You Ain't Got No Flows...Probably Ain't Even Got No Fucking Cloths! Fucking Preacher!

Boxlicker101 said:
What on Earth does Brinnie do to get so many people so pissed off at her? Or to get herself so pissed off at so many people? :confused:

I'm pretty argumentative myself but at least I remain civil about it.

pissed? who has time to be pissed?
it's like this: remember the mosh pit?
got nothin against the fucker you slam over
just another sweaty assed punk
drunk off his own junk he lays down

like puke on the dance floor
because it is all he's got
crunch all you want
we'll make more
there is always more digested

fuckin' clown
just like you
got a new costume and
kick ass clown shoes
signature color
pouting the power of
fuckin this fuckin that

come on the slip n slide
through the bullshit of
the hour don't give the clown no power
thinking its about you?

nothing to be pissed about
it is never about you
never about You!
but the joke who tripped over
it's own delusion
I know a gentleman, Jesus, who has this to say when people argue:

"Girls, girls. You're both pretty."

Mm, pistachios.

That is all.

annaswirls said:
pissed? who has time to be pissed?
it's like this: remember the mosh pit?
got nothin against the fucker you slam over
just another sweaty assed punk
drunk off his own junk he lays down

like puke on the dance floor
because it is all he's got
crunch all you want
we'll make more
there is always more digested

fuckin' clown
just like you
got a new costume and
kick ass clown shoes
signature color
pouting the power of
fuckin this fuckin that

come on the slip n slide
through the bullshit of
the hour don't give the clown no power
thinking its about you?

nothing to be pissed about
it is never about you
never about You!
but the joke who tripped over
it's own delusion

Girl, you should be writing music as well as poetry. Damn good!
Thank You, Brinnie!

Brinnie, Dearheart, I am deeply moved and honored that you felt me worthy of my very own thread. I feel overwhelmed by this tribute. To think that, just a few short years ago (30) when I first dared put pen to paper, I would one day be one of the chosen few so celebrated.

I'd like to thank my dearly departed mother, who died on June 28th, 1997. She was not a whore when I knew her. She was a beautiful human being who opened her home and heart to many lost souls, worked tirelessly on behalf of the Red Cross and, every Chirstmas, volunteered to feed the homeless. I miss her every day.

Many thanks to my father, who was not a pimp. Many thanks to my brother, who first showed me what poetry was. Big props to my teachers Ms. Smith, Miss. Campbell, and Mrs. Vitek, who all saw some glimmer of potential in me.

Thanks to everyone here at the Lit Poetry Board who have nurtured and supported me, provided me with honest feedback, and even editing when I asked. Thanks, of course, to Almighty God, who breathes life into this beautiful world.

Lastly, but certainly not leastly, to Brinnie who, with her wit, charm, and good looks has brought a little sunshine into our otherwise sad and dreary lives.

Thank you all, and goodnight!
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Brinnie said:
why do people anounce that? kinda defeats the purpose if ignore, ya know? maybe i should have told her she has been on ignore for 2 weeks, huh?

I still wonder how you have people on ignore and respond to them. :rolleyes:

Brinnie, you're so much fun!
saldne said:
I still wonder how you have people on ignore and respond to them. :rolleyes:

Brinnie, you're so much fun!

It's possible to take somebody off ignore, read a post, and put them back on. Also, if a poster quotes another person, the individual who has the quoted person on ignore will see what has been quoted.
Brinnie said:
why do people anounce that? kinda defeats the purpose if ignore, ya know? maybe i should have told her she has been on ignore for 2 weeks, huh?

It's kind of like one child saying to another "Nyaah, nyaah, nyaah, I'm not going to listen to you anymore, so there, and sticking out their tongue. Personally, I think the idea of ignore is about that childish also. :catroar:
Boxlicker101 said:
It's possible to take somebody off ignore, read a post, and put them back on. Also, if a poster quotes another person, the individual who has the quoted person on ignore will see what has been quoted.

yea, that girl, she's... Look, I'll admit it, I'm a cracker barrell. But that girl takes the cake. I don't know if it's jealousy or what, but she follows my posts like a lost puppy. I'm considering adopting her.
Boxlicker101 said:
It's possible to take somebody off ignore, read a post, and put them back on. Also, if a poster quotes another person, the individual who has the quoted person on ignore will see what has been quoted.

LOL! I'm smarter than you think.

I have the links to prove she quoted my own, AND many others. She tries, but can't resist. ;)

Brinnie said:
yea, that girl, she's... Look, I'll admit it, I'm a cracker barrell. But that girl takes the cake. I don't know if it's jealousy or what, but she follows my posts like a lost puppy. I'm considering adopting her.

Your threads are fun, Brinnie. My hubby and I love to cyber in them. :)
saldne said:
LOL! I'm smarter than you think.

I have the links to prove she quoted my own, AND many others. She tries, but can't resist. ;)
believe me, i have no intention of reading your ingenious posts.. but let me break it down: ;)
  1. when people quote your posts, i see them.
  2. when i search my name, (you know search feature) even though you're on ignore, it still shows your post... i might respond if your way out of line (like you are right now)

my turn:
why are 1/2 of the search results returned for "brinnie" from you?