You can be replaced


Do you actually mean that? I'm missing something.


Let us examine poetic Doppelgangers and man. The very definition of poetry is the attempt by man to explain, personify, and emote various internal and external stimuli. I take exception that the end product is only in the form of the written word.

An artist standing on the sea coast may see an ocean frothy with metaphors, blessed by the great globe above that gives life to us all, or the quiet serenity of the scene. Is the painting that the artist produces any less poetic than the work a poet creates looking at the same scene?

The mechanical minds definition of poetry is whatever man decides is poetic; it may return only a single word, photograph, or painting if left to its own devices, or spew reams of hard copy as if in an attempt to transcribe the 9 million names of god.

I actually have a poem about computerized poetry called 'Production'; it's been on my WP(word pad) a long time ...seems it's a bitch to flow chart. (sad but true)

Here's a one word poem that says it all

Let us examine poetic Doppelgangers and man. The very definition of poetry is the attempt by man to explain, personify, and emote various internal and external stimuli. I take exception that the end product is only in the form of the written word.

An artist standing on the sea coast may see an ocean frothy with metaphors, blessed by the great globe above that gives life to us all, or the quiet serenity of the scene. Is the painting that the artist produces any less poetic than the work a poet creates looking at the same scene?

The mechanical minds definition of poetry is whatever man decides is poetic; it may return only a single word, photograph, or painting if left to its own devices, or spew reams of hard copy as if in an attempt to transcribe the 9 million names of god.

I actually have a poem about computerized poetry called 'Production'; it's been on my WP(word pad) a long time ...seems it's a bitch to flow chart. (sad but true)

Here's a one word poem that says it all


Ah, I see.

I recall us talking about sounds (and word placements) in poetry a year or so back, when I was telling you what I was reading about in The Art of the Poetic Line by James Longenbach. Sound right?

Also, do you recall years ago when we did the poet interview threads? (Well, you did them.) Maybe people would be interested in starting that up again. I, for one, would be very interested in hearing Tristesse's (for one very good example) ideas about poetry: why she likes who she likes, how their influences affect her poems, why she chooses to write on the themes or subjects that she does, what she's trying to achieve, etc.

Hello, Angeline. I hope you are doing well.

I agree with you about Tess. She is a huge influence on me and she is one of the kindest, most supportive people I have ever met.

Along with her poetry, her sketches are genius. I miss seeing them. It would be nice if you could convince her to post some of them.
How much of the poetry does the reader create? It is the reader who brings the experience.

Religious poetry means nothing to me because I don't have a religious bone in my body, it moves me not, I'm indifferent. I don't recognise the hand of god but I recognise a human invention called god so while I might recognize quality in the formal qualities of the poetry, I will remain indifferent to the supposed experience of the poet (or machine).
thee hand o' god
or HOG for short
izzat were they get hog heaven

what started this was a thread somewhere about analysis and the problems of writing code for it...and foolish me didn't bookmark it
turns out the first computer generated poem was done in 1953
got to love the brits
thee hand o' god
or HOG for short
izzat were they get hog heaven

what started this was a thread somewhere about analysis and the problems of writing code for it...and foolish me didn't bookmark it
turns out the first computer generated poem was done in 1953
got to love the brits

Aah The Ferranti Mark 1. I saw an exhibition last year where an artist (David Link) had come across the archive at Manchester University and made an exhibition influenced by it.
What happened around here? Where does a girl go for some mindless flirting? All this intellectual conversation is making me feel faint
What happened around here? Where does a girl go for some mindless flirting? All this intellectual conversation is making me feel faint
That is the comment from a gal whose signature quote is from Bertrand Russell?

A bit inconsistent, m'dear, methinks.
That is the comment from a gal whose signature quote is from Bertrand Russell?

A bit inconsistent, m'dear, methinks.

Bertrand Russel? Never heard of him. Is he hot? I thought Russell Brand said that. :cool:
Swirly-girl!!! So good to see you.


pick the suitable icon. :D

suitable icon.....I gave caning up for lent and never went back and the banana gives me nightmares (shush it freud) and I guess that leaves the heart :)

good to see you too!
The evil enchantress! :eek:

It's good to see you around!:)

you too! I am always around somewhere, my shrink told me this place tends to play into my obsessive side (wait, I don't think it is a just a side, more of a surround sound of compulsion....)

I figured I would give it another try, see how my insanity plays out
you too! I am always around somewhere, my shrink told me this place tends to play into my obsessive side (wait, I don't think it is a just a side, more of a surround sound of compulsion....)

I figured I would give it another try, see how my insanity plays out

I was away quite awhile myself but popped in once and 1201 and Tzara was around so I slowly kept coming back. Now I'm writing utter rubbish, worse than ever. I need practice practice practice.

Have you been writing while you've been away? shrink told me this place tends to play into my obsessive side (wait, I don't think it is a just a side, more of a surround sound of compulsion....)

I figured I would give it another try, see how my insanity plays out
this should make for some interesting poetry :cool:

welcome back :D
Bertrand Russel? Never heard of him. Is he hot? I thought Russell Brand said that. :cool:
Now, now. Disavowing Lord Russell would limit my being able to flirt with you in symbolic logic:
∃(x):A(x) ∪ T(x)​
Whew! Sorry if I'm being too fresh!
I was away quite awhile myself but popped in once and 1201 and Tzara was around so I slowly kept coming back. Now I'm writing utter rubbish, worse than ever. I need practice practice practice.

Have you been writing while you've been away?

Utter rubbish! Highly doubtful! Post one of your favorite recents and let me be the judge :)

I have been writing.... mostly whoring myself out- writing copy - you know, Window Treatments and Montessori Schools and the new Greek Restaurant....and even though it does not make me squirm or pop me out of bed in the middle of the night with an idea that must be written, it is safe and it pays, you know, money. And I get to use Exclamation Points! Fabulous! But I have written a poem here or there, usually go through a short burst every 6 weeks?

Mostly been busy getting old.

If the "List of all lists that do not contain themselves" contains itself, then it does not belong to itself and should be removed. However, if it does not list itself, then it should be added to itself.

It's all coming back to me. If only I could come back to myself.
What happened around here? Where does a girl go for some mindless flirting? All this intellectual conversation is making me feel faint

How about some beers, some good eats and some inane conversation. I am great at inane.
Now, now. Disavowing Lord Russell would limit my being able to flirt with you in symbolic logic:
∃(x):A(x) ∪ T(x)​
Whew! Sorry if I'm being too fresh!

Union? That is serious I would have thought you would have started with an intersection.
Hello, Angeline. I hope you are doing well.

I agree with you about Tess. She is a huge influence on me and she is one of the kindest, most supportive people I have ever met.

Along with her poetry, her sketches are genius. I miss seeing them. It would be nice if you could convince her to post some of them.

Hiya sis. :kiss:

I was scrolling through this thread and found your greeting. I'm sorry I didn't catch it earlier. I'm happy to see you writing here. I feel a certain rebirth affecting many on this forum, have felt it for myself for sure.

Union? That is serious I would have thought you would have started with an intersection.
It all depends on what A and T are functions of. And how many nights you're both in Las Vegas.