a lot more influence on the rating than in stories where it's not clearly indicated. That is, stories where there's a certain amount of ambiguity going in OR stories where the reader is told "this is going to be about relationship drama" do better because they get more eyes on them, and therefore a higher percentage of those eyes are folks that aren't looking to one bomb a particular type of story.

Looking at some of the stories on the front page of LW, that's borne out at least in terms of views: "I'll See You In The Morning," ("The fallout from just one night with a celebrity.") has 26K views and a rating of ~4/1.2K; the story ends with a reconciliation with the wife after she does her best to make amends, and a BTB for the celebrity. Awakening ("A boring event turns into much more for two couples.") posted the same day has 6.4K views and 3.4 a rating (can't determine rating count because of interface).

I could go on, but you get the idea: the ratings for the swinging/sharing/cuck stories in LW are depressed not so much because there are a lot of people that hate them, but because they just aren't as popular there AND the people that hate them really hate them. That contingent (probably) specifically goes into stories they don't like just to 1-bomb them, which is a behavior you don't see much elsewhere.

As I said to you, I don't have an idea about what would work there even if I said "Okay, I'm out to get a good reaction" I'm lost as to what works with enough "factions' to survive the trolling of others.

My style in most stories is the woman has the power to some degree-not femdom, just in my mind mom's and milfs would have more say in the sex than the young man, and although I get the occasional "Your male characters are wimps" they go over fine. I think there is more sensitivity in LW to women taking the lead because of the over the top humiliation stories have kind of go them defensive about it.
You can do that, but you have to either accept that you're going to get fewer views and eat the lower rating as a result of the skewing of "honest" votes to hate votes OR you have to do it in such a way where the power doesn't seem... cruel or maybe selfish, for lack of a better term. Where it's not "I'm going to do this and fuck you if you don't like it," which is what you see in a LOT of the hotwife stories and almost all of the cuck ones. Will you still get a lower vote than you "deserve," even if you do that? Probably. But I think there's a similar fine line that can be walked as in the "how much BTB is too much" scenario, just in reverse.

It seems-and I think I said this to you-they want actual "loving' wives and great marriages and...I just think that would fall under romance so where is the angle so to speak.
No, they like DRAMA. Like, they love drama. They want marriages failing and men picking themselves up afterwards, or a wife that cheats for a good reason and the husband has to learn to accept it for reasons, or a no-win scenario where there's literally nothing the husband can do, or or or. They're not here for eroticism, for the most part, although a bit of that is appreciated. They're here for drama; that can mean all sorts of things. But they absolutely hate seeing people get punished for shit they didn't "deserve," too. Kayfabe is my second lowest rated story, but The Last Snowfall, which ends with the suicide of the MMC who had grappled with significant and long-term depression even before his wife leaves, is the second-lowest, albeit with about 3 times as many views and 4 times as many ratings.

But its like anything else, I can take any chance I want in taboo and get away with it because of my history there, and I know the base very well so even if I"m giving them something different, I know I can get it across to enough of them to pull a decent score. Meanwhile LW is not my wheelhouse and again, my preference for free spirit women and some humiliation are not what many want over there, and I can't see changing my style for them. So like you, I have categories I can do my thing and have good results, but others not so much, so when I do feel an LW idea brewing, I'm resigned to knowing its going to the wolves.

Fun thing about this exchange is I'm wrapping up a hot wife anthology in between wasting time here and all three stories would get destroyed here. But even with that, there is one short one I think I may put here because for people who can get around the cuck angle, the sex scene is pretty hot if I say so myself.
Amusingly, I'm currently not writing the ending to a story about a couple whose marriage was in danger, but could have been saved if not for internet trolls meddling in their affairs.

FWIW I like the idea of a couple swapping with another couple to help that marriage...take it for the team. I see a lot of potential for some serious conflict afterwards. You should go for it.
It's actually the opposite; the swapping is what causes the problem, or at least the idea of it. It's a typical "wife is going on a date" story, but told from the point of view of the suitor, a friend of hers in an open marriage. He thought she had talked to her husband; she thought she had talked to her husband; her husband thought it was all just bedroom fantasy stuff. So then it's up to the suitor and the suitor's wife to try to patch things up between the couple, which, of course they do through fucking. Sort of.
I remember the argument you are talking about, and that wasn’t the point I was trying to make. It frequently comes up, from writers of fringe kinks, that "oh, it's just too this or that, you don't write this, you wouldn't know." And there is certainly some truth to that. I haven’t written everything, but I clap back when it comes to NC stories because I have written some pretty dark stuff. Darker than most, in my opinion. I've written about systematic dehumanization through the lens of forced pet play, and it doesn't pull punches.

That being said, I've never argued that my way is the right way, or the most correct way. I was trying to assert my credentials on the matter as a way of delegitimizing the "you just wouldn't understand" defense with @Enchantment_of_Nyx, and I deeply regret that the dogpiling she got after my review sent her packing. I've never felt good about how that went down (it's all still there on, like, page 20 of my thread).

If I may duck between the sword fighting penises...

I've had my issues with your reviews, but I never saw you post anything that I thought was meant to be insulting. I would not say your reviews are "brutal", but they are often blunt and sometimes, imo, callous. But never malicious.

In full disclosure, Stacnash gave a very positive review to my story, Toll Booth (linked for those who are reading Stacnash like some people read Joyce). Regardless, from those I read, they offered mainly fair critique, presented with little if any regard for the fact that there was an actual person, who had put heart and effort into the story, on the other end of the exchange. I don't consider Stacnash a troll, but as someone who really wanted to offer valuable commentary, but went about it the wrong way.

As for the thing with Nyx, I appreciate your comment, and would point out that you did offer her an apology at the time.
Oh my god. This thread just keeps getting better and better...
I’ve received a mostly positive and very detailed review from stacnash - she made some constructive suggestions as well, which were mostly on the money. I also PMed her to say thank you and she was lovely to talk to.

Didn’t really know about her broader reputation, but her interactions with me were totally pleasant and supportive.

- Stacy "applauds the ruthlessness" shown by NoTalentHack in lying to the moderators to get her banned by falsely claiming that she and Tilan are the same person. But she's disappointed to be banned as anyone would be as it's based on a lie. Her view is that this forum is "your community", so if you simply asked her to leave, she'd have respected that consensus and went back to using the main website like the rest of our community does. The NTH guy didn't have to lie to get her banned because of his review. But she did say that she gives her full permission for NoTalentHack to "publish his evidence" that Stacy & Tilan are the same person, with a smiley face after it. But she's got no beef with NTH and she's happy to take the L from NoTalentHack after such a ruthless move to get her banned. She respects that. There's also no beef between us and NoTalentHack, but that's not the case for the OP of this thread whose behaviour has been shocking. She doesn't give a fuck about the OP anymore, but there are those at my end who are less than impressed. You want to put it behind us? Some acknowledgement that you were out of order would right the ship.
Since I got namechecked, I feel it's only fair to respond.

I believed Stacnash was an alt of Tilan and/or an alt of another writer trying to stir up shit in AH. I'm not going to go into all of my reasons for any of that, but they existed, and I still feel they're strong. I'm still not convinced I'm wrong about any of it. The fact that the account got banned at the same time as Haubitze and as Tilan caught what looks like a temp ban leads me to believe that even if I was off-base as to who they were, they still had said enough egregious shit to deserve one anyways.

I'm not going to apologize for reporting their posts for abusive language to a variety of people, nor for presenting the circumstantial evidence I had that they were a Tilan alt; as someone else said, all I can do is report. It's up to the mods to decide, and they did. And given that Tilan has multiple known alts that he's used over the years, I stand by it as a fair threat assessment.


If they aren't, then I have no beef with them, either. As I said, I had no problem with the review they offered on my story--even if I disagreed with some, but not all aspects of it--although I do have an issue with numeric rankings of authors based on a single story. I also think they were WAY off the mark with oneagainst's, djrip's and Constories' reviews; those are all great stories when judged on their own merits. I also think both the presentation of subjective reviews with objective language AND the frankly insulting way that the reviews are phrased in many cases lent (possibly lends) credence to the notion that Stacnash is a troll. I mean:

In my reviews, I always pay consideration to an author’s potential in case I wish to revisit them in the future. However, I’m absolutely stunned to see the success you’ve enjoyed on this website. I’m sure you’re a lovely person and I don’t know you, but based solely on what you’ve presented in this piece, I don’t think you’ve got a crumb of talent.

You're telling me you can't understand why someone would immediately think "troll alert" on a story with a 4.6 rating from a writer with several thousand followers?

As for me? I don't need this forum account to use the Lit website, so feel free to ban this like Stacy's. Being Tilan's alt seems to be the box to tick, so just put it down as that. Anything to save NoTalentHack from having to fill in another form. :ROFLMAO: It's ok, there's no beef, relax. If there was, you'd know it.
That's kind. ;) I should really be doing some writing today. Like I said, no beef. Honest mistake, if it was a mistake. Good luck to you and them.
Oh my god. This thread just keeps getting better and better...
And I am about to improve on it 😉

@Thavipah Let's assume what you are saying is the truth, that you are a group of readers/reviewers who socialize on Discord. You have basically admitted what I was saying all along, that you are the ones behind the bombing of my stories. Tell me, please, why exactly do you think that anyone would take anything you say in good faith after basically admitting to that? I"ll quote just to make it clear:

"She doesn't give a fuck about the OP anymore, but there are those at my end who are less than impressed. You want to put it behind us? Some acknowledgement that you were out of order would right the ship."

This is basically what she was taunting me with the whole time, and this time I'll post some screenshots to prove it. But before I do that, tell me, what should I apologize for? If I apologize for accusing her of bombing, she, or the group she is associated with, will stop bombing me? Do you not see the contradiction? Before the bombing happened, there was nothing I should have apologized for. All I've said is that she was coming off as entitled and that I've found her project of grading and ranking us amusing. You are now trying to paint her as a martyr who only wanted to share her opinions and do good while we maliciously attacked her for no reason but for our own inflated egos. Hate to break it to you, but her posts and even some of her reviews were venomous, even if she did try to ingratiate herself with some authors who are suckers for praise, which isn't really a shocker considering all of our egos here. On to the screenshots now. They were deleted for being off-topic in a different thread. There, I responded to the original poster by saying how everything we do here has consequences and then said that I was being bombed for speaking my mind on a forum, without naming Stacnash or anyone else. She replied to my posts immediately with this:


Make your own conclusions about her personality and the tone of her posts. About her or this supposed group being behind these bombings as well.
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