You Ain't Got No Flows...Probably Ain't Even Got No Fucking Cloths! Fucking Preacher!

flyguy69 said:
Careful with your bug zapper, Tess; it makes flyguys very nervous!

It's a selective zapper. Just don't start using pink ink and a black eye patch or it might get confused.
Tristesse said:
It's a selective zapper. Just don't start using pink ink and a black eye patch or it might get confused.
I'm not saying I wouldn't like it, just that I'm a little nervous. :D
Brinnie said:

please stay on topic, troll.

LOL Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

In this case though, a pot at least has some use. I'd consider it more a case of a lump of coal calling the kettle black.
Tristesse said:
I think I'd like to see your bug-eyed look.

Is there not a rule against pointless banter in the poetry section? If not someone needs to type one up ASAP because this thread did not just roll off topic it took a giant leap into "grown up flame wars".
Sins666 said:
Is there not a rule against pointless banter in the poetry section? If not someone needs to type one up ASAP because this thread did not just roll off topic it took a giant leap into "grown up flame wars".

no shit, i was liking this section when they were creative.
Sins666 said:
Is there not a rule against pointless banter in the poetry section? If not someone needs to type one up ASAP because this thread did not just roll off topic it took a giant leap into "grown up flame wars".
I'm pretty sure this thread started out as a "grown up flame war" as you so aptly put it. ;)
minsue said:
I'm pretty sure this thread started out as a "grown up flame war" as you so aptly put it. ;)

yea, but it's a totall dissapointment as noone crafted their flames into poem form.
Sins666 said:
Is there not a rule against pointless banter in the poetry section? If not someone needs to type one up ASAP because this thread did not just roll off topic it took a giant leap into "grown up flame wars".

not sure about flame wars, but not everything in the poetry forum has to be written in poem form or be on the straight and narrow path to poetry enlightenment.

You will notice that there are several threads that are more "serious" and the mods pull stuff that is off topic. Threads about post whores, while perhaps a serious sociological study, is generally left to go where it wants to go. Usually straight to hell and then off the front page.

Some more serious poetry threads with stricter guidelines on the poetry forum are:

new poems review, Poetry under construction, not for the thin skinned, all of a sudden passion suddenly, Roll Call, pic-a-thon, poem-a-thon, the challenges, etc etc

Granted, sometimes these wind up clogging the water treatment plant...which no lie, can be annoying. Off topic posts often suck, but what the hell. It is a pain in the ass to scroll through pages of whore whore whore goose games and towel snaps to get between the new poem reviews or in the middle of a thread where poets are trying to work on their poems.

Our mods are not fascists.

If poets are not allowed to just fuck around with each other we would suck into our own existance. We have enough fucking rules. If there is no place for off topic banter here, there would be a mass exodus. The banter is not (always) pointless. I think that fucking with people in an evil way is pointless. Life sucks sometimes. Why make this cyber fantasy zone suck too by blatant personal attacks.

Many people here have alternate forums that they do more serious work on. We can be mature as hell when we need to be. There are plenty of places on the net filled with forum nazis who do not let you talk crap, use sexual innuendo (let alone-- show me your tits" or show your ass or post off topic.

This is a porn site. Our poems (even those about our children and grandmothers) are bordered with facials and skinny girls sucking huge cocks.

It is hard to take yourself too seriously when your own tits are glowing on screens across the world.

I am not sure the policy on personal attack, I am pretty sure cyber spankings and bitch slaps are highly encouraged, as long as you do not call your bitch a child molester or something vile like that.

damn how did I get back in here.

flaming poetry

so easy to be the bitch
flickin tits and half witted digs
when locations are noted
location: the other side of reality
under your cock

location: south of sanity
under His control

in other words

easy to call their mama a whore
check the score of whose
the last to move past
something human when you never meet
eye to eye, cyber sty pig shit flings
e f f o r t l e s s y

wait two seconds
and the motherfucker in front of you WILL
realize the light is green
save your mother fucking judgement for
your own reflection rarely seen
because what you hate about them
is what you hate about yourself
and it
convenient to curse the woman
whose mind wandered back to her son's
diagnosis, what you do not know is
she did not have the time
to register the light switch
she did not know
where you were trying to go in such a hurry
self important self absorbed sunken day
soccer game, home to flame strangers
no dangers of face to face?

she does not need your fucking horn to go

but it is so
goddamn easy
to lay it down
long and loud
fuck her with your finger
and let self hatred flow
where you dont have to smell your own shit
stinkin up your own life.
very good Anna ty du~

annaswirls said:
flaming poetry

so easy to be the bitch
flickin tits and half witted digs
when locations are noted
location: the other side of reality
under your cock

location: south of sanity
under His control

in other words

easy to call their mama a whore
check the score of whose
the last to move past
something human when you never meet
eye to eye, cyber sty pig shit flings
e f f o r t l e s s y

wait two seconds
and the motherfucker in front of you WILL
realize the light is green
save your mother fucking judgement for
your own reflection rarely seen
because what you hate about them
is what you hate about yourself
and it
convenient to curse the woman
whose mind wandered back to her son's
diagnosis, what you do not know is
she did not have the time
to register the light switch
she did not know
where you were trying to go in such a hurry
self important self absorbed sunken day
soccer game, home to flame strangers
no dangers of face to face?

she does not need your fucking horn to go

but it is so
goddamn easy
to lay it down
long and loud
fuck her with your finger
and let self hatred flow
where you dont have to smell your own shit
stinkin up your own life.
minsue said:
I think I love you. :D


damn it is about time. I have been workin it pretty hard. Took me a year to seduce you into liftin one of my lines droppin it into your own sig. Damn girl you are hard to get.

oh wait let me make this on topic.

Du Lac said:
very good Anna ty du~

thanks Du, I just got home from a Poetry Slam and I am thinking I might take that direction. But I gotta start writing from my voice not my mind
take my time for some kind of internal rhyme scheme
like a mother fuckin dream where everyone KNOWS the words
absurdity with a soundtrack
just watch my back I need it to make the beast with two
can I do it can I do it can I do it with you from behind
time to wake up poet whore
ready for your injection of rejected inspiration
slide you to the side that string thing coming between me
and pussy willow want me face in pillow

cept they all spoke the word fuck but no one actually
fucked me with their words. I need to be heard
down dirty and real, don't tell me how you feel like
someone stole your childhood
sympathy points and clicks
count your tricks with a snap of finger
dont tell me of dreams that linger until they
wake you to the nightmare
scare you shitless
tell me how the shit smells
tell me what you do to send YOU to hell
baby I already got my pass stamped
red letter poetry whore
fuck me with your words
the room has heard moans of frustration
behind the waitress station, give me give me give me
something to sleep on.
something to sleep on.
LOL.. anna looks like you have no problem with the voice writing... I do what is called auto matic writing sometimes... sit down close my eyes and write...when I am done.. I look at the pc screen and wa la.. a story a poem what ever... no mind.. all feeling... sometimes I got it sometimes not.. but when It does happen wow what a feeling.. here is one of my stories that I did in auto matic writing.. actually my first... and my first I ever wrote...

du lac~

annaswirls said:
thanks Du, I just got home from a Poetry Slam and I am thinking I might take that direction. But I gotta start writing from my voice not my mind
take my time for some kind of internal rhyme scheme
like a mother fuckin dream where everyone KNOWS the words
absurdity with a soundtrack
just watch my back I need it to make the beast with two
can I do it can I do it can I do it with you from behind
time to wake up poet whore
ready for your injection of rejected inspiration
slide you to the side that string thing coming between me
and pussy willow want me face in pillow

cept they all spoke the word fuck but no one actually
fucked me with their words. I need to be heard
down dirty and real, don't tell me how you feel like
someone stole your childhood
sympathy points and clicks
count your tricks with a snap of finger
dont tell me of dreams that linger until they
wake you to the nightmare
scare you shitless
tell me how the shit smells
tell me what you do to send YOU to hell
baby I already got my pass stamped
red letter poetry whore
fuck me with your words
the room has heard moans of frustration
behind the waitress station, give me give me give me
something to sleep on.
something to sleep on.
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What on Earth does Brinnie do to get so many people so pissed off at her? Or to get herself so pissed off at so many people? :confused:

I'm pretty argumentative myself but at least I remain civil about it.
Boxlicker101 said:
What on Earth does Brinnie do to get so many people so pissed off at her? Or to get herself so pissed off at so many people? :confused:

I'm pretty argumentative myself but at least I remain civil about it.
Answered your own question there, Box. :rose: